


Scope note(s)

  • Transient everyday items, usually printed and on paper, that are manufactured for a specific limited use, then often discarded. Includes everyday items that are meant to be saved, at least for a while, such as keepsakes and stock certificates.

Source note(s)

  • Library of Congress Basic Genre Terms for Cultural Heritage Materials

Display note(s)

Hierarchical terms


Equivalent terms


  • UF Programmes, leaflets, receipts, menus, playbills, pamphlets, flyers, greeting cards, business cards, invitations, coupons, tickets

Associated terms


1948 Archival description results for Ephemera

1948 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Garbo, Greta.

Clippings from the Winnipeg Free Press, the Observer Weekend Review and the New York Times Magazine about actress Greta Garbo.

Long, Elizabeth

Geneva Park : art shows & artists : 1989-1990s.

File consists of material relating to programs organized by the COAA, and mainly the annual workshops at Geneva Park (Longford Mills, Ontario) for 1994-1996 and the annual juried exhibition called Crossection for 1980-1982. Material relates to the organization and arrangement of the events. Includes incoming and outgoing correspondence, reports, flyers and invitations, brochures, programs, exhibition lists, minutes, budgets, draft workshop descriptions, etc.

Central Ontario Art Association

Gerry, E. Winnifred.

Clipping from unknown publications about Mrs. E. Winnifred Gerry of Winnipeg, Manitoba winning an award from the International Association of Public Employment Service.

Long, Elizabeth

Gilbreth, Lillian.

Clipping of Globe and Mail article "Coveted Award Received by Dr. Lillian Gilbreth" about her receiving the George Washington Award for "outstanding contribution to engineering and management, and for unselfish devotion to problems of the handicapped."

Long, Elizabeth

Gillmor, Frances.

Two clippings from an unknown publication of articles by Margaret E. Lawrence about Frances Gillmor and her writing. Includes typescript biography (1 p.) compiled by Jean Sweet with a handwritten summary of her sources on the verso.

Long, Elizabeth

Glucose for Household Use.

Glucose for Household Use issued by the Canada Food Board, Ottawa, August, 1918. This pamphlet gives information on saving sugar and using glucose in its place, including notes on how to use glucose for canning and preserving, and recipes substituting glucose for sugar.

Canada Food Board

Godfrey, Mary.

Clipping of The Globe and Mail column "A Gallery of Women" about Mary Godfrey (nee Ferguson) and her role as president of the Opera Festival Women's Committee.

Long, Elizabeth

Goodfellow, Olive.

Typescript biographical data about Olive Goodfellow (nee Wilkins) whose work included 22 years as director at the Goodfellow Printing Company.

Long, Elizabeth

Gordimer, Nadine.

Clippings of articles about South-African writer Nadine Gordimer. Includes a clipping of a newspaper portrait of Gordimer enclosed in an envelope with source information addressed "to the Librarian".

Long, Elizabeth

Grand River Lodge.

By-laws of Grand River Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons No. 151 (1914) and a cheque for initiation written by Kaufman for $35.

Kaufman, A. R. (Alvin Ratz)

Grannan, Mary.

Two clippings of articles about Canadian author and Canadian Broadcasting Corporation personality Mary Grannan.

Long, Elizabeth

Grant applications.

Materials related to a grant application to the "Aid to occasional Scholarly Conferences Program." Includes application instructions, form, proposal, and receipt of submission. Also contains a registration form for the resulting event “Canadian Foreign Policy : has Canada made a difference?” (December 10-11, 1991, Toronto).

English, John

Gray, Brida.

Clipping of Globe and Mail article "Woman Union President Also Has Family, Home Job" about Brida Gray, then president of Local 4010 Steel Workers' union.

Long, Elizabeth

Gray, Jessie.

Clipping of Winnipeg Tribune article "The first lady of Canadian surgery" by Maggie Grant about Dr. Jessie Gray.

Long, Elizabeth

Greeting card.

One Christmas greeting card from the Bechler family photo album. The card is addressed to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bechler from Mr. and Mrs. Hermann, Rieck and family.

Bechler family

Greeting cards.

File consists of commercial and hand made greeting cards received by the A.L. Breithaupt family between 1913 and 1928.

Breithaupt, Albert Liborius

Hamilton, Anne.

Page torn from an unknown publication featuring the article "Our Personality of the Month" about Anne Hamilton, director of the Underwood Consulting Bureau.

Long, Elizabeth

Handbill for The Public Life of Capt John Brown.

  • SCA357-GA409
  • Collection
  • 1860

One handbill advertising the publication of James Redpath's "The Public Life of Capt John Brown." Redpath and Brown were contemporaries and abolitionists and Redpath wrote this work the year after Brown's execution.

Thayer and Elridge

Harding, Mary.

Page torn from an unknown publication featuring the article "Personality Plus" about Mary Harding, traffic manager of Howarth and Smith Monotype Limited.

