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Tony Urquhart fonds
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A.K. Collings Fine Art Gallery.

File consists of materials relating to an exhibit of Tony Urquhart's works at A.K. Collings Fine Art Gallery. Includes four items of correspondence for Aurelie Collings, exhibit advertising, lists of art works, financial information and a clipping.

Urquhart, Tony

Andre Christensen commission.

File consists of materials relating to a commission from Andre Christensen. Includes correspondence and photocopies of artworks.

Urquhart, Tony

Annecy, France.

File consists of thirty one slides showing grave markers in Annecy, France.

Urquhart, Tony

Arcachon, France.

File consists of twenty four slides showing grave markers in Arcachon, France.

Urquhart, Tony

Arles, France.

File consists of twenty two slides showing grave markers in Arles, France.

Urquhart, Tony

Art Bronzes International.

File consists of correspondence, invoices and a contract between Tony Urquhart, and Art Bronzes International (ABI) and Madison Gallery. The materials concern a promotion by ABI to create and promote the sale of limited edition works of bronze sculpture ... »

Urquhart, Tony

Articles and writings.

File consists of typed articles and writings written by Tony Urquhart, including works about his own work, art in general, and other artists.

Urquhart, Tony

Artist talk.

Transcript of a speech, and accompanying photographs, of an artist talk given by Tony Urquhart.

Urquhart, Tony


Programme from the 21st annual Region of Waterloo artsawards. Tony Urquhart was awarded the lifetime achievement award.

Urquhart, Tony


Includes original artworks from childhood, sketches, illustrations, photocopies of artworks and one sketch by Tony's son Marsh Urquhart.

Urquhart, Tony

Auvers, France.

File consists of seven slides showing grave markers in Auvers, France.

Urquhart, Tony

Besancon, France.

File consists of seven slides showing grave markers in Besancon, France.

Urquhart, Tony


File consists of typed biographical information on Tony Urquhart including a CV.

Urquhart, Tony


Series is comprised of materials created and accumulated by Tony Urquhart documenting his activities, career, and personal life. Includes clippings, ephemera, award materials, materials related to trips, and more.

Urquhart, Tony

Biographical information.

File consists of handwritten and typed notes, interviews, ephemera, calendars, speeches, and articles relating to the personal and professional life of Tony Urquhart written by both him and others. Also includes a comprehensive CV.

Urquhart, Tony

Bourges, France.

File consists of five slides showing grave markers in Bourges, France.

Urquhart, Tony

Caen, France.

File consists of six slides showing grave markers in Caen, France.

Urquhart, Tony

Canadian Artists' Representation

Series is comprised of materials created and accumulated by Tony Urquhart relating to artists' representation in Canada. Includes materials related to his work with CARFAC as well as to artists' representation organizations to which he belongs.

Urquhart, Tony

Canadian Artists' Representation.

File consists of materials created by Canadian Artists' Representation (CARFAC). Includes correspondence, short publications and more.

Urquhart, Tony

Canadiana Fund.

File consists of materials relating to the donation of artworks by Tony Urquhart to the Canadiana Fund. Includes correspondence and contracts as well as information on the Canadiana Fund.

Urquhart, Tony

Carcasonne, France.

File consists of seven slides showing grave markers in Carcassone, France.

Urquhart, Tony


File consists of one item of correspondence from CARFAC to Tony Urquhart regarding the CARFAC conference.

Urquhart, Tony


Materials relating to CARFAC [Canadian Artists' Representation le Front de Artistes Canadiens] and CARO [Canadian Artists' Representation Ontario]. Includes newsletters, membership correspondence, and a write-up by Aiden Uquhart on CARFAC.

Urquhart, Tony


File consists of two slides showing grave markers in Cary.

Urquhart, Tony


File consists of clippings (original and photocopies) accumulated by Tony Urquhart relating to his professional life, as well as to the professional and personal lives of friends and colleagues.

Urquhart, Tony


Clippings from newspapers and magazines on Tony's life and work, as well as reviews of his exhibits.

Urquhart, Tony

Clippings : interests.

File consists of clippings accumulated by Tony Urquhart relating to his interests, primarily in the arts.

Urquhart, Tony


File consists of items of correspondence between Tony Urquhart and others. Correspondents include :

  • Alvin Balkin
  • Jane Bell
  • Linda Belshaw
  • Ross Bollerup
  • Carol Borland
  • Roch Carrier
  • Ian Clark
  • Catherine Dawling
  • Linbda Fardin
  • Robert Ferraro
  • Sean Fraser
  • ... »

Urquhart, Tony


Series is comprised of ca. 150 items of correspondence between Tony Urquhart and others. Includes letters, cards, and email printouts. Correspondents are listed at the file level.

