Personal business, 1927-1928 : S.
- SCA369-GA427-8-264
- File
- 1927-1928
Part of Sims Family collection.
Sims family
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Personal business, 1927-1928 : S.
Part of Sims Family collection.
Sims family
Personal business, 1927-1928 : R.
Part of Sims Family collection.
Sims family
Personal business, 1927-1928 : P-Q.
Part of Sims Family collection.
Sims family
Personal business, 1927-1928 : O.
Part of Sims Family collection.
Sims family
Personal business, 1927-1928 : N.
Part of Sims Family collection.
Sims family
Personal business, 1927-1928 : M.
Part of Sims Family collection.
Sims family
Personal business, 1927-1928 : L.
Part of Sims Family collection.
Sims family
Personal business, 1927-1928 : K.
Part of Sims Family collection.
Sims family
Personal business, 1927-1928 : J.
Part of Sims Family collection.
Sims family
Personal business, 1927-1928 : I.
Part of Sims Family collection.
Sims family
Personal business, 1927-1928 : H.
Part of Sims Family collection.
Sims family
Personal business, 1927-1928 : G.
Part of Sims Family collection.
Sims family
Personal business, 1927-1928 : E-F.
Part of Sims Family collection.
Sims family
Personal business, 1927-1928 : D.
Part of Sims Family collection.
Sims family
Personal business, 1927-1928 : C.
Part of Sims Family collection.
Sims family
Personal business, 1927-1928 : B.
Part of Sims Family collection.
Sims family
Personal business, 1927-1928 : A.
Part of Sims Family collection.
Sims family
Part of G. Elmore Reaman fonds.
File consists of ephemera and clippings kept by G.E. Reaman. Includes clippings about his parents and genealogical information about the Reaman family, business and membership cards, program for the 21st anniversary of "The Club", programme for Cornell University commencement of 1920, listing G.E. Reaman as graduate, envelopes with stamps. Also includes a 1959 prospectus for the Doon School of Fine Arts, and a thesis presented to G.E. Reaman by the author, Marguerite Kehr. Also contains programmes for musical events at which G.E. Reaman's wife Flora and daughter Elaine performed.
Reaman, George Elmore
Series consists of material relating to A.L. Breithaupt's personal activities and finances. Includes a quantity of insurance premiums purchased by A.L Breithaupt and documentation of loans taken against value of the premiums. Includes correspondence, examinations, ephemera, receipts, policies and certificates.
Breithaupt, Albert Liborius
Part of Elizabeth Long fonds.
Clipping of Winnipeg Free Press article "Harmony In Music And Marriage" about Canadian composer Barbara Pentland.
Long, Elizabeth
Part of Elizabeth Long fonds.
Partial edition of The Globe Magazine featuring article "What Vida Wants, Culture Gets" by Betty Lee about Canadian patron of the arts Vida Peene. File also includes manuscript note by Elizabeth Long about Peene and a monetary donation to the Aberdeen Collection.
Long, Elizabeth
Part of Elizabeth Long fonds.
Typescript page outlining the candidature qualifications of Dorothy Pearson for the Board of Education in Ward #2 in what is likely Toronto, Ontario. Includes sample telephone script for calling potential voters.
Long, Elizabeth
Eight page booklet advertising the benefits of Pears Soap, specifically for use on women and children and in washing clothes. The cover shows a young girl holding a newspaper which reads "How to improve the complexion Soap" and the verso shows an illustration of a grandmother forcing a young boy into a bath with Pears Soap and the caption "You dirty boy."
Part of Elizabeth Long fonds.
Page torn from an unknown publication featuring the article "Personality..." about Anne Patton who ran a travel service.
Long, Elizabeth
Passport and other personal documents.
Part of Ivan W. Keffer fonds.
File consists of personal documents of Ivan W. Keffer. Includes a Canadian passport, a German driver's license, a laminated alien registration card (US), a resident alien border crossing card, Canadian immigration identification cards for both Keffer and his wife Mary, an international certificate of vaccination, and a marriage certificate. Also included are manuscript notes and several American stamps. File also includes a typescript page containing information about the alien registration cards for each of the Keffers.
Keffer, Ivan Wilbur
Part of Ivan W. Keffer fonds.
