


Scope note(s)

  • Transient everyday items, usually printed and on paper, that are manufactured for a specific limited use, then often discarded. Includes everyday items that are meant to be saved, at least for a while, such as keepsakes and stock certificates.

Source note(s)

  • Library of Congress Basic Genre Terms for Cultural Heritage Materials

Display note(s)

Hierarchical terms


Equivalent terms


  • UF Programmes, leaflets, receipts, menus, playbills, pamphlets, flyers, greeting cards, business cards, invitations, coupons, tickets

Associated terms


1948 Archival description results for Ephemera

1948 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Soapine advertisement

Soapine advertisement illustrated by Charlotte Perkins Gilman showing a woman hanging laundry out from a wash basket. The laundry on the line spells out "Soapine." Verso reads "Soapine the great dirt killer, will remove dirt of all descriptions! Without injury to hands or fabric. Kendall Mfg. Co. established 1827 Providence, R.I."

Soapona advertisement

Soapona trade card advertisement featuring an elephant looking on while two women hang laundry on a line. Verso reads "Saves times, expense and labor. Makes hard water soft. Does not injure the hands or clothes. Makes linen perfectly white. Is a great disinfectant. Each package contains a set of handsome picture cards. Manufactured only by R.W. Bell & Co. 77 to 89 Washington St., and 8 to 20 Beaver St., Buffalo, N.Y."

Sorel Strut ski system.

Correspondence, clippings and drawings from Lionel Burt to William H. Kaufman, concerning the "Sorel Strut" ski system.

Kaufman, William Hutton


Items probably collected as souvenirs. Includes a photograph album with a leather cover (empty); blank postcards depicting Clachaig (Scotland), a Vancouver parade, and the University of Toronto; business cards for a hotel in California; autograph booklets; and a print of a boy and a police officer.

Martin, John Gartshore

Speech at Stratford.

File consists of material relating to activities of A.L. Breithaupt in his position as Chairman of the Berlin Light Commission. In 1909 he was called on by W.S. Dingman, Mayor of Stratford, to present information about the Berlin electric plant and street railway during a dispute over the proposed purchase of an electric plant for Stratford. Includes a letter from W.S. Dingman to A.L. Breithaupt, A.L.B.'s notes, typescript carbon notes and financial statements of the Berlin Light Commission and of the Berlin and Waterloo Street Railway, and clippings concerning the arbitration.

Breithaupt, Albert Liborius

Speech to National Liberal Club London.

Materials related to a speech given by English at the National Liberal Club in London, on June 6, 2016. Speech and event were related to the Brexit Referendum in the United Kingdom. Includes program of the event and speech.

English, John

Speeches and lectures.

Speeches and lectures given by John English at different events. Speeches included are:

  • Speech for Chris Snyder's book launch at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy. Snyder's book is titled “Creating Opportunities: A Volunteer’s Memoir” (May 1, 2018).
  • Speech and information for an event the University Club of the University of Toronto. Speech is titled "Trudeaumania" and information about the event is on the publication From the outside in (April 2019) from the University of Toronto.
  • Speech given by English at Hurt House, as part of the Bill Graham Honorary Degree (June 2018).

English, John

Speechly, Mrs. H.M.

Clippings and ephemera about Canadian educator Mrs. H.M. [Mary] Speechly who founded the Women's Institute of Manitoba and and was the first woman to sit on the Board of Governors of the University of Manitoba. File also includes a short typescript biography about Speechly's life and a manuscript note from Elizabeth Long about Speechly's distribution of information about birth control Winnipeg.

Long, Elizabeth

Spokes Club documents

Folder contents from one envelope containing a variety of documents, viz.: ephemera, announcements, notes, lists of topics, and several mimeograph copies of the Constitution, which was read into the minutes on March 14, 1939.

Kitchener-Waterloo Young Men's Christian Association

Springfield College.

Materials related to Springfield College. Includes a program for the Springfield College 68th Commencement Dinner Dance (June 12, 1954) with annotations in pencil and pen about the attendance, a certificate for A. R. Kaufman reception of the degree of Doctor of Humanics, and photographs of A. R. Kaufman receiving the certificate on June 13, 1954.

Kaufman, A. R. (Alvin Ratz)

Spurgeon, Muriel.

Clipping of Globe and Mail article "First Woman Minister Ordained by Baptists" about the ordination of Muriel Spurgeon, the first woman minister of the Baptist Church in Canada.

Long, Elizabeth

S.S. Leviathan.

File consists of the passenger list from the voyage of the United States Lines ship S.S. Leviathan from New York to England in March, 1927. The Keffers sailed on this voyage when they moved to Germany. File also includes three dinner menus from the voyage.

Keffer, Ivan Wilbur

Staff Party, 1920's.

Contains printed programs/menus for the fifth, sixth and seventh annual banquets of the Daily Record Staff held in 1924, 1925 and 1926.

Kitchener-Waterloo Record

Staff Party, 1960's.

Contains printed reports with pictures of parties held in 1961 and 1964, menus from 1969 and 1970, invitation from 1974, photocopied items for 25-Year Club dinner held in 1976.

Kitchener-Waterloo Record

Star Whitewear.

File consists of one clipping reporting A.L. Breithaupt's purchase of Star Whitewear in 1907; one reporting on growth of the factory in 1909.

Breithaupt, Albert Liborius

Stark, Ethel.

Clipping of Leader-Post article "Ethel Stark, first woman symphony orchestra leader" by Mark Thivierge about Canadian violinist and conductor Ethel Stark.

Long, Elizabeth

Stark, Freya.

Clippings, ephemera, correspondence, photographs, a postcard of Creston, British Columbia, and a typescript biographical sketch related to and about British-Italian travel writer Freya Stark. The correspondence consists responses from staff at the Creston Review regarding a request from Valance S. Patriarche about Stark, as well as two letters written by Stark from her home in Italy to Patriarche regarding her father and his time in Creston. The photos are predominantly of Stark's father and his sculpture work, with the exception of a photo of Stark at the age of 72 in a garden with a dog the living room of a residential home.

Long, Elizabeth

Steam engine.

Clipping of the August 29, 1981 Kitchener-Waterloo Record article "Aging steamer keeