50 years a resident Hamilton centennial ribbon.
- SCA11-GA6-310
- File
- 1913
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consist of one 50 years a resident Hamilton centennial ribbon.
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50 years a resident Hamilton centennial ribbon.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consist of one 50 years a resident Hamilton centennial ribbon.
A brief history of the Gonder Family, by Michael Gordon Sherk [i.e. Scherck].
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of one manuscript essay on the Gonder Family of the Niagara District.
A brief history of the Gondor family.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of one manuscript essay on the history of the Gondor family, one of the settler families of the Niagara District. The original finding aid indicates that this was written by M.G. Sherk [i.e. Scherck].
A general council held at Credit settlement near Hagersville, Ont.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of one manuscript report on a meeting between settlers and First Nations groups in Credit Mission, Upper Canada in 1840.
A note to the public from J.S. McDonell.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of one typescript of a note to the public from J.S. McDonell regarding a dispute between himself and Donald Aeneas McDonell. Originally dated June 1836.
Across Canada with the Prince.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of one published volume of Across Canada with the Prince, documenting the Prince of Wales' [Edward VIII] trip to Canada in 1919.
Address by Brig. Gen. E.A. Cruikshank re Battle of Lundy's Lane.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of one typescript of the address by Brig. Gen. E.A. Cruikshank regarding the Battle of Lundy's Lane.
Part of Ontario history collection.
January 29, 1906 edition of Al Hoda [The Guidance].
Anthony Wayne Parkway Board historical research project summary.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of a summary outline of the Anthony Wayne Parkway Board historical research project.
Anton Kaiser discharge certification.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of one document certifying that Anton Kaiser served in De Watteville's regiment in Captain Sturter's Grenadiers during the War of 1812. Dated June 15, 1816.
Appointment of Thomas Carfrae to be collector of duties and customs for the Port of Toronto.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of one document appointing Thomas Carfrae to be collector of duties and customs for the Port of Toronto as well as one item of correspondence informing Thomas of the appointment.
Association of Ontario Land Surveyors Committee on Land Surveying.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of a list of proposed changes for the Association of Ontario Land Surveyors Committee on Land Surveying.
Banquet to our overseas nurses, doctors and chaplains.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of programmes for banquet to our overseas nurses, doctors and chaplains held by the Brantford Local Council of Women.
Baptisms, marriages and deaths recorded in books of St. John's Episcopal Church, Sandwich, Ont.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of manuscript and typescript copies of the register of baptisms, marriages and deaths from the St. John's Episcopal Church from Sandwich, Ont. This church is now St. John's Anglican Church in Windsor Ontario.
Barrett and Couldings 99 cent store.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consist of one paper napkin advertisement for Barrett and Couldings 99 cent store.
Bill No. 53 An Act Respecting the Bureau of Archives.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of Bill No. 53 An Act Respecting the Bureau of Archives.
Blood and Peigan Native Chiefs on their visit to Brantford.
Part of Ontario history collection.
One photograph of Blood [Kaniai] and Peiikani (formerly Piegan) Indigenous Chiefs of the Blackfoot Confederacy in Brantford for the unveiling of the Brant Memorial. The chiefs are identified as One Spot, Red Crow, and North Axe.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of one essay on theology, particularly baptism. Original finding aid indicates that the essay was written by M.G. Sherk [i.e. Scherck].
Brantford's reception to her returned veterans.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of programmes for Brantford's reception to her returned veterans.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of one brief presented by the Ontario Historical Society to the Royal Commission on National Development in the Arts, Letters and Sciences.
Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences meeting notice.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of one notice of meeting for the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences.
Burt's Among the Clouds, Mount Washington.
Part of Ontario history collection.
Newspaper issue of Burt's Among the Clouds, Mount Washington for July 17, 1880.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of one essay on the Butler's Rangers regiment of the Revolutionary War.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of one manuscript note on the Canada Company.
Canada my country, by Clara H. Mountcastle.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of one clipping of the poem Canada my country by Clara H. Mountcastle.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of one typescript on the development of the interest in, and teaching of, Canadian history. Also includes two manuscript notes on the topic.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of a circular on the Canadian Institute.
Captain Joseph Brant, by A.J. Gilkison.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of one manuscript essay on Captain Joseph Brant.
Part of Ontario history collection.
One item of correspondence addressed to Mr. Munro from C.E. Bourne, dated October 2, 1916.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of one typescript of a certification that the Minister of the Dutch Reform Church published a bans of marriage for James Thompson and Rebeccah Spafford. Originally dated August 1814.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of three cheques signed by D. Bethune.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consist of one unidentified chinese sign.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consist of various Chinese writing and drawings.
Part of Ontario history collection.
Circular to school inspectors regarding planning events for Empire Day (May 23rd).
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consist of clippings relating to the city of Brantford.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consist of clippings relating to the city of Brighton.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consist of clippings relating to the city of Brockville.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consist of clippings relating to Canadian history.
Clippings : churches in Canada.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consist of clippings relating to churches in Canada.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consist of clippings relating to Coburg.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consist of clippings relating to cooking utensils.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consist of clippings relating to Cornwall.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consist of clippings relating to education.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consist of clippings relating to Elgin County.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consist of clippings relating to the Fenian Raids.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consist of clippings relating to First Nations.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consist of clippings relating to Guelph.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consist of clippings relating to Hamilton.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consist of clippings relating to Lindsay.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consist of clippings relating to London.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consist of clippings relating to Lord Minto.
Clippings : Methodists in Canada.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consist of clippings relating to Methodists in Canada.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consist of clippings relating to missions.