File consists of the British passport of Mary Jane Keffer, issued by the Consul-General in Berlin, Germany. Inclusion: newspaper clipping from the January 9th [?] edition of the Daily Mail regarding the departure from Berlin (Germany) of the Keffers.
Keffer, Ivan Wilbur
Part of Elizabeth Long fonds.
Clippings of articles from The Business and Professional Woman and the Winnipeg Free Press regarding Canadian Irene Parlby, an activist, politician and member of the Famous Five.
Long, Elizabeth
Part of Nancy-Lou Patterson fonds.
Correspondence to and from Nancy-Lou Patterson, ephemera.
Patterson, Nancy-Lou
Part of Elizabeth Long fonds.
Clippings of articles from The Business and Professional Woman and Maclean's Magazine about Vljaya Lakshmi Pandit of India, the first woman to serve as President of the United Nations General Assembly.
Long, Elizabeth
Part of Elizabeth Long fonds.
Ephemera about and articles written by Canadian-American author Stella Lee Brunt Osborn, the wife of Michigan governor Chase S. Osborn.
Long, Elizabeth
Open House, Nov. 1973: News Coverage.
Part of Kitchener-Waterloo Record fonds
Contains news clippings.
Kitchener-Waterloo Record
Part of Kitchener-Waterloo Record fonds
This open house was held to mark the "75th year of daily newspaper publishing in Kitchener-Waterloo". File contains correspondence, facsimile of the first issue of the )Daily News, Feb. 9, 1878, instructions for guides, tour scripts, invitations, reports.
Kitchener-Waterloo Record
Ontario Historical Society annual meeting.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of a programme and agenda for the Ontario Historical Society annual meeting.
Ontario Historical Society annual meeting.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consists of a programme for the annual meeting of the Ontario Historical Society.
Ontario Department of Agriculture: War Bread.
Part of World War One food circulars.
Ontario Department of Agriculture Women's Institutes Bulletin 254 War Breads, This bulletin fives information on why wheat needs to be saved for the way effort, how other grains and can be used in its place (including recipes) an appendix of upcoming demonstration-lecture courses.
Ontario Department of Agriculture
"One who never turned his back".
Part of Elaine M. Catley fonds.
Catley, Elaine Maud
Part of Elizabeth Long fonds.
Clipping of article "Irene Olynyk, Pharmacist" by Kate Aitken about Irene Olynyk who ran the pharmaceutical division of Women's College Hospital in Toronto.
Long, Elizabeth
Part of Schneider family collection.
Official press card and pass for Norman C. Schneider for the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, Germany. Includes leather case and press badge with ribbon attached.
Schneider, Norman Christoph
Part of Schneider family collection.
Clippings relating to the Olympic Games held in Berlin, Germany in 1936. Includes a view of the "Aquatic Stadium", and a clipping from the Dunville Chronicle, February 4, 1938, titled "Old Bill's Column." The author describes his visit to the annual dinner of the Kitchener-Waterloo Builders' Exchange, and Norman C. Schneider's showing of his Olympic Games motion pictures.
Schneider, Norman Christoph
Official program & visitors' service directory Kitchener Old Boys' reunion...
Part of Gordon Good fonds.
File consists of one brochure for the 1925 Old Boys' reunion in Kitchener.
Good, Gordon
Official opening of six housing projects under the Canada-Ontario Affordable Housing Program.
Part of Andrew Telegdi fonds.
Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament related to the official opening of six buildings in the Region of Waterloo that provided two hundred and forty-four units of affordable housing under the Canada-Ontario Affordable Housing Program. Andrew Telegdi attended this event and delivered a speech. Records include an invitation, event itinerary, a media advisory, a press release, speaking notes, and other textual material.
Telegdi, Andrew Peter
Part of Robert Shipley fonds.
Correspondence sent and received by Robert Shipley between 1971 and 1978 from different persons and institutions. Includes administrative correspondence related to the military, his work in education, committees and organizations of which he was a member, letters from politicians, and employment offers and agreements. Also contains personal correspondence related to insurance policies and vacations, Shipley's biography, and related ephemera and newspaper clippings received with the correspondence.
Also includes copies of Out of the West (April 1976 and December 1975) from the Ministry of Culture & Recreation, Western Unit.
