Level of description
Digital object |
163 |
A contribution to the biology of ironoquia punctatissima (trichoptera: limnephilidae) / D. Dudley Williams and N.E. Williams. |
File |
1975 |
167 |
A comparative study of the sessile, filter-feeding ciliates of several small streams / William D. Taylor. |
File |
1983 |
173 |
Card and photographs. |
File |
1981 |
1 |
Field Notes |
Series |
1939-1985 |
2 |
Notebook : British Isles (file 2 of 4). |
File |
1939-1940 |
15 |
West Indies. |
File |
[19--], 1969 |
20 |
Draft : "Some observations on the anatomy and physiology of the larva of chaoborus crystallinus : de Geer." |
File |
1938 |
26 |
Draft : "Non-point sources of nutrients, especially phosphorus, to the Great Lakes" and "Some points about the nearshore area and the monitoring of eutrophication in the Great Lakes." |
File |
[197-?] |
27 |
Tasmania map and list of state reserves and conservation areas. |
File |
[1979?] |
3 |
Maps for Research |
Series |
[19--], 1944-1979 |
30 |
Australia and Tasmania. |
File |
[196-]-1979 |
38 |
Benthic fauna of Ethiopian mountain streams and rivers / by A.D. Harrison and H.N.B. Hynes. |
File |
1988 |
39 |
Benthos and allochthonous organic matter in streams / H.B.N. Hynes, N.K.Kaushik, M.A. Lock, D.L. Lush, Z.S.J. Stocker, R.R. Wallace, and D.D.Williams. |
File |
1974 |
40 |
Biogeography and origins of the North American stoneflies (plecoptera) / H.B.N. Hynes. |
File |
1988 |
56 |
Dissolved organic carbon in streams and groundwater / J.E. Rutherford & H.B.N. Hynes. |
File |
1987 |
65 |
The ecology of temporary streams II : general remarks on temporary streams / D. Dudley Williams and H.B. Noel Hynes. |
File |
1977 |
67 |
The effect of road deicing salt on the drift of stream benthos / R.A. Crowther & H.B.N. Hynes. |
File |
1977 |
71 |
The endemism of Tasmanian stoneflies (plecoptera) / by H.B.N. Hynes and Mary E. Hynes. |
File |
1980 |
77 |
Field estimates of feeding rate for gammarus pseudolimnaeus (crustacea: amphipoda) in the Credit River, Ontario / R. Marchant and H.B.N. Hynes. |
File |
1981 |
78 |
Food and mouthpart morphology of the nymphs of several Australian plecoptera / Dawn H. Sephton and H.B.N. Hynes. |
File |
1983 |
79 |
The formation of particles in freshwater leachates of dead leaves / by Donald L. Lush and H.B.N. Hynes. |
File |
1973 |
81 |
The gill-less nemourid nymphs of Britain (plecoptera) / by H.B.N. Hynes. |
File |
1963 |
83 |
The hatching and growth of the nymphs of several species of plecoptera / H.B.N. Hynes. |
File |
1962 |
85 |
Identity of Gammarus tigrinus Sexton 1939 / H.B.N. Hynes. |
File |
1954 |
86 |
Il biologo di fronte al fenomeno di polluzione dei corsi d'acqua / H.B.N. Hynes. |
File |
1961 |
96 |
The leuctridae of eastern Canada (insecta; plecoptera) / P.P. Harper and H.B.N. Hynes. |
File |
1971 |
100 |
The life histories of some plecoptera and ephemeroptera in a southern Ontario stream / M.J. Coleman and H.B.N. Hynes. |
File |
1970 |
111 |
A note on the stonefiles of Iceland / by H.B.N. Hynes. |
File |
1955 |
113 |
The numbers of nymphal instars of several Australian plecoptera / Dawn H. Sephton and H.B.N. Hynes. |
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1982 |
114 |
The nymphs of the nemouridae of Eastern Canada (insecta: plecoptera) / P.P. Harper and H.B.N. Hynes. |
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1971 |
116 |
Observations on the first instar nymphs of several Australian stonefiles (plecoptera) / Dawn H. Sephton and H.B.N. Hynes. |
File |
1982 |
119 |
Opening address / H.B.N. Hynes. |
File |
1984 |
120 |
Particulate and dissolved organic matter in a small partly forested Ontario stream / D.L. Lush & H.B.N. Hynes. |
File |
1978 |
123 |
Perlidae (plecoptera) / by H.B. Noel Hynes. |
File |
1961 |
127 |
The relationship between dissolved nutrient salts and protein production in submerged autunmal leaves / H.B.N. Hynes and N.K. Kaushik. |
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1969 |
129 |
Reproductive timing by the polychaetes clymnella torquata and praxillella praetermissa in Passamaquoddy Bay, New Brunswick / V. Leslie Row and H.B.N. Hynes and A.V. Tyler. |
File |
1975 |
138 |
The significance of macroinvertebrates in the study of mild river pollution / H.B.N. Hynes. |
File |
[196-?] |
140 |
Some effects of agricultural land use on steam insect communities / K.W. Dance & H.B.N. Hynes. |
File |
1980 |
141 |
Stable isotope analysis of carbon flow in a tundra river system / S.E. Bunn, D.R. Barton, H.B.N. Hynes, G. Power, and M.A. Pope. |
File |
1989 |
144 |
Studies on the tributaries of Char Lake, Cornwallis Island, Canada / Z.S.J. Stocker & H.B.N. Hynes. |
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1976 |
145 |
Summer diapause and nymphal development in allocapnia pygmaea (Burmeister), (plecoptera: capniidae), in the Speed River, southern Ontario / by C.W. Pugsley and H.B.N. Hynes. |
File |
1985 |
147 |
A survey of water pollution problems / H.B.N. Hynes. |
File |
1965 |
157 |
Use of 'gammexane' dust against domestic cockroaches / H.B.N. Hynes. |
File |
1947 |
7 |
Gammarus : vol. 1. |
File |
1949-1950 |
8 |
Gammarus : vol. 2. |
File |
1950-1952 |
2 |
Research |
Series |
1938-1990 |
19 |
Notes on chaoborus literature. |
File |
[19--] |
25 |
Research : geographical distribution plecoptera amphipoda (UK). |
File |
1957-1961 |
28 |
Research notes : Ethiopia. |
File |
1983-1990 |
36 |
Bardsey bird and field observatory : 1957 report. |
File |
1957 |
43 |
Biological notes on some East African aquatic heteroptera / by H.B.N. Hynes. |
File |
1955 |
51 |
A continuous study of the drift in adjacent intermittent and permanent streams / by K.W. Dance and H.B.N. Hynes. |
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1979 |
54 |
Diapause in the nymphs of Canadian winter stonefiles / P.P. Harper and H.B.N. Hynes. |
File |
1970 |
59 |
Distribution of the benthos within the substratum of a Welsh mountain stream / H.B.N. Hynes, D.D. Williams, N.E. Williams. |
File |
1976 |
63 |
The ecology of stream insects / H.B.N. Hynes. |
File |
1970 |
68 |
The effect of water-level fluctuations on littoral fauna / H.B.N. Hynes. |
File |
1961 |
70 |
The embryology of polymorphus minutus (acanthocephala) / by W.L. Nicholas and H.B.N. Hynes. |
File |
1963 |
80 |
Further studies on the distribution of stream animals within the substratum / by H.B.N. Hynes. |
File |
1974 |
89 |
The interpretation of biological data with reference to water quality / H.B.N. Hynes. |
File |
[196-?] |
92 |
Keynote address / H.B.N. Hynes. |
File |
1989 |
94 |
Laboratory experiments on factors affecting the activity of gammarus pseudolimnaeus Bousfield / Ron R. Wallace, H.B.N. Hynes and N.K. Kaushik. |
File |
1975 |
97 |
Life-histories of capniidae and taeniopterygidae (plecoptera) in southern Ontario / P.P. Harper and H.B.N. Hynes. |
File |
1972 |
103 |
The maxillae of the British species of Isoperla (plecoptera : perlodidae) / by H.B.N. Hynes and Fiona M. Macphee. |
File |
1970 |
118 |
The occurence of benthos deep in the substratum of a stream / D. Dudley Williams and H.B.N. Hynes. |
File |
1974 |
121 |
Perlidae (plecoptera) / by H.B.N. Hynes. |
File |
[1951?] |
125 |
Pollution ecology of freshwater invertebrates / H.B.N. Hynes. |
File |
1975 |
130 |
The restoration of rivers and streams: theories and experience (edited by James A. Gore) / H.B.N. Hynes. |
File |
1986 |
139 |
A simple method of assessing the annual production of stream benthos / by H.B.N. Hynes and Mary J. Coleman. |
File |
1968 |
143 |
Stream habitat selection by aerially colonizing invertebrates / D. Dudley Williams and H.B.N. Hynes. |
File |
1976 |
146 |
A survey of the fauna of streams on Mount Elgon, East Africa, with special reference to the simuliidae (diptera) / T.R. Williams and H.B.N. Hynes. |
File |
1971 |
148 |
Symbiocladius aurifodinae sp. nov. (diptera, chironomidae), a parasite of nymphs of Australian leptophilebiidae (ephemeroptera) / by H.B.N. Hynes. |
File |
[1976] |
149 |
Tasmanian Antarctoperlaria (plecoptera) / H.B.N. Hynes. |
File |
1976 |
151 |
This week's citation classic / H.B. Noel Hynes. |
File |
1981 |
158 |
Le premier symposium eruopeen sur les plecopteres / J. Aubert. |
File |
1956 |
160 |
A counterstaining technique for use in sorting benthic samples / D. Dudley Williams and N.E. Williams. |
File |
1974 |
164 |
Annual cycles of macro-invertebrates of a river in southern Ghana / J.D. Hynes. |
File |
1975 |
165 |
Observations on the feeding and growth of the predacious oligochaete chaetogaster langi on ciliated protozoa / William D. Taylor. |
File |
1980 |
166 |
Biting flies in Canada : health effects and economic consequences / National Research Council of Canada. Associate Committee on Scientific Criteria for Environmental Quality. |
File |
1982 |
170 |
Macroinvertebrates associated with macrophytes and plastic imitations in the Eramosa River, Ontario, Canada / by Brian Rooke. |
File |
1986 |