A Radio Address on Provincial Affairs by Hon. Dana Porter.
- SCA231-GA228-8-173
- File
- 1951
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
Porter, Dana Harris
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A Radio Address on Provincial Affairs by Hon. Dana Porter.
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
Porter, Dana Harris
Address by the Honourable Dana Porter, Minister of Education, to the St. Thomas and Elgin Teachers.
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of a transcript of Porter's speech as well as accompanying correspondence.
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
Porter, Dana Harris
Address to the Graduating Class of Osgoode Hall at Convocation on Friday, September 19th, 1958.
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
Porter, Dana Harris
Administrator of the Province : John Wellington Pickup.
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of materials relating to John Wellington Pickup's time as the "Administrator of the Government of the Province of Ontario" (in the absence of the Lieutenant Governor). Includes commissions appointing John Wellington Pickup interim ... »
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of an appeals book and legal briefings for a case in which Dana Porter was counsel.
Porter, Dana Harris
Attendees of the graduation exercises of the 42nd Session of the FBI National Academy.
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of one photograph showing attendees of the graduation exercised of the 42nd Session of the FBI National Academy. Left to right:
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of a photocopy from an unknown contemporary publication of the case Attorney-Gernal for Ontario and others vs. Isreal Winnrer (Doing Business Under theName and Style of MacKenzie Couch Lines) and Others in which Dana Porter was involved.
Porter, Dana Harris
Book of copies of letters sent by Dana Porter to his fiance Dorothy Parker in 1928 and 1929.
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of a spiral bound volume with copies of love letters sent from Dana Porter to Dorothy Parker during their courtship. Also included are photos of Dorothy, the Porter family, and a print out of a news article by Dana and Dorothy's grand-... »
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of two book reviews by Dana Porter on works about Shakespeare : Shakespeare Unmasked by Pierre S. Porohovshikov and The Murder of the Man Who Was Shakespeare by Calvin Hoffman.
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of one business card for Dana Porter which reads "With the Compliments of Hon. Dana Porter, Q.C. Treasurer of Ontario. Parliament Buildings, Toronto."
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of five business cards from associates of Dana Porter. There are for: F.J. Lyle, Director Trade and Industry Branch ; E.V. McNeill, Commissioner of Police for Ontario ; Mr. and Mrs. E.D. Carrere ; Ray Timson, London Free Press ; Arthur ... »
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of a campaign blotter for Dana Porter for when he was running for the Legislative Assembly of Ontario representing the St. George's riding in Toronto.
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of one campaign flyer for Dana Porter for the Progressive Conservative party for the St. George's Riding Toronto in 1943.
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of campaign materials for the 1955 election. Includes materials for Dana Porter, George Drew, James H. Rooney, George Hees, Roly Michener, and Joe Keenan.
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of transcriptions of speeches and articles by Dana Porter from when he was campaigning in anticipation of the 1943 election.
Porter, Dana Harris
Canadian General Electric Company maintenance contract for the O.P.P. Radio system.
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of two photographs showing Dana Porter and others at the signing of the Canadian General Electric maintenance Contract for the O.P.P. Radio system. Also includes one item of correspondence regarding the photographs.
Canadian International Paper Company : Hygrade Containers Limited opening.
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of five photographs showing the grand opening of the Canadian International Paper Company's Hygrade Containers Limited plant, and tree planting ceremony.
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of a copy of the September-October 1967 (vol. 45, no. 6) edition of the Canadian School Journal which features an obituary for Dana Porter.
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of one portrait of Flight Lieutenant P.H. Carrere.
Porter, Dana Harris
CBC roundtable on Christmas driving safety.
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of materials relating to a CBC roundtable discussion on safe driving at Christmas time, in which Dana Porter participated.
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of one leaf of paper with drawings by a child on it. Possibly by Julian or Dana Porter Jr.
Porter, Dana Harris
Civil Status and Disabilities of Trade Unions in Ontario, by Dana Porter.
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of one reprint of Dana Porter's article Civil Status and Disabilities of Trade Unions in Ontario from The Canadian Bar Review, March 1943.
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of two photocopies of a clipping from the May 20, 1948 edition of the Toronto Evening Telegram. Clipping discusses Porter's position as Minister of Planning and Development.
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of clippings primarily related to the interests of Dana Porter, including ones on higher education and book reviews. Also includes two from 1968 on the George Drew years of Ontario parliament.
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of clippings accumulated by Dana Porter and family on Dana Porter, his work, personal life, and interests.
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of clippings on Shakespeare, including one on Dana Porter's works regarding Shakespearean Sonnets.
Porter, Dana Harris
Commission Appointing Dana Harris Porter to be an Executive Councillor for the Province of Ontario.
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
Porter, Dana Harris
Commission Appointing Dana Harris Porter to be an Executive Councillor of the Province of Ontario.
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
Porter, Dana Harris
Commission Appointing Dana Harris Porter to be Minister of Education.
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File also includes one item of correspondence to Dana Porter from the Deputy Provincial Secretary regarding the commissions.
Porter, Dana Harris
Commission Appointing Dana Harris Porter to be Secretary and Registrar.