Shipley, Robert
Notebook containing handwritten speech notes by Mayor Leavine including a speech given at the YMCA in January 1957 and one at Waterloo County Automobile Club in February 1957. Also contains notes regarding the construction of the new police building, and regarding the municipalities and local politics. Loose ephemeral material includes gas bills sent to Dr. S.F Leavine in 1957; the business card of life insurance broker Syd Davies; the Civil Defence Identification card issued to Leavine on January 31, 1957; a clipping regarding a debate surrounding the appropriate location for the new police building in Kitchener; and a receipt and letter dated March 12, 1957 to Leavine from the Rev. Albert W. Lotz of St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church thanking him for a donation.
Leavine, Stanley Francis
Nuclear disarmament and peace.
Part of Alida and George Burrett fonds.
File consists of materials relating to peace and disarmament. Includes clippings, petitions, newsletters, a manifesto, etc.
Burrett, Alida
Part of James Walker fonds.
Materials related to the Saint Mary’s University’s Youth and Race Conference, in Halifax, in 1983 where James Walker delivered the keynote speaker. Includes related correspondence, program, poster, and abstract of the conference.
Walker, James
Part of Tony Urquhart fonds
File consists of materials relating to the exhibition of works by Tony Urquhart at Nouveau Gallery. Includes correspondence from the gallery, a list of artworks and information on works sold.
Urquhart, Tony
Noteworthy neighbor communities : Kitchener and Waterloo.
Part of Schneider family collection.
Article from August 7, 1937 edition of Saturday Night about activities and amenities of Kitchener-Waterloo.
Schneider family
Part of Robert Shipley fonds.
Research materials created or accumulated by Robert Shipley related to different matters, including Canadian politics, Canadian law, archives, history and heritage of Ontario, and cooking. Includes articles and newspaper clippings, research notes, and related ephemera. Also contains personal correspondence.
Shipley, Robert
Part of Robert Shipley fonds.
Research materials created or accumulated by Robert Shipley related to different matters, including Canadian politics, Canadian history, Canadian culture and heritage, and resources for writers. Includes articles, bibliography lists, research notes, newsletters, and related ephemera. Also contains personal correspondence and notes, and poems written by Shipley.
Shipley, Robert
Part of Robert Shipley fonds.
Research materials created or accumulated by Robert Shipley related to different matters, including the Loyalists, the Canadian International Brigades, transportation, business personalities in Canada, historical trails and landmarks, and Canadian politics. Includes articles and newspaper clippings, bibliography lists, research notes, and related ephemera.
Also contains a reproduction of painting given to Shipley and letters received by Shipley from students at school.
Shipley, Robert
Part of Robert Shipley fonds.
Research materials created or accumulated by Robert Shipley related to different matters, including how to do research, Ontario wines, Canadian politics, Nuclear waste, and the agricultural history of Ontario. Includes articles and newspaper clippings, research notes, and related ephemera.
Shipley, Robert
Part of Robert Shipley fonds.
Materials created or accumulated by Robert Shipley related to his time in the Canadian Armed Forces. Includes personal notes, correspondence, and related ephemera.
Shipley, Robert
Part of Robert Shipley fonds.
Research materials created or accumulated by Robert Shipley related to different matters, including Canadian politics, Canadian law, and Canadian law, and resources for writers. Includes articles, bibliography lists, research notes, newsletters, and related ephemera. Also contains personal correspondence and notes.
Shipley, Robert
Part of Robert Shipley fonds.
Research materials created or accumulated by Robert Shipley related to different matters, including Canadian politics, general history, and military history. Includes articles, research notes, and related ephemera. Also contains personal correspondence and notes.
Shipley, Robert
Part of Maines Pincock Family fonds.
One unlined notebook belonging to Fred J.T. Maines, containing manuscript notes on birds and insects. Material inserted and tipped-in includes manuscript notes, notes, clippings etc.
Maines, Frederick J.T.
Note and envelope re. Professor R.S. Knox.
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of one envelope addressed to Professor R.S. Knox, Department of English, University of Toronto as well as an attached note indicating that Professor Knox is out of the country.
Porter, Dana Harris
Northern Pacific : Yellowstone Park line.
Part of Rieder and Anthes family fonds.
