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Browse 170 results
Baseball, Chym Charmers vs Forewell Super V's
Baseball, Kitchener Panthers Hot Pants Usherette
Baseball, KW Panthers Awards Night
Baseball, Panthers vs Toronto
Baseball, Shorty Miller Nite
Bender Family Snowmobiling
Bikeathon For Fat Angel
Bingeman Park Trailer Camp
Bischof, Klaus, Advertisement, Westmount Place Hairstyling
Boost, Barbara Ann
Brantford Trailer Camp, Aerial Shots
Breithaupt, James, Election Profile
Brown, George, Advertisement, Big K Center
Brown, Marty, KCI School Daze Correspondent
Calf Born, Moyer Farm, RR 2 Preston
Carmel Church, Caryndale Canadian Assembly
Chicopee Chair Lift
Chicopee Construction Approval
Children International Summer Village, University of Waterloo
Children's Aid Auxiliary, Mrs. Betty Land
Christmas Toys Advance
Circus Parade
COE Entertainment
COE Official Opening, Fashion, Kids Games
Conrad, William, Advertisement, Midtown Appliances
Conway, Mr. and Mrs. Michael, 50th Anniversary
Corn Feed Grinder, Henhoffer Farm, RR2 Kitchener
Cross, Lynn, KCI, School Daze Correspondent
Curling, Granite Club, Valentine Bonspiel
Dairy Princess of Waterloo
Davis, Premier William, Visits Waterloo
Decker, David, Advertisement, Karges Appliances
Diefenbaker in Downtown Kitchener
Doerr, J, Doddie, Advertisement, Dominion Consolodated Truck Lines
Dostle, Daphne, Advertisement, Twins Restaurant
Dwarfs, Three Missing
Earthworks Pottery Plant For Finance, Reg Dohns and Bob Williams
Easter Bunny Shots
EMO, Hurrican Radio Hams
Fastball, Kitchener Kieswetters vs Fort Erie, Ontario Championships
Fire, Barn Street Clements, Harry Dietrich
Fire, Electrohome, Duct Fire, Electrohome Drive
Fishing, Large Catch
Flaherty, James, Advertisement, Servacar
Floor Hockey, Riverside vs Elmira
Football, Grand River vs Cameron Heights
Football, St. Jerome's vs Grand River
Forbes Motors, Car Rally Car
Frommert, Ingrid, Dirndle Maker
Gagarin, Thomas R., Chemist
Gardner, Robert, WLU Conference
Golden Triangle Drum and Bugle Corp, Kitchener Memorial Stadium
Greb Shoe, Quebec Plant Visitors
Greer, Faye, Deaconess at Trinity United Church
Gropp, Ada, Advertisement, Eatons
Hackbart, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar, Heidelberg
Hadassah Bazaar, Advance
Halloween, Hebert House
Hands, Shaking
Hansen, Adam and Election Signs
Harness Racing At Elmira
Hilliard, Fern, For Party Line
Horse Show at Kitchener Memorial Auditorium
Horton, Mr. and Mrs. Jack, Lotterio Winners
Intensive Sewing Course, Holiday Inn, Hespeler
Jaycees Painting House, Krall
Kelly, Mrs. Barja, Co-Convenor Christmas Card Sales, International Darjeeling Education Association
Kids and 16 Inch Maple Leaf
Kitchener City Hall, OMB Hearing
Kitchener City Hall, Young and McLellan
Kitchener Girl Guides at Camp Conestoga
Kitchener Library, Puppeteers Presentation
Kitchener Parks and Recreation, Soapbox Derby
Kitchener Youth Hostel, Chicago Guides Visit
Kiwanis Convention
Krieg, David, Advertisement, Servacar
Krupp, Elizabeth, Artist
Kueneman, Rod, Sydney Street, 6 Foot Snowman
KW Services For the Physically Handicapped Meeting
Lacrosse Playoffs, Kitchener Memorial Auditorium
Laing, Michael, Wired World Feature
Lewis, Stephen, NDP Ontario, Press Conference at Black Walnut
Litweller, Mary Johnson, Best Teachers Awards
Ludwig, Guenther, Advertisement, Wegler Motors
Margaret Avenue House Demolition
McDowell, Douglas
Meadowlane School, First Day In Kindergarten
Miller, Lorne, Advertisement, The Twins
Miller, Ted, Parents Without Partners
Miss Oktoberfest North America Contest
Model Airplane Show
Montague, John
Moving Experience
New Dawn School, Presentation of Stuffed Octopus
New Hamburg Trotting Races
Nichols, Mrs. Joan, Advertisement For Eatons
Nixon, Robert Main Streeting Election
O'Brien, K.C., Canadian Imperial Bank
Oktoberfest, City Hall, Beer Tent
of 170
of 2
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Browse 11 results
Baton Twirling, Miss Central Canada Majorette Contest
Design Feature
Drew Home, Elora, Dodington Ross
Guitar, classical guitarists, Ron Read and Elizabeth Schwarz
Horse Training Feature
Krishnan, Gita and Radha, Indian students
Toronto fireboat for women today front
University of Waterloo Play, Apartment
University of Waterloo, Engineers Canoe Race, Westmontrose
University Of Waterloo, Pinball Contest
Volleyball, University of Waterloo
Hebert, Ray
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Hebert, Ray
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Hebert, Ray