Graphic Services fonds. Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
85-06-08 Canadian Math Competition Awards Banquet. File June 13, 1985
85-06-15 Reception for Professors Costa Pinto and Scott. File June 25, 1985
85-06-18 Hewlett Packard joins Institute for Computer Research (ICR) press conference. File June 25, 1985
85-06-26 Dr. Gary Rempel in lab for Institute for Polymer Research (IPR) brochure. File 1985
85-07-06 Games from Games Museum. File July 5, 1985
85-07-07 Morley Lemon and new hood for Master of Accounting degree. File July 5, 1985
85-07-17 Interview with Mike Magazine, Chairman, Engineering. File July 18, 1985
85-07-20 Matt Snell, Student Co-ordination, Co-ordination and Placement. File July 5, 1985
85-07-26 Arts administration class. File July 25, 1985
85-07-29 Campus scenes. File July 1985
85-08-01a Biology faculty portraits. File August 6, 1985
85-08-06a Chemistry seminar, group photo, 604 people. File August 12, 1985
85-08-11 Dr. David Kirk, Sociology. File August 23, 1985
85-08-15 Bookstore, stacking shelves. File August 28, 1985
85-09-04 Lorraine Beatty. File September 4, 1985
85-09-09 Dr. Ron Martiuiuk. File September 9, 1985
85-09-18 Athletes of the Week, Kathy Goetz. File September 17, 1985
85-09-24 Professor Bob Leroy, Chemistry. File September 20, 1985
85-09-25 Presentation, Murata Erie, Norma Walker, Student Awards. File September 18, 1985
85-09-26 Dr. John Simpson, Oxford English Dictionary Centre. File September 23, 1985
85-09-36 Professor Christodonlakis. File September 25, 1985
85-10-02 Vic Haidysk. File October 3, 1985
85-10-04 Student Recognition Dinner. File October 1, 1985
85-10-05 Ed Jernigan. File 1985
85-10-07 Cheque presentation to Murray Moo-Young and Doug Wright. File October 8, 1985
85-10-09 Maple Lab. File 1985
85-10-10 Chris Knapper. File 1985
85-10-15 Chemical Engineering, Process Control Futures Conference. File 1985
85-10-16 Process Control Futures Conference reception. File October 15, 1985
85-10-19 Anne Brunelle. File 1985
85-10-24 Warrior hockey tournament. File October 19, 1985
85-10-31 Athlete of the Week, Doug Paul. File October 29, 1985
85-10-32 Engineering lecture room renovations. File October 28, 1985
85-10-33 Hagey Lecturer, Dr. Lyne Margalis. File October 28, 1985
85-10-41 Janet Lab, Mac Lab, Red Room. File October 1, 1985
85-10-44 Ice hockey team. File 1985
85-10-47 Andrea Le Borgne. File October 17, 1985
85-11-04 Gregory Sorbara, Minister for University and Colleges visit to University of Waterloo. File November 8, 1985
85-11-18 Cathy Dunlop, Watcom. File November 16, 1985
85-11-22 Dr. Gerry Hagey. File November 21, 1985
85-11-31 Naismith Classic Basketball. File November 23, 1985
85-12-09 Kim Goetz. File December 2, 1985
85-12-11 Environmental Studies van donated by Watfund. File December 9, 1985
85-12-15 Dance poster. File December 12, 1985
85-12-17 Biology experiment. File December 10, 1985
85-12-21 Watfor video screens. File December 18, 1985
85-12-23 Profile: Chuck Cunningham. File December 19, 1985
86-01-03 Co-ordination group photo, 80 people. File January 8, 1986
86-01-10 Human Kinetics and Leisure Studies scholarship award winners. File January 13, 1986-January 14, 1986
86-01-20 Kandi McElary, VHS student, Co-ordination and Placement. File January 1986
86-01-25 English department graduate studies poster. File January 28, 1986
86-01-26 WATMARs facility in EMS Library. File January 27, 1986
