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Canadian Liberal organizations and ministers collection: World Wars and between.
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Booklets issued by the National Liberal Federation.

Booklets issued by the National Liberal Federation. Includes:

  • One copy of “Mackenzie King and the wage earner, an article by William Henry Moore, reprinted from Public Life” (1935)
  • Two copies of “Mackenzie King the obstinate idealist, an article by William Henry Moore, reprinted from Public Life” (1935). One of the copies contains a stamp that reads: “Egerton Lovering, Liberal Candidate Eglinton Riding.”

King, William Lyon Mackenzie

Canada and the War.

Statements, speeches, addresses, and broadcasts given by Hon. William Lyon Mackenzie King, and published in the series “Canada and the War.” Titles are:

  • “Parliament and the people : unity and freedom. A Radio address by Right Honourable W. L. Mackenzie King” on February 7, 1940. Includes stamp reading “Vote Fred Hoblitzell.”
  • “Canada’s War effort – how best promoted : “national” versus “union” government. A Radio address by Right Honourable W. L. Mackenzie King” on February 23, 1940. Includes stamp reading “Vote Fred Hoblitzell.”
  • “The Hyde Park Declaration : cooperation in economic defence. Statement by Right Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, M.P., Prime Minister of Canada” on April 28, 1941.
  • “To-day’s Situation and Canada’s contribution : sunlight and shadows. Statement by Right Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, M.P., Prime Minister of Canada” on June 13, 1941.
  • “Canada’s contribution to freedom. Speech by Right Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, M.P., Prime Minister of Canada at a dinner tendered in his honour by the Associated Canadian Organizations of New York City” on June 17, 1941.
  • “Servitude or freedom : the present position of the war. Speech by Right Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, M.P., Prime Minister of Canada at the dinner tendered in his honour by the Canadian Clubs of Ottawa” on September 17, 1941.
  • “Controlling the cost of living : the stabilization of prices and wages. Broadcast by Right Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, M.P., Prime Minister of Canada” on October 18, 1941.
  • “The inauguration of the Second Victory Loan. Addresses broadcast by Right Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, M.P., Prime Minister of Canada and Franklin D. Roosevelt, president of the United States” on February 15, 1942.
  • “Manpower and a Total War effort : national selective service. Broadcast by Right Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, M.P., Prime Minister of Canada” on August 19, 1942.
  • “Three years of war : the real issue in the struggle. Broadcast by Right Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, M.P., Prime Minister of Canada” on September 10, 1942.
  • “Labour and the war. An address to the American Federation of Labour 1942 Convention, by Right Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, M.P., Prime Minister of Canada” on October 9, 1942.
  • “Nothing matters now but victory. An address on the opening of the 1942 Victory Loan Campaign, by Right Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, M.P., Prime Minister of Canada” on October 16, 1942.
  • “The military occupation of French North Africa and the withdrawal of recognition of the Government at Vichy. Statement by Right Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, M.P., Prime Minister of Canada” on November 8 and 9, 1942.
  • “The defence of common liberties. An address to the pilgrims of the United States by Right Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, M.P., Prime Minister of Canada” on December 2, 1942.
  • “Canada’s fighting men. An address on the opening of the fourth Victory Loan Campaign by Right Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, M.P., Prime Minister of Canada” on April 19, 1943.
  • “Canadian forces in the North Pacific : Alaska and the Aleutians. Broadcast by Right Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, M.P., Prime Minister of Canada” on August 21, 1943.
  • “Visit of the President of the United States to the capital of Canada. Addresses by the Right Honourable W. L. Mackenzie King, M.P., Prime Minister of Canada; Franklin D. Roosevelt, President of the United States; the Honourable Thomas Vien, K.C., speaker of the Senate; the Honourable James Allison Glen, K.C., M.P., Speaker of the House of Commons” on August 25, 1943.
  • “The unconditional surrender of Italy (September 3, 1943) : four years of War, 1939-1943. Broadcasts by Right Honourable W. L. Mackenzie King, M.P., Prime Minister of Canada” on September 8 and 10, 1943.
  • “The battle against inflation. Broadcast by Right Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, M.P., Prime Minister of Canada” on December 4, 1943.
  • “Proceedings on the occasion of an address by Rt. Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, M.P., Prime Minister of Canada to the members of both Houses of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. Addresses by the Right Honourable Winston Churchill, C.H., M.P., Prime Minister of the United Kingdom; the Right Honourable W. L. Mackenzie King, M.P., Prime Minister of Canada; the Right Honourable Viscount Simon, G.C. S.I., G.C.V.O, Lord Chancellor of the United Kingdom; the Right Honourable Clifton Brown, M.P., speaker of the House of Commons of the United Kingdom” on May 11, 1944.
  • “Canada’s support of the army overseas, broadcast by Right Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, M.P., Prime Minister of Canada” on November 8, 1944.
  • “General elections and the War : the Government’s plans for the coming months. Broadcast by Right Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, M.P., Prime Minister of Canada” on March 2, 1945.

