2 bays north side of nave, Winchester Cath[edral], England.
- SCA343-GA392-1
- File
- August 16, 1901
Photograph of two bays in the north side of the nave of the Winchester Cathedral, England.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
This site is a work in progress. Tell us what you think.
2 bays north side of nave, Winchester Cath[edral], England.
Photograph of two bays in the north side of the nave of the Winchester Cathedral, England.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
A sunset, Scarborough Ontario.
Photograph of a sunset at Scarborough Ontario.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Abbaye aux Dames (La Ste. Trinite), Caen.
Photograph of the south west corner of Abbey of Sainte-Trinit
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Abbot Ramridge's [Ramryge] tomb, St. Alban's Cath[edral].
Photograph of Abbot Ramryge's tomb in St. Alban's Cathedral, England.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
One aerial photogrpah of Kitchener, Ontario.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
One aerial photogrpah of Kitchener, Ontario. The aerial shows King and Victoria with the CNR train tracks to KCI and Mt. Hope Cemetery.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
One aerial photogrpah of Kitchener, Ontario.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
One aerial photogrpah of Kitchener, Ontario.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
One aerial photogrpah of Kitchener, Ontario.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
One aerial photogrpah of Kitchener, Ontario.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
One aerial photogrpah of Kitchener, Ontario.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
One aerial photogrpah of Kitchener, Ontario.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
One aerial photogrpah of Kitchener, Ontario. Note on the envelope indicates that Erb Street may be in this image.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
One aerial photogrpah of Kitchener, Ontario.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
One aerial photogrpah of Kitchener, Ontario.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Apse of Abbaye aux Dames (La St. Trinite), Caen.
Photograph of the apse of the Abbaye of Sainte-Trinite, also known as the Abbaye aux Dames, in Caen, France.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Apse of Abbaye aux Hommes (St. Etienne), Caen.
Photograph of the apse of the Abbaye of Saint Etienne, also called the Abbaye aux Hommes, in Caen, France.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Two photographs on one plate. The first shows arches in the Deanery at Winchester Cathedral, with the tower of the catherdarl in the background. The second shows a triple arch at Hospital of St. Cross, Winchester.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Photograph of water falling from behind a waterfall.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Bell Tower and Cloisters, New Coll[ege], Oxford.
Photograph of the bell tower and cloisters at New College, Oxford, England.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Body of water with tress and mountains.
Photograph of a body of water with trees and mountains in the background.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Body of water with tress and mountains.
Photograph of a body of water with trees and mountains in the background.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Photograph of four metal buckets hanging over a fire in sticks. This appears to a set up for boiling sap into maple syrup.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Bosses in west hall (south side) Univ. Coll, Toronto.
Photograph of bosses on a wall in the west hall of University College, Toronto.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Photograph of two canoes on the shore of a body of water.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Chancel arches (int), Iffley ch[urch], England.
Photograph of the interior of the Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Iffley showing the arches in the chancel.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Charles Dickens Creighton glass plate negatives.
Collection includes photographs taken by Charles Dickens Creighton of Ontario, Quebec, British Columbia, France and England all around the turn of the 20th century. These include primarily landscapes and architectural features. Also included are 11 Kelsh ... »
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Chateau Frontenac and promenade.
Photograph taken looking along the edge of the Promenade des Gouverneurs in Quebec City. The Chateau Frontenac can be seen as well as a striped awning and the metalwork fence of the Promenade. In the distance is the St. Lawrence River and a portion of ... »
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Photograph of the chevet of the Church of St. Pierre, in Caen, France.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Choir & nave, Winchester Cathedral (from the Presbytery).
Photograph of the choir and nave of Winchester Cathedral, England, taken from Presbytery.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Choir of s. trans[ept] (ext) Winchster Cath[edral], England.
Photograph of the choir of the south transept of Winchester Cathedral, England.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Photograph of a small community on the coast of a body of water. A number of homes are visible as well as horse drawn buggies. In the distance a sailboat can be seen in the water.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Corbels, University College, Toronto.
Photograph of Corbels on the building of University College, Toronto.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Photograph of a thatched roof cottage in Uffington, England.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Doorway in west hall, Univ. Coll, Toronto.
