International Press Bureau fonds. Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
658 Rural World, Los Angeles, Calif. File 1920-1921
659 Russell, A., St. Louis, Mo. File 1910-1924
661 R Miscellaneous (file 2 of 3). File [19--]
663 Safford, George A., Detroit, Mich. File 1909-1911
667 St. Louis Town Topics, St. Louis, Mo. File 1916-1937
668 St. Paul Dispatch and Pioneer Press, St. Paul, Minn. File 1912-1942
669 Sales Tales, Mount Morris, Ill. File 1928-1930
671 Sanders, Sydney A., New York, N.Y. File 1933-1947
681 Seattle Post Intelligencer, Seattle, Wash. File 1912-1942
685 Selig Polyscope Company, Inc., Chicago, Ill. File 1914-1917
686 Service for Authors, New York, N.Y. File 1922-1926
687 Shores, Robert J., New York, N.Y. File 1917-1919
690 Snow, Church & Co., Chicago, Ill. File 1925-1929
698 Spokesman-Review, Spokane, Wash. File 1904-1942
704 Stone, H.O. & Company, Chicago, Ill. File 1914-1923
705 Street & Smith Corporation Publishers, New York, N.Y. File 1908-1926
707 Successful Farming, Des Moines, Iowa. File 1917-1948
709 Sunday World and Evening World, New York, N.Y. File 1913-1924
711 Swartz, H.C., Los Angeles, Calif. File 1918-1921
713 S Miscellaneous (file 2 of 12). File [19--]
714 S Miscellaneous (file 3 of 12). File [19--]
715 S Miscellaneous (file 4 of 12). File [19--]
717 S Miscellaneous (file 6 of 12). File [19--]
725 Table Talk, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. File 1934-1937
730 Thompson, Charles C. Co. Publishers, Chicago, Ill. File 1912
738 Triangle Film Corporation, Culver City, Calif. File 1918
739 T Miscellaneous (file 1 of 4). File [19--]
741 T Miscellaneous (file 3 of 4). File [19--]
742 T Miscellaneous (file 4 of 4). File [19--]
743 United Drug Company, Boston, Mass. File 1922-1926
747 Vitagraph Company of America, Inc., Brooklyn, N.Y. File 1915-1926
753 Waltan Features Syndicate, New York, N.Y. File 1938-1940
754 Ward, Lock & Co. Limited, London, England. File 1908-1931
759 Wayne, Charles Stokes, Hollywood, Calif. File 1913-1927
767 Western Union Telegraph Company, Chicago, Ill. File 1906-1945
774 Wisconsin Agriculturist and Farmer, Racine, Wis. File 1912-1937
776 Woodford, Jack, Chicago, Ill. File 1924-1932
783 W Miscellaneous (file 3 of 8). File [19--]
787 W Miscellaneous (file 7 of 8). File [19--]
788 W Miscellaneous (file 8 of 8). File [19--]
790 Young, C.H. Publishing Company, New York, N.Y. File 1919-1921
5 Allen, Hervey, Oxford, Md. File 1937
7 American Agriculturist, New York, N.Y. File 1918-1926
8 American Boy, Detroit, Mich. File 1913-1939
9 American Farming, Chicago, Ill. File 1915-1926
12 American Magazine, New York, N.Y. File 1913-1949
14 American Press Association, New York, N.Y. File 1912-1917
16 American Thresherman, Madison, Wis. File 1913-1925
18 D. Appleton-Century Co., New York, N.Y. File 1907-1944
19 Apropos, St. Louis, Mo. File 1923-1926
38 Bacon, Daisy, Garden City, N.Y. File 1948
42 Bailey, Temple, St. Louis, Mo. File 1923-1946
45 Balmer, Edwin (Redbook Magazine), New York, N.Y. File 1920-1937
48 George Banta Publishing Company, Menasha, Wis. File 1914
53 Bassett, Sara Ware, Boston, Mass. File 1935-1936
54 Bayley, Katherine Caldwell, Toronto, Ont. File 1925
61 Best Short Stories Magazine, New York, N.Y. File 1925-1926
64 Biograph Company, New York, N.Y. File 1915-1916
66 Birmingham News, Birmingham, Ala. File 1912-1939
72 Blue Book Magazine, New York, N.Y. File 1935-1940
75 Boston Herald and Boston Traveler, Boston, Mass. File 1904-1934
76 Boston Post, Boston, Mass. File 1911-1953
93 Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen's Magazine, Cleveland, Ohio. File 1913-1925
95 Brown, Rollin, Laguna Beach, Calif. File 1935-1944
98 Brown & Howell Co., Chicago, Ill. File 1912-1915
101 Buckley, F.R., New York, N.Y. File 1937-1944
107 A.L. Burt Co., New York, N.Y. File 1914-1937
115 Byrne Advertising Agency, Chicago, Ill. File 1934-1936
116 B Miscellaneous (file 1 of 4). File 1913-1952
129 Canadian Magazine, Toronto, Ont. File 1926-1940
135 Catholic Messenger, Davenport, Ia. File 1928-1931
142 Cauldron Publishing Co., New Haven, Conn. File 1923
151 The Chariot, Crawfordsville, Ind. File 1913
152 The Chat, Brooklyn, N.Y. File 1922-1940
153 Chatelaine, Toronto, Ont. File 1930-1947
155 Chicago Daily Journal, Chicago, Ill. File 1912-1925
161 Chicago Sun, Chicago, Ill. File 1941-1947
162 Chicago Tribune, Chicago, Ill. File 1909-1947
166 Christian Observer, Louisville, Ky. File 1922-1931
167 Cigrand, B.J. (American Dental Journal), Chicago, Ill. File 1910-1919
168 Cincinnati Enquirer, Cincinnati, Ohio. File 1912-1938
174 Clode, Edward J. Publishers, New York, N.Y. File 1912-1925
175 Clover Leaf Publications, St. Paul, Minn. File 1912-1921
182 Columbia (Catholic Magazine), New Haven, Conn. File 1924-1940
183 Columbus Citizen, Columbus, Ohio. File 1932-1939
185 Complete Stories, New York, N.Y. File 1927-1936
186 Comstock, Louis (Better Homemaking), Chicago, Ill. File 1939-1942
191 Cosmopolitan Magazine, New York, N.Y. File 1912-1940
192 Cosmopolitan Productions, New York, N.Y. File 1920-1925
193 Country Gentleman, Philadelphia, Pa. File 1912-1939
194 Country Guide, Winnipeg, Man. File 1926-1944
197 Courier-News, Fargo, N.D. File 1912
203 C Miscellaneous (file 1 of 5). File 1904-1942
205 C Miscellaneous (file 3 of 5). File 1910-1941
206 C Miscellaneous (file 4 of 5). File 1907-1943
210 Dakota Farmer and Northwest Farmstead, Aberdeen, S.D. File 1918-1936
212 Davis, A. Mervyn, New York, N.Y. File 1932-1937
215 Dearborn Independent, Dearborn, Mich. File 1918-1930
218 The Delineator, New York, N.Y. File 1916-1935
221 Denver Times, Denver, Colo. File 1912-1920
Results 1 to 100 of 793