- SCA138-GA111-4
- Series
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
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Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Autobiography: A Brief History of the Montgomery Family.
8 p. ms, 7 p. computer-output ts. by Frances K. Montgomery. This account of her family begins with her grandfather, George Montgomery, 1817-1897.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
6 p. ms. corrections (photocopy).
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
2 p. ts. (photocopy), 8 p. ms. notes, (photocopy) of reminiscences by Frances K. Montgomery.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Autobiography: France, 1928-1930.
11 p. ts. (computer-output, of p. 106-116) and 15 p. ms. (original), 11 p. ms. (photocopy) of an account by Montgomery about her student years in France, 1928-1930
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Autobiography: Interlude: Summer 1928-Summer 1930.
3 p. ts. (photocopy, p. 106-108) and 5 p. ms. (photocopy) of a summary by Montgomery about her student years in France, 1928-1930 and her of subsequent hiring by the University of Western Ontario.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Autobiography: Memories of a Small Town Girl.
80 p. ts. (photocopy) and 59 p. ms. (photocopy) of an account by Montgomery about growing up in Woodstock, Ont., 1903 to the 1920's.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Autobiography: My Student Days at Western.
24 p. ts. (photocopy of p. 81-105) and 20 p. ms. (photocopy) of an account by Montgomery about her student years at the University of Western Ontario, 1923-1928.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Autobiography: My Years on the Faculty at Western.
36 p. ts. (phpotocopy, p. 196-145), 28 p. ms. (photocopy) of an account by Montgomery about her teaching career at the University of Western Ontario.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Bible presented to Montgomery by May Taylor, 1927.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Article by Marilyn Bolton, "Pseudo-Eggheads Rankle Professor," Kitchener-Waterloo Record, Dec. 28, 1963, p. 23.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Clippings from Montgomery's undergraduate years at the University of Western Ontario.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Clippings regarding the University of Western Ontario convocation at which Montgomery received an undergraduate degree.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Clippings regarding Montgomery's activities, and announcing the scholarship awarded to her for study in Europe.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Clippings regarding Montgomery's experiences in Europe, 1928-1930, and announcing her appointment at the University of Western Ontario.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Clipping of Montgomery's account of conditions in Spain, after a summer spent studying there.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Clipping of Montgomery's account of conditions in Mexico, after a summer spent studying there.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Clippings regarding a book binding exhibit arranged by Montgomery .
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Clipping of account of a talk given by Montgomery on conditions in Switzerland.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Clippings regarding Montgomery’s bookbinding hobby.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Clipping regarding Montgomery’s in the Canadian Women's Army Corps.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Obituary, photocopy.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Clippings regarding recitals given by the pupils of Arthur G. Ede.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Clippings from Montgomery's final year in high school and regarding her scholarship to the University of Western Ontario.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Clippings regarding talks given by F.K. Montgomery on a lecture tour of Eastern and Northern Ontario for the Women's Canadian Club in 1934.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Clippings regarding Montgomery’s activities.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Twenty six postcards sent between Montgomery and her family while she was studying in Paris at the Sorbonne. Also includes one postcard sent to Kay Rex by her mother, and Montgomery's sister, Grace Montgomery Rex.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Correspondence from others to others.
3 pieces of correspondence, including a letter of introduction written for Montgomery.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Correspondence received, 1920-1929
Ca. 14 pieces of correspondence.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Correspondence received, 1930-1939
Ca. 11 pieces of correspondence.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Correspondence received, 1950-1955.
6 pieces of correspondence.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
7 pieces of correspondence written by Montgomery, mostly postcards to her mother.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Daily diary kept by Montgomery while she was studying at the Sorbonne. Contains many excisions.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Daily diary kept by Montgomery while she was studying at the Sorbonne. This 1930 volume contains sporadic entries, January to June. Includes ephemera: tickets, telegram, receipts, plant matter, etc.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Daily "trip" diary kept by Montgomery during two summers, 1959 (?) and 1960, recording events on camping and climbing trip.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
[Ivory?] box engraved with a monkey's head, dated 9 Mars 1930.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Ephemera including birth certificate, 1903; Woodstock Collegiate Institute graduation programme, 1923, University of Western Ontario convocation programme, 1928, student identity papers issued in France, 1929-1930; Toronto Conservatory of Music examination results, 1933-1935; passes, identity cards, service record and pin from the Canadian Women's Army Corps, 1942-1945; Certificate of Canadian Citizenship, 1970; University of Western Ontario Alumni Association certificate, 1964; University of Western Ontario Service Award, 1989.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Doctor of Letters degree awarded to Montgomeryby l'Université de Paris.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Advertisements, clippings, universal calendar, German verb chart, cards, menus, etc.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
39 postcards, 1 pamphlet with views of locations in England.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Family and friends: clippings.
2 clippings regarding Montgomery's Aunt Millie and her niece, Kay Rex.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Frances Kathleen Montgomery fonds.
Correspondence, diaries, ephemera, manuscripts, photographs and artifacts, documenting the life and career of Frances Kathleen Montgomery. Also present is a small amount of material, primarily photographs, relating to the Montgomery and Havey families.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Frances Kathleen Montgomery fonds : 2015 accrual.
Accrual consists of materials relating to the life of Frances Kathleen Montgomery, particularly to her years as a student at the Sorbonne in Paris. Includes postcards sent between her and her family and friends during this time, jewelry, and two photographs.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Frances Kathleen Montgomery: portrait.
Two copies of a head and shoulders portrait, profile, of France Kathleen Montgomery by Genia Reinberg Studio, Paris, France. Two copies, one mounted.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Frances Kathleen Montgomery: portrait.
