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Book, Chapter 3 : The "missionary period" among the Nishga : Kincolith, Lakkalzap, Aiyansh, B.C.

Three copies of a typescript draft book chapter (thirty leaves, photocopy) about the Nisga'a (formerly spelled Nishga) in Ging̱olx (also Kincolith), Lax̱g̱altsʼap (formerly spelled Lakkalzap), and Gitlaxt'aamiks (or New Aiyansh) in British Columbia written by E Palmer Patterson. The typescript copies of the draft book chapter were originally housed in a package titled, Tongass Tlingit: Tongass at Ft. Simpson. The term Tongass is an anglicized variant name for the Taantʼa Ḵwáan. Fort Simpson, BC is now known as Lax-Kwʼalaams, BC.

Patterson, E Palmer