Bill C-16 Citizenship of Canada Act.
- SCA373-GA432-8-252
- File
- February 17, 2000-[2000?]
Part of Andrew Telegdi fonds.
Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his appointment as the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration related to Bill C-16 Citizenship of Canada Act. The material documents Telegdi’s work initially supporting the new bill as well as his later concerns regarding section 17 and 18 of Bill C-16. Many of the documents highlight Telegdi’s efforts to implement changes to section 17 and 18 and solicit support from fellow politicians and members of the public. Also includes correspondence from members of the public, copies of Telegdi’s official resignation letter submitted to Jean Chrétien, Prime Minister of Canada, and related material. Records include correspondence from individuals and associations, new releases, speech transcripts and notes, reports, copies of an opinion article written by Telegdi for the Toronto Star, and other textual material.
Telegdi, Andrew Peter