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Donna Jean MacKinnon fonds.
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2013 Add-ons.

Research notes and materials created or accumulated by Donna Jean MacKinnon during the creation of Newsgirls. Includes MacKinnon’s handwritten research and biographical notes Ruth Hammond, Marjorie Earl, Marilyn Dunlop, and Angela Burke, Maureen Murray, ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Angela Burke.

Research notes and materials created or accumulated by Donna Jean MacKinnon about Angela Burke. Includes photocopies of photographs of Burke’s professional life, articles by and about Burke, drafts and endnotes of Burke’s chapter in Newsgirls, database ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Angela Burke, 5 jpegs.

Five photographs of Angela Burke taken in 1931 and accumulated by Done Jean MacKinnon on October 10, 2015.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Book launch guest lists.

Materials regarding Newsgirls book launch. Includes correspondence between Donna Jean MacKinnon and Mike O’Connor (York University) and between MacKinnon and Julia Aballe (York University) about the event, as well as guests lists and checklists for the launch.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Book proposals.

Book proposals and correspondence to editors and editorial houses regarding the publication of the book Newsgirls. Includes correspondence with editorial agents and agencies, as well as subject lists, introductions, and prefaces to Newsgirls with ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Chapter corrections and fact checking.

Corrections to Kay Kritzwiser’s chapter and endnotes in Newsgirls. Includes fact-checking for June Callwood, Simma Holt, and Stasia Evasuk chapters and a partial manuscript evaluation and notes by Sharon Crawford (writer and editor).

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Correspondence and contract for publication.

Correspondence and revisions of contracts with York University for the publishing of Newsgirls. Includes correspondence between Donna Jean MacKinnon and Mike O’Connor (York University) and between MacKinnon and Luke Gagliardi (York University) regarding ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Correspondence and photographs.

Photographs and photocopies of photographs of Marilyn Dunlop, Dorothy Howarth, Kay Kritzwiser, Olive Dickason, Stasia Evasuk, Marjorie Earl, and June Callwood. Includes correspondence between Donna Jean MacKinnon and Luke Gagliardi (York University) ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

DJ MacKinnon back-up, 15 chapters and intro.

Draft chapters of Newsgirls for Angela Burke, June Callwood, Yvonne Crittenden, Olive Dickason, Marilyn Dunlop, Stasia Evasuk, Valerie Gibson, Ruth Hammond, Joan Hollobon, Simma Holt, Dorothy Howarth, Maureen Keller, Kay Kritzwiser, Michele Landsberg, ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Donna Jean MacKinnon fonds.

  • SCA394-GA459
  • Fonds
  • [1950?]-2020

Materials created or accumulated by Donna Jean MacKinnon during her professional life as a journalist. Includes articles written by MacKinnon in different news media and materials related to MacKinnon’s book Newsgirls : gutsy pioneers in Canada’s ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Dorothy Howarth.

Research notes and materials created or accumulated by Donna Jean MacKinnon about Dorothy Howarth. Includes articles by and about Howarth, correspondence between Howarth and MacKinnon, handwritten notes and other documentation accumulated by MacKinnon, ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Draft of Newsgirls.

Draft of Newsgirls, including chapters for Kay Kritzwiser, Dorothy Howarth, Olive Dickason, June Callwood, Simma Holt, Stasia Evasuk, Angela Burke, Marilyn Dunlop, and Dusty Vineberg. Items were enclosed in an envelope addressed to Mike O’Connor (York ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Dunlop chapter corrections.

Manuscript evaluation and notes of Marilyn Dunlop’s chapter in Newsgirls by Sharon Crawford (writer and editor). Includes handwritten notes by Donna Jean Mackinnon about Dunlop.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Dusty Vineberg.

Research notes and materials created or accumulated by Donna Jean MacKinnon about Dusty Vineberg. Includes correspondence between MacKinnon and Vineberg, correspondence with researchers and museum curators to research and contextualize Vineberg (... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Elizabeth Dingman and Doris Anderson.

