File consists of correspondence from others to Virgil Burnett. Correspondents include : Macaulay, Robert; MacGregor, Donna; Mackenzie, Susan; MacVean, Jean; Magowan, Robin; de la Maisoneuve, Suzel; Maixner, Paul; Maki, R.M.; Malakston, C.; Malley, Jean; Marsh, Richard; Martin, Marsha; Martindale, Sheila; Matys, Mickie; Mccafferey, Steve; McClintock, Margaret; McCormack, Eric; McCormack, Paul; McCormack, Thomas; McGann, Jerome; McGee, C.E.; McGrath, Juliet; McIntosh, Ellen; McKennitt, Loreena; McKenzie, Norma; McKinnon, Stuart; McKowen, Scott; McPhee, Peter; Melcarth, Edward; Meloy, Lynn; Merikle, Mary; Merrill, James; Mesic, Michael; Michael, Esther; Miles, John; Miller, John; Miller, Judith; Millmo, Lesley; Minas, J.S.; Mitchell, Brigette; Molz, Kathleen; Morella, Elizabeth; Morrison, William; Morey, Arthur; Mott, Michael; Mulhallen, Karen; Mundy, Peter; Murray, Joan; Myers, Sam.