Long, Elizabeth

Haslett, Dame Caroline.

Clipping of Independent Woman article "A Saucy Girl" by Margaret Culkin Banning about Dame Caroline Haslett.

Long, Elizabeth


McCormack Eric. "Horror from Walpole to Shelley to Poe". Review of Haunted, by James Herbert. The Globe and Mail, Saturday, November 18 1989, sec. E, page 13.

McCormack, Eric P.

Hazell, Brita.

Article clipping from the Friday, September 16, 1977 edition of Medford, Oregon's the Mail Tribune titled: "Carrying Capacity called 'oracle' for Oregon." Includes photo of Brita Hazell.

Schneider family

Healey, Margaret.

Clipping of Globe and Mail article "Halifax Daily City Editor Far from Sob-Sister Type" about Canadian reporter and editor Margaret Healey.

Long, Elizabeth

Hesson, Hilda.

Clipping from unknown publication about Hilda Hesson, former Winnipeg city councilor.

Long, Elizabeth

High technology industry.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament related to the development of the high technology industry and infrastructure in Waterloo, Ontario. The material documents the opinions of some constituents as well as Telegdi’s political involvement in the matter. Records include correspondence, invitations, schedules, news releases, reports, notes, meeting agendas and minutes, press clippings, and other textual material.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

High technology industry.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament related to the development of the high technology industry and infrastructure in Kitchener and Waterloo, Ontario. Records include correspondence and notes as well as invitations, agendas, programs, and other textual material created during the planning of Peter Harder and Allan Rock's separate visits to Waterloo in 2002. At the time, Peter Harder was Deputy Minister of Industry Canada and Allan Rock was Minister of Industry. Andrew Telegdi hosted both visits.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter


Clippings, correspondence and one photograph related to the history of the company including staffing changes and the use of heavy machinery.

Kaufman Footwear

History dep[artmen]t.

Materials related to James Walker's talk delivered as part of the series “History as it happens” lunch-time talks at the University of Waterloo, on January 12, 2017, titled “Viola Desmond, race, and segregation in the Maritimes.” Includes promotional poster, bibliography, and script.

Walker, James

Hobbins, Rene.

Clipping from unknown publication about Rene Hobbins following her appointment as retail director at large for Allied Florists & Growers of Canada.

Long, Elizabeth

Hockey team.

Contains a newspaper clipping of a picture of the Kaufman Footwear hockey team for 1935 under the headline "Kaufman's Team Reaches Playoffs". Caption below photo reads: "Reaching the play-offs in the Kitchener Industrial Hockey League, Kaufman's team are show above. Back row - Alf Schaefer, coach; M. Kowalski, H. Schaefer, M. Wannamaker, C. Schlote, W. Plomski, E. Wannamaker, J. Frank, C. Steppler and J. Loth, manager. Front row - E. Good, A. Bernhardt and H. Current; I. Weber, mascot. - (Photo by Denton, Kitchener.)

Kaufman Footwear

Hodges, Nancy.

Clippings of articles from The Business and Professional Woman, Independent Woman, and Saturday Night about Canadian journalist and politician Nancy Hodges.

Long, Elizabeth

Holder, Barbara.

Clipping of Christian Science Monitor article "23-Year-Old Go-Getter" by Karl Detzer about Barbara Holder who sold bathkets, waterproof-lined baskets with pockets designed to hold bath items.

Long, Elizabeth


U.S. Department of Agriculture U.S. Food Administration United States Food Leaflet No. 19: Hominy. This leaflet gives information on how to cook hominy, types of hominy, and recipes using it.

United States Department of Agriculture

Houck, Ruth.

Promotional pamphlet regarding Ruth Houck's campaign as Provincial Liberal Candidate in Peel County. Includes information about her reasons for running, her family and her service with various organizations and boards.

Long, Elizabeth

Hunt, Jean.

Clipping of Regina Leader-Post article "Fashion illustrating is career choice of Reginan" about Jean Hunt.

Long, Elizabeth


Clippings and commemorative publication published to mark the 75th anniversary of the birth of Ontario Hydro and its connection to Kitchener.

Schneider family

IBM Education Executive Conference.

Material related to Donald Cowan's participation in the IBM Education Executive Conference held in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida between April 5-7, 1982. Includes correspondence, airplane tickets, hotel receipts, conference program, list of travel expenses, memoranda, a settlement claim, and a short abstract of Donald Cowan's presentation. Also includes one group portrait likely of the attendees of the IBM Asia/Pacific Education Executive Conference held in Tokyo, Japan in August 1986.

Cowan, Donald D.

In Flanders Fields and America's Answer.

One decorative hanging with the poems "In Flanders Fields" and "America's Answer" which was written by R.W. Lilliard as a response to the entreaties in McCrae's poem. Also includes a large envelope addressed to Miss. Helen M. Wright, teacher, Annette St. School, Toronto that the poem was originally housed in.