Research notes and materials created or accumulated by Donna Jean MacKinnon about Elizabeth Dingman and Doris Anderson. Includes photocopies of photographs, database searches, articles by and contextualizing Dingman, a draft of her chapter in Newsgirls, ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Endnotes, etc.

Notes created by Donna Jean MacKinnon for the endnotes of Newsgirls about June Callwood, Kay Kritzwiser, Stasia Evasuk, Dorothy Howarth, Joan Hollobon, Marilyn Dunlop, Angela Burke, Dusty Vineberg, and Olive Dickason.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

From Dusty Vineberg.

Correspondence sent by Dusty Vineberg to Donna Jean MacKinnon on April 17, 1997. Correspondence includes articles written by Vineberg during her time at the Montreal Star (specifically in 1965, 1967, and 1973). Also contains a Christmas card sent by ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Hollobon chapter corrections and correspondence.

Corrections to Joan Hollobon’s chapter and endnotes in Newsgirls. Includes correspondence between Donna Jean MacKinnon and writer Iris Nowell with corrections for the endnotes, and between MacKinnon and Andy F. Visser-de Vries (Hollobon's friend and ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Holt chapter corrections and correspondence.

Corrections to Simma Holt's chapter and endnotes in Newsgirls. Includes a partial manuscript evaluation and notes by Sharon Crawford (writer and editor) and correspondence with Luke Gagliardi (York University) with notes and corrections for all chapters in Newsgirls.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Interview and research notes.

Research notes and interview questions created by Donna Jean MacKinnon for Kay Kritzwiser, Simma Holt, Joan Hollobon, Olive Dickason, Dusty Vineberg, and Maureen Keller. Also contains Donna Jean MacKinnon’s notes on other professional projects, travels, and interviews.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Invoices and permissions for photographs.

Correspondence and invoices for rights of reproduction of photographs for their use in Newsgirls. Correspondence in file is between Donna Jean MacKinnon and Mike Kelly (Torstar Syndicate) and Luke Gagliardi (York University), and includes documenting ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Joan Hollobon.

Research notes and materials created or accumulated by Donna Jean MacKinnon about Joan Hollobon (1920). Includes handwritten notes about Hollobon (some of them contain information about Kay Rex), newspaper clipping of articles contextualizing or authored ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Joan Hollobon.

Research notes and materials created or accumulated by Donna Jean MacKinnon about Joan Hollobon. Includes a notebook titled “Joan Hollobon” with MacKinnon’s handwritten notes regarding Hollobon. Some notes include biographical information about Kay Rex. ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Joan Hollobon, newspaper articles.

Newspaper clippings of articles accumulated by Donna Jean MacKinnon and authored and/or reviewed by Joan Hollobon for the Northern Daily News (1953), the Daily Nugget (1955, 1956), the Globe and Mail (1956-1962, 1966, 1972, and 1976), the Globe Magazine (... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Joan Sutton Straus, Enid Nemy, Heather Robertson, and Jeanine Locke.

Research notes and materials created or accumulated by Donna Jean MacKinnon about Joan Sutton Straus, Enid Nemy, Heather Robertson, and Jeanine Locke. Includes database searches, handwritten notes and biographical information, correspondence, photocopies ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

June Callwood.

Research notes and materials created or accumulated by Donna Jean MacKinnon about June Callwood. Includes articles about Callwood, database searches, drafts of Callwood’s chapter in Newsgirls, and photocopies of photographs of Callwood's personal and ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

June Callwood.

Research notes and materials created or accumulated by Donna Jean MacKinnon about June Callwood. Includes articles about Callwood, database searches, drafts of Callwood’s chapter in Newsgirls, correspondence about Callwood, and photocopies of photographs ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

June Callwood.

Research notes by Donna Jean MacKinnon about June Callwood. Includes general notes about other journalists.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Kay Kritzwiser.