Photograph of an arched doorway in the west hall of University College, Toronto.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
East end, Winchester Cath[edral], England.
Photograph of the east end of Winchester Cathedral, England.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Embankment at Parc de la Chute-Montmorency.
Photograph of an embankment on the edge of a river with trees, possibly at Parc de la Chute-Montmorency.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Enlargement of south choir aisle Ely Cath[edral].
Photograph of the south choir aisle of Ely Cathedral, Ely, England.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Photograph of a line of tress with mountains in the background. This photograph was possibly taken near or at Parc de la Chute-Montmorency.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Gargoyle, University College, Toronto.
Photograph of a gargoyle on the building of University College, Toronto.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Photograph of a glacier and mountains.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Two photographs on one plate. The first shows a glimpse of Commanda Lake, from the road near Restoule and the second South River from a bridge.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Grand Chaudiere, French River (lower end of lower rapid).
Photograph of a portion of French River, Ontario showing rapids.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Grand Chaudiere, French River (upper end of lower rapid).
Photograph of the upper end of the lower rapids of French River, Ontario.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Photograph of a group of people with horses. In the foreground a man in standing holding the reigns of a horse with a man and a woman in the background seated on horseback. They are standing in front of a row of trees and a body of water. On the left of ... »
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Photograph of a waterfall on North River. There is a wooden bridge running across the top of the waterfall.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
House in Cathedral Close, Winchester.
Photograph of Cheyney Court and the Priory Gate, at Winchester Cathedral, Winchester, England.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Photograph of a the Iffley Mill and poplar trees in Iffley, England on the bank of the River Thames. A bridge can also be seen to the left of the mill.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Inglis Falls, near Owen Sound.
Photograph of Inglis Falls, Owen Sound, Ontario.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Interior, Univ. College, Toronto.
Photograph of the interior of University College, Toronto showing a view between three arches.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Interior, Univ. College, Toronto.
Photograph of the interior of University College, Toronto showing a view between three arches.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Photograph of a lake through a frame of tree branches.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Log slide from Porcupine Lake to Ragged Lake.
Photograph of a log slide from Porcupine Lake to Ragged Lake, Ontario.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Magdalen Coll[ege] Tower, Oxford (from other side of bank of Cherwell).
Photograph of the tower of Magdalen College, Oxford, from the other side of the Cherwell River. A bridge can be seen on the left hand side and three people are relaxing on the bank of the river.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Photograph of a man standing with a walking stick at the bottom of a glacier on a mountain.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Photograph of a man seated at a desk reading the book Man and Superman. There are papers are books on the desk as well as in the barister cabinet mounted on the wall behind him. In the photograph can also be seen a typewritter and a March 1912 calendar.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Man at desk reading newspaper.
Photograph of a man sitting at a desk reading an edition of the Winnipeg Telegram. The man is holding an pencil and there are a number of books and papers stacked on the desk, as well as a barister book cabinet mounted on the wall above the man.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Photograph of a man seated at a desk smoking a pipe. There are books and papers on the desk as well as in the barister cabinet mounted on the wall above the man.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Photograph of a man sitting at a desk writing while smoking a cigar. He is wearing a hat and a copy of Man and Superman is also present on the desk. In the background can be seen an office with other desks and baristers cabinets.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Photograph of a man standing in a boat on the shore of a body of water fishing. The man has his back to the camera and is wearing a shirt with a vest and a hat.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Photograph of a man standing on rock dunes. The man is in silouhette in the distance and is wearing a hat.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Photograph of a snow capped mountain.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Photograph of a passage between two mountains with more mountains in the distance.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Photograph of mountains.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Photograph of mountains. There appears to be snow in the valley between two of the mountains.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Photograph of mountains and trees.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Photograph of a pass between two mountains with more in the distance.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Photograph of mountains.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Photograph of mountains. On some of the mountains snow can be seen.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Photograph between two mountains with other mountains visible in the background. Snow can be seen on some of the mountains.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Photograph of mountains.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Photograph of mountains with trees in the foreground.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
N. choir aisle. St. Cross Hospital, near Winchester.
Photograph of the north aisle of the Hospital of St. Cross, Winchester.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Nave, St. Alban's Cath[edral], Eng.