In memoriam Miss Emily Wilding Davison.

One in memoriam leaflet for Miss Emily Wilding Davison, BA. Emily was a suffragette who was killed by King George V's horse at a derby, possibly while attempting to put a suffrage sash on the horse.

Philip & Sons

In memory of Christian Bechler.

A memorial card for Christian Bechler from the Bechler family photo album. The card notes that Christian Bechler died on March 14, 1897 aged 69 years, 2 months, and 6 days.

Bechler family

In Remembrance.

The funeral program for Walter John Allison, Jr. (b. January 30, 1896, d. December 26, 1943) from the Bechler family photo album. Program details funeral service from December 29, 1943 at Armstrong Funeral home officiated by Reverend Theodore C. Wiemer.

Bechler family


Correspondence sent and received by James Walker to and from different people and organizations in India. Includes itinerary, programs, and schedules for different events.
Also contains information about a social service organization in the Indian rural area Talmul called “Sebika.”

Walker, James

Industrial and Development Council of Canadian Meat Packers.

Ephemera relating to the Industrial and Development Council of Canadian Meat Packers. Includes the first newsletter, dated January 1949, in which Fred H. Schneider is listed as 4th vice president and a notice of the 32nd annual meeting, dated 1952, in which Fred H. is listed as president.

Schneider family

Inman, Florence Elsie.

Clipping of Saturday Night article "Senator from The Island" about Canadian Senator Florence Elsie Inman.

Long, Elizabeth

Innis, Donald : posthumous materials.

File consists of posthumous materials relating to the life of Donald Innis, including obituaries, a funerary programme, and an invitation to a memorial dinner.

Innis family

Instead of Meat.

U.S. Department of Agriculture U.S. Food Administration United States Food Leaflet No. 8: Instead of Meat. This leaflet gives information on meat substitutes, as well as recipes.

United States Department of Agriculture


File consists of materials related to the interests of Florence Grace Clement. Includes newsletters of the Trinity United Church, newsletters and information on Preston Springs Gardens, and a letter and membership card from the Tom Thomson Memorial Gallery and Museum of Fine Art which Florence financially supported.

Clement, Florence Grace

Inter-faculty Third World development studies.

Materials related to the Inter-faculty Third World Development studies program. Includes a pamphlet of the program proposal, the Inter-Faculty programme Board meeting minutes (for February 9, 1973, March 9, 1973, and March 15, 1973), introductory course descriptions, reports by the University of Waterloo Faculty, student reports, and summaries of meetings and future activities.
Also contains information about the Ontario Cooperative Programme in Latin American and Caribbean Studies and the Ontario Universities Undergraduate Programmes and concentrations of “Third World studies.”

Walker, James

Int[ernationa]l conf[erence] on Race relations.

Materials related to the International Conference “Race relations in the United Kingdom and Canada: policy, practice and research,” at York University, in 1990 where James Walker participated with a paper titled “‘Race’ and the historian: some lessons from Canadian public policy.” Includes synopsis and printout of Walker's paper, related correspondence, conference program, and pamphlets for the conference.
Also contains a synopsis and printout of Walker’s “‘Race’ policy in Canada: a retrospective.”

Walker, James

International Platform Association (file 1 of 4).

File consists of correspondence to and from G. Elmore Reaman during his tenure as the first Canadian president of the International Platform Association, a non-profit organization for promoting to the public "high grade platform presentations." (Flyer, ca. 1950). The correspondence is mostly to and from other members and is concerned with internal affairs of the organization. Includes two letters from John Diefenbaker dated Nov. 3, 1949 and Jan. 28, 1950. Also includes a small amount of ephemera from individual artists.

Reaman, George Elmore


An invitation to an autumn party at Morton Park, the home of Orpheus Moyer Schantz.

Schantz Russell Family


An invitation received by Andrew Telegdi to a dinner hosted by the Progressive Conservative Party in the riding of Waterloo in honour of Walter McLean, then Member of Parliament for Waterloo. The dinner was held on June 2, 1988 at the Valhalla Grand Ballroom in Kitchener, Ontario. Michael Wilson, then Member of Parliament for Etobicoke Centre and Minister of Finance, was the guest speaker for the dinner.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Invitation card.

An invitation card possibly written by or sent to Austin Tobias Schantz. The quote inscribed on the verso of the invitation card is from Alfred Tennyson's poem titled, The Sea Fairies that was first published in 1830.

Schantz Russell Family

Invitation to farewell meeting.

An invitation to the farewell meeting to delegates and friends attending the Grand International Meetings of W.W.C.T.U. (World's Woman's Christian Temperance Union) and National B.W.T.A. (British Women's Temperance Association). The meeting was held at Exeter Hall in London, England with addresses by Lady Henry Somerset (Isabella Caroline Somerset) and other leading White Ribbon Workers.

Woman's Christian Temperance Union

Results 801 to 900 of 1948