Research notes and materials created or accumulated by Donna Jean MacKinnon about Kay Kritzwiser. Includes photographs of Kritzwiser’s personal life, newspaper articles by and about Kritzwiser, correspondence between Kritzwiser and MacKinnon, handwritten ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Kay Kritzwiser.

Research notes and materials created or accumulated by Donna Jean MacKinnon about Kay Kritzwiser. Includes photographs of Kritzwiser’s personal life, newspaper articles by Kritzwiser and contextualizing articles about her life. Also contains Canadian ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Kay Kritzwiser.

Three recordings of Donna Jean MacKinnon interviewing Kay Kritzwiser. Interviews were performed in three instances and were recorded in three mini-cassette tapes.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Kay Rex.

Research notes and materials created or accumulated by Donna Jean MacKinnon about Kay Rex and her book No daughter of mine: the women and history of the Canadian Women's Press Club. Includes notes about Rex, invitations to book events for Rex’s book, ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Manuscript evaluation.

Manuscript evaluation, correspondence, and corrections of different chapters in Newsgirls made by Donna Jean MacKinnon and Sharon Crawford (writer and editor).

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Marilyn Dunlop.

Research notes and materials created or accumulated by Donna Jean MacKinnon about Marilyn Dunlop. Includes original and photocopied articles by and about Dunlop, correspondence between Dunlop and MacKinnon, handwritten notes and other documentation ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Marjorie Earl.

Research notes and materials created or accumulated by Donna Jean MacKinnon about Marjorie Earl. Includes drafts of Earl’s chapter in Newsgirls; articles by, about, and contextualizing Earl; database searches; handwritten notes taken by MacKinnon; and ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Maureen Keller.

Research notes and materials created or accumulated by Donna Jean MacKinnon about Maureen Keller (journalist at the Toronto Daily Star). Includes newspaper clippings contextualizing Keller, handwritten biographical notes and database searches, and ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Michele Landsberg.

Research notes and materials created or accumulated by Donna Jean MacKinnon about Michele Landsberg. Includes handwritten notes, newspaper clipping of articles by and about Landsberg, database searches about Landsberg, and a draft of Landsberg’s chapter in Newsgirls.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Michele Landsberg.

Recording of Donna Jean MacKinnon interviewing Michele Landsberg. Interview was originally recorded in a mini-cassette tape.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

My paper chase by Harold Evans.

Photocopies of pages from Harold Evans’ My paper chase : true stories of vanished times, published in 2009 with annotations on margins by Donna Jean MacKinnon.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Newsgirls draft.

Draft of Newsgirls created between 1997 and 1998. Draft includes the subject list, the working title (“Newsgirls : pre-Feminism in print journalism” by Donna Jean MacKinnon and Catherine Smyth), and introductory sections of the book.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Newsgirls draft.

Draft of Newsgirls created between 1997 and 1998 with handwritten notes and corrections. Draft title is “Newsgirls (working title) : Pre-feminism in print journalism” by Donna Jean MacKinnon and Catherine Smyth. Includes a handwritten note by MacKinnon ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Newsgirls draft.

Draft of Newsgirls created between 1997 and 1998 with handwritten notes and corrections. Draft title is “Newsgirls (working title) : Pre-feminism in print journalism” by Donna Jean MacKinnon. Draft includes chapters on Stasia Evasuk, Kay Kritzwiser, ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Newsgirls draft.

Draft of Newsgirls created between 1997 and 1998 with handwritten notes and corrections. Draft title is “Newsgirls (working title) : Pre-feminism in print journalism” by Donna Jean MacKinnon. Draft includes chapters on Kay Kritzwiser, Dorothy Howarth, ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Newsgirls draft.

Draft of Newsgirls created in March 1998 with handwritten notes and corrections. Draft title is “Newsgirls (working title) : Pre-feminism in print journalism” by Donna Jean MacKinnon. Draft includes chapters on Kay Kritzwiser, Dorothy Howarth, Marjorie ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Newsgirls draft.

