Level of description
Digital object |
6 |
Administration : Financial : Accounts : Shand |
Series |
1959-1964 |
205 |
Shand operating paid accounts : no. 101 , July, August and September 1959. |
File |
1959 |
207 |
Shand operating paid accounts : no. 102 , October, November and December 1959. |
File |
1959-1960 |
211 |
Shand operating paid accounts : no. 105 , July, August and September 1960. |
File |
1960 |
213 |
Shand operating paid accounts : no. 106A , October, November and December 1960. |
File |
1960 |
215 |
Shand operating paid accounts : no. 108 , April, May and June 1961. |
File |
1961 |
217 |
Shand operating paid accounts : no. 111 , October, November and December 1961. |
File |
1961 |
218 |
Shand operating paid accounts : no. 111A , October, November and December 1961. |
File |
1961-1962 |
220 |
Shand operating paid accounts : no 113, April, May, June, 1962. |
File |
1962 |
222 |
Shand operating paid accounts : no 115, October, November, December, 1962. |
File |
1962 |
223 |
Shand operating paid accounts : no 116, January, February, March, 1963. |
File |
1963 |
7 |
Administration : Manager's Files : Ilmar Kao 1958-1959 |
Series |
1943-1959 |
233 |
Belwood Lake cottage lots rental and miscellaneous correspondence, 1959. |
File |
1959 |
234 |
Cancelled insurance policies. |
File |
1957-1959 |
238 |
Conestogo farm leases, 1959. |
File |
1959 |
241 |
Conestogo operating accounts : no. 2 : April, May, June 1958. |
File |
1958 |
245 |
Conestogo : rental list re camps, service clubs, 1959. |
File |
1959 |
249 |
Forestry Department reports, 1959. |
File |
1943-1959 |
251 |
General correspondence, 1959. |
File |
1957-1959 |
252 |
Head office correspondence, 1959. |
File |
1957-1959 |
258 |
Quotations for equipment etc., 1959. |
File |
1959 |
264 |
Shand operating paid accounts : no. 95 : January, February, March 1958. |
File |
1958 |
267 |
Shand operating paid accounts : no. 97A : July, August, September, 1958. |
File |
1958 |
273 |
Vehicle service reports, 1959. |
File |
1959 |
279 |
Cohen, Abraham, K.C., Toronto. |
File |
1938 |
283 |
Creager, William P. |
File |
1938 |
293 |
Fergus. |
File |
1938-1939 |
301 |
Hydro Electric Power Commission : O. Holden and J. Mackintosh. |
File |
1938-1939 |
302 |
James, Proctor and Redfern, Consulting Engineers. |
File |
1938 |
303 |
Land options : East Garafraxa. |
File |
1939-1940 |
308 |
Lazier, F.S., Consulting Engineer. |
File |
1938 |
314 |
McArthur, F., B. Sc., M.E.I.C., Consulting Engineer. |
File |
1938 |
315 |
McKay, Mayor W.S., Galt. |
File |
1939-1940 |
319 |
N miscellaneous folder. |
File |
1939 |
327 |
Property. |
File |
1936-1941 |
328 |
R miscellaneous folder. |
File |
1938-1939 |
329 |
Rayner Construction Ltd. |
File |
1938-1939 |
335 |
Shand Dam. |
File |
1939 |
348 |
W miscellaneous folder, 1939. |
File |
1939 |
350 |
Young, C.R., Consulting Engineer. |
File |
1939 |
9 |
Administration : Secretary Treasurer's Files : E.F. Roberts |
Series |
1942-1960 |
353 |
Applications. |
File |
1942 |
354 |
Employees. |
File |
1942 |
356 |
Land Purchases |
File |
[1942?] |
360 |
Cameron H. A.. |
File |
1942-1944 |
362 |
Untitled file. |
File |
1944 |
366 |
A1. |
File |
1946, 1947 |
367 |
B2. |
File |
1946 |
373 |
E. F. Roberts. |
File |
1946 |
378 |
H. A. Cameron, 1946. |
File |
1945-1946 |
382 |
K11. |
File |
1946 |
389 |
Paid file 47. |
File |
1946 |
391 |
Paid file 49. |
File |
1946-1947 |
392 |
R19. |
File |
1946 |
393 |
Reforestation. |
File |
1943-1946 |
395 |
S20. |
File |
1945-1946 |
398 |
W.C. McKay, Belwood, Ont. |
File |
1945-1946 |
399 |
W24. |
File |
1945-1946 |
402 |
B2. |
File |
1947 |
408 |
F6. |
File |
1946-1947 |
409 |
G7. |
File |
1946-1947 |
412 |
Income tax. |
File |
1946-1947 |
413 |
J10. |
File |
1947 |
418 |
N15. |
File |
1947 |
421 |
P17. |
File |
1947 |
423 |
Paid file 51. |
File |
1947 |
424 |
Paid file 52. |
File |
1947 |
433 |
W24. Correspondence |
File |
1947 |
434 |
A1. |
File |
1948 |
437 |
Conference report : Planning Boards and Committees of Southwestern Ontario, February 18-19, 1948. |
File |
1948 |
439 |
E.F. Roberts, 1948. |
File |
1948 |
440 |
F6. |
File |
1948 |
441 |
G7. |
File |
1947-1949 |
442 |
Gauge reading, 1948. |
File |
1948-1960 |
443 |
H.A. Cameron, Fergus, Ont., 1948. |
File |
1948 |
452 |
O16. |
File |
1948 |
455 |
Paid file 55, 1948. |
File |
1948 |
460 |
Run off report for year 1948. |
File |
1948 |
462 |
T21. |
File |
1948 |
467 |
Ausable watershed : land use survey : soils. |
File |
[1949] |
468 |
B2. |
File |
1949 |
475 |
G7. |
File |
1949 |
478 |
H8. |
File |
1949 |
479 |
I9. |
File |
1949-1950 |
494 |
W. Philip. |
File |
1949 |
496 |
Auditors' annual report for year 1950 : Scully and Scully, 1951. |
File |
1951 |
499 |
D4. |
File |
1950 |
501 |
Dominion Water and Power Bureau. |
File |
1946-1950 |
504 |
Gauge reading, 1950. |
File |
1949-1950 |
506 |
I9. |
File |
1950 |
507 |
K11. |
File |
1950 |
510 |
Meeting : November 3, 1950. |
File |
1950 |
514 |
Paid accounts file, no. 62, 1950. |
File |
1950 |
523 |
W24. |
File |
1950 |
528 |
Auditors' annual report for year 1951 : Scully and Scully, 1952. |
File |
1951 |
533 |
E5. |
File |
1951 |
1 |
Administration : Board Minutes : Secretary-Treasurer's Files |
Series |
1936-1965 |
1 |
Report and resolution : Minister of Lands and Forest, Toronto, Ont., Nov. 10, 1936. |
File |
1936 |
5 |
Mackintosh Morris report : original assessment, 1939. |
File |
1939 |
9 |
Annual meeting, Brantford, Ont., Feb. 18, 1944. |
File |
1943-1944 |