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Photograph album of queer gender expression.

  • SCA440-GA514
  • Fonds
  • 1912

One photograph album capturing moments of gender expression in the early 20th Century. The album contains family and school photographs, and the images of gender expression centre around a group of students on what appears to be a school trip in Pennsylvania. People who appear to be assigned female at birth are shown wearing typical male clothing of the time, or dressed en homme, and people who appear to be assigned male at birth are shown wearing typical female clothing of the time, or dressed en femme. Beginning in the 1840s laws were passed across the United States criminalizing the act of appearing in public “in a dress not belonging to his or her sex" and the activities of this group of students would have still been illegal at this time. It is unclear if the people in the images are cross-dressing as a form of gender expression, entertainment or sexual fetish, or if they are transgender or gender non-conforming.

Pearlie Bishop friendship album.

  • SCA383-GA448-1
  • Fonds
  • 1896-1900

Victorian friendship album kept by Pearlie (Alice Margaret) Bishop from the years 1896-1900. Album was given to Pearlie on her 20th birthday by her Aunt Edith. The album is comprised of 40 leaves of coloured paper in a handmade embroidered linen cover. Most pages have ink inscriptions from friends and family along with tipped in drawings and watercolours. Also included is one photograph of Pearlie in her Red Cross nurses uniform with other nurses and medical staff, presumably from the First World War.

Bishop, Pearlie

Maria Louise Clough scrapbook.

  • SCA44-WA24
  • Fonds
  • 1886-1887

One scrapbook kept by Maria Louise Clough while on a trip from Boston to England, Scotland, France and Italy in 1886 and 1887. The scrapbook contains cards, correspondence, clippings, ephemera, and realia (including plant material), and provides insight into the activities and tastes of a young woman from that period of time. Among the contents are: Cunard ephemera (including deck plans, menus, passenger list), theatre ephemera (including Henry Irving in Faust at the Lyceum), a cigarette, lace, Westminster Abbey ephemera, transportation tickets, a moving-part Christmas card, fringe forming part of the decoration of the funeral car of the Duke of Wellington, postcards, engravings, hotel ephemera, identified leaves and flowers, etc.

Clough, Maria Louise

Lloyd Stamp fonds.

  • SCA125-GA98
  • Fonds
  • 1938-1995

Four large albums, entitled "Pan Politae and Friends", that contain photographs, ephemera and text, both original and copies, relative to the history of the Pan Politae Club, as well as photographs and biographical information about its members from 1938 to 1995.

The history of Pan Politae is documented through current and historical portraits, as well as photographs of activities such as reunions. The albums include photographs of fundraising projects like the Christmas tree sales and service projects events held with the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) camps. Photographs depict service work done primarily in Camp Wabanaki at its original location on Beausoleil Island, Georgian Bay, which was destroyed by fire in ca. 1970.

These albums were compiled to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Kitchener-Waterloo YMCA. Included are portraits of and information about K-W YMCA Presidents, influential members, former staff, and information about awards and recipients. Also included is correspondence addressed to Lloyd Stamp from former members of the Pan Politae Club where they discuss their experiences and reflections from their time in the club.

Stamp, Lloyd

Ethel Carol and Anne Sewall Longfellow scrapbook.

  • SCA42-WA23
  • Fonds
  • 1902-1906

Fonds consists of one scrapbook assembled by Ethel and Anne Longfellow during their attendance at Smith College, Massachusetts between 1902-1906. The scrapbook contains correspondence, photographs, programmes, clippings, notes and ephemera detailing the academic and social life of the sisters.

Longfellow, Ethel Carol and Anne Sewall