Urquhart, Tony


File consists of five items of personal and professional correspondence between Tony Urquhart and others. Correspondents include: Dion, Stephane; Edmonds, Helen; Essar, Gary; Urquhart, Emily.

Urquhart, Tony


File consists of one item of correspondence to Tony Urquhart from an unknown correspondent. Also includes nine photographs of Pere Lachaise Cemetery.

Urquhart, Tony


File consists of two items of personal correspondence between Tony Urquhart and others. Correspondents include: Lacroix, Nicolas; Listen up Canada.

Urquhart, Tony


File consists of twenty two items of personal and professional correspondence between Tony Urquhart and others. Correspondents include: Downe, Susan; Ducornet, Guy; Hankin, Linda; Henry, Victoria; The Isaacs Gallery; Kitchener Waterloo Art Gallery; ... »

Urquhart, Tony


File consists of two items of personal correspondence between Tony Urquhart and others. Grande, John; Turner, Wendy.

Urquhart, Tony


File consists of thirty two items of personal and professional correspondence between Tony Urquhart and others. Also includes a flyer for a show of Urquhart's works at the Centre Culturel Canadien in Paris from 1975. Correspondents include:

  • Ainslie,
  • ... »

Urquhart, Tony


File consists of six items of personal and professional correspondence between Tony Urquhart and others. Correspondents include: Hill, Charlie; Hill, Fran; Hinton, Jane; [H?], Elizabeth.

Urquhart, Tony


File consists of seven items of personal and professional correspondence between Tony Urquhart and others. Also includes an unrelated list of artwork shown in 2006 at Cahirsiveen library in Ireland. Correspondents include: [F?], Hanah; Jean, Michaelle; ... »

Urquhart, Tony


File consists of four items of personal correspondence between Tony Urquhart and others. Correspondents include: Issacs, Renann; Johnston, David; [?], Grace.

Urquhart, Tony


File consists of three items of personal correspondence between Tony and Jane Urquhart, and others. Correspondents include: Ketcherson, Phly; Kirkton, Doug; Korp, Maureen.

Urquhart, Tony

Correspondence : Andreae, Janice.

File consists of one item of correspondence from Janice Andreae as well as two photocopies of a review of Tony Urquhart's exhibit at Bau-Xi by Andreae from artmagazine.

Urquhart, Tony

Correspondence : Governor General's Award.

File consists of six items of correspondence to Tony Urquhart congratulating him on winning the Governor General's Award in Visual and Media Arts. Correspondents include: Carson, Judy; McIntosh Gallery; Parson, Wayne; Triano, Larry & Alice; [?], Rosanne; [?], Andrew.

Urquhart, Tony

Correspondence : Oniakara.

File consists of one item of correspondence, with accompanying documentation consisting of an outline of Oniakara : The Niagara Sculpture Project.

Urquhart, Tony

Correspondence : Order of Canada (1 of 2).

File consists of 48 items of correspondence to Tony Urquhart congratulating him on receiving the Order of Canada. Correspondents include:

  • Adler, B&H;
  • Ainslie, Jock & Hill;
  • Banks, Robin;
  • Beynon, Aggie;
  • Black, Catherine;
  • Blain, Brad;
  • Burnett,
  • ... »

Urquhart, Tony

Correspondence : other.

Twenty-three items of correspondence from Tony to others. Includes letters to his wife, Jane, other family and friends, and professional contacts.

Urquhart, Tony

Correspondence : other.

Thirty-two items of correspondence to Tony from others. Includes letters from his wife Jane Urquhart, child Aiden Urquhart, and friends.

Urquhart, Tony

Correspondence (2 of 3).

File consists of ca. 120 items of personal and professional correspondence between Tony Urquhart and others as well as accompanying documentation including exhibit promotional materials, an article, and a collection of comics. Correspondents include:

Urquhart, Tony

Correspondence from Maryon Urquhart and Mamie Morse to Tony and Madeline Urquhart.

Nine items of correspondence from Maryon Urquhart and Mamie Morse to Tony Urquhart while Tony was travelling in Europe with his wife Madeline while on their honeymoon. Also includes ephemera from the trip including receipts, invoices, rental agreements ... »

Urquhart, Tony

Corsica, France.

File consists of eighty eight slides, largely showing grave markers in Corsica, France.

Urquhart, Tony

Design notes.

Design notes from when Tony Urquhart was a student at the Albright Knox art school in Buffalo.

Urquhart, Tony

Dijon/Dole, France.

File consists of fourteen slides showing grave markers in Dijon and Dole, France.

Urquhart, Tony

Dordogne, France.

File consists of thirteen slides showing grave markers in Dordogne, France.

