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William Dickson collection.

  • SCA12-GA7
  • Collection
  • 1818, 1831-1834, 1839

Collection consists of seven legal documents regarding the sale of land in the Township of Dumfries in Southern Ontario.

Dickson, William

Sims Family collection.

  • SCA369-GA427
  • Collection
  • 1833-1963

The Sims family collection encompasses records of the Sims and Cook, Davidson and Garden families retained by members of the two family branches that came together when Harvey James Sims and Florence Katherine Roos married in 1902. Their Sims and Davidson forbears were equally significant in the history of the Waterloo-Wellington area and in the growth and development of agriculture, education, business and government. Harvey James Sims and Florence Katherine Roos were deeply involved in their local community of Berlin, (later Kitchener) Ontario and their own records contain significant additions to our knowledge of local personalities and affairs. Harvey was a childhood and lifelong friend of William Lyon Mackenzie King; they wrote and visited each other regularly. King's sister Bella was also a close friend of Florence from school days on.

Sims family

Report by Rear-Admiral Charles Holmes, Sept. 18, 1759.

  • SCA167-GA141
  • Collection
  • 1759

Manuscript report dictated by Rear-Admiral Charles Holmes for his superiors, recounting in detail the events of the Battle of the Plains of Abraham. Major-General James Wolfe captured Quebec on Sept. 13, 1759, but died on the battlefield. His opponent, the Marquis de Montcalm died the next day. Holmes dictated a detailed account of the battle and sent two copies on separate ships to the British Admiralty. This document is the second copy of that report.

Holmes, Charles, 1711-1861

Painting of Dana Porter Library.

  • SCA336-GA381
  • Collection
  • 1975

Fonds consists of one painting by Peter Etril Snyder of the Dana Porter Library. The work was commissioned in 1975 for the home of the then President of the University, Burt Matthews.

Snyder, Peter Etril

Open letter from Québec feminists.

  • SCA401-GA467
  • Collection
  • [1971?]

Anonymous open letter created by a group of feminists from Québec outlining the outcomes from the October Crisis (Québec, October 1970) and the relationship between Québécois feminist movements and the Front de Libération du Québec (FLQ).

Letter begins by explaining the relationship between the FLQ struggle and women’s struggle. It then moves to an overview of the events that lead to the October Crisis and the invocation of the War Measures Act, while calling for an independent Québec. Later, it covers the effects of the October Crisis for the citizens of Québec in general, and for women in particular (retelling raids, questionings, jailing, and overall police activities and attitudes). It continues with an exposition on women's inequality in government and society. The letter finishes by appealing for support to the FLQ and the women’s movement.

Letter seems to have been written shortly after the invocation of the War Measures Act in October 1970, and a year after the Women’s Movement in Québec began (possibly refers to the Québec Women’s Liberation Front (FLF) created on December 1, 1969).

Ontario history collection.

  • SCA11-GA6
  • Collection
  • 1716-1950

Collection consists mainly of items relating to the history of Ontario, with some items relating to other parts of Canada, the United States and Europe. Includes correspondence, documents, land grants, leaflets, pamphlets, clippings, maps, photographs, etchings and ephemera.

Municipal council of the town of Berlin.

  • SCA413-GA481
  • Collection
  • 1909

One photograph mounted on cardboard of the Municipal Council of the town of Berlin, dated 1909. The black and white photograph shows 15 adults dressed in suits and posed seated or standing in front of an ornately painted backdrop.

  • Back row, from left to right is Edwin Whyte Clement, F. W. Sheppard, Joseph Roman Winterhalt, and Frederich “Frederick” Bornhold.
  • Middle row from left to right is Charles Boehmer Dunke, William Daum Euler, William Robert Wilkinson, Alexander Hugh Millar, H. Martin, and John R. Schilling.
  • Front row from left to right is reeve David Gross Jr. (George “David" Gross), third deputy reeve Henry Anthony Dietrich, Mayor Charles Casper Hahn who served from 1909 to 1910, second deputy reeve John F. McKay, and first deputy reeve Nicholas Asmussen.

Among the subjects are three individuals who would later serve as mayor of Berlin or Kitchener following its 1916 name change: William Daum Euler (1914-1917), David Gross Jr. (1917-1919), and Nicholas Asmussen (1925 -1926). William Daum Euler was also elected to the House of Commons of Canada (1917) and Nicholas Asmussen to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario (1919-1926). Both represented Waterloo North, Ontario in their Federal political office.

