Graphic Services fonds. Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
99-04-15 Tracey Light, Centre for Learning and Teaching Through Technology (LT3). File April 15, 1999
97-12-21 Cryptography Chairs announcement. File December 15, 1997
98-01-04 Bob Blackburn, Data Processing. File January 8, 1998
98-01-06 Athena basketball vs Calgary. File January 2, 1998
98-01-07 Keith Warriner, Sociology. File January 9, 1998
98-01-09 Donna Harvey, St. Paul's University College. File January 14, 1998
98-01-11 Bob Linnen, Earth Sciences. File January 7, 1998
98-01-12 Jennifer Venditti, Co-op Education. File January 7, 1998
98-01-23 Jeff Sommer, student. File January 19, 1998
98-01-30 Pat Rowe, Dean of Graduate Studies. File January 23, 1998
98-01-32 Iris Strickler, Graphics. File January 21, 1998
98-01-33 Thomas Seebohm, Architecture. File January 22, 1998
98-01-35 Renison College mascot, Reni Moose (moose head). File January 20, 1998
98-01-49 Jaclyn White, All-Canadian athlete - basketball. File January 6, 1998
98-01-50 Leslie Mitchell, All-Canadian athlete - basketball. File January 6, 1998
98-02-01 Jay Thompson CD and CD burner. File February 3, 1998
98-02-02 World Wetlands Day events. File February 2, 1998
98-02-16 Cathy Van Esch, Chemistry. File February 17, 1998
98-02-20 Dave Switzer, Computer Science. File February 23, 1998
98-02-25 Canadian Conference of Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE) advanced program cover. File February 22, 1998
98-02-30 Morris Tchir, Chemistry. File February 24, 1998
98-02-31 10 Year Employee Group. File February 18, 1998
98-02-34 Richard Culham, Mechanical Engineering. File February 26, 1998
98-02-36 Men's and Women's track teams. File February 24, 1998
98-02-37 University of Waterloo and Conestoga College signing English Language Training Agreement. File February 26, 1998
98-02-44 John Hepburn, Chemistry. File February 16, 1998
98-02-57 Guy Guillenette, Chemistry. File February 18, 1998
98-02-59 Bev Winkler, Chemistry. File February 18, 1998
98-02-61 Kathy Jackson, Chemistry. File February 18, 1998
98-02-66 Susan Mikkelsen, Chemistry. File February 24, 1998
98-02-68 Terry McMahon, Chemistry. File February 25, 1998
98-03-01 Eric Ostrander, St. Paul's University College Board of Governors. File March 2, 1998
98-03-06 Co-op student employees. File March 4, 1998
98-03-07 Gina Yun, Computer Science. File March 10, 1998
98-03-11 ACM contest winners. File March 10, 1998
98-03-12 Graphic Services group. File March 11, 1998
98-03-13 Campus Day display for Watcard Office. File March 11, 1998
98-03-19 John Hoff, Earth Sciences. File March 16, 1998
98-03-20 Dean's List reception, Arts. File March 13, 1998
98-03-21 IKON Office Solutions presentation at Village 1. File March 16, 1998
98-03-24 Stephen Lewis press conference at St. Paul's University College. File March 24, 1998
98-03-26 Trainers photo, Human Resources and Student Services. File March 18, 1998
98-03-28 Carolyn Nelson, Arts. File March 27, 1998
98-03-35 Monica Van De Lande, Chemistry. File March 2, 1998
98-03-39 Tadeusz Gorecki, Chemistry. File March 10, 1998
98-04-12 Math Work Report winners. File April 8, 1998
98-04-22 Brandon Hurl, Co-op Education. File April 23, 1998
98-04-23 Vic Sneikus in Chemistry lab. File April 26, 1998
98-04-29 Erijka Haalboom, Co-op Education. File April 29, 1998
98-04-31 Central Stores ID photos. File April 24, 1998
98-05-08 Amanda Holmes, Co-op Education. File May 7, 1998
98-05-11 Macroscope equipment, Physics. File May 11, 1998
98-05-18 Catherine Scott, Human Resources. File May 20, 1998
98-05-25 Park Reilly, Chemical Engineering. File May 21, 1998
01-10-11 Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Nortel announcement. File October 4, 2001
01-10-16 KW Record technology spotlight advertisement - David Johnston and students in Computer Graphics Lab. File October 9, 2001
01-10-17 Doug Beynon, Engineering alumni. File October 5, 2001
01-10-20 Ray Alarie, Engineering alumni. File October 11, 2001
01-10-29 Economic Development diploma - Germaine Cormier, Brock Dickenson. File October 20, 2001
01-10-34 Sunrayce VI insurance photos. File October 25, 2001
01-10-38 Jeffery Baschuk, Alumni Gold Medal winner, Mechanical Engineering. File October 20, 2001
01-11-25 Stephen Drew, student. File November 15, 2001
01-12-06 President's Circle Awards for Volunteerism. File December 4, 2001
01-12-20 Portraits of unidentified individuals. File 2001?
