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Deed of Bargain and Sale.

  • SCA23-GA13
  • Collection
  • December 12, 1834

Consists of a deed of bargain and sale on vellum. The deed, dated December 12, 1834, details a transaction between Vincent Dewell, and his wife Harriet, with Henry Smith regarding a plot of land in exchange for 50 pounds. The plot of land is identified as the west part of lot 29 on the 8th concession of Hope Township in Durham County, Upper Canada. Two red wax seals appear on the bottom right corner of the deed.

Dewell, Vincent

Theatre contract.

  • SCA444-GA518
  • Collection
  • August 12, 1896

One theatre contract between Asa Steele and Robert B. Mantell for Asa to work beginning on August 31, 1896. Robert agrees to pay Asa $50 per week for her services at a theatre, opera house, or hall. The contact outlines the expectations for both parties as well as rules and regulations for the actor and how their pay may be docked if they break them.

Mantell, Robert B.

William Dickson collection.

  • SCA12-GA7
  • Collection
  • 1818, 1831-1834, 1839

Collection consists of seven legal documents regarding the sale of land in the Township of Dumfries in Southern Ontario.

Dickson, William

Writ of replevin and penal bond.

  • SCA416-GA484
  • Collection
  • February 25, 1854

One broadside legal document for the recapture of an enslaved woman in Memphis, Tennessee. The writ of replevin and penal bond is by Sarah A. Hawthorn, by her next friend John Hawthorn. Next friend is a legal term for someone who appears in court in place of one who is not considered competent to do so. In this case, Sarah's husband John appeared on her behalf as Sarah, being a married woman, could not bring actions in Tennessee. The writ of replevin is filed against George W. Fisher who the Hawthorns claim was illegally holding an enslaved woman named Mary An. The writ also states that if the Hawthorns are found to be unlawful in their re-capture of Mary Ann they would pay a penal bond of $1,600.