File consists of a souvenir menu card from the Northern Pacific Yellowstone Park line. Contains manuscript annotation: "Wednesday 6 p.m., Aug. 23rd, 1905, between Seattle and Portland."
Rieder and Anthes family
North Waterloo Liberal Association meeting.
Part of Sims Family collection.
Agenda and guest lists for the North Waterloo Liberal Association meeting of March 15, 1963.
Sims family
Part of Kaufman Family collection.
Material relating to the Weber Malakhov Polar Expedition of 1992, for which Kaufman designed a special boot. Includes publicity material, news stories, photocopies of memoranda and faxes, handwritten notes, etc.
Kaufman, William Hutton
Part of Andrew Telegdi fonds.
A flyer invitation for the Kitchener-Waterloo Nomination Night held at the Transylvania Club in Kitchener, Ontario on October 19, 2000. This event was held to nominate a candidate to represent the Liberal Party in the riding of Kitchener-Waterloo in the 2000 Canadian federal election. The speaker and special guest of the event was Shelia Copps, Member of Parliament representing Hamilton East and Minister of Canadian Heritage. The flyer features a picture of Andrew Telegdi on the front and a form for individuals to submit if they wanted to participate in Telegdi’s subsequent election campaign on the back.
Telegdi, Andrew Peter
Part of Kaufman Family collection.
File consists of material relating to content of The Footprint. Includes correspondence, memoranda, clippings and ephemera.
Kaufman Footwear
Newspaper items written about J.D. Detwiler.
Part of John D. Detwiler fonds.
Detwiler, John D.
Part of Judy Godfrey fonds.
File consists of newspaper clippings related to acid rain. Clippings are from Muskoka-area newspapers as well as national newspapers and magazines. File also includes a typed chronology about acid rain, a newsletter from the Federation of Ontario Naturalists, and advertisements for books and videos about acid rain.
Godfrey, Judy
Newspaper clippings on conservation topics.
Part of John D. Detwiler fonds.
Detwiler, John D.
File consists of one clipping from the Cambridge Reporter showing a photograph of the mill from 1905. Caption reads "The Geo. Pattinson Woollen Mill in Preston, ca. 1905. Note that Eagle Street had not extended to the is end of the industrial se
George Pattinson Woollen Mill
Newspaper articles written by J.D. Detwiler.
Part of John D. Detwiler fonds.
Detwiler, John D.
Part of Donna Jean Mackinnon fonds.
Materials related to the promotion and launch of the book Newsgirls during different book launch and promotion events. Includes information for events at the North Toronto Historical Society, the Literary Table of the Arts and Letters Club of Toronto, the Women’s Art Association of Canada, the S. Walter Stewart Library Auditorium, Belmont House, CBC Radio, the University Women's Club of Toronto, Victoria University Library, the Toronto Public Library, and the Toronto Hunt. Includes a promotional poster, bookmarks, and a nametag and lanyard. Also contains photographs of several presentations and events.
MacKinnon, Donna Jean
Part of Kitchener-Waterloo Record fonds
Contains news stories and ephemera regarding Record employees and board, including appointments, retirements, etc.
Kitchener-Waterloo Record
File consists of page proofs for the association newsletter and flyers for 1984. File also includes flyers, a small amount of correspondence, and an agenda for the 1984 annual meeting.
Central Ontario Art Association
File consists of material relating to the association newsletter and flyers for 1983. Includes newsletters, flyers, correspondence and memoranda, a list of members issued a cheque, the agenda for the annual meeting, etc.
Central Ontario Art Association
Part of Elizabeth Long fonds.
Clipping of The Globe and Mail column "A Gallery of Women" about Jean Newman, vice-chairman of the Toronto Board of Control and president of the City Council.
Long, Elizabeth
Part of Rieder and Anthes family fonds.
File consists of a card containing new year's greetings to friends and fellow workers of the Canadian Consolidated Rubber Co., from vice-president T.H. Rieder.
Rieder, Talmon Henry
Part of Schantz Russell family fonds.
Handmade New Years card sent to Sophie Schantz. The card has scherenschnitte edges and features calligraphy and a painting of pink flower blossoms by Carrie Schantz. It reads "Of this joyous day. Sophie Schantz. Many happy returns."
Schantz Russell Family
Part of Schantz Russell family fonds.