Draft chapters of Newsgirls for Dorothy Howarth, Dusty Vineberg, Ruth Hammond, Joan Hollobon, June Callwood, Kay Kritzwiser, Marilyn Dunlop, Maureen Keller, Michele Landsberg, Angela Burke, Olive Dickason, Simma Holt, Stasia Evasuk, Valerie Gibson, ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Newsgirls draft 1998.

Draft of Newsgirls by Donna Jean MacKinnon and Catherine Smyth with corrections made in February 1998. Draft includes chapters on Kay Kritzwiser, Dorothy Howarth, Marjorie Earl, Olive Dickason, June Callwood, Simma Holt, Elizabeth Dingman, Stasia Evasuk, ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Newsgirls draft and correspondence.

Draft of Newsgirls by Donna Jean MacKinnon and Catherine Smyth. Draft includes chapters on Dorothy Howarth, Jeannine Locke, Olive Dickason, June Callwood, Simma Holt, Elizabeth Dingman, Ruth Hammond, Kay Rex, Doris Anderson, Marjorie Earl, Angela Burke, ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Newsgirls edition and publication.

Materials accumulated or created by Donna Jean MacKinnon during the writing, edition, and publication of her book Newsgirls : gutsy pioneers in Canada’s newsrooms, published in 2017. Includes drafts of the book in different phases of its creation, as ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Newsgirls: introduction, proposal, and 15 chapters.

Draft chapters of Newsgirls for Dorothy Howarth, Dusty Vineberg, Ruth Hammond, Joan Hollobon, June Callwood, Kay Kritzwiser, Marilyn Dunlop, Maureen Keller, Michele Landsberg, Angela Burke, Olive Dickason, Simma Holt, Stasia Evasuk, Valerie Gibson, ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Newsgirls July/99.

Draft chapters of Newsgirls for Angela Burke, Dorothy Howarth, Ruth Hammond, June Callwood, Kay Kritzwiser, Kay Rex, Maureen Keller, Michele Landsberg, Olive Dickason, Simma Holt, Stasia Evasuk, Dusty Vineberg, Yvonne Crittenden, Elizabeth Dingman, and ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Newsgirls manuscript evaluation.

Draft chapters of Newsgirls for Dorothy Howarth, Dusty Vineberg, Ruth Hammond, Joan Hollobon, June Callwood, Kay Kritzwiser, Marilyn Dunlop, Maureen Keller, Michele Landsberg, Angela Burke, Olive Dickason, Simma Holt, Stasia Evasuk, Valerie Gibson, ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Newsgirls promotion events.

Materials related to the promotion and launch of the book Newsgirls during different book launch and promotion events. Includes information for events at the North Toronto Historical Society, the Literary Table of the Arts and Letters Club of Toronto, ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Newsgirls research.

Materials accumulated and created by Donna Jean MacKinnon during the research for her book Newsgirls : gutsy pioneers in Canada’s newsrooms, published in 2017. Includes photographs, newspaper materials, handwritten notes and audio interviews, database ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Notes in books.

Research notes created by Donna Jean MacKinnon that were placed inside the books It’s all about kindness: remembering June Callwood, Canadian newspapers: the inside story, and Canada’s newspaper legend: the story of J. Douglas MacFarlane when the ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Olive Dickason.

Research notes and materials created or accumulated by Donna Jean MacKinnon about Olive Dickason. Includes correspondence between Dickason and MacKinnon and between MacKinnon and other people involved in Dickason’s life and research. Also contains ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Olive Dickason.

Research notes and materials created or accumulated by Donna Jean MacKinnon about Olive Dickason. Includes information about the creation of the 2002 documentary Olive Dickason’s First Nations, drafts of Dickason’s chapter in Newsgirls, correspondence by ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Olive Dickason.

