Contains 9 letters to Harry Byers, and 2 letters from Harry Byers. The letters to Harry Byers are from F.B. Sweeney of the Sweeney Automobile & Electrical School (2 letters, one of which mentions the death of Harry Byers' wife), Vadapalas, Zbarski (Chief Manager of Technical Supply Department) and Sergiev (Manager of Technical Department), Steponaitis, William Lewis Simms (Manager, International Harvesting Co.), H.L.L., Popoff (Manager of Foreign Bureau), and Charles E.B. Payne (American Vice Consul). The letters from Harry Byers are to Mr. Sweeney, both are resignation letters, but one is for March 25, 1927 and is an original, and the other is for July 19, 1929 and is a carbon copy.
Byers, Harry J.