Handmade New Yeas card from the Schantz family to Sophie Schantz. The card features calligraphy, small drawings of moons and has the numbers of the year 1894 in each corner.. It reads: "To Sophe E. Schantz. Berlin. Ontario. We wish you a happy new year. From Ruth Schantz, Carrie Flagler Schantz,Orpheus Moyer Schantz. Morton Park, Ill."
Schantz Russell Family
Part of Schantz Russell family fonds.
Handmade New Years card from the Schantz family to Arthur Benjamin Schantz. The card features calligraphy, small drawings of bells and has scherenschnitte edges. It reads: "1894. Wishing you a joyous new year. To Arthur B. Schantz From Ruth, Carrie & Orph."
Schantz Russell Family
Part of Schantz Russell family fonds.
New Years card given to Etta Lydia Mary White (nee Schantz) from Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Becker.
Schantz Russell Family
Part of Bolender Ball family fonds.
Two handmade New Year cards. It is not known who made these cards. One card is signed by Gwendoline and the other is signed by Olga.
Bolender Ball Family
Networking : petition on acid rain.
Part of Judy Godfrey fonds.
File consists of material relating to the efforts of Judy Godfrey to network among individuals and organizations to raise awareness of and assistance for the petition for action on acid rain. Includes correspondence (some in draft form), newspaper clippings, and notes. Organizations contacted include the Federation of Ontario Cottagers' Association and the Federation of Ontario Naturalists.
Godfrey, Judy
Part of Elizabeth Long fonds.
Clipping of The Globe and Mail column "A Gallery of Women" about Mrs. W. Rankine Nesbitt [Dorothy Mary Gordon Anderson], chief commissioner of the Girl Guides for Canada.
Long, Elizabeth
Part of Elizabeth Long fonds.
Clipping of Professional Woman article about Canadian Norma Nelson of Halifax, Nova Scotia who worked in public relations.
Long, Elizabeth
Part of Elizabeth Long fonds.
Clipping of The Telegram article "Books, Job and Hobby For Woman Manager" by Agnes McKenna about Canadian Gladys Neale, a manager of the educational department at Macmillan Company of Canada.
Long, Elizabeth
File consists of material relating mainly to the early history of the COAA, probably removed from other files (espeically those belonging to Gordon Couling; see Series 2) for the purpose of researching and writing a history of the association. Includes exhibition catalogues from 1954-1957, 1959; meeting minutes (1955), teachers council meeting minutes (1957-1958); announcements, flyers, and exhibition information; a meeting agenda; and a history of the association. Some items have been marked "N.B."
Central Ontario Art Association
File consists of material relating mainly to the early history of the COAA/Five Counties Art Association, probably removed from other files (especially those belonging to Gordon Couling; see Series 2) for the purpose of researching and writing a history of the association. Includes meeting minutes, reports, exhibition lists and catalogues, flyers and brochures, association bulletins, an outgoing letter from Gordon Couling, a mailing list for the Five Counties Art Association Teachers' Council, an article by Gordon Couling about an art exhibition held by the association, news releases prepared by the association, etc. Some items have been marked "N.B." File also includes a 2002 newspaper clipping about a mural at St. Joseph's Hospital (Guelph) painted by Gordon Couling.
Couling, Gordon
Part of Elizabeth Long fonds.
File consists of magazine and newspaper clippings pertaining to Indigenous peoples in Canada, with particular focus on northern communities. Many of the clippings are from the Winnipeg Free Press. Also in the file is a Canadian Indian Workshop (July 4th - August 12th, 1966) pamphlet and an envelope containing Birch bark bite photographs by Mrs. [Angelique?] Merasty, a Cree woman from Beaver Lake, Saskatchewan and clippings regarding birch bark biting.
Long, Elizabeth
National Union of Societies for Equal Citizenship letterhead.
Part of Irene Hancock fonds
Letterhead of the National Union of Societies for Equal Citizenship.
National Union of Societies for Equal Citizenship
National Sales Executive Club award night.
Part of Dare Foods Limited.
File consists of two photographs from the 1963 National Sales Executive Club award night. One photograph shows G. William Allendorf receiving an award from Carl Dare and the other shows a group of award winners. Also includes a clipping on the event from the Kitchener-Waterloo Record.
