Level of description
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97-06-18 |
Larry Wynn, Information Systems and Technology (IST). |
File |
June 16, 1997 |
97-06-19 |
Mario Ioannidis, Chemical Engineering. |
File |
June 16, 1997 |
97-06-21 |
Tony Atkinson, Accounting. |
File |
June 18, 1997 |
97-06-23 |
Math Olympiad award winners banquet. |
File |
June 17, 1997 |
97-06-26 |
Phil Merikle, Psychology. |
File |
June 25, 1997 |
97-06-27 |
Joan Lam, Co-op Education. |
File |
June 26, 1997 |
97-06-28 |
Joanne Turner, Renison College. |
File |
June 26, 1997 |
97-07-06 |
Engineering Work Report winners. |
File |
July 8, 1997 |
97-07-10 |
Master of Accounting (MAcc) students presentation, School of Accountancy, group photo. |
File |
July 11, 1997 |
97-07-16 |
William Baldridge, Optometry. |
File |
July 16, 1997 |
97-07-18 |
Kerry Mahoney, Co-op Education. |
File |
July 21, 1997 |
97-07-20 |
Michael Hunt, Science. |
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July 22, 1997 |
97-07-25 |
Terri Adlam, Applied Health Sciences. |
File |
July 25, 1997 |
97-07-30 |
Math Work Report winners group. |
File |
July 30, 1997 |
97-08-04 |
Ed Anderson, Math. |
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August 13, 1997 |
97-08-05 |
Nicholas Cerone, Computer Science. |
File |
August 8, 1997 |
97-08-11 |
Tanya Darisi, Co-op Education. |
File |
August 15, 1997 |
97-08-13 |
Morris Tchir, Chemistry. |
File |
August 15, 1997 |
97-08-15 |
University of Waterloo Police: Special Constable training seminar group photo. |
File |
August 20, 1997 |
97-09-01 |
Hugh Chipman, Institute for Improvement in Quality and Productivity (IIQP). |
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September 3, 1997 |
97-09-11 |
Management Science group photo. |
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September 10, 1997 |
97-09-17 |
Kim Martin in Train Lab. |
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September 15, 1997 |
97-09-19 |
Kerry Burley working on the cutter in the Graphics print shop. |
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September 17, 1997 |
97-09-25 |
Ken Hadley, Optometry, for Men of Science display. |
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September 18, 1997 |
97-09-33 |
Ten year employee group. |
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September 23, 1997 |
97-09-36 |
Stefan Steiner, Institute for Improvement in Quality and Productivity (IIQP). |
File |
September 24, 1997 |
97-09-39 |
Science Shop machine. |
File |
September 24, 1997 |
97-09-40 |
Allan Morgan, Earth Sciences, for Men of Science display. |
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September 24, 1997 |
97-09-42 |
Annual report photos - Canadian Industrial Innovation Centre (CIIC) staff in working situations. |
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September 25, 1997 |
97-09-44 |
Paul Critchley, Co-op Education. |
File |
September 29, 1997 |
97-09-52 |
Steve Cook, Purchasing. |
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September 4, 1997 |
97-10-10 |
Robert Mann, Physics, for Men of Science display. |
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October 3, 1997 |
97-10-13 |
John Flanagan, Optometry, for Men of Science display. |
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October 8, 1997 |
97-10-14 |
Susan Bellingham with Seagram desk, Library. |
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October 8, 1997 |
97-10-18 |
Women's soccer headshots. |
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October 9, 1997 |
97-10-19 |
Sheila Ager, Classical Studies. |
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October 9, 1997 |
97-10-20 |
Tony Cullen, Optometry. |
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October 10, 1997 |
97-10-21 |
Student Career Advisors, Co-op Education. |
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October 14, 1997 |
97-10-22 |
Housing ID shots. |
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October 15, 1997 |
97-10-28 |
Louise Chaput, French Department. |
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October 7, 1997 |
97-10-32 |
Convocation - AM. |
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October 25, 1997 |
97-10-35 |
Ralph Korchensky, Civil Engineering. |
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October 24, 1997 |
97-10-39 |
Don McLeish teaching Statistics 901 class. |
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October 30, 1997 |
97-10-42 |
Ken McLaughlin book launch. |
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October 28, 1997 |
97-10-43 |
Carol Hunsberger, IKON Office Solutions. |
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October 31, 1997 |
97-10-45 |
Anne Viviane Maus, French Studies. |
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October 7, 1997 |
97-10-47 |
Delbert Russell, French Department. |
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October 7, 1997 |
97-10-57 |
Arnold Ages, French Department. |
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October 7, 1997 |
97-11-01 |
Gerald (Gerry) Toogood, Chemistry. |
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November 3, 1997 |
97-11-05 |
All-Canadian athlete: Kevin Pressburger - football. |
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November 6, 1997 |
97-11-09 |
Curly, Larry, and Moe - cops. |
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November 11, 1997 |
97-11-23 |
Special K and Big E winner. |
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November 18, 1997 |
