Level of description
Digital object |
1049 |
Special recognition awards, 2000 |
File |
2000 |
1050 |
Special recognition awards, 2001. |
File |
2001 |
1054 |
Abandoned railway line, Cambridge to Lynden, 1988 : print #1. |
File |
1988 |
1058 |
Aerial footage 1988 : Grand River : Middleport to Dunnville-Haldimand, June 3, 1988 : print #1. |
File |
1988 |
1060 |
Aerial footage 1989 : Grand River, Brantford to Keldon, 1989 : print #1. |
File |
1989 |
1071 |
Lake Erie & Northern : May 8, 1990 and last run, July 31, 1990. |
File |
1990 |
1073 |
One day in May sequel : footage. |
File |
[1988?] |
1078 |
Elora footage, 1950s : river, industry and train. |
File |
[Transferred to U matic videocassette after 1977] (originally created [19-])] |
1090 |
Save open spaces ; One day in May ; Nobody told me ; Upstream, downstream. |
File |
1973-1981 |
1093 |
Grand River Conservation Authority : annual reports , 1981 to 1986 (disc 1 of 2). |
File |
1981-1986 |
1095 |
Grand River Conservation Authority : special recognition awards, 1989 to 1997 (disc 1 of 2). |
File |
1989-1997 |
1096 |
Grand River Conservation Authority : special recognition awards, 1998 to 2003 (disc 2 of 2). |
File |
1998-2003 |
1098 |
Lake Erie & Northern : May 8, 1990 and last run, July 31, 1990. |
File |
1990 |
1099 |
Chicopee, 1935-36 and early 1940s. |
File |
1935-1936, [194-] |
1102 |
Elora footage, 1950s : river, industry and train. |
File |
[195-] |
1105 |
Hugh Templin movies, no.2. |
File |
194-] |
1110 |
Index cards : alphabetical index to black and white negatives housed in negative binders 1-14. |
File |
[19--] |
1111 |
Black and white negative files : vol. 1, p. 1-50. |
File |
[19--] |
1112 |
Black and white negative files : vol. 2, p. 51-101. |
File |
[19--] |
1114 |
Black and white negative files : vol. 4, p. 151-182. |
File |
[19--] |
1117 |
Black and white negative files : vol. 7, p. 225-280. |
File |
[19--] |
1118 |
Black and white negative files : vol. 8, p. 281-320. |
File |
[19--] |
1125 |
Negative files : vol. 15 : 2 1/4 inch format. |
File |
[199-] |
1130 |
Grand Actions Registry certificate presentation to Dunnville Bioregion Community Planning Association Inc, and to University of Waterloo Eco-reserach project. |
File |
[1996] |
1133a |
GRCA membership and staff photos : Grand Valley Conservation Authority Board of Directors (file 1 of 16). |
File |
[195-?] |
1133c |
GRCA membership and staff photos : board and staff (file 3 of 16). |
File |
[196-?] |
1133o |
GRCA membership and staff photos : board tours and meetings (file 15 of 16). |
File |
1967 |
1135 |
Meeting of the Conservation Authorities and Commissions, Jan. 30, 1962 : Dept. of Lands and Forests photos. |
File |
1962 |
1136b |
Shand Dam sod-turning ceremony and official opening, 1939 (file 2 of 7). |
File |
1939-1942 |
1136g |
Shand Dam : Belwood undated, unidentified (file 7 of 7). |
File |
1970 |
1138a |
Assorted openings and tours : gauge housing, Grand watershed, Sept. 2, 1953 (file 1 of 21). |
File |
1953 |
1138g |
Assorted openings and tours : unidentified snapshots and negatives, Nov. 1961 (file 7 of 21). |
File |
1961 |
1138L |
Assorted openings and tours : Taquanyah opening (file 12 of 21). |
File |
1973 |
1138t |
Assorted openings and tours : unidentified snapshots and negatives, undated (file 20 of 21). |
File |
[19--] |
60 |
Visual : Photographs : Historic |
Series |
[18--]-1997 |
1145 |
Brant Conservation Area : construction and Campvention, 1971. |
File |
1971 |
1147 |
Breslau Dam. |
File |
1961, 1972 |
1148 |
Bridgeport riverbank erosion : original control works, 1957 |
File |
1957 |
1149 |
Bridges. |
File |
[199-?] |
1163 |
Dunnville Dam photos. |
File |
[19--] |
1168 |
Elora Gorge beach pavilion and other park construction scenes. |
File |
1968-1969 |
1176 |
Glennie. |
File |
1971-1972 |
1178 |
Grand Valley Dam. |
File |
[19--] |
1182 |
Hortop's Mill, Everton. |
File |
[1975] |
1 |
Grand River Navigation Act, 1837. |
File |
1837 |
5 |
Province of Ontario : letters patent incorporating Grand River Conservation Commission, Aug. 13, 1934. |
File |
[19--] |
12 |
Bill 32 : an act to establish the Grand River Conservation Authority. |