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
Porter, Dana Harris
Conservative Port Hope conference.
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of materials relating to the Conservative Party Port Hope Conference of 1942. Includes notes, copies of the Port Hope Proposals, ephemera, and forty five items of correspondence. Correspondence relates primarily to concerns with leadership ... »
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
Series consists of correspondence to and from Dana Porter regarding a variety of topics in his personal and professional life. Includes approximately three hundred and thirty-six items. Correspondents are listed at the file level. Note that where ... »
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of two items of correspondence from Dana Porter to J.W. McAree of Mail and Empire, regarding the Empire Club of Canada.
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of one postcard addressed to Dana Porter from Bill [?] featuring a photo of an Atomic Detonation in Nevada.
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of one item of correspondence from Ed Black along with a campaign brochure for the YMCA that features a baby with a resemblance to Leslie Frost.
Porter, Dana Harris
Correspondence : Chariton, Morris.
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of five items of correspondence between Dana Porter and Morris Chariton regarding Chariton's request to lecture in Shakespeare at the University of Waterloo, as well as an essay on Shakespeare that Chariton sent to Porter.
Porter, Dana Harris
Correspondence : Farrell, R.A.
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of one item of correspondence from R.A. Farrell of the News Bulletin of the Institute of Public Administration of Canada.
Porter, Dana Harris
Correspondence : Garfield A. King.
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of two items of correspondence between Garfield A. King and Dana Porter regarding Porter's essays on Shakespearean Sonnets.
Porter, Dana Harris
Correspondence : Karsh, Yousuf.
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of eighteen items of correspondence between the secretaries of Yousuf Karsh (Joyce Large) and Dana Porter (Margaret Saunderson) regarding portraits of Porter.
Porter, Dana Harris
Correspondence : Moetzing, Henry.
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of a photocopy of one item of correspondence from Henry Moetzing regarding the verdict in his libel case against P.J. Brunner.
Porter, Dana Harris
Correspondence from Dana Porter to Dorothy Parker.
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of ten items of correspondence from Dana Porter to Dorothy Parker from the time of their engagement. These letters are the same as those in the spiral bound collection. Also includes copies of the other materials that are in the bound volume.
Porter, Dana Harris
Correspondence re. Admiral A.R. Parker and Dalton Davies.
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of three items of correspondence. Two are between Admiral A.R. Parker (Dana Porter's father-in-law) and Dalton Davies. The other item is possibly from Porter's mother-in-law to him or to his wife. All three items were in the same envelope ... »
Porter, Dana Harris
Correspondence re. congratulations (1 of 3).
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of two hundred and forty six items of correspondence congratulating Dana Porter on his appointment as Ontario Chief Justice, as Chancellor of the University of Waterloo and as a member of the Board of Directors of the University of Toronto.
... »
Correspondence re. congratulations (2 of 3).
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
Porter, Dana Harris
Correspondence re. congratulations (3 of 3).
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
Porter, Dana Harris
Correspondence re. County of York Law Association Address.
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of three items of correspondence between G.D. Sanagan and Dana Porter regarding a request for a transcript of Porter's address to the County of York Law Association.
Porter, Dana Harris
Correspondence re. official opening of the river diversion works at Brampton.
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of two items of correspondence regarding Dana Porter being unable to attend the opening of the river diversion works at Brampton.
Porter, Dana Harris
Correspondence re. portraits for the Financial Times.
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of two items of correspondence between the secretary of Dana Porter and Financial Times of Canada librarian, Alice Kudo, regarding a request for photographs of Porter.
Porter, Dana Harris
Correspondence re. publication of Shakespeare manuscripts.
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of sixty five items of correspondence regarding the review and potential publication of Dana Porter's manuscripts on the Sonnets of Shakespeare. Includes correspondence between Dana Porter, publication houses, reviewers, and friends who he ... »
Porter, Dana Harris
Correspondence re. Royal Commission on Banking and Finance.
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of forty-eight items of correspondence to and from Dana Porter and his secretary regarding the Report of the Royal Commission on Banking and Finance.
Correspondents include:
Porter, Dana Harris
Correspondence re. Shakespeare.
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of thirteen items of correspondence between Dana Porter and others regarding his interest in Shakespeare. Many items include clippings or articles on Shakespeare and Shakespearean research. Also included are copies of responses from Porter.
Porter, Dana Harris
Correspondence re. speech to the Ontario Provincial Police.
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of correspondence between Dana Porter and D.D. Findlay regarding a speech that Porter gave at a Ontario Provincial Police picnic.
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of three items of correspondence regarding speeches given by Dana Porter. These items do not correspond with a speech in the collection.
Porter, Dana Harris
Correspondence re. Stratford Festival of Canada Foundation.
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of materials related to Dana Porter's patronage of the Stratford Festival of Canada Foundation. Includes information on the foundation, as well as five items of correspondence between Dana Porter and employees of the foundation.
Porter, Dana Harris
Court of Appeal : In the Matter of C. Coles Company, Ltd.
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of a an appeal judgement in the case of Regina v. C. Coles Ltd. The case involved an obscenity charge relating from the selling of the book Fanny Hill - Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure.
