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Bean, Margaret Hailer Wagner
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Bean, Margaret Hailer Wager to Louis Henry Wagner.

Correspondence from Margaret Hailer Wagner Bean to son Louis Henry Wagner. The letter discusses her ill health, the health of Louis Henry's son and half-siblings and the accidental death of Mr. Mayer. A note is appended to the end from Louis Henry's half sister Alma Bean.

Wagner Hailer family

Biographical materials.

Clippings and biographical notes from Eby's "A Biographical History of Waterloo Township" relating to the Wagner-Hailer families and related families. Includes obituaries of Margaret Bean (nee Hailer), daughter of Jacob Hailer and Margaret Riehl; obituary of Harriet Brehler; a clipping about Jacob Hailer; genealogical notes on the Bean family from the Eby Book.

Wagner Hailer family


Clippings relating to the life of Bean family members. Includes obituaries for Margaret Hailer Wagner Bean and Susanna Bean Schnittker.

Wagner Hailer family


File consists of three letters in German. Includes one letter from Jacob and Margaret Wagner in Grove [?], [New York], dated January 18, 1858, and a joint letter dated Berlin, August 29, 1858 with page 1 signed by Margaret Wagner and the overleaf signed by Jacob Hailer. This was probably written after the death of Jacob Wagner in Berlin that spring. A third letter, dated 1858, is written in an unknown hand.

Breithaupt, Catharine Hailer


File consists of contains two documents in German. The first document is an undated poem signed by Catharina Breithaupt. The second document is a letter dated July 3, [1858?] written from Buffalo in three separate hands. The first is possibly that of Catharina Goetz Breithaupt, widow of Liborius, and is signed Catharina Breithaupt. The second is two lines by Catharine Hailer Breithaupt, signed by her. The page overleaf is written and signed by Margaret Wagner.

Breithaupt, Catharine Hailer


File consists of one letter [?] in German signed by Margaret Wagner, dated Berlin, February 28, 1862. Contains several references to Mr. Louis Breithaupt, "driving shed," etc.

Breithaupt, Catharine Hailer