File consists of one typescript of Gladys Lilian King's work "Among the beavers: Canadians and others. Being a personal narrative of the work done by the Military Women Police in and around the Beaver Hut in the Strand, London." The book details King's ... »
File consists of one typescript of Gladys Lilian King's work "Among the beavers: Canadians and others. Being a personal narrative of the work done by the Military Women Police in and around the Beaver Hut in the Strand, London." The book details King's time in England during the First World War working at the "Beaver Hut" a refuge for Commonwealth soldiers. The work is signed by King and a note on the flyleaf reads "This history is sent to you [Lady Aberdeen Library on the History of Women] in revered memory of Lena Frances Campbell (Sergeant C.) Called to Higher Service on September 21, 1953. N.B. My very dear friend and coworker, over the years, for a period of 36 1/2 years. Gladys L. King. Fremington. 62, Tilehurst Road, Reading, Berks. England."