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Charles Dickens Creighton glass plate negatives.
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Charles Dickens Creighton glass plate negatives.

  • SCA343-GA392
  • Collection
  • September 2, 1899-May 19 1961

Collection includes photographs taken by Charles Dickens Creighton of Ontario, Quebec, British Columbia, France and England all around the turn of the 20th century. These include primarily landscapes and architectural features. Also included are 11 Kelsh ... »

Creighton, Charles Dickens

Chateau Frontenac and promenade.

Photograph taken looking along the edge of the Promenade des Gouverneurs in Quebec City. The Chateau Frontenac can be seen as well as a striped awning and the metalwork fence of the Promenade. In the distance is the St. Lawrence River and a portion of ... »

Creighton, Charles Dickens

Group of people with horses.

Photograph of a group of people with horses. In the foreground a man in standing holding the reigns of a horse with a man and a woman in the background seated on horseback. They are standing in front of a row of trees and a body of water. On the left of ... »

Creighton, Charles Dickens

Man at desk reading book.

Photograph of a man seated at a desk reading the book Man and Superman. There are papers are books on the desk as well as in the barister cabinet mounted on the wall behind him. In the photograph can also be seen a typewritter and a March 1912 calendar.

Creighton, Charles Dickens

Man at desk reading newspaper.

Photograph of a man sitting at a desk reading an edition of the Winnipeg Telegram. The man is holding an pencil and there are a number of books and papers stacked on the desk, as well as a barister book cabinet mounted on the wall above the man.

Creighton, Charles Dickens

Man at desk writing.

Photograph of a man sitting at a desk writing while smoking a cigar. He is wearing a hat and a copy of Man and Superman is also present on the desk. In the background can be seen an office with other desks and baristers cabinets.

Creighton, Charles Dickens

Outdoor kiln.

Photograph of what appears to be an outdoor kiln, possibly made of mud or clay. The kiln is on a wooden stand and has a roof of branches. In the background can be seen a fence and a building.

Creighton, Charles Dickens

Quebec City.

Photograph of Quebec City taken looking down onto the Promenade des Gouverneurs and the St. Lawrence River. The photograph was possibly taken from the Citadel. Buildings that can be seen include the Chateau Frontenac, Quebec Terminal Company, Quebec Fire,... »

Creighton, Charles Dickens

Quebec City promenade.

Photograph taken looking along the edge of the Promenade des Gouverneurs in Quebec City. A striped awning can be seen, as well as the metalwork fence of the Promenade. In the distance is the St. Lawrence River.

Creighton, Charles Dickens

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