File |
1966 |
13 |
The Conservation Authorities Act, 1968 : Statutes of Ontario, 1968. |
File |
1968 |
14 |
Order-in-Council No. 4891/68, Nov. 28, 1968, designating the area over which the Grand River Conservation Authority has jurisdiction. |
File |
1968 |
3 |
Board Minutes: Grand River Valley Boards of Trade |
Series |
1930-1938 |
21 |
Grand River Valley Boards of Trade : Minutes, December 12, 1930 to August 30, 1933. |
File |
1930-1938 |
4 |
Board Minutes : Grand River Conservation Commission |
Series |
1934-1965 |
42 |
Minutes, July 25, 1958 to October 14, 1960. |
File |
1958-1960 |
48 |
Minutes, January, 1953 to December, 1954. |
File |
1953-1954 |
49 |
Minutes, 1955. |
File |
1955 |
54 |
Minutes, 1960. |
File |
1960 |
55 |
Minutes, 1961. |
File |
1961 |
58 |
Minutes, 1964. |
File |
1964 |
60 |
Minutes, January to September, 1966. |
File |
1966 |
64 |
Minutes, 1969. |
File |
1969 |
67 |
Minutes, 1972. |
File |
1972 |
72 |
Minutes, July to December, 1975. |
File |
1975 |
84 |
Minutes, July to December, 1981. |
File |
1981 |
85 |
Minutes, January to June, 1982. |
File |
1982 |
86 |
Minutes, July to December, 1982. |
File |
1982 |
87 |
Minutes, January to June, 1983. |
File |
1983 |
89 |
Minutes, January to June, 1984. |
File |
1984 |
91 |
Minutes, 1985. |
File |
1985 |
92 |
Minutes, 1986. |
File |
1986 |
97 |
Minutes, July to December, 1989. |
File |
1989 |
103 |
Minutes, July to December, 1992. |
File |
1992 |
118 |
Minutes, January to June, 2000. |
File |
2000 |
124 |
Minutes, January to June, 2003. |
File |
2003 |
127 |
Minutes, July to December, 2004. |
File |
2004 |
132 |
Annual Meeting, 1977 : budget information. |
File |
1977 |
139 |
Annual Meeting, 1984 : budget information. |
File |
1984 |
140 |
Annual Meeting, 1985 : budget information. |
File |
1985 |
141 |
Annual Meeting, 1986 : budget information. |
File |
1986 |
142 |
Annual Meeting, 1987 : budget information. |
File |
1987 |
143 |
Annual Meeting, 1988 : budget information. |
File |
1988 |
145 |
Grand River Conservation Authority : report of the Long Range Planning Committee : five finger exercise, July 14, 1975. |
File |
1975 |
146 |
Strategy Committee : background information, February 19, 1990. |
File |
1990 |
10 |
Administration : Financial Files |
Series |
1939, 1952-1974 |
151 |
Grand Valley Conservation Authority : financial statement : year ended December 31, 1963. |
File |
1963 |
152 |
Grand Valley Conservation Authority : financial statement : year ended December 31, 1964. |
File |
1964 |
153 |
Grand Valley Conservation Authority : financial statement : year ended December 31, 1965. |
File |
1965 |
11 |
Administration Departments : Communications |
Series |
1970-[1976] |
158b |
Resource book. |
File |
[1976?] |
12 |
Administration Departments : Communications : Anniversaries, Openings, Events |
Series |
1956-2005 |
159 |
Apps' Mill Nature Centre opening, October 19, 1981 : working file. |
File |
1981 |
161 |
Grand River Conservation Authority head office tenth anniversary, October 19, 1983 : working file. |
File |
1983 |
164 |
Pinehurst Lake Conservation Area : 50th anniversary, June 24, 2005 : programme. |
File |
2005 |
13 |
Administration Departments : Communications : Publicity |
Series |
1974-1997 |
168 |
Grand River Conservation Authority : news releases, May 7, 1975 to June 8, 1981. |
File |
1975-1981 |
169 |
Grand River Conservation Authority : news releases, May 10, 1983 to December 7, 1984. |
File |
1983-1984 |
170 |
Grand River Conservation Authority : news releases, January 25, 1985 to December 8, 1987 |
File |
1985-1987 |
14 |
Administration : Flood Warning System |
Series |
1966-1983 |
172 |
Flood bulletin, 1966-68. |
File |
1964-1968 |
196 |
Ministry of Natural Resources : Commission of Inquiry into the nature, extent and cause of flooding of the Grand River, May 16th, 17th and 18th, 1974 : hearing, August 7, 1974. |
File |
1974 |
203 |
Ministry of Natural Resources : Commission of Inquiry into the nature, extent and cause of flooding of the Grand River, May 16th, 17th and 18th, 1974 : hearing, August 19, 1974. |
File |
1974 |