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of a daily diary for Dana Porter from October 6, 1951- July 24, 1959. Not all dates feature an entry. Gives a detailed account of how he received the position of Attorney-General of Ontario.
Porter, Dana Harris
Fonds consists of materials created and accumulate by Dana Porter during his personal and professional career, as well as materials collected posthumously and created and accumulated by his wife and children. Includes photographs, correspondence, ... »
Porter, Dana Harris
Dana Porter and Dorothy Parker Family
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
Series consists of materials relating to the family of Dana Porter, including his wife Dorothy Porter (nee Parker), and his sons Dana Jr. and Julian. Also includes materials created about Dana Porter posthumously and collected by his family.
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
Series consists of pocket diaries and one daily diary kept by Dana Porter. The pocket dairies cover the period 1953-1966, excepting the years 1955 and 1964. The daily diary covers the years 1955-1959.
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of one pocket diary for the year 1956.
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of one pocket diary for the year 1957.
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of one pocket diary for the year 1960.
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of one pocket diary for the year 1954.
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of one pocket diary for the year 1959.
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of one pocket diary for the year 1953.
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of one pocket diary for the year 1958.
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of one pocket diary for the year 1961.
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of one pocket diary for the year 1962.
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of one pocket diary for the year 1965.
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of one pocket diary for the year 1963.
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of one pocket diary for the year 1966.
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of one dinner invitation to an informal dinner for commissioners and their wives at the Porter residence to meet the Prime Minster.
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of a small card giving directions from the church to the reception area for Dana Porter's wake at 32 Heath Street West in Toronto.
Porter, Dana Harris
Don Jail escape : exhibit photo album.
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of an album of photographs used as evidence in the case of the 1952 jail break of the Boyd Gang at the Don Jail. The photographs are listed in the front of the album, but they have been left in original order in the album itself (not ... »
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of an ink and crayon drawing of a landscape in Hong Kong, by an unknown artist.
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
Series consists of ephemera created and accumulated by Dana Porter. Includes business cards, programmes and invitations, typed materials, honourary degrees and campaign materials.
Porter, Dana Harris
Excerpt from "On the Art of Writing", by Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch.
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of an except from page 96 of Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch's work On the Art of Writing
Porter, Dana Harris
Excerpts from "Back View" by Harold Morris, Q.C.
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of a typed collection of quotes from Back View by Harold Morris.
Porter, Dana Harris
Federal Provincial Conference.
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
Photograph of members of the Federal Provincial Conference (October 3-5), 1955. Identifications from enclosed sheet.
Federal Provincial Conference.
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of one photograph showing members of the Federal Provincial Conference.
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of a transcript of Dana Porter's speech from the Eighty-second Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Manufacturers' Association Fire Protection Conference, royal York hotel, Toronto, May 27th, 28th, 29th, 1953. Item was reprinted from ... »
Porter, Dana Harris
Fiscal Power and the Constitution.
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
Porter, Dana Harris
Ganaraska Forest tree planting ceremony.
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of two photographs showing Dana Porter at the tree planting ceremony at Ganaraska Forest on May 14, 1947.
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of alphabetized and tabbed notes on a variety of topics relating to Dana Porter's portfolios and positions in the Ontario Government.
Porter, Dana Harris
Governors of the University of Toronto : record of death of Dana Porter.
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of a record of death from the Governors of the University of Toronto regarding the passing of Dana Porter. Includes one leaf with a letter regarding Porter's relationship to UofT and original folder.
Porter, Dana Harris
Hamilton Teacher's Council Banquet.
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of one photograph showing Dana Porter with H.E. Plewman (Chairman of the Hamilton Board of Education) and W.A. Tindale (President of the Hamilton Teacher's Council) at the Hamilton Teacher's Council Banquet.
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of one drawing of Dana Porter by Ed Keiss.
Keiss, Ed
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of forty one photographs showing immigrants coming to Canada under Dana Porter's 1947 plan to airlift 10,000 British immigrants to Canada. Individual photographs feature descriptions on the verso.
Porter, Dana Harris
In memoriam : The Honourable Dana Porter, Chief Justice of Ontario.
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of the service programme for the funeral of Dana Porter. A list of honorary pallbearers appears on the verso and includes Claude T. Bissell, John Diefenbaker, Leslie Frost, Ira G. Needles, and John Roberts, among others.
Porter, Dana Harris
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of the In Memoriam guest book from the funeral of Dana Porter.
Porter, Dana Harris
Jacob Clements Murder of the King and Recent Papist Martyr.
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of notes on Jacob Clement, ms. copy of the poem "Jacob Clements Murder of the King and Recent Papist Martyr" in German and one item of correspondence from W.R. Stewart to J.A.G. Althouse giving the English translation.
Porter, Dana Harris
Laying of Ontario Provincial Police headquarters cornerstone.
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of twenty-two photographs of the corner stone laying ceremony for the OPP headquarters. The cornerstone was laid by Dana Porter, William J. Dunlop, T. Ray Connell and Allan F. Lawrence.
Porter, Dana Harris