Research notes and materials created or accumulated by Donna Jean MacKinnon about Olive Dickason. Includes articles by and about Dickason, Dickason’s curriculum vitae (from 1995 and 1997), drafts of Dickason’s chapter in Newsgirls, handwritten research ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Our Stories, Simma Holt.

Documentary titled “Simma Holt,” directed by Ariadne Ochrymovych, and created by Glass Co. Inc. Documentary was originally broadcasted on August 30, 1994, on CBC Television and was part of the series Our Stories.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Photographic rights.

Test prints, corrections, and invoices related to the creation and launch of Newsgirls. Test prints are for the cover and first pages of Newsgirls. Correspondence is between Donna Jean MacKinnon and Luke Gagliardi (York University), Mike O’Connor (York ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Photographs sent by Dusty Vineberg.

Correspondence sent by Dusty Vineberg to Donna Jean MacKinnon in 2016. Correspondence includes three photographs of Dusty Vineberg conducting interviews and at her desk during her years at the Montreal Star. Includes a description of four photographs ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Professional life.

Materials created by Donna Jean MacKinnon during her career as a journalist. Articles are either under the byline Donna Jean MacKinnon or Isabella Street, or ghostwritten by MacKinnon in different media. Media include:

  • Toronto Star
  • Washington
  • ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean


Notes created by Donna Jean MacKinnon about publishers. According to annotations, file used to contain research and biographical notes about Ruth Hammond but was moved by McKinnon to a file about Hammond.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean


Notes created by Donna Jean MacKinnon about publishers for her book Newsgirls, contact information and biographical notes for some of the journalists covered in the book.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Reader’s report.

Reader’s report of Newsgirls and correspondence from Westwood Creative Artists. Report contains annotations by Donna Jean MacKinnon.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Research materials.

Newspaper clippings of the Toronto Star (1999-2012), @Biz (2002), the Toronto Telegram (1965), and the Toronto Life (1996). Newspapers include articles by or about Michele Landsberg, Stasia Evasuk, Rachel Ross, and Robin Sears.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Research notes.

Research notes by Donna Jean MacKinnon about June Callwood, Stasia Evasuk, Marjorie Earl, Angela Burke, Doris Anderson, and Kay Kritzwiser. Includes general notes about news history in Canada in the 1950s.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Research notes.

Research notes by Donna Jean MacKinnon about Maureen Keller, Stasia Evasuk, Olive Dickason, Marjorie Earl, Angela Burke, Dorothy Howarth, and June Callwood.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Research notes.

Research notes by Donna Jean MacKinnon about Olive Dickason, Michele Landsberg, Yvonne Crittenden, Stasia Evasuk, Angela Burke, and Maggie Reeves.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Research notes.

Research notes created by Donna Jean MacKinnon about Stasia Evasuk, Marilyn Dunlop, Olive Dickason, and Kay Kritzwiser.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Research notes.

Research notes created by Donna Jean MacKinnon about Marjorie Earl, Angela Burke, Maureen Keller, and Ruth Hammond.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Research notes.

Research notes created by Donna Jean MacKinnon about Joan Hollobon, Marilyn Dunlop, Dusty Vineberg, Dorothy Howarth, Stasia Evasuk, Simma Holt, and June Callwood.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Research notes.

Research notes created by Donna Jean MacKinnon about Dusty Vineberg, Angela Burke, Peter Worthington (journalist at the Toronto Telegram), Valerie Gibson, and June Callwood.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Research notes.

Research notes created by Donna Jean MacKinnon about Kay Kritzwiser and Olive Dickason and general notes about the preparation and edition of Newsgirls.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Research notes.

Research notes created by Donna Jean MacKinnon about Angela Burke, Kay Kritzwiser, Simma Holt, Olive Dickason, and June Callwood. Also contains notes on the writing and edition of Newsgirls, such as lists of possible subjects and contact information.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Research notes.

Research notes created by Donna Jean MacKinnon about Joan Hollobon, Olive Dickason, Maureen Keller, Kay Kritzwiser, Dusty Vineberg, and Marilyn Dunlop.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Ruth Hammond.

