Graphic Services fonds. Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
77-03-05 Patti Page, Registrar's Office. File March 3, 1977
77-03-09 Faculty Senator Dr. R.A. Aziz, Physics. File March 5, 1977
77-03-10 Margaret Bruckler, Village I. File March 7, 1977
77-03-13 Golf team. File March 8, 1977
77-03-24 W.G. Deeks. File March 18, 1977
77-03-27 Coffee shop scene at Modern Languages. File March 18, 1977
77-03-33 Old timers hockey. File March 25, 1977
77-03-34 Ian Campbell, Renison College Principal. File March 30, 1977
77-03-36 Theatre and ballet. File March 26, 1977
79-08-08 Minota Hagey Residence, copy negatives. File August 14, 1979
79-08-09 Heidi Fliut, South Campus Hall Travel Office. File August 14, 1979
79-08-10 Grace Logan, Arts Computing. File August 14, 1979
79-08-24 Games Room, Campus Centre. File August 23, 1979
79-08-28 St. Jerome's College quad. File August 1979
79-09-05 Campus scenes for calendar. File September 11, 1979
79-09-07 Staff Association portraits, Alfreida Swainston, Bob Taffrie. File September 13, 1979
79-09-10 Shuttle bus service. File September 14, 1979
79-09-17 University Avenue entrance. File September 25, 1979
79-09-18 Information desk in Arts Library. File September 22, 1979
79-09-19 Card files in Arts Library. File September 27, 1979
79-09-21 Greek artifacts for display with Erica. File September 28, 1979
79-09-24 Retirement of carpenter. File September 29, 1979
79-09-25 Ten pin bowling, Staff Association. File September 30, 1979
79-09-26 Transparencies of St. Jerome's College for calendar cover. File September 1979
79-09-30 Math Department, Verna Keller. File August 15, 1979
79-10-01 EMS Library. File October 3, 1979
79-10-07 I.A.C. Executives, groups. File October 11, 1979
79-10-10 Lorraine Roberts, Library. File October 16, 1979
79-10-11 Convocation. File October 19, 1979
79-10-16 Jean Spowart, Engineering. File October 24, 1979
79-10-19 Railway car undercarriage testing at Engineering. File October 25, 1979
79-10-25 Pascal Lecturer, Dr. Donald MacKay, signing book in Rare Book Room in Arts Library. File October 30, 1979
79-11-07 M.H. Green, Staff Association. File November 8, 1979
79-11-16 For Faculty Club, Brent Dysart. File November 16, 1979
79-11-23 Eric Schultz, Chief Librarian - Wilfrid Laurier University. File November 22, 1979
79-11-24 Antique chest from Nova Scotia, Michael Bird. File November 22, 1979
79-11-32 Frank Woodham, Math and Computers. File November 1979
79-11-33 Athlete of the Week Award. File November 27, 1979
79-11-35 Chemistry Lecture, Mafia Holdup. File November 30, 1979
79-11-36 Art show in Faculty Club. File December 1, 1979
79-11-37 Dr. R. Lister. File November 1979
79-12-06 Athlete of the Week, Lynn Marshall. File December 4, 1979
79-12-11 Optometry, Dr. Sivak. File December 5, 1979
79-12-12 Biology Museum, school kids viewing dinosaur display. File December 5, 1979
79-12-21 Campus scenes with hoarfrost and snow. File December 21, 1979
80-01-03 Professor Bob Needham, Economics. File January 9, 1980
80-01-08 Skating at rink on the park. File January 9, 1980
80-01-09 Athletes of the Week, Don Langlois and Jan Ostrom. File January 15, 1980
80-01-10 Randy Klawitter, Co-ordination and Placement. File January 16, 1980
80-01-11 Ellen Shenk, Co-ordination and Placement. File January 17, 1980
80-01-14 Athletes of the Week: Jan Ostrom, Don Langlois. File January 15, 1980
80-01-22 Adele Newton, Statistics. File January 24, 1980
80-02-04 B. McPherson. File February 4, 1980
80-02-05a Athletes of the Week presentations. File February 5, 1980
80-02-06 Architecture students models. File February 7, 1980
80-02-07a Dr. B.C. Matthews. File February 8, 1980
80-02-07b Dr. B.C. Matthews. File February 8, 1980
80-02-09 Neil Freeman, President Elect of Student Federation. File February 5, 1980
80-02-11 Susan Porter, Athletics. File February 6, 1980
80-02-15 Athletes of the Week presentation. File February 12, 1980
80-02-29 Athletes of the Week, Brian Ray and Sylvia Ounpuu. File February 26, 1980
80-02-37 Dr. Matthews pulls the switch on Computer 360-75. File February 27, 1980
80-02-38 Medieval drama dress rehearsal. File February 27, 1980
80-03-03 Athletes Awards presentation. File March 4, 1980
80-03-14 Dr. Morven Gentleman, Math and Computers. File March 24, 1980
80-03-20 Architecture student models on display at Conestoga Mall. File March 27, 1980
80-03-21 Peter Fritz, Earth Sciences. File March 31, 1980
80-04-03 Chemical Engineering research brochure situations with Janice Machan. File April 1, 1980-April 2, 1980
80-04-07 Wayne Montgomery. File April 10, 1980
80-04-08 Marlene Miller, Math and Computers. File April 1, 1980
80-04-11 Paul Monk, Optometry student. File April 16, 1980
80-05-05 Miriam. File May 6, 1980
80-05-09 French contest awards luncheon. File May 10, 1980
80-05-10 Correspondence personnel portraits. File May 14, 1980
80-05-19 Rare book display. File May 15, 1980
80-06-04 Sheila McLaughlin, Health Services. File June 3, 1980
80-06-15 Professor John Horton, Environmental Studies. File June 6, 1980
80-06-17 Junior Olympics at Physical Activities Complex. File June 9, 1980
80-06-21 Marj Kohli and Peter Boos, Math and Computers. File June 10, 1980
80-06-22 Irwin Rodin, EMS Library. File June 10, 1980
80-07-01 Paul Eagles. File July 2, 1980
80-07-07 Air Canada pilot in aircraft cockpit. File 1980
80-07-08 Redina Caracaz, Secretary to the Dean of Math. File July 1, 1980
80-07-11 Pat Rowe. File July 4, 1980
80-07-13 Professor Burns, Math. File July 15, 1980
80-07-18b University of Waterloo mace. File July 1980
80-07-26 Ivy growing into Chemistry 2 Building. File July 29, 1980
80-07-27 Verne Dust. File July 23, 1980
80-08-07 Egg sculpture and Chemistry Biology Link in building. File August 6, 1980
80-08-08 Boris Nichols, Physical Resources Group. File August 13, 1980
80-08-14 Computer #4341 being installed in Computer Centre. File August 15, 1980
80-08-23 Painters touching up Needles Hall super graphics. File August 27, 1980
80-08-26 Dianne Munson, Waterloo Motor Inn. File August 28, 1980
80-08-27 Pat Davis, Athletics. File August 28, 1980
80-08-28 Professor Al. I. Dust, English. File August 28, 1980
80-09-07 Picketers at University Ave. entrance. File September 11, 1980
80-09-10 Bob McKillop, Athletics. File September 9, 1980
80-09-14 Jacquie Wellwood testing Dr. Matthews. File September 12, 1980
80-09-15 Mary Bergamin presenting Dr. Matthews with alumni cheque. File September 13, 1980
80-09-16 Computer Centre situations. File September 15, 1980
Results 4801 to 4900 of 14761