King, William Lyon Mackenzie

Canadian Liberal organizations and ministers collection: World Wars and between.

  • SCA396-GA461
  • Collection
  • 1916-[1950?], [201-]

Materials created or published by Canadian Liberal organizations and ministers during the World Wars and between. Includes materials created during opposition governments and Liberal governments, especially those with Prime Minister Hon. William Lyon Mackenzie King. Most materials directly relate to the Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, including speeches, addresses, and different public and private events. Also includes materials created by the Hon. James Horace King, M.P., and the Hon. James Joseph McCann, M.P.

King, William Lyon Mackenzie

Diamond Jubilee of Confederation.

Scrapbook with newspaper clippings and the title “Diamond Jubilee of Confederation, 1927” possibly created by Hon. James Horace King, M. D. (Minister of Health at the time). Newspaper clippings about the Diamond Jubilee of the Confederation in 1927 in different media across Canada. Newspapers are:

  • Vancouver Star
  • Victoria Daily Times
  • Nelson News
  • Western Tribune, Vancouver
  • Ottawa Citizen
  • Nelson Daily News
  • Ottawa Journal
  • Montreal Daily Star
  • New York Times
  • Montreal Standard
  • London Free Press
  • Fredericton Daily Gleaner
  • Canadian National Railways Magazine
  • Victoria Colonist
  • Victoria Times
  • Vancouver Sun
  • Cranbrook Courier
  • Calgary Herald
  • Saskatoon Daily Star
  • Manitoba Free Press
  • Montreal Gazette
  • Daily Colonist

King, James Horace

Dinner menus and programs.

Dinner menus and programs of events hosted by Prime Minister Right Honourable William Lyon Mackenzie King. Includes:

  • A dinner given in honour of Colonel John Gilman Foster, Consul General of the United States of America, on June 7, 1927
  • A dinner given in honour of the delegates of the Empire Parliamentary Association on their visit to Canada, on August 29, 1928
  • A dinner given in honour of the Rt. Hon. James Ramsay MacDonald, P.C., LL.D., M.P., on September 8, 1928.

King, William Lyon Mackenzie

House of Commons Debates Official Report.

Speeches given by Hon. William Lyon Mackenzie King in the House of Commons. Speeches are in the form of House of Commons Debates Official Reports and are titled:

  • “Dissolution of parliament, speech from the Throne and speech by Right Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, Prime Minister of Canada. Delivered in the House of Commons” on January 25, 1940. Includes stamp reading “Vote Fred Hoblitzell.”
  • "Speech of Rt. Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, M.P., Prime Minister of Canada on the real meaning of a Total War effort. Delivered in the House of Commons” on January 26, 1942.
  • “Speech of Rt. Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, M.P., Prime Minister of Canada on National Selective Service. Delivered in the House of Commons” on March 24, 1942.
  • “Speech of Rt. Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, M.P., Prime Minister of Canada on the defence of Canada. Delivered in the House of Commons” on March 25, 1942.
  • "Speech by Rt. Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, M.P., Prime Minister of Canada on Overseas service in the Canadian Army. Amendment of the National Resources Mobilization Act. Delivered in the House of Commons” on June 10, 1942.
  • “Speech of Rt. Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, M.P., Prime Minister of Canada on proposal to withhold calling up of men under the National Resources Mobilization Act. Delivered in the House of Commons” on February 19, 1943.

King, William Lyon Mackenzie

Humphrey Mitchell.

Materials related to members of the 16th Canadian Ministry (1935–1948) with Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King as Prime Minister. Includes one photograph of some members.
Also contains materials related to Humphrey Mitchell (MP and Minister of Labour, 1941-1950), including a biographical sketch for Humphrey Mitchell written by Dr. Craig Heron and extracted from the Canadian Encyclopedia, a letter from J. J. McCann (MP, Minister of National War Services, Minister of National Revenue, and Minister of Mines and Technical Surveys 1945-1957), and the reproduction of a photograph from Mitchell’s funeral

King, William Lyon Mackenzie

International Conciliation.