97-11-27 |
Laminator. |
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November 27, 1997 |
97-11-30 |
Campaign Waterloo - Celebration of Achievement. |
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November 27, 1997 |
97-11-31 |
Campaign wrap-up. |
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November 27, 1997 |
97-11-32 |
Distance Education, pulling mail at Central Stores. |
File |
November 28, 1997 |
97-11-33 |
Art auction and sale. |
File |
November 30, 1997 |
97-11-34 |
All-Canadian athlete: Jason Tibbits - football. |
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November 5, 1997 |
97-11-38 |
All-Canadian athlete: Jarrett Smith - football. |
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November 6, 1997 |
97-12-03 |
Enivornmental Sciences co-op award winners. |
File |
December 4, 1997 |
97-12-05 |
Anne-Sophie Testelin-Dumetz, applied studies and art history student. |
File |
December 4, 1997 |
97-12-07 |
Math Work Report winners. |
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December 4, 1997 |
97-12-12 |
John Hirdes, Applied Health Sciences, Gerontology. |
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December 15, 1997 |
97-12-14 |
Jon Mark, Electrical and Computer Engineering. |
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December 15, 1997 |
00-06-37 |
Retirement party for Jeff Weller, Dean of Engineering office. |
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June 23, 2000 |
00-06-39 |
Mica Sweet, Renison College. |
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June 24, 2000 |
00-06-41 |
Dean Nicholic, Special for University of Waterloo recruiter. |
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June 28, 2000 |
00-07-14 |
Mini-Link/Main-Link, Qtvr shoot, Chemistry. |
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July 7, 2000 |
00-07-16 |
Karen Gallant, Human Resources. |
File |
July 18, 2000 |
00-07-27 |
Jennifer Guant, Institute for Improvement in Quality and Productivity (IIQP). |
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July 31, 2000 |
00-08-01 |
Humanities Theatre renovations. |
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August 1, 2000 |
00-08-03 |
Humanities Theatre renovations. |
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August 3, 2000 |
00-08-05 |
Police ID photos. |
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August 8, 2000 |
00-08-06 |
Amanda Clutton, Co-op Education. |
File |
August 8, 2000 |
00-08-11 |
Stephanie Bangarth, Arts. |
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August 9, 2000 |
00-08-17 |
Bertrand Guenin, Combinatorics and Optimization. |
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August 22, 2000 |
00-08-18 |
Darcy Williams, Co-op Education. |
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August 24, 2000 |
00-08-22 |
Shirley Thompson, Co-op Education Co-ordinator. |
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August 25, 2000 |
00-08-23 |
Athletics staff. |
File |
August 30, 2000 |
00-09-07 |
Frosh Week - residence games. |
File |
September 6, 2000 |
00-09-10 |
Carolyn Bently, Co-op Education. |
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September 8, 2000 |
00-09-11 |
Rhonna Hanning, Health Science and Gerontology. |
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September 11, 2000 |
00-09-14 |
Nutrition group. |
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September 12, 2000 |
00-09-16 |
Grant Russell, School of Accounting. |
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September 15, 2000 |
00-09-20 |
Distance Education open house. |
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September 16, 2000 |
00-09-28 |
Irene Dawson, St. Paul's University College. |
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September 26, 2000 |
00-09-29 |
Ian Vanderburgh, St. Paul's University College. |
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September 26, 2000 |
00-09-30 |
Simon Chan, Food Services Chef, for Kitchener-Waterloo Record advertisement. |
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September 27, 2000 |
00-10-04 |
Engineering alumni donors. |
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October 5, 2000 |
00-10-10 |
Grand opening of Browsers in Dana Porter Library, Food Services. |
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October 24, 2000 |
00-10-11 |
Football team. |
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October 22, 2000 |
00-10-12 |
Samuel Lisi, K.D. Fryer Gold Medal winner. |
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October 21, 2000 |
00-11-04 |
Doug Ryan, Co-op Education. |
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November 7, 2000 |
00-11-05 |
Connie McEachnie, Arts. |
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November 8, 2000 |
00-11-06 |
Denise Hay, Systems Design Engineering. |
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November 8, 2000 |
00-11-07 |
Vicky Lawrence, Systems Design Engineering. |
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November 8, 2000 |
00-11-08 |
Angela Semple, Civil Engineering. |
File |
November 8, 2000 |
00-11-11 |
Associate Provosts and Jim Kalbleisch. |
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November 21, 2000 |
00-11-14 |
Big E and Special K winners. |
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November 21, 2000 |
00-11-19 |
Ram and Lekha Tumkur Memorial Graduate Scholarship (Biology) - July Gauley (recipient). |
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November 23, 2000 |