- SCA204-GA529-14-274
- File
- [1907?]
File consists of a portrait of the Breithaupt family. Seen from left to right: Fred, Marie, Rudolph seated with father Albert, mother Louisa standing.
Breithaupt, Albert Liborius
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File consists of a portrait of the Breithaupt family. Seen from left to right: Fred, Marie, Rudolph seated with father Albert, mother Louisa standing.
Breithaupt, Albert Liborius
Breithaupt, Fred, Marie and Rudolph.
File consists of a portrait of Fred, Marie and Rudolf Breithaupt.
Breithaupt, Albert Liborius
File consists of a Walker's no. 17 graphic diary for 1906 belonging to A.L. Breithaupt. Daily entries, many empty. Includes cash accounts and three cards pasted in for 1906: Grand Valley Railway Co.; Galt, Preston & Hespeler and Preston & Berlin Railways; Berlin and Waterloo Street Railway (A.L. Breithaupt Vice-president). Of note is the birth of his son, [Rudolph], on October 21.
Breithaupt, Albert Liborius