01-12-26 Cara [surname unknown], Renison College. File 2001
02-01-11 Tiger Brand Factory, Melville St., Cambridge - new School of Architecture site photos. File January 26, 2002
02-02-16 Jim Lepock, Physics. File February 25, 2002
02-04-24 Conrad Grebal College convocation group shot. File April 14, 2002
02-05-27 James Kuo, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Canadian Research Chair. File May 17, 2002
02-05-29 Ji Yun Shim, chair shot for Renison College Stage 3. File May 13, 2002
02-05-31 Economic Development Program - Year 2 group. File May 26, 2002
02-05-34 Mohamed Kamel, Systems Design Engineering, Canada Research Chair. File May 29, 2002
02-05-38 Centre for Behavioral Research and Program Evaluation (CBRPE) group at Radisson Hotel. File May 30, 2002
02-06-02 Elizabeth Irving, Optometry, Canadian Research Chair. File June 3, 2002
02-06-11 Thirty-fifth annual René Descartes Medallists. File June 8, 2002
02-06-18 Convocation - Thursday: Arts. File June 13, 2002
02-06-19 Colleen Merrifield, student. File June 13, 2002
02-06-27 Convocation - Saturday PM: Engineering. File June 15, 2002
02-06-33 Martin Mills, student. File June 18, 2002
02-06-39 Davis Centre night scene - cafeteria shot from Mathematics and Computer (MC) service bay. File June 25, 2002
02-07-13 Professor Richard Nutbrown, Political Science, Distinguished Teacher Award (DTA). File July 16, 2002
02-08-04 Kirti Shah, Statistics. File August 9, 2002
02-08-33 Bill Taylor, Biology, Dean's display. File August 20, 2002
02-09-53 Management Sciences group. File September 20, 2002
02-10-02 Klaudia Toporowska, student. File October 1, 2002
02-10-03 Trena Schneider and President Johnston in co-op ad for Ottawa. File October 2, 2002
02-10-30 Convocation PM - Engineering, Environmental Studies, Independent Studies, Math and Science. File October 26, 2002
02-10-31 Scott Bandura, Accounting Alumni Award for Excellence recipient. File October 26, 2002
02-10-37 Grand opening of REVelation, food services outlet in Ron Eydt Village (REV). File October 29, 2002
02-11-03 Ron Eydt Village (REV) site shots and grand opening. File November 5, 2002
03-02-14 Paulo Alencar, Computer Science. File February 5, 2003
03-02-17 Ian Munro, Computer Science. File February 5, 2003
03-02-25 Gordon Cormack, Computer Science. File February 5, 2003
03-02-27 David Toman, Computer Science. File February 5, 2003
03-02-28 Tim Brecht, Computer Science. File February 5, 2003
03-02-31 Bryron Weber Becker, Computer Science. File February 5, 2003
03-02-36 Peter Forsyth, Computer Science. File February 5, 2003
03-02-42 Peter Buhr, Computer Science. File February 5, 2003
03-02-45 Jonathan Buss, Computer Science. File February 5, 2003
03-05-14 Bill Tatham event dinner plates. File May 5, 2003
Results 1401 to 1500 of 3097