Photo caption from clipping reads: "TOP SALESMEN - Eight Twin City companies honored their top 1963 salesmen last night at the K-W Sales Marketing Executive Club's president night. Shown are (left to right) G. William Allendorf of Galt, Leonard Riley who accepted the award for Reginal Bingeman of Cornwall, Henry Brule of Montreal; (back) Douglas Hall, Joseph Shantzenbacher, who accepted for Marcel Beland of Kapuskasing, Joseph Kustra of Galt and Robert Mitchell."
Dare Foods Limited
National Federation of Bureaus of Occupations for Trained Women Workers pamphlet
Pamphlet from The National Federation of Bureaus of Occupations for Trained Women Workers, Organized April, 1917. Gives information on joining the organization as well as on types of careers for women.
One circular listing the dates of meetings of the National British Women's Temperance Association and World Woman's Christian Temperance Union for the month of June 1895.
National British Women's Temperance Association
National American Woman Suffrage Association handbill.
One handbill from the National American Woman Suffrage Association on voting rights.
Part of Eric P. McCormack fonds.
McCormack Eric. "Complicity in Crime". Review of Mystery, by Peter Straub. The Globe and Mail, Saturday, 27 January 1990, sec. C, page 19.
McCormack, Eric P.
Part of Tony Urquhart fonds
File consists of materials created and accumulated by Tony Urquhart related to the exhibit Transforming Chronologies at the Museum of Modern Art, in which his work "Summer Forms I" was displayed. Includes 11 items of correspondence, a clipping and promotional materials. Correspondents include: Gutierrez-Guimaraes, Geaninne; Perez-Oramas, Luis.
Urquhart, Tony
Part of Elizabeth Long fonds.
Clipping of Winnipeg Free Press article "Northern Newspaper Job Right To One Girl's Taste" about Canadian Georgina Murray who ran a newspaper in Fort St. John, British Columbia.
Long, Elizabeth
Mt. Penn Stove Works advertisement
Advertisement trade card for Mt. Penn Stove Works featuring decorative floral illustration surrounding a woman cooking on a range with a caption reading "a complete kitchen always contains a pretty cook and a Penn Esther range." A large line of sizes and a great variety of styles. For sale by G.W. Rinesmith & Sons 114 North Hanover Street, Carlisle, PA. Made by Mt. Penn Stove Works, Reading, Pa."
M.P.P for Waterloo North, 1951-1956.
START HERE Clippings regarding the activities, political recommendations, and policy changes put forward by Leavine in his capacity as Progressive Conservative M.P.P for Waterloo North from 1951-1956. One clipping shows a photograph of Leavine together with his wife, Desta, and daughter, Pauline, after his election as M.P.P. in November 1951. Another clipping reports that for the first time in a quarter-centry Waterloo North elected a Progressive Conservative to the Ontario Legislature when Leavine won a 201-vote majority over Libearl candidate J.G. Brown. The remainder of the clippings cover topics including: proposed policy measures in the areas of health, particularly the damage caused to the general practitioner by the medical monopoly of hospitals, his belief, as chairman of the Ontario legislature's health committee, that a preventive vaccine for polio would be discovered within two years; his urging of the speedy completion of the Windsor-Toronto section of Highway No. 401 by the Ontario government; and Leavine's desire to see government officials to discuss the problems arising from the use of horse-drawn buggies by the Mennonites with Mennonite leaders.
Leavine, Stanley Francis
Motz, William John : will and obituaries.
Part of Motz family fonds.
File consists of a will and codicil as well as obituaries for William John Motz.
Motz Family
Part of Motz family fonds.
File consists of one receipt for a pendant from A.J. Cabel, watchmaker and optician.
Motz Family
Motz, William John : press pass.
Part of Motz family fonds.
File consists of William John Motz's press pass, with photo, for the 1934 A Century of Progress International Exposition held in Chicago. Motz is seen in partial profile and looking off camera.
Motz Family
Motz, William John : partnership with William Daum Euler.
Part of Motz family fonds.
File consists of materials relating to the business partnership between W.J. Motz and W.D. Euler as well as materials created and accumulated by Euler. Includes shareholder information, clippings, legal documents, correspondence as well as materials about Euler including a statement regarding his will, and historical articles on Euler and the Record.
Motz Family