- SCA343-GA392-101
- File
- August 16, 1901
Photograph of the Hospital of St Cross and Almshouse of Noble Poverty in Winchester, England.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
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Photograph of the Hospital of St Cross and Almshouse of Noble Poverty in Winchester, England.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Ruins Wolvesey Palace and Winchester College, Winchester.
One glass plate with two photographs. The first shows Wolvesey Castle (Old Bishop's Palace) and the second Winchester College, both in Winchester, England.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
North nave aisle and window in north transpet, St. Cross near Winchester.
One glass plate with two photographs - the first shows the north nave aisle, and the second a window in the north transept of the Hospital of St Cross and Almshouse of Noble Poverty in Winchester, England.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Two photographs on one plate. The first shows Norman era architectural work in the west aisle of the north end of the transept of Winchester Cathedral. The second shows the tomb of Cardinal Henry Beaufort in Winchester Cathedral, England.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
N. choir aisle. St. Cross Hospital, near Winchester.
Photograph of the north aisle of the Hospital of St. Cross, Winchester.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
House in Cathedral Close, Winchester.
Photograph of Cheyney Court and the Priory Gate, at Winchester Cathedral, Winchester, England.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
East end, Winchester Cath[edral], England.
Photograph of the east end of Winchester Cathedral, England.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Choir of s. trans[ept] (ext) Winchster Cath[edral], England.
Photograph of the choir of the south transept of Winchester Cathedral, England.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Choir & nave, Winchester Cathedral (from the Presbytery).
Photograph of the choir and nave of Winchester Cathedral, England, taken from Presbytery.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Two photographs on one plate. The first shows arches in the Deanery at Winchester Cathedral, with the tower of the catherdarl in the background. The second shows a triple arch at Hospital of St. Cross, Winchester.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
2 bays north side of nave, Winchester Cath[edral], England.
Photograph of two bays in the north side of the nave of the Winchester Cathedral, England.
Creighton, Charles Dickens