Political leaflets and handbills issued by several national associations across Canada, possibly preparing for the 1940 Canadian Federal Election.
- Material issued by the Saskatchewan Liberal Association with title “National Defence”
- Materials issued by the Twentieth Century Liberal Association of Canada titled “Liberal Youth in Action.”
- Handbills issued by the National Liberal Federation titled:
- “Clothing for the troops,” handbill No. 4.
- “Canada foes to war,” handbill No. 5 .
- “The belated discovery,” handbill No. 8.
- “Dependents’ Allowances,” handbill No. 10.
- Leaflets issued by the National Liberal Federation titled:
- “Butter hits back,” leaflet No. 11.
- “Lower taxes,” leaflet No. 14.
- “Trade!” leaflet No. 15.
- “Work!” leaflet No. 17.
- “Balanced budgets,” leaflet No. 18, two copies.
- “Railways,” leaflet No. 19.
- “Dictatorship of freedom?” leaflet No. 20.
- “Poverty or plenty-which?” leaflet No. 21.
- “Reform,” leaflet No. 22.
- “Lower tariffs,” leaflet No. 24.
- “Why I am going to vote Liberal,” leaflet No. 25.
- “Empire trade should mean world trade,” leaflet No. 26.
- “What has Stevens done?” leaflet No. 27.
Some of the leaflets include stamps reading: “Vote Liberal,” “Vote for the Mackenzie King Candidate,” “Vote Fred Hoblitzell,” and “Egerton Lovering barrister, Liberal candidate Eglinton riding.” Contains bulletin “The reconstruction party,” issued in 1935.