Imprint negative collection. Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
531 Sports: Weight room, 1995? 1996?. File [1995?] [1996?]
535 Sports: Toronto ski show, shite. File October 16, 1997
540 Sports: Athletes self-lifeguard, athletes Science, 1998?. File [1998?]
550 Sports: Athena rugby 31A & 34, credit Laurie Bulchak. File October 1, 1997
554 Sports: Track and Field. File March 1998
556 Sports: Kendo, 1998? pretty sure. File [1998?]
560 Sports: [Warriors] volleyball, credit Matt Feldmann, 1998? pretty sure. File [1998?]
561 Arts: AoE 37 and Zucker, 3200 arts (24, 9) credit Rob V., 1997. File 1997
564 Arts: UW theatre, 1997. File 1997
566 Arts: [Alternative newspapers and construction], credit Rob Van K., 1997. File 1997
567 Science/features: Science. File [February 20, 1998?]
570 Science/features: Human, cigar story, athlete of Jan., HP5 1600, credit Ali Smith. File [1996-1997?]
572 Science/features: Does God exist? debate, Sci - wetlands, 1996-1997?. File [1996-1997?]
594 News: Swinging for charity, credit Scott Wahl. File October 5, 1994
596 News: O.C.U.A. meeting with officials from WLU, credit Patti Lenard. File October 12, 1994
598 News: Queen's Park (Toronto), credit Kieran Green. File June 9, 1994
602 News: Feds executive, credit Peter Lenardon. File August 1996
603 News: Feds. File [199-?]
604 News: Gerard Kennedy (24-30), credit Daniel German. File September 1996
607 News: Toronto strike (days of action), credit Peter Lenardon. File October 1996
608 News: Toronto strike (days of action), credit Karsten Gitter. File October 1996
609 News: Jean Charest, credit Daniel German. File November 19, 1996
612 News: Professor Bill Power, credit Karsten W. Gitter. File March 5, 1997
613 News: Feds tuition forum, credit Karsten Gitter. File March 10, 1997
614 News: Multi cultural festival, credit Niels Densen. File March 19, 1997
615 News: Anselma House benefit, credit Natalie Gillis. File March 22, 1997
622 News: Camelot, news, credit Ali Smith. File October 10, 1997
623 News: Bungee pull, news. File October 15, 1997
629 News: UW Optometry expansion (ground-breaking ceremony), credit Annick Streicher. File March 1, 1995
631 News: Opening of the Campus Centre [SLC], credit Steve Boyd. File March 29, 1995
636 Winter 99 photos. File 1999
644 [Miscellaneous photographs of Toronto and Waterloo]. File [199-?]
646 Single and Sandy. File February 2000
653 [Warrior hockey]. File [1995-1997?]
665 [A Midsummer Night's Dream]. File [199-?]
667 [Play]. File [199-?]
676 [Various photos around campus]. File August 23, 1997
682 [Swimming]. File [199-?]
687 [Students]. File [199-?]
692 [Student Life Centre construction]. File [199-?]
693 [Mike Harris]. File [199-?]
698 Fed executive. File [199-?]
700 Censorship cover. File November 19, 1997
703 [The Comedy Network slides]. File [199-?]
706 Xmas concert in Davis Centre, credit Peter Brown. File December 1991
710 1st 4 rows, Kevin Blackwell, Grievous Angles [i.e. Angels], credit Walter McLean and Frank Seglenieks. File January 31, 1992
714 Thomas Trio and the Red Albino, credit Dave Thomson. File February 7, 1992
715 Swervedriver, etc., credit Dave Thomson. File February 7, 1992
717 The Boyfriend, Alex Chilton, credit Pete Brown and Craig Netterfield. File March 6, 1992
722 Siouxie and the Banshees, credit Wim van der Lugt. File February 28, 1992
729 Judy Bats, last 2 rows, credit Chris Waters and Wim van der Lugt. File March 27, 1992
735 Football and soccer, credit Wade Thomas. File October 11, 1991
736 Football, credit Dave. File October 12, 1990
738 Football camp, credit Pete Brown. File [1991?]
743 Imprint intrepid, credit Renee Georgacopoulos. File 1992
747 Rowing. File [1992?]
750 News, credit Scott D. [Deveber]. File 1992
755 [no title]. File 1992
756 [no title]. File 1992
761 Athena basketball, credit Sharon Little, Fri., Nov. 27. File November 27, 1992
764 Warrior football, rugby, credit Wade Thomas, wk of Sept. 28. File 1992
767 [no title]. File 1992
768 Warrior lacrosse, credit Wade Thomas. File October 24, 1992
774 [Athena soccer]. File 1992
776 [no title]. File 1992
782 Naismith 1992. File 1992
787 Barney Bentall, credit Jeremy Moyer. File 1992
791 [Bourbon Tabernacle Choir], credit [Peter Brown]. File 1992
793 Fire trucks at D. P. [i.e. Dana Porter], credit Scott D. [Deveber]. File December 30, 1992
794 Imprint fun, Eddie Kirkland, Christmas party. File November 30, 1992
796 Luna Bloom, credit Mr. [Bernard] Kearney. File 1992
797 [no title]. File 1992
800 [Athena basketball]. File 1993
808 Athena volleyball, credit Sharon Little. File January 27, 1993
811 Athena volleyball vs Brock, credit Sharon Little. File January 12, 1994
821 Warrior volleyball, credit Dave Thompson [i.e. Thomson]. File February 15, 1994
829 Dance department, credit Angela M. [Mulholland], Feb. 16. File February 16, 1994
830 Bob Rae dinner. File October 26, 1993
832 [no title]. File 1994
837 Front page photo, credit Ken [Bryson]. File 1994
841 Battle of the Bands, credit [Pat Merlihan]. File 1994
847 [Summer Fest], credit Peter Brown. File 1992
849 People in line at N. H. [i.e. Needles Hall], credit Dave Thomson. File May 29, 1992
858 Girls [Athena] soccer and boys [Warrior soccer], 400 3 Gexp Delta, credit Cindy Hackelberg. File 1997
866 Warrior hockey, credit Wendy Vnocek [Vroucek]. File November 22, 1997
874 Warrior football [vs] Western, credit Jeff P. [Peeters], Oct, 8 (9, 19). File 1997
876 Warrior soccer at Columbia fields, credit Laurie [Bulchak]. File September 20, 1997
877 Warrior soccer at Columbia fields, credit Laurie [Bulchak]. File 1997
879 Women soccer, women rugby, credit Mike Owen. File September 19, 1997
884 Warrior football, credit Laurie [Bulchak]. File September 6, 1997
888 OUAA basketball championships, credit Peter Brown. File March 7, 1997
890 UW Warrios hockey, credit Michael Olley. File February 27, 1997
899 UW Athenas basketball, credit Gillian Downes. File February 8, 1997
912 WWF press conference, credit Jeff Peeters, Jan 27, 1997. File January 27, 1997
914 Hockey UW Warriors vs Wilfrid Laurier, credit Paul Rencoret. File January 19, 1997
917 UW Warriors basketball, credit Gillian Downes. File December 29, 1996
931 Athena field hockey, p. 1 & p. 2, credit Daniel German. File October 1996
938 UW Warriors football, credit Kim Moser. File September 1996
943 UW Warriors football, credit Kim Moser. File August 1996
945 Men's [Warrior] volleyball, credit [Patti Lenard]. File November 1995
Results 1 to 100 of 1293