Graphic Services fonds. Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
85-04-08 Biotechnology Centre officials, Murray Moo-Young and Jack Pasternak. File April 3, 1985
85-04-09 Mural paintings at Co-ordination, Needles Hall. File April 4, 1985
85-04-10 Pilot plant in Chemical Engineering and equipment. File April 4, 1985
85-04-12 Various objects for Innovation Centre. File April 9, 1985
85-04-25 Groundbreaking ceremony, new Institute for Computer Research (ICR) building. File April 17, 1985
85-04-27 Chemistry personnel. File April 19, 1985
85-04-35 Research photos in Bob Novman's lab. File April 25, 1985
85-04-36 Hildegard Marsden retirement party. File April 1985
85-04-38 Jean Jarosz, Financial Services. File April 29, 1985
85-04-42 Correspondence mailing out in Central Stores. File April 25, 1985
85-04-44 Professor Scott Vanstone in his office. File April 30, 1985
85-05-01 IBM Math Banquet. File May 2, 1985
85-05-08 Horngren event, Accounting Group photos. File 1985
85-05-15 Recreation student receiving award. File 1985
85-05-23 Convocation, Saturday P.M. File May 25, 1985
85-05-26 Andrea Fraser, Student Advisory Council. File 1985
85-05-27 Rico Mariani. File 1985
85-06-02 Engineering student built car. File 1985
85-06-04 Cynthia Struthers, Math and Computers. File June 21, 1985
85-06-12 Copy of Co-ordination and Placement panel of personnel. File June 1985
85-06-20 Math student group at Renison College. File June 10, 1985
85-06-28 Ed Spike. File 1985
85-06-30 Copy negative of slide of students and blossoms near Arts Library. File June 1985
85-07-01 Professor Mike Houston, Human Kinetics and Leisure Studies. File July 6, 1985
85-07-03 Girl with plaster face. File July 6, 1985
85-07-04 Co-ordination and Placement, panel of co-ordinators. File July 6, 1985
85-07-10 Computer Science 100 Lab, Math and Computers. File July 10, 1985
85-07-11 Architecture student exhibition of fountains. File July 9, 1985
85-07-15 Barry Warner and fossils, Earth Sciences. File 1985
85-07-19 Windsurfer on Health Services lake for poster. File July 1985
85-07-21 Sue Young, Student Co-ordination, Co-ordination and Placement. File July 5, 1985
85-07-23 Institute for Computer Research (ICR) building site. File July 24, 1985
85-07-24 Greg Bauer. File July 25, 1985
85-07-28 Chromatograph columns, Dr. G. Karasek, Chemistry. File July 31, 1985
85-08-01b Biology faculty portraits. File August 22, 1985
85-08-06b Chemistry conference windup wine and cheese party. File August 16, 1985
85-08-07 Cheque presentation to Tom Brsztowski. File August 12, 1985
85-08-10 Dr. Bob Norman, Human Kinetics and Leisure Studies. File August 22, 1985
85-08-13 Football training camp. File August 27, 1985
85-08-16 Margaret Hendley. File August 28, 1985
85-08-18 Ralph Krueger doing apple study for Courier article. File August 1985
85-09-02 Rare books and magazine layout. File September 3, 1985
85-09-05 Art Headlam, Research Office. File September 6, 1985
85-09-08 Dr. Gary Griffin. File September 9, 1985
85-09-10 Glenn Beauchamp, University Games Japan, silver medalist. File 1985
85-09-15 Groundsman. File September 12, 1985
85-09-23 Arts students wine and cheese party. File September 17, 1985
85-09-35 Student seminar on science, technology and ethics. File September 27, 1985-September 30, 1985
85-10-03 John Stubbs with Applied Studies poster. File 1985
85-10-12 Cross country track meet. File October 11, 1985
85-10-14 Math Faculty Council presentation and reception. File October 15, 1985
85-10-17 Linda Youngblut. File 1985
85-10-20 Institute for Computer Research (ICR) construction. File October 17, 1985
85-10-35 Stores surplus sale. File October 28, 1985
85-10-36 Watfor 77 group. File 1985
85-10-38 Dr. Todd Marder. File October 29, 1985
85-10-42 Cheque presentation to Murray Moo-Young, L'Air Liquide. File October 31, 1985
85-10-45 Janet Cann. File October 17, 1985
85-10-48 Vernon Lobo. File October 1985
85-11-01 St. Jerome's College charity run. File November 1, 1985
85-11-08 Richard Bartells and Mike Sweenie. File November 8, 1985
85-11-11 Reception for Bell representative. File November 8, 1985
85-11-12 Group photo at Chemistry display. File November 7, 1985
85-11-15 Athletes of the Week, Peter Crouse and Anne Jordan. File 1985
85-11-16 Three environment books. File November 19, 1985
85-11-25 Winning work report, student awards. File November 21, 1985
85-11-26 Big E and Special K Math awards. File November 19, 1985
85-11-30 Homecoming 50's and 60's dance. File November 23, 1985
85-11-37 ICON exhibit at Theatre Gallery. File November 29, 1985
85-12-01 Athletes of the Week, Cindy Poag and Dave Ambrose. File December 3, 1985
85-12-12 Professor David Walker. File December 9, 1985
85-12-13b Watcom display brochures. File December 10, 1985
85-12-18 Audio lab and equipment. File December 17, 1985
85-12-20 Watcom offices, labs, reception and storage. File December 12, 1985
85-12-24 Les Harding and graffiti in Arts Library. File December 19, 1985
85-12-27 Dr. Frank Zorzitto, Pure Math. File December 23, 1985
86-01-02 Flag at half mast for death of Ira Needles. File January 7, 1986
86-01-04 Visitor Reception Centre, Tour Guides group. File January 10, 1986
86-01-06 Professor Terry McMahon, Chemistry. File January 10, 1986
86-01-08 Institute for Computer Research (ICR) Davis Centre construction site. File January 13, 1986
86-01-14 Matching Gift campaign photo. File January 17, 1986
86-01-16 Optometry, Contact Lens Clinic. File January 21, 1986
86-01-17 Colleen Bawn, VHS student, Co-ordination and Placement. File January 1986
86-01-21 Stephen Hagman, Math Faculty Computing Facility (MFCF). File January 1986
86-01-23 Dagg, Anne - Independent Studies. File January 24, 1986
86-01-24 Barry Collins, Applied Math. File January 27, 1986
86-01-34 Vicki Carlan, Student Career Advisor, Co-ordination and Placement. File January 1986
86-01-35 VHS student Johnathan Coleman. File January 1986
86-01-38 Brian Murphy, Student Career Advisor. File January 1986
86-02-02 George Burrows, Custodian. File February 6, 1986
86-02-04 Robert LeRoy, Chemistry. File February 5, 1986
86-02-08 Kim Goetz, Biology. File February 1986
86-02-09 Innovation Centre, Trailer Coupling Group meeting. File February 11, 1986
86-02-11 Burt Matthews Hall rooms 1039 and 1040 for liquor license application. File February 12, 1986
86-02-15 Malvyn Marple. File February 20, 1986
86-03-06 Campus Day. File March 11, 1986
86-03-07a Pilot Plant in Engineering 1, Chemical Engineering. File March 11, 1986
86-03-12 Professor John Brzozowski, Computer Science. File March 10, 1986
86-03-17 Technology and autonomy workshop. File March 21, 1986
86-03-22 Denise Glazebrook, Human Kinetics and Leisure Studies. File March 25, 1986
Results 6401 to 6500 of 14761