Issues of “International Conciliation” publication. Titles are:

  • “The United Nations, the British Commonwealth, and the United States, Articles by Representatives of Countries Composing the British Commonwealth of Nations. Speech of Lord Halifax at Toronto (January 24, 1944). Speech of W. L. Mackenzie King at Ottawa (January 31, 1944). Report of Vyacheslav M. Molotov to Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R. And Text of Soviet Autonomy Decrees (February 1, 1944)” in March 1944. No. 398.
  • “Address by the Right Honorable W. L. Mackenzie King Prime Minister of Canada (Westminster, May 11, 1944). The Shaping of the Future, an Address by Sumner Welles Former Under Secretary of State (New York, May 18, 1944)” in June 1944. No. 401.

King, William Lyon Mackenzie

Leaflets issued by the National Liberal Federation of Canada.

Leaflets issued by the National Liberal Federation of Canada, probably created in 1935. Some of the leaflets include extracts of speeches and/or reports by Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King. Titles of the leaflets are:

  • “Unemployment : Liberalism offers the basic solution,” leaflet No. 3.
  • “The Liberal Party’s position on some immediate problems,” leaflet No. 3a.
  • “Liberalism and railways : the railway problem in its true light,” leaflet No. 5.
  • "The Central Bank : where Liberalism stands as against the other political parties,” leaflet No. 6.

King, William Lyon Mackenzie

Mackenzie King : rogue or benefactor?

Poster for a debate in Victoria College. Poster reads: “Mackenzie King : Rogue or Benefactor? A lively and interesting debate. Trinity College v. Victoria College. Sponsored by the Victoria College Debating Parliament. Tuesday, January 27th, 8 pm, at Alumni Hall in Victoria College. Refreshments afterwards. Come and state your views!”

King, William Lyon Mackenzie

Ninth and Eleventh Canadian Ministries.

Materials created by the Canadian Liberal Party during Conservative Ninth Canadian Ministry with Prime Minister Right Honourable Sir Robert Laird Borden (October 1911 – October 1917) and Unionist Eleventh Canadian Ministry with Prime Minister Right Honourable Arthur Meighen (July 1920 – December 1921).

King, William Lyon Mackenzie

Postcards and invitations to events.

Postcards and invitations to events received by Hon. Dr. James Horace King, M. D. and his first wife, Mrs. Nellie Mae King. All items were attached to a scrapbook album at some point. Original file folder contained a note that read: “JH King Invitations. Detailed list JHK scrapbook #2,” possibly referring to file 26.

King, James Horace

Publications issued by the National Liberal Organization Committee.

Publications issued by the National Liberal Organization Committee, created in 1917. Titles of publications are:

  • “A handbook for liberal workers : a short summary of the Dominion Elections Act, 1920, as amended in 1921, together with some hints on organization,” publication No. 6, issued in September 1921
  • “Cost of living and government responsibility,” publication No. 14, issued in October 1921
  • “The soldiers and the franchise,” publication No. 17, issued in October 1921

King, William Lyon Mackenzie

Report of Inaugural Assembly.

Issue of the “Report of inaugural assembly (Ottawa, March 19th, 1930) : citizenship and politics by Rt. Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, M.P., Prime Minister of Canada. Hints on organization” issued by the Twentieth Century Liberal Association of Canada (March 19, 1930).
The Twentieth Century Liberal Association of Canada was created by Liberal Canadians born in the 20th Century. The Association’s inaugural banquet and assembly took place on March 19, 1930, with the participation of Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King.

King, William Lyon Mackenzie

Report on Social Security for Canada.

Copy of Session Nineteen Forty-Three – House of Commons. Special Committee on Social Security titled Report on social security for Canada, prepared by Dr. L. C. Marsh for the Advisory Committee on Reconstruction, and presented to the Special Committee on Social Security on March 16, 1943, by Hon. Mr. Mackenzie, Minister of Pensions and National Health.

King, William Lyon Mackenzie

Reports, speeches, broadcasts, and addresses.

Booklets with reports, Speeches, Broadcasts, and Addresses given by Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King issued by different organizations. Titles of booklets are:

  • “Mr. King replies to Mr. Bennett,” issued by the National Liberal Federation on September 17, 1935. Includes a stamp that reads “Egerton Lovering, Liberal Candidate Eglinton Riding.”
  • “Speech by the Right Honourable Ernest Lapointe on the occasion of the complimentary banquet tendered Mr. King by the Liberal Party of Canada on completion of his 20 years on leadership of the party,” delivered at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, on August 8, 1939.
  • “Canada’s war effort on the economic front, broadcast by Hon. J. L. Ralston, K.C., Minister of Finance” on November 24, 1939. Includes a stamp that reads “Vote Fred Hoblitzell.”
  • “Till the hour of victory, addresses by Right Honourable W. L. Mackenzie King Prime Minister of Canada; Right Honourable Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of Great Britain; Right Honourable Ernest Lapointe, Minster of Justice. Delivered over the national network of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation” on June 1, 1941.
  • “National security – the issue in the plebiscite : an appeal to the Canadian electorate for an affirmative vote on April 27th, an address broadcast by the Right Honourable W. L. Mackenzie King, M.P., Prime Minister of Canada over the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Network” on April 7, 1942.
  • “National unity and national survival : responsibility to our own and future generations, a second appeal to the Canadian electorate for an affirmative vote on April 27th, an address by the Right Honourable W. L. Mackenzie King, M.P., Prime Minister of Canada” on April 24, 1942.
  • “Politics and the war, address by the Rt. Honourable W. L. Mackenzie King Prime Minister of Canada to The National Liberal Federation” on September 27, 1943.
  • “Canada’s provision for her fighting forces : broadcast by Rt. Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, M.P., Prime Minister of Canada. From Ottawa on the C.B.C. Network” on August 16, 1944.
  • “Government Policy on price and wage control in the transition period, statement by Right Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, Prime Minister of Canada” on January 31, 1946.
  • “The Liberal Party personalities and policies, speeches by the Right Honourable W. L. Mackenzie King, Prime Minister and Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada and the Right Honourable Louis S. St. Laurent, Minister of Justice and Secretary of State for External Affairs. Delivered at the Chateau Frontenac, Quebec” on November 29, 1946.
  • “Address of welcome by the Prime Minister of Canada (the Rt. Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King) to his excellency field Marshal the Rt. Hon. Viscount Alexander of Tunis, G.C.B., G.C.M.G., C.S.I., D.S.O., M.C., LL.D., A.D.C., Governor-General of Canada.”

King, William Lyon Mackenzie

Scrapbook album.

Scrapbook album with correspondence received by Hon. Dr. James Horace King, the Oath of the Members of the Privy Council, telegrams and invitations and programs to events received by King, newspaper clippings, and photographs. Some of the correspondence was sent by Lucien Turcotte Picaud (MP 1911-1922, and Secretary to Canadian High Commissioner at London from 1922-1931). One letter is in Dutch.

King, James Horace

Scrapbook album.

Scrapbook album with correspondence written and received by Hon. Dr. James Horace King, photographs, invitations to events, and newspaper clippings related to King. Includes a copy of The King cabinet of 1929 at a glance by Gustave Lacasse, M.D.
Includes loose photographs (one of the persons in a photograph could be Hance James Logan). One of the photographs contains an annotation that reads: “Canadian Pavilion at the British Empire Exhibition, Wembly 1924.”

King, James Horace

Sixteenth Canadian Ministry.

Materials created by members of the Liberal Party of Canada and the Liberal Sixteenth Canadian Ministry with Prime Minister Right Honourable William Lyon Mackenzie King (October 1935 – November 1948). Includes materials related to political campaigns, different official events, and addresses.

King, William Lyon Mackenzie

Vote Liberal leaflets.

Political leaflets and handbills issued by several national associations across Canada, possibly preparing for the 1940 Canadian Federal Election.

  • Material issued by the Saskatchewan Liberal Association with title “National Defence”
  • Materials issued by the Twentieth Century Liberal Association of Canada titled “Liberal Youth in Action.”
  • Handbills issued by the National Liberal Federation titled:
    • “Clothing for the troops,” handbill No. 4.
    • “Canada foes to war,” handbill No. 5 .
    • “The belated discovery,” handbill No. 8.
    • “Dependents’ Allowances,” handbill No. 10.
  • Leaflets issued by the National Liberal Federation titled:
    • “Butter hits back,” leaflet No. 11.
    • “Lower taxes,” leaflet No. 14.
    • “Trade!” leaflet No. 15.
    • “Work!” leaflet No. 17.
    • “Balanced budgets,” leaflet No. 18, two copies.
    • “Railways,” leaflet No. 19.
    • “Dictatorship of freedom?” leaflet No. 20.
    • “Poverty or plenty-which?” leaflet No. 21.
    • “Reform,” leaflet No. 22.
    • “Lower tariffs,” leaflet No. 24.
    • “Why I am going to vote Liberal,” leaflet No. 25.
    • “Empire trade should mean world trade,” leaflet No. 26.
    • “What has Stevens done?” leaflet No. 27.

Some of the leaflets include stamps reading: “Vote Liberal,” “Vote for the Mackenzie King Candidate,” “Vote Fred Hoblitzell,” and “Egerton Lovering barrister, Liberal candidate Eglinton riding.” Contains bulletin “The reconstruction party,” issued in 1935.

King, William Lyon Mackenzie