King Street, Waterloo, Ont., 1923 : completed paving work.

  • SCA201-GA178
  • Collection
  • 1923

One photograph of a section of King Street, Waterloo, Ont. showing recently completed paving work by Standardite Paving. Also visible in the photograph are streetcar tracks, early street lights and automobiles.

Denton, Ernest

James Hoyes Panton letter.

  • SCA65-GA37
  • Collection
  • April 16, 1884

Contains one holograph letter from James Hoyes Panton to Drinkwater (C.P.R.) requesting a pass to travel free during the summer in order to do geological research, dated April 16, 1884.

Panton, James Hoyes

Household account book.

  • SCA156-GA129
  • Collection
  • 1911-1919

One volume of household accounts, 1911-1919, kept by an unidentified female, probably from the Port Elgin, Ont. area.

Glass plate negative collection.

  • SCA436-GA509
  • Collection
  • ca. 1900

21 glass plate negatives showing people and buildings around the former town of Newbridge, Ontario.

Furniture and woodworkers union materials.

  • SCA275-GA296
  • Collection
  • 1931-1935

Fonds consists of ephemera relating to the unionization of furniture makers and woodworkers in the Kitchener, Stratford, and Woodstock area. Includes a mock liberty bond for the defence of workers arrested protesting, a card promoting socialist industrial unionism, a handbill outlining union desires, a letter from Canada Furniture Manufacturers regarding an adjustment to pay rates, a handbill encouraging furniture workers to unionize, and a photocopy of a letter to Herman Kreuger.

First Mennonite Church bible school.

  • SCA291-GA326
  • Collection
  • [1928?]

One photograph of students of the First Mennonite Church bible school. Students are shown outside in front of the church building.

Dominion Life Assurance Company head office.

  • SCA265-GA283
  • Collection
  • July 1939

File consists of one photograph of the employees of the head office of the Dominion Life Assurance Company in Waterloo, Ontario. The photograph was taken July 1939. The employees are standing in front of the building at 14 Erb Street West.

Dominion Life Assurance Company

Department of Indian Affairs land grants.

  • SCA324-GA365
  • Collection
  • 1886-1915

Five land grants from the Department of Indian Affairs granting promised Indigenous lands. The grants are made out to Benjamin Franklin Mutchmor (200 acres), Elizabeth Mutchmor (175 acres), Charles Woodward (100 acres), and Mary Rowe (100 acres). The lands granted were to be for the use of the Ojibwe and Odawa of Manitoulin Island.

Canada. Department of Indian Affairs

Deed of Bargain and Sale.

  • SCA23-GA13
  • Collection
  • December 12, 1834

Consists of a deed of bargain and sale on vellum. The deed, dated December 12, 1834, details a transaction between Vincent Dewell, and his wife Harriet, with Henry Smith regarding a plot of land in exchange for 50 pounds. The plot of land is identified as the west part of lot 29 on the 8th concession of Hope Township in Durham County, Upper Canada. Two red wax seals appear on the bottom right corner of the deed.

Dewell, Vincent

David M. Netterfield correspondence.

  • SCA20-GA11
  • Collection
  • 1958

Typescript letter regarding lumbering on Lake Huron, Ontario written by David M. Netterfield. The letter describes the history of the Spanish River Lumber Company that operated near the Sauble River, between 1882 and the 1940's, focusing on the 20th century history of the company. Account makes reference to the Spanish River Indian Reserve, Wahnapitae, Ontario, the Great Lakes Storm of 1913 and the Mississauga Timber Reserve. Also included is a business card dated July 14, 1958, for Noranda Mines Limited located in Toronto, Ontario with a handwritten note that reads: Thought this might interest you. Hope you had a good trip. Hank. 14 July/58."

Netterfield, David M.

Correspondence from Daniel Claus to Captain Matthews.

  • SCA363-GA416
  • Collection
  • March 23, 1780

Correspondence from Daniel Claus to Captain Matthews. The letter is regarding the capture of Peter Hansen and his servant as members of the rebellion by the Mohawk nation to be used to gather intelligence. The letter also mentions a contract for fresh meat, and that members of the village had been unwell. At this time Claus had been appointed deputy agent of the Six Nations in Canada under Frederick Haldimand.

Copy of Arthur Lang's diary.