Research notes and materials created or accumulated by Donna Jean MacKinnon about Ruth Hammond. Includes handwritten research, biographical information, and a photograph of Hammond’s professional life. According to annotations, photograph was taken ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Ruth Hammond, Catherine Smyth, and Angela Burke.

Research notes and materials created or accumulated by Donna Jean MacKinnon about Ruth Hammond and Catherine Smyth (reporter at the Toronto Star and communications specialist). Includes photocopies of photographs of Hammond and Smyth’s professional lives;... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Simma Holt.

Research notes and materials created or accumulated by Donna Jean MacKinnon about Simma Holt. Includes articles by and about Holt, correspondence between Holt and MacKinnon (including Holt’s curriculum vitae), handwritten notes, database searches, and ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Stasia Evasuk.

Research notes and materials created or accumulated by Donna Jean MacKinnon about Stasia Evasuk. Includes handwritten notes about Evasuk, correspondence between Evasuk and MacKinnon, articles by Evasuk, and photocopies of photographs of Evasuk’s personal and professional life.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Stasia Evasuk.

Two recordings of Donna Jean MacKinnon interviewing Stasia Evasuk. Interview was originally recorded in two mini-cassette tapes.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Stasia Evasuk, Catherine Smyth, and Maggie Reeves.

Research notes and materials created or accumulated by Donna Jean MacKinnon about Catherine Smyth, Stasia Evasuk, and Maggie Reeves (fashion designer). Includes articles by MacKinnon about Reeves, obituaries for Smyth, handwritten notes about Evasuk, and ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Stasia Evasuk, Ruth Hammond, and Maureen Keller.

Research notes and materials created or accumulated by Donna Jean MacKinnon about Stasia Evasuk. Includes handwritten notes and questions for and about Evasuk, articles about and contextualizing Evasuk, correspondence related to Evasuk, and Evasuk’s ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

The crazy rat syndrome by Walter Stewart.

Research materials accumulated by Donna Jean MacKinnon for Newsgirls. Includes photocopies of Walter Stewart’s chapter “The crazy rat syndrome” in Canadian Newspapers: the inside story, pages 111-125 (Edmonton, Hurtig Publishers, 1980) about Steward’s ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

The Globe Magazine.

Published copies of the Globe Magazine from 1958, 1961-1963, 1967-1968. Magazines include articles by Joan Hollobon written between 1958 and 1968, and by Olive Dickason written between 1958 and 1962. Some magazines include handwritten notes taken by Donna Jean MacKinnon.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

To publishers 1998.

Notes created by Donna Jean MacKinnon as part of her research for Newsgirls. Includes correspondence with publishers as well as a draft of Newsgirls with summaries on Kay Kritzwiser, Dorothy Howarth, Marjorie Earl, Olive Dickason, June Callwood, Simma ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Valerie Gibson and other research materials.

Research notes and materials created or accumulated by Donna Jean MacKinnon about Canadian journalists of the 20th Century and the history of Canadian journalism in the 20th Century while contextualizing biographical notes for Newsgirls.
Includes ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Vineberg chapter corrections.

Manuscript evaluation and notes for Dusty Vineberg’s chapter in Newsgirls by Sharon Crawford (writer and editor). Includes further corrections on Vineberg's chapter by Donna Jean MacKinnon.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean


Articles authored by Donna Jean MacKinnon (some signed as Isabella Street). Most articles were published on Fifty-Five Plus 25 (2013), Canadian Living (1988), House and Home (1985), Select Homes (1988), Great Expectations (1985), Free Saturday Star (2014)... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean


Materials about Donna Jean MacKinnon’s professional career, including photocopies and original newspaper clippings of articles she authored and ghostwrote for the Toronto Star, and invitations to art shows. Includes MacKinnon’s business cards and her ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Results 1 to 100 of 103