Photograph of the nave of St. Alban's Cathedral in England
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Norman door, St. Albans Cath[edral], England.
Photograph of a stone archway identified as a door from the Norman period, in St. Albans Cathedral, England.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Two photographs on one plate. The first shows Norman era architectural work in the west aisle of the north end of the transept of Winchester Cathedral. The second shows the tomb of Cardinal Henry Beaufort in Winchester Cathedral, England.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
North nave aisle and window in north transpet, St. Cross near Winchester.
One glass plate with two photographs - the first shows the north nave aisle, and the second a window in the north transept of the Hospital of St Cross and Almshouse of Noble Poverty in Winchester, England.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Old timbered houses, Rue St. Pierre, Caen.
Photograph of two timber houses on Rue St. Pierre in Caen, France. Note that these buildings still exist at numbers 54 and 52 Rue St. Pierre.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
On the Isis at Iffley (from towing path).
Photograph taken on the Isis (The Thames River) in Iffley, England. In the photograph can be seen trees and brush on the banks of the river, as well as four figures on a dock with a boat.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Photograph of what appears to be an outdoor kiln, possibly made of mud or clay. The kiln is on a wooden stand and has a roof of branches. In the background can be seen a fence and a building.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Photograph of the top of a waterfall at Parc de la Chute-Montmorency. A small building can be seen at the top as well as two smoke stacks.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Photograph of the waterfall at Parc de la Chute-Montmorency. At the top of the waterfall can be seen two smoke stacks and two small buildings.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Photograph of three men and one woman on horseback. They are standing in front of a row of trees with the base of a mountain in the background.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Photograph of some brush and shrub plants with a view of mountains and trees in the background.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Photograph of Quebec City taken looking down onto the Promenade des Gouverneurs and the St. Lawrence River. The photograph was possibly taken from the Citadel. Buildings that can be seen include the Chateau Frontenac, Quebec Terminal Company, Quebec Fire,... »
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Photograph taken looking along the edge of the Promenade des Gouverneurs in Quebec City. A striped awning can be seen, as well as the metalwork fence of the Promenade. In the distance is the St. Lawrence River.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Queen's Park and North-West Rebellion memorial statue, Toronto.
Two photographs on one plate. The first shows a side view of Queen's Park, Toronto and the second shows the North-West Rebellion memorial statue on the Queen's Park grounds.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Rapids at Parc de la Chute-Montmorency.
Photograph of rapids with trees in the background, possibly at Parc de la Chute-Montmorency.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Rapids below Inglis Falls near Owen Sound.
Photograph of rapids at the bottom of Inglis Falls, near Owen Sound.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Reredos, New Coll[ege] Chapel, Oxford.
Photograph of the reredos at New College Chapel, Oxford, England.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Restoule Lake, west end, from island.
Photograph of the west end of Restoule Lake.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Photograph of rocks making an arch through which a body of water can be seen.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Photograph of what appears to be rocks.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Photograph of a group of rocks with plants and moss growing on them.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Photograph of a crop of rocks on the edge of the water.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Photograph of a rocky shoreline with trees.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Ruins Wolvesey Palace and Winchester College, Winchester.
One glass plate with two photographs. The first shows Wolvesey Castle (Old Bishop's Palace) and the second Winchester College, both in Winchester, England.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Saxon balusters triforium north transept, St. Albans Cath[edral], England.
Photograph of Anglo-Saxon era balusters on the triforium in the north transpet of St. Albans Cathedral, St. Albans, England.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Smoke Lake, Algonquin Park (from south end).
Photograph of Smoke Lake, in Algonquin Park, from the south end.
Creighton, Charles Dickens
Spire of St. Pierre, Caen (from Rue St. Pierre).
Photograph of the spire of the Church of St. Pierre, Caen, France taken from looking down Rue St. Pierre. A number of businesses and people can be seen on the street including a billiards bar, a pharmacy, Sabatier, and more.
Creighton, Charles Dickens