  • SCA123-GA96
  • Collection
  • 1820

Carbon typescript transcript of Arthur Lang's diary prepared as a Christmas souvenir in 1907 by T.A. Lang in Clearfield, Pennsylvania. It includes a copy of a letter from one of Arthur Lang's granddaughters, giving some family background. Arthur Lang describes the sea voyage, scenery, and passengers on trip from Montreal, through the Lachine Rapids, to Prescott, Ontario. The diary also discusses Lang’s experiences inspecting land near the townships of Ramsay, Lanark, and Dalhousie in Lanark County, Ontario.

Lang, Arthur

Commemorative coins.

  • SCA37-GA20
  • Collection
  • 1860
  • [Copper?] coin - Albert Edward Prince of Wales Visited Canada and Inaugurated the Victoria Bridge 1860.
  • 2 [Silver?] coins - The Victoria Bridge Medal Grand Trunk Railway of Canada 1860.
  • 2 [Silver?] coins - H.R.H. The Prince of Wales To Commemorate the Visit of Albert Edward Prince of Wales to Canada 1860.

Budd's Dept. Stores Kitchener, Guelph, Simcoe annual picnic.

  • SCA411-GA478
  • Collection
  • August 20, 1947

One photograph of the Budds Department Store annual picnic, held August 20, 1947. The photograph shows 82 people, including men, women, and children. The picnic attendees appear to include the owners and employees of the three Budds Department Store locations, as well as their families. The photograph was taken outside in an undisclosed location and the subjects appear relaxed and informal.

Budds Department Store

Bridgeport School construction crew.

  • SCA225-GA213
  • Collection
  • [1924?]

Consists of one group photograph of a construction crew, purportedly for Bridgeport School. They are posed with a sign: "John V. Gray Construction Co. Ltd, General Contractors, head office Toronto ...."

Denton, Ernest

Breithaupt Leather Co. truck.

  • SCA168-GA142
  • Collection
  • [191-?]

One undated photograph showing a Breithaupt Leather Co. truck in front of the Shipping Dept. at the tannery, which was located in Kitchener, Ont.

Denton, Ernest

Bettie Bernice Wilson collection.

  • SCA399-GA465
  • Collection
  • [194-]-1991

Materials created or accumulated by Bettie Bernice Wilson and related to her years in the Royal Canadian Air Force Women's Division (1942-1945). Includes photographs of instruction and training sessions, of facilities, of graduating classes, and of Wilson and her colleagues; official documentation and ephemera related to Wilson's service and different events she attended; writings by Wilson and her colleagues; related newspaper clippings, and correspondence sent and received by Wilson.

Wilson, Bettie Bernice

Barrett Autograph Collection.

  • SCA89-GA59
  • Collection
  • 1716-1827, 1841

Collection contains prints of Canadian landscapes done by William Henry Bartlett in 1841 and portraits of prominent 17th and 18th century politicians from Europe and Canada. Also included are letters from English prime ministers dating around the 1700s. The collection is arranged in one series consisting of print engravings, a file of Bartlett prints, and a scrapbook containing letters.

Bartlett, W. H. (William Henry)

Architectural drawings for the Berlin Y.M.C.A.

  • SCA303-GA339
  • Collection
  • 1895

File consists of three architectural drawings of the building of the Berlin [Kitchener] Y.M.C.A. at 22 Queen Street North. Includes a side elevation, main and upper floor plans, and details of the locker room.

Kitchener-Waterloo Young Men's Christian Association

A. A. Kennedy collection.

  • SCA52-GA28
  • Collection
  • 1950

Collection consists of two plaques. One of is oval shaped with text that reads "Whaler Sailing 2nd Town of Dartmouth incorporated 1873 Bicentenary". The back of the plaque has an inscription stating it was made by the Atlantic Pattern Works. The second is a rectangular plaque with a metal etched portrait of a man in a suit and tie. On the back is a clipping that depicts the same image as on the front of with the name "Fred A. Hodgson" underneath.

Atlantic Pattern Works

1935 Federal Elections Campaign Speeches Collection

  • SCA40-GA22
  • Collection
  • 1935

Collection contains a scrapbook of newspaper clippings concerning the 1935 federal elections in Canada. They document the campaign in Kitchener-Waterloo and the surrounding area, along with other parts of Ontario, Alberta, and Saskatchewan. Included is coverage of various political parties such as the Conservatives, Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (C.C.F.) and Liberals. Clippings predominantly originate from the Kitchener Daily Record, with others from the Mail and Empire, the Toronto Star, and Daily Star appearing throughout.