Urquhart, Tony

Eloise, France.

File consists of two slides showing grave markers in Eloise, France.

Urquhart, Tony

Exhibit promotion.

File consists of exhibit catalogues and promotional materials from various group and solo shows of the works of Tony Urquhart. Includes catalogues for:

  • City of Kitchener Artist in Residence Program
  • Landscape from the Ground up group exhibit at Gallery
  • ... »

Urquhart, Tony

Exhibit promotion : others.

File consists of exhibit catalogues and promotional materials from group and solo exhibits showcasing the works of other artists. Includes: solo exhibit by Paul Fournier; group exhibit "Expo 67 Revisited"; group show for the Glasgow School of Art; group ... »

Urquhart, Tony


Series is comprised of materials created and accumulated by Tony Urquhart relating to solo and group exhibitions of which he has been a part. Includes ephemera, promotional materials, correspondence, etc.

Urquhart, Tony

Exhibitions : By Others

Series is comprised of materials created and accumulated by Tony Urquhart relating to solo and group exhibitions of others. Includes promotional materials.

Urquhart, Tony

Exhibitions : Curated by Urquhart.

Series consists of materials relating to the planning and execution of the exhibit "Vimy and After: Drawings by Walter Seymour Allward" curated by Tony Urquhart.

Urquhart, Tony

Exhibits : souvenirs: the cemetery landscapes of Tony Urquhart.

File consists of materials created and accumulated by Tony Urquhart relating to his solo exhibition "Souvenirs: The Cemetery Landscapes of Tony Urquhart" held at the Stewart Hall Art Gallery. Includes correspondence relating to the exhibit, handwritten ... »

Urquhart, Tony

Florence, Italy.

File consists of fifteen slides showing grave markers in Florence, Italy.

Urquhart, Tony

Frangy, France.

File consists of thirteen slides showing grave markers in Frangy, France.

Urquhart, Tony

Furniture auction broadside.

Broadside advertising a furniture auction for A. Morse, cabinetmaker, who was retiring from the business. The auction was held December 28th and 29th, 1854 in Drummondville.

Urquhart, Tony

Gallerie D'este.

File consists of materials relating to the exhibition and sale of Tony Urquhart's works at Gallerie D'este. Includes two items of correspondence between Tony and the gallery, a sample contract, handwritten notes by Urquhart, business cards, and promotional materials.

Urquhart, Tony

Gallery Stratford : program committee.

File consists of materials accumulated by Tony Urquhart related to his time on the program committee at Gallery Stratford. Includes a yearly exhibit schedule with handwritten notes, a call for a curator with handwritten notes by Urquhart, and a write up ... »

Urquhart, Tony

Genoa, Italy.

File consists of twenty slides showing grave markers in Genoa, Italy.

Urquhart, Tony

Governor General's Award.

File consists of materials created and accumulated by Tony Urquhart relating to his receiving the 2009 Governor General’s Awards in Visual and Media Arts for his work with CARFAC. File includes 12 items of correspondence, materials relating to the award ... »

Urquhart, Tony

Grenoble, France.

File consists of fifty eight slides showing grave markers in Grenoble, France.

Urquhart, Tony

Hugh Mackenzie.

Correspondence relating to a proposal for a retrospective of the artworks of Hugh Mackenzie.

Urquhart, Tony

Idea Book.

File consists of one commercially produced 14 x 9 cm 160 page notebook with a painting by Monet on the covers used by Tony Urquhart as an idea book. The book includes approximately seventy five pages of drawings, approximately forty one of which are ... »

Urquhart, Tony

Idea Book.

File consists of one commercially produced 11 x 17 cm 200 page ruled lined notebook used by Tony Urquhart as an idea book. The covers are black board and the front cover has a small circle painting. The first two leaves of the book have been taped ... »

Urquhart, Tony

Idea Book.

File consists of one commercially made 15 x 11 cm 28 page notebook used by Tony Urquhart as an idea book. The book is dated on the interior cover as being used from April 30 1996-August 1996. The idea book has 11 pages with drawings, approximately half ... »

Urquhart, Tony

Idea Book.

File consists of one 84 page 14 x 9 cm moleskin notebook used by Tony Urquhart as in idea book. The cover of the book has a small circular painting. The inside cover dates the book as having been used June 9, 2004-Jan. 26, 2005. The book includes ... »

Urquhart, Tony

Idea Book.

File consists of one hand made 17 x 11 cm 40 page accordion style idea book used by Tony Urquhart. This idea book was kept during a 2008 trip to France on the fiftieth anniversary of Urquhart's first visit to France. The book is bound in blue cloth and ... »

Urquhart, Tony

Results 1 to 100 of 222