3 portraits taken by the Kitchener-Waterloo Record for a news story on Montgomery. Taken in Montgomery’s office at the University of Waterloo.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Frances Kathleen Montgomery: portrait.
Head and shoulders portrait of France Kathleen Montgomery [by Genia Reinberg Studio, Paris, France?].
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Frances Kathleen Montgomery: portrait.
Two copies of a 3/4 studio portrait of France Kathleen Montgomery by Rounds of Woodstock.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Frances Kathleen Montgomery: portrait.
1/2 studio portrait of France Kathleen Montgomery in her academic gown and hood, by Walter Dixon.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Frances Kathleen Montgomery: snapshots.
3 snapshots of Montgomery: one with her dog, one with her friend Gail Taylor, one in her academic robes.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Genevieve H. Montgomery: biographical.
Documents relating to Genevieve H. Montgomery, Montgomery’s mother, including her Canadian passport and French carte d'identité.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Genevieve H. Montgomery: cookbooks.
Two cookbooks owned by Montgomery’s mother Genevieve H. Montgomery. One is a manuscript cookbook with many clippings, etc. inserted. The other is Shamrock Cook Book. Woodstock: Sentinel-Review Peress, 1909, with manuscript recipes added and inserted.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Havey Family, Detroit: portraits.
9 studio portraits of members of the Havey family.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Programme for the second London Book Fair, 1939, at which Montgomery presented a demonstration & exhibit of bookbinding. Includes photograph.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Cartoons clipped from newspapers.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Interests: clippings of poems.
Poems clipped from newspapers and magazines. Some of them may be by Montgomery.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Interests: cooking. manuscript recipes.
Ms. and ts. recipes.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Interests: cooking: recipes, file 1.
Clippings and photocopies of printed recipes.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Interests: cooking: recipes, file 2.
5 recipe booklets, mostly "CBC Cooking School."
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Ms. and ts. fragments of card games, word and number puzzles.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
1 p. ms.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Jennie Streit: autograph book.
Autograph belonging to Miss Jennie Streit, St. Clair, Michigan. Includes a few elaborately drawn and decorated entries, as well as cuttings and a photograph.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
1 small envelope marked "Jane Lossom" containing several lace samples.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
19 p. ts. (original) of a story by Montgomery.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Manuscripts: Gran Funcion De Noche.
3 p. ts. script (original) in Spanish for a Red Riding Hood skit to be performed Dec. 6, 1947 by Montgomery and friends.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
3 p. ts. (original), as well as published version: "Men in My Life" by Hortensia Goode. Saturday Night, May 15, 1943.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Undated 2 p. partial ts.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Manuscripts: poems, notes, fragments.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
1 sheet of notes on MA subjects, notes in French by Montgomery., others (not by her) in French, dated 1930.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Manuscripts: The Flag He Loved So Well.
Undated poem, 4 p.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Manuscripts: The Silent Service: Or was It?
Undated 3 p. partial ms.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Ms. notes regarding expenses, gifts.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Montgomery, Francis Kathleen : lighthouse drawing.
Part of Kay Rex fonds.
File consists of one drawing of a lighthouse on an island. The bottom right hand corner is signed F.K.M. (probably Francis Kathleen Montgomery).
Rex, Kay
68 negatives, ca. 30 loose snapshots, some for items in photograph album belonging to Montgomery containing 132 b&w snapshots.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
“Trip" photograph album belonging to Montgomery containing 182 b&w snapshots in various sizes, identified, of buildings and locations in France, England, Mexico, Spain and Canada. Many are commercial views.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Photograph album belonging to Montgomery containing 132 b&w snapshots in various sizes, with some identifications.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Photograph album hand made by Montgomery containing 14 b&w snapshots.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Pieces published in the University of Western Ontario Gazette.
Clippings of 11 pieces by Montgomery published in the University of Western Ontario Gazette, mostly on culture of Spain, France and Mexico.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
5 portraits and 4 snapshots of the family of Montgomery’s sister Grace Rex, her niece and nephew Kathleen (Kay) and Kenneth, and including Montgomery’s mother Genevieve Montgomery.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Studio portrait, full figure, of Montgomery’s father, Robert David Montgomery, in uniform.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Head and shoulders studio portrait of Robert Hadden Montgomery.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Royal Commission on the Status of Women: Brief
10 p. carbon ts. (original) of the brief prepared by Montgomery for the Royal Commission on the Status of Women in Canada.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Royal Commission on the Status of Women: Correspondence.
Correspondence and information sent from the Commission to those presenting briefs. Also includes a letter of request from the University of Western Ontario for a copy of the brief, which was refused.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
50 b&w snapshots in various sizes taken en route to France and in France, landscapes and buildings.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
51 b&w snapshots in various sizes of Montgomery and friends, taken in Europe, probably France.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
44 b&w snapshots of buildings and landscapes in Europe, primarily Switzerland.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
33 b&w snapshots of people and places in Europe, mostly Spain? Some appear also in photograph album of trip pictures.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
3 negatives, and 9 b&w snapshots of Montgomery before and after having her hair cut.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
13 negatives, and 20 b&w snapshots in various sizes of Montgomery and friends while she was a member of the Canadian Women's Army Corps.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Ephemera collected during Montgomery’s years at the University of Waterloo, including a cartoon, convocation programmes, cards etc.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
University of Western Ontario.
Photocopied notes on women who graduated from the University of Western Ontario, 1928-1931, also a clipping regarding Apha House alumnae.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
University of Western Ontario: Correspondence.
Photocopies of letters to and from Montgomery and individuals at the University of Western Ontario regarding her memoirs, donations of memorabilia, etc.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
University of Western Ontario orchestra.
Framed group portrait of the members of the University of Western Ontario orchestra, including Montgomery with the violin.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen