- SCA133-GA278-3-32
- File
- 2000
Part of Jane Urquhart fonds.
File consists of two photographs of Jane Urquhart speaking at the John Adams Institute in Amsterdam.
Urquhart, Jane
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Part of Jane Urquhart fonds.
File consists of two photographs of Jane Urquhart speaking at the John Adams Institute in Amsterdam.
Urquhart, Jane
Study tour 1 : Amsterdam, Stockholm, Helsinki.
Part of Schneider family collection.
One carousel of slides. The slides are dated Oct. 1968.
Schneider family
Computer education in Ontario secondary schools / G.C. Bonham and D.D. Cowan.
Part of Dr. Donald D. Cowan fonds.
Two original typed copies of a manuscript titled, "Computer education in Ontario secondary schools" by G.C. Bonham and Donald Cowan. One copy of the manuscript is thirty-three pages and the other copy is twenty-eight pages. The paper was published in the Proceedings of the first International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) World Conference on Computer Education held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands between August 24-28, 1970.
Cowan, Donald D.