Clippings : Niagara on the Lake.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consist of clippings relating to Niagara on the Lake.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consist of clippings relating to Ontario history.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consist of clippings relating to Port Hope.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consist of clippings relating to Red River.
Clippings : settlement of Niagara Township.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consist of clippings relating to the settlement of Niagara Township.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consist of clippings relating to St. Catharines.
Clippings : the origin of Empire Day.
Part of Ontario history collection.
Clippings relating to the origin of Empire Day.
Part of Ontario history collection.
Clippings relating to the theatre.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consist of clippings relating to Toronto.
Clippings : Victoria Hospital for Sick Children.
Part of Ontario history collection.
Clippings relating to Victoria Hospital for Sick Children.
Clippings : Victorian Order of Nurses.
Part of Ontario history collection.
Clippings relating to the Victorian Order of Nurses.
Clippings : Women's Canadian Historical Society.
Part of Ontario history collection.
Article on the Women's Canadian Historical Society removed from the Canadian Home Journal.
Colgate and Co. advertising calendar.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consist of one pocket sized Colgate and Co. advertising calendar for the year 1888.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of one manuscript petition of a land grant from Joel Stone, one manuscript narrative of his life extracted from his own journals, and one accounting ledger, possibly of his estate. Note that Stone fled to Canada in 1786 and was the first ... »
Copy of editorial article from the Jaum Jahanomah of Calcutta.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of one copy of editorial article from the Jaum Jahanomah of Calcutta.
Copy of the Declaration of Independence.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of one small sized copy of the Declaration of Independence.
Correspondence from Captain Robert Hall to the Commissioners of the Navy.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of one typescript of a letter from Captain Robert Hall to the Commissioners of the Navy. Originally dated January 10, 1816.
Correspondence from General Frederick P. Robinson to Earl Bathurst.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of one typescript of a a letter from General Frederick P. Robinson to Earl Bathurst. Originally dated July 29, 1815.
Correspondence from James Green to the Clerk of the Executive Council.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of one typescript of a letter from James Green to the Clerk of the Executive Council regarding delays in granting land claims. Originally dated December 30, 1802.
Correspondence from William Jones to Robert R. Loring.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of one typescript of a letter from William Jones to Robert R. Loring. Originally dated March 1, 1815.
Correspondence to and from J.M. Murray.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of eight items of correspondence between J.M. Murray and others. Correspondents include:
Cussons, May and Co. advertising calendar.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consist of one pocket advertising calendar for Cussons, May and Co.
Death of the late Miss Gonder of Black Creek.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of one typescript of an obituary "death of the late Miss Gonder of Black Creek - a pioneer resident of Willoughby Township", a clipping of said obituary, and a manuscript tribute to her memory which was read at her funeral service.
Deseronto Navigation Co. ticket.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consist of one ticket for the Deseronto Navigation Co. from Island to Bay of Quinte.
D.K. Goodfellow to David Boyle.
Part of Ontario history collection.
One item of correspondence addressed to David Boyle from D.K. Goodfellow, dated May 23, 1904. Also includes a manuscript copy of an "extract from a petition from the Chippeaw, Ottawa and Pattawattamie Indians to Sir Francis Bond Head, Lieutenant Governor ... »
E. Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake).
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of a prospectus for a retrospective of the works of E. Pauline Johnson.
Early Canadian newspaper and journalists.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consist of one article from The Canadian Printer and Publisher on early Canadian newspaper and journalists, by E.J. Hathaway.
Early municipal history of Prince Edward County, by A.E. Calnan.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of one typescript of the early municipal history of Prince Edward County, by A.E. Calnan. This typescript was recommended for publication in the Ontario Historical Society journal with minor alterations.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of one typescript essay on the early settlement of Essex.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of one typescript essay on Ebenezer Allen, an early Loyalist settler of London.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of one manuscript essay on Elizabeth Fry, the social reformer.
Etienne Brule, the first explorer of Ontario.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of one typescript essay by J.W. Curran on Etienne Brule. Also includes a carbon copy and manuscript notes on the paper.
Exhibition of pictures of Indian life.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of one ticket and one advertisement for an exhibition of the works of Paul Kane at Scott's Gallery in Toronto.
Exhibits for Pan-American Exposition.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of two forms for exhibitors for the Pan-American Exposition.
George Gordon to George, Earl of Dalhousie.
Part of Ontario history collection.
One letter addressed to George, Earl of Dalhousie from George Gordon dated August 27, 1827.
George St. School old boys at home programme.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of two programmes for the George St. School old boys at home event.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of one tongue in cheek bill of fare and hotel advantages from the Globe Hotel in Picton, Ontario.
Grand Trunk Railway System across Niagara's gorge.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of one booklet on the Grand Trunk Railway system in Niagara.
Grand Trunk Railway System and Montreal.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of one page excised from a book on the Grand Trunk Railway System and Montreal.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of one menu for a New Year dinner held January 1, 1885 at the Grand Union Hotel in Ottawa.
Grant of Land to the Earl of Selkirk.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of one typescript of a Grant of Land to the Earl of Selkirk. Originally dated November 23, 1803.
[H. Hadding?] to Dr. [William] Canniff.
Part of Ontario history collection.
One letter addressed to Dr. Canniff from [H. Hadding?]. The letter discusses the history of a house that Dr. Canniff is inquiring about.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of one prospectus for a translation and new edition of Heliand, published by J. Maisonneuve.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of one manuscript note on Henry Miller of Thornhill.
History as recorded in a weekly newspaper, by E. Lillian Morley.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of one typescript of history as recorded in a weekly newspaper, by E. Lillian Morley.
How the emigrants from the States reached Canada.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of one manuscript essay on emigration from the United States to Canada.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of one article on HRH The Price of Wales removed from The Canadian Magazine.