12th Line culvert : site plan, Jan. 17, 1964.
- SCA206-GA184-10-1084
- File
- 1964
File consists of one loose blueprint.
Grand River Conservation Commission
This site is a work in progress. Tell us what you think.
12th Line culvert : site plan, Jan. 17, 1964.
File consists of one loose blueprint.
Grand River Conservation Commission
File consists of budget estimates for 1959. Includes ms. and ts. notes and drafts, etc. Includes review of work done since 1938.
Grand River Conservation Commission
File consists of two ms. notes, communications from an employee to I. Kao.
Grand River Conservation Commission
File consists of "A" correspondence to and from E.F. Roberts concerning building or bridge parts for sale; also concerning hiring policy for the Conestogo Project. Includes ms. notes.
Grand River Conservation Commission
File consists of correspondence: one letter to and reply from E.F. Roberts re enumeration for census purposes on lands owned by the GRCC..
Grand River Conservation Commission
File consists of "A" correspondence to and from E.F. Roberts, primarily Armco Drainage and Metal products.
Grand River Conservation Commission
File consists of "A" correspondence to and from E.F. Roberts, primarily with Amalgamated Electric Corporation re circuit breakers at the dam, also with H.G. Acres.
Grand River Conservation Commission
File consists of "A" correspondence, one letter from E.F. Roberts to a supplier.
Grand River Conservation Commission
File consists of "A" correspondence to and from E.F. Roberts re alleged damage caused by discharge of water.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Accounts : working sheets, 1963.
File consists of correspondence, invoices, receipts and account balances. Includes ms. notes and working papers.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Accounts file : no. 75, April, May, June 1953.
File consists of correspondence to and from E.F. Roberts re accounts for the second quarter of 1953. Includes invoices, receipts, ms. notes and draft calculations.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Accounts file : no. 76, July, Aug., Sept. 1953.
File consists of correspondence to and from E.F. Roberts re accounts for the third quarter of 1953. Includes invoices, receipts, ms. notes and draft calculations.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Accounts passed : executive meetings, 1963.
File consists of dated account summaries prepared for executive meetings. Includes pencil markings.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Accounts passed : executive meetings, 1964.
File consists of dated account summaries prepared for executive meetings. Includes pencil markings.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Accounts passed at meeting of Grand River Conservation Commission dated January 6th, 1939.
File consists of "Statement of accounts, January 6th, 1939" accompanied by original receipts, invoices etc.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Unlabelled folder containing accounting records for 1960, prefaced by a sheet of account numbers and ledger headings.
Grand River Conservation Commission
File consists of material relating to the Conestogo Dam project, including correspondence to and from Wm. Philip and others and reports from H.G. Acres Co., Consulting Engineers. This general file covers all aspects of the project from land expropriation, engineering, government support, etc. Includes ms. notes by Wm. Philip as well as ms. draft letters by E.F. Roberts.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Administration : Board Minutes : Secretary-Treasurer's Files
Series consists of successive Secretary-Treasurer's copies of GRCC minutes and supporting documentation. Files contain in addition to minutes all pertinent correspondence sent and received by the Secretary-Treasurer, some copies of executive minutes, ms. notes and drafts of correspondence and documents. Annual meeting files contain lists of commission members for the year commencing, also correspondence form the various municipalities re attendance, members, etc.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Administration : Chairman's Files : Wm. Philip
Series consists of William A. Philip's files accumulated and maintained primarily during his tenure as Chairman of the Grand River Conservation Commission, and relating to its operations and activities. Includes correspondence (some legal), minutes, reports, ms. notes, plans etc., concerning land acquisition, dam projects, reforestation, flood control, agreements and relations with federal and provincial governments.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Series consists of incomplete financial records of the Grand River Conservation Commission from 1936 to 1965. Includes bank books, cash journals, journals, cheque registers, ledgers and cost studies.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Administration : Financial : Accounts : Conestogo
Series consists of material relating to the capital and land clearing accounts for financing and construction of the Conestogo Dam Project, including gauge stations. Each folder contains quarterly financial statements for a particular account, accompanied by correspondence, receipts, invoices, tax notices, ms. notes, etc.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Administration : Financial : Accounts : Salvage and Other
Series consists of material relating to GRCC salvage, miscellaneous and special accounts. Folders contain quarterly financial statements for a particular account, accompanied by correspondence, receipts, invoices, tax notices, ms. notes, etc. The salvage account tracked revenue received from the sale of materials such as fence posts, demolition and or/sale of buildings on GRCA property.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Administration : Financial : Accounts : Shand
Series consists of material relating to Shand Dam operating accounts, including expenditures for taxes, insurance, operation and general maintenance, cottage lots, equipment, saw mill, nursery, reforestation, woodlot management and uniforms. Each folder contains quarterly financial statement accompanied by correspondence, receipts, invoices, tax notices, ms. notes, etc.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Administration : Manager's Files : Ilmar Kao 1958-1959
Series consists of files created and maintained by Ilmar Kao in his position as Manager and Assistant Secretary of the Grand River Conservation Commission during 1958 and 1959. Includes correspondence, memoranda, reports, invoices, ms. notes and calculations etc. relating to land acquisition, cottage and property rental, services, insurance, dam operations, forestry operations, Mechanical and Maintenance Department operations, relations with municipalities and government departments, and personnel.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Administration : Secretary Treasurer's Files : 1938-1941 : F.P. Adams
Series consists of files belonging to F.P. Adams, Secretary Treasurer of the Grand River Conservation Commission, dating from 1938 until 1941concerning all aspects of the organization, administration and operations of the Commission. Includes finance and accounting; personnel; land acquisition and management; dam project records; relations with municipalities, government departments and ordinary citizens. Includes correspondence, financial records, minutes, reports, clippings, blueprints, sketches and ephemera.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Administration : Secretary Treasurer's Files : 1960-1966 : Ilmar Kao
Series consists of records created and maintained by Ilmar Kao in his position as Secretary Treasurer of the Grand River Conservation Commission, with some overlap to his previous position as Manager and Assistant Secretary. Includes material relating to the Ayr and Montrose Dams proposal, to assessment costs and notices, insurance, personnel, relations with municipalities and government departments, operations including dam, forestry, maintenance, land acquisition and management, cottage lots and rentals, etc. Contains correspondence, financial records, reports, memoranda, blueprints, ms. notes and calculations.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Administration : Secretary Treasurer's Files : E.F. Roberts
Series consists of files belonging to E.F. Roberts, Secretary Treasurer of the Grand River Conservation Commission, dating from 1942 until 1960 concerning all aspects of the organization, administration and operations of the Commission. The Secretary-Treasurer's position was where all roads crossed with one person overseeing finance and accounting; personnel; land acquisition and management; dam project management; relations with municipalities, government departments and ordinary citizens; environmental monitoring and reforestation. Includes correspondence, financial statements accompanied by supporting invoices etc., minutes, reports, clippings, land deeds, blueprints, sketches and ephemera. The early years of E.F. Roberts tenure are not well represented in these records, most likely the result of a space-saving exercise conducted at some time in the past.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Anemograph charts, April 30-Dec. 31, 1968 : Shand Dam.
File Consists of daily charts recording wind speed and direction.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Anemograph charts, Dec. 31, 1957-Dec. 30, 1958 : Shand Dam.
File Consists of daily charts recording wind speed and direction.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Anemograph charts, Dec. 31, 1958-Dec. 31, 1959 : Shand Dam.
File Consists of daily charts recording wind speed and direction.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Anemograph charts, Jan. 19-Dec. 30, 1957 : Shand Dam.
File Consists of daily charts recording wind speed and direction.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Anemograph charts, Jan. 1-Dec. 30, 1969 : Shand Dam.
File Consists of daily charts recording wind speed and direction.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Anemograph charts, Jan. 1-Dec. 30, 1970 : Shand Dam.
File Consists of daily charts recording wind speed and direction.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Anemograph charts, Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1960 : Shand Dam.
File Consists of daily charts recording wind speed and direction.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Anemograph charts, Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1962 : Shand Dam.
File Consists of daily charts recording wind speed and direction.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Anemograph charts, Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1963 : Shand Dam.
File Consists of daily charts recording wind speed and direction.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Anemograph charts, Jan. 1-Feb. 29, 1964 : Shand Dam.
File Consists of daily charts recording wind speed and direction.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Anemograph charts, Jan. 2-Dec. 31, 1961 : Shand Dam.
File Consists of daily charts recording wind speed and direction.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Anemograph charts, March 17-Nov. 23 1955 : Shand Dam.
File Consists of daily charts recording wind speed and direction.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Annual and other meeting agendas and minutes.
File contains minutes and financial statements of the GRCC, annual meeting agendas and supporting documents and reports for several years between 1942 and 1959, some marked by Wm. Philip. Includes Wm. Philips ms. notes on assessments to municipalities. Includes a separate group of material relating to setting up a county forest, submitted by I.C. Marritt, Zone Forester.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Annual inspection, Conestogo Dam, November 20, 1957.
File consists of minutes.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Annual meeting, 1946 : agenda.
File consists of W. Philip's copy of the agenda for the 1946 annual meeting, marked.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Annual meeting, Brantford, Feb. 17, 1961.
File consists of annotated agenda, ms. draft minutes by I. Kao, Assistant Secretary. Includes original and carbon copies of motions signed by movers and seconders.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Annual meeting, Brantford, Ont., Feb. 15, 1946.
File consists of agenda, minutes, supporting documents including financial statements, and related correspondence. Includes ms. meeting notes.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Annual meeting, Brantford, Ont., Feb. 15, 1957.
File consists of annotated agenda, minutes, supporting documents and related correspondence. Includes ts. carbon Chairman's report signed by Marcel Pequegnat, ms. draft financial statements.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Annual meeting, Brantford, Ont., Feb. 15, 1963.
File consists of ts. mimeograph agenda and minutes.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Annual meeting, Brantford, Ont., Feb. 15, 1963.
File consists of annotated agenda, supporting documents and related correspondence. Includes original correspondence to the Commission from Geo. E. Fisher, Chairman. Includes ms. draft report and other ms. notes by Ilmar Kao..
Grand River Conservation Commission
Annual meeting, Brantford, Ont., Feb. 15, 1963.
File consists of annotated agenda and minutes.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Annual meeting, Brantford, Ont., Feb. 16, 1945.
File consists of agenda, minutes, supporting documents and related correspondence. Includes ms. Chairman's report by Wm. Philip, as well as newspaper clippings.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Annual meeting, Brantford, Ont., Feb. 16, 1951.
File consists of minutes, annotated agenda, supporting documents including financial statements, and related correspondence.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Annual meeting, Brantford, Ont., Feb. 16, 1954.
File consists of minutes, agenda, supporting documents including financial statements, and related correspondence. Includes ms. meeting and other notes.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Annual meeting, Brantford, Ont., Feb. 16, 1962.
File consists of annotated agenda, supporting documents and related correspondence. Includes ts. carbon correspondence to the Commission from Geo. E. Fisher, Chairman. Includes original ts. "Report of executive meetings with municipalities" signed by R.K. Pequegnat, Vice-Chairman.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Annual meeting, Brantford, Ont., Feb. 17, 1953.
File consists of minutes, agenda, supporting documents and related correspondence. Includes a later report dated April 17, 1953: "Report of a meeting called by the Chief Conservation Engineer, Dept. of Planning and Development, of the Executive, Grand River Conservation Commission, and a Committee appointed by the Grand Valley Conservation Authority" Includes ms. notes.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Annual meeting, Brantford, Ont., Feb. 17, 1956.
File consists of annotated agenda, minutes, supporting documents and related correspondence. Includes ts. carbon Chairman's report signed by Marcel Pequegnat, ms. draft financial statements and ms. notes. Minutes of special meeting April 5 1956 (held later) also in this file.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Annual meeting, Brantford, Ont., Feb. 18, 1944.
File consists of agenda, supporting documents and related correspondence. Includes ts. and ms original Chairman's and ts. original Secretary-Treasurer's reports. Includes ts. lists of forestry plots. Includes ms. notes
Grand River Conservation Commission
Annual meeting, Brantford, Ont., Feb. 18, 1955.
File consists of annotated agenda, minutes, supporting documents and related correspondence. Includes ts. carbon Chairman's report signed by Marcel Pequegnat. File also contains "Interim report re Conestogo Project" by E.F. Roberts, dated April 1, 1955.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Annual meeting, Brantford, Ont., Feb. 19, 1960.
File consists of agenda, minutes, supporting documents including financial statements, and related correspondence. Includes a newspaper clipping re Thames water supply. Includes ms. notes by I. Kao.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Annual meeting, Brantford, Ont., Feb. 19, 1960.
File consists of annotated agenda, minutes, supporting documents and related correspondence. Working file includes ms. notes and calculations, draft budget, draft meeting notes and minutes by I. Kao.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Annual meeting, Brantford, Ont., Feb. 20, 1948.
File consists of annotated agenda, supporting documents and related correspondence. Includes ms. and ts. original communications to the Commission by Wm. Philip, Chairman. Includes unattributed 3 p. ts. original document: "Proper land use policy for the Province of Ontario in Relation to Conservation Authorities." Includes ts. original Secretary-Treasurer's report.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Annual meeting, Brantford, Ont., Feb. 20, 1959.
File consists of annotated agenda, minutes, supporting documents including financial statements, and related correspondence. Includes ms. meeting notes.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Annual meeting, Brantford, Ont., Feb. 21, 1964.
File consists of annotated agenda, supporting documents and related correspondence. Includes original correspondence to the Commission from Geo. E. Fisher, Chairman. Includes ms. notes and calculations by Ilmar Kao..
Grand River Conservation Commission
Annual meeting, Brantford, Ont., Feb. 22, 1952.
File consists of minutes, supporting documents and related correspondence. Includes newspaper clipping (K-W Record, Mar. 1, 1952) of a portrait of the members of the commission taken at this meeting.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Annual meeting, Brantford, Ont., Feb. 24, 1950.
File consists of agenda, supporting documents including financial statements and related correspondence. Includes ms. meeting notes.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Annual meeting, Brantford, Ont., Feb. 4, 1949.
File consists of minutes, annotated agenda, supporting documents including financial statements, and related correspondence. Includes ms. notes.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Annual meeting, Feb. 15, 1957 : agenda and supporting documents.
File consists of the agenda and some supporting documents for the annual meeting held Feb. 15, 1957. Includes a report with title "Re the roads and bridges scheme of the Conestogo project, being carried out by the Grand River Conservation Commission," dated May 23, 1957.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Annual meeting, Feb. 17, 1961.
File consists of agenda, minutes, supporting documents and related correspondence. Includes memoranda from I. Kao to E.F. Roberts accompanied by ms. budget check list for 1960, draft 1961 budget, expenses and revenues re logging and sawmill operations 1959-1960. Includes "Inventory values of buildings and equipment" and ts. carbon report to the Commission by Chairman Geo. F. Fisher. Includes ms. notes and calculations by Ilmar Kao.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Annual meeting, Feb. 19, 1965.
File consists of agenda, supporting documents, minutes and related correspondence to and from Ilmar J. Kao.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Annual meeting, Feb. 21, 1958.
File consists of agenda, minutes, supporting documents including financial statements, and related correspondence . Includes and ms. carbon copy of By-Law #1 and ms. Notes. Secretary Treasurer's report for 1958 is also in this file, signed by E.F. Roberts, Chief Engineer and Treasurer and N.R. Drimmie, Secretary. Secretary Treasurer's report for 1957 signed by E.F. Roberts.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Annual meeting, Galt, Ont., Feb. 21, 1947.
File consists of minutes, annotated agenda, supporting documents including financial statements, and related correspondence. Includes ts. originals of Chairman's address and Secretary Treasurer's reports.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Annual meeting, Galt, Ont., Feb. 21, 1964.
File consists of annotated agenda, supporting documents and minutes.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Annual report : Mr. E.F. Roberts, Secretary-Treasurer, 1952.
File consists of E.F. Roberts report for 1952, prepared for the annual meeting held Feb. 1953.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Annual report : Mr. E.F. Roberts, Secretary-Treasurer, 1953.
File consists of E.F. Roberts report for 1953, prepared for the annual meeting held Feb. 1954. Includes ms. draft.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Annual report and Secretary-Treasurer's report, 1952.
File consists of annotated agenda, ts. mimeograph Chairman's and Secretary Treasurer's reports dated Feb. 22, 1952 (for 1951), financial statements dated Dec. 31, 1952 and ms. draft Secretary Treasurer's report, prepared for the Annual meeting, Feb. 17, 1953. Includes annotated agenda for the latter.
Grand River Conservation Commission
File consists of E.F. Roberts report and working file for 1951, prepared for the annual meeting held Feb. 1952.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Annual reports: 1948, 1949, 1950, 1951.
File consists official annual reports prepared by Scully and Scully for the years 1948-1951.
Grand River Conservation Commission
File consists of application letters for the post of Resident Operator of the Shand Dam and further correspondence with H.A. Cameron who was awarded the position.
Grand River Conservation Commission
File consists of manager Ilmar Kao's working papers re text for signs for conservation areas. Includes correspondence with E.F. Roberts, suppliers and with A.H. Richardson, Chief Conservation Engineer, Ontario Department of Planning and Development, Conservation Branch.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Armstrong Bridge : blueprints, April 1, 1964.
File consists of four loose blueprints.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Arnold Bridge : blueprints, April 22, 1964.
File consists of five loose blueprints.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Assessment : I.K. notes, 1963.
File consists of material relating to proposed Ayr and Montrose projects. Includes ts. draft report, tables, newspaper clipping, ms. tables and calculations by Ilmar Kao..
Grand River Conservation Commission
Assessment of costs : Ayr and Montrose Projects : meeting , Galt, Ont., June 14, 1963.
File consists of a ts. mimeograph special committee report including Chairman's letter of May 30, 1963, report by assessors, review of assessments.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Assessment of costs: details, April 18, 1939.
File consists of copies of a 3 page document outlining details of cost assessments to participating municipalities by the GRCC for water supply, sewage disposal and flood control.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Auditors' annual report for year 1950 : Scully and Scully, 1951.
File consists of Scully and Scully's "Annual Report" to the GRCC for 1950, dated Jan. 31, 1951, with attached financial statements.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Auditors' annual report for year 1951 : Scully and Scully, 1952.
File consists of Scully and Scully's "Annual Report" to the GRCC for 1951, dated Feb. 4, 1952, with attached financial statements.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Auditors' annual report for year 1953 : Scully and Scully, 1953.
File consists of Scully and Scully's "Annual Report" to the GRCC, dated Dec. 31, 1953, with attached financial statements.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Auditors quarterly statements, 1960.
File consists of quarterly statements by Scully and Scully for March, June, Sept. and Dec. 1960.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Auditors quarterly statements, 1961.
File consists of quarterly statements by Scully and Scully for March, Sept. and Dec. 1961. Includes ms. working paper by I. Kao.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Auditor's quarterly statements, 1963.
File consists of auditor's quarterly statements for Shand operating accounts for1963.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Auditors quarterly statements, 1965.
File consists of Shand operating accounts for four quarters, 1965.
Grand River Conservation Commission
File consists of Scully and Scully's "annual report" to the GRCC, dated Dec. 31, 1957, with attached financial statements and cover letter dated Feb. 6, 1958.
Grand River Conservation Commission
File consists of quarterly statements by Scully and Scully for March, June and Sept., 1959, with ts. carbon cover letters by E.F. Roberts.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Ausable watershed : land use survey : soils.
Coloured soil survey map issued by the Ontario Department of Planning and Development, Conservation Branch.
Grand River Conservation Commission
File consists of correspondence to Wm. Philip as well as material relating to budgeting, precipitation, runoff, expropriation, and a visit from Melville V. Cohee of the of the U.S. Soil Conservation Service. Includes itinerary, ms. original and draft correspondence.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Automatic rain gauge : monthly report, May-November 1955, April and August 1956 : Shand Dam.
File Consists of monthly charts recording rainfall.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Ayr and Montrose Dam sites : letters regarding cottage lots, 1963.
File consists of correspondence. Includes ms. notes.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Ayr and Montrose Dam Sites Letters re cottage lots to rent.
File consists of correspondence to and from I. Kao and the GRCC regarding cottage lots.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Ayr and Montrose Dams : accounts paid, 1963-1964
File consists of financial statement for Ayr and Montrose accounts for the Sept. 26, 1963 to June 30, 1964, accompanied by receipts and invoices.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Ayr and Montrose Dams : annual meeting, 1962.
File consists of material relating to the Ayr and Montrose Dam project. Includes reports presented at the annual meeting and a letter from I. Kao to G.E. Fisher dated May 4, 1962 re preliminary cost estimates and construction schedule for the project. Chairman's report dated Feb. 16, 1962 refers to "sudden passing of Mr. Roberts, office moved from Brantford to Fergus, re-organization now complete.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Ayr and Montrose Dams : consulting engineers.
File consists of material relating to selection of engineering consultants for the "hydrological and economic study of the Grand River watershed." Includes correspondence to and from I. Kao, submissions and expressions of interest.
Grand River Conservation Commission
Ayr and Montrose Dams : Department of Lands and Forests.
File consists of material relating to the amalgamation of the GRCC and GVCA as well as to submission of the Ayr and Montrose Dam proposal. . Includes correspondence with A. Kelso Roberts, Minister of the Dept. of lands and Forests concerning receipt of a report by Prof. D.J. Clough, as well as other correspondence. One letter annotated by G.E. Fisher "A hot reply."
Grand River Conservation Commission