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Stark Brothers Nurseries collection.
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Stark Brothers Nurseries collection.

  • SCA362-GA415
  • Collection
  • 1919-1921

Materials published by Stark Brothers Nurseries for the purposes of advertising and selling their fruit trees, particularly apple trees.

Stark Brothers Nurseries

Price lists.

Price lists for Stark Brother fruit trees and seeds for May 1, 1920, August 1, 1920 and January 1, 1921.

Stark Brothers Nurseries

Poster advertisment.

One poster advertising Golden Delicious and Red Delicious apples. When the post was created the Golden Delicious was a new strain of apple that was proprietary to Stark Brothers.

Stark Brothers Nurseries

Order forms.

Order forms for Stark Brothers Nurseries trees and seeds, as well as purchase agreements for Golden Delicious Apples.

Stark Brothers Nurseries

Magazine advertisements.

Magazine advertisements for Stark Brothers Nurseries fruit tress and plants. Includes a magazine inset for Stark Brothers, and ads from American Fruit Grower Magazine.

Stark Brothers Nurseries


Envelopes from Stark Brothers Nurseries. Includes both envelopes mailed to Tobias Schantz as well as return envelopes for orders.

Stark Brothers Nurseries


Correspondence from Stark Brothers Nurseries to potential buyers advertising stock. Also includes two letters addressed to Tobias Schantz answering his questions about prices and stock.

Stark Brothers Nurseries