86-01-28 Co-op student housing, new siding installation. File January 28, 1986
86-01-30 Dr. David Davies, History. File January 28, 1986
86-01-33 Anne McNeill, Student Career Advisor, Co-ordination and Placement. File January 1986
86-01-36 Thomas Corn, Student Career Advisor. File January 1986
86-01-37 Sarah Rocchi, Student Career Advisor, Co-ordination Placement. File January 1986
86-02-01 Athlete of the Week, Marcus Boyle. File February 11, 1986
86-02-05 Canadian Industrial Innovation Centre (CIIC) staff portraits. File February 7, 1986
86-02-10 Institute for Computer Research (ICR) Davis Centre construction site. File February 12, 1986
86-02-12 John Pasternak, Student Career Advisor. File January 1986
86-02-16 Dr. Malvyn Marple in lab. File February 20, 1986
86-02-20 Athlete of the Week, Jamie McNeill. File 1986
86-02-21 Presentation to a student at University Club. File February 13, 1986
86-02-24 Icy and snowy campus scenes. File February 18, 1986
86-03-02 R-2000 Student Design Challenge, Joe Somfay and three students. File March 6, 1986
86-03-07b Pilot Plant in Engineering 1, Chemical Engineering. File March 11, 1986
86-03-10 Mature students in class. File 1986
86-03-11 Institute for Computer Research (ICR) Davis Centre construction site. File March 18, 1986
86-03-13 Vivian Kinnaird, Environmental Studies student. File March 19, 1986
86-03-16 Joyce Miller, Arts student. File March 20, 1986
86-04-06 J.P. Huisson, Mechanical Engineering. File April 2, 1986
86-04-09 NMR Lab, Chemistry with Len Reeves and students. File April 9, 1986
86-04-10 Henrik Ramlau-Hansen, Statistics. File April 1986
86-04-12 Grad House. File April 1986
86-04-17 Michael Webster, Federation of Students. File April 11, 1986
86-04-18 Stu McGill, Kinesiology. File April 11, 1986
86-04-22 Steve McDowell and Dave Yach at Watcom. File April 17, 1986
86-04-24 Dr. Ralph Lebold, Conrad Grebel College. File April 21, 1986
86-04-25 Renison College Founders' Day. File April 20, 1986
86-04-30 Office situations at Watcom. File April 24, 1986
86-04-32 Jerry Bolce, Department of Computing Services (DCS). File April 29, 1986
86-04-33 Eric Tse, Mathematics student. File April 28, 1986
86-04-35 Dr. Remkes Kooistra, St. Paul's University College. File April 30, 1986
86-05-01 Woodruff family. File May 2, 1986
86-05-03 Dr. Darrol Bryant, Renison College. File May 4, 1986
86-05-06 Institute for Computer Research (ICR) Davis Centre construction site. File May 5, 1986
86-05-08 Nancy-Lou Patterson, Department of Fine Arts. File May 7, 1986
82-12-04 Jim Wilson, Co-ordination and Placement. File December 8, 1982
82-12-05 Father Chris Grabiec, St. Jerome's College. File December 8, 1982
82-12-07 Presentation of Oktoberfest Cup to Earl Stieler. File December 8, 1982
82-12-08 Portraits at Conrad Grebel College. File December 9, 1982
82-12-22 Karina Kraenzle, Co-ordination and Placement. File December 1982
1983 University photographs 1983. Series 1983
83-01-03 Athletes of the Week, Jennifer Birch-Jones. File January 11, 1983
83-01-04 Correspondence course facilities. File January 7, 1983
83-01-09 Mike Kauters, Co-ordination and Placement. File January 1983
83-01-24 Renison College, situations for calendar. File January 19, 1983
83-01-26b WCPD [Waterloo Centre for Process Development] facilities. File January 20, 1983
83-01-27 Jack Robb, Financial Services. File January 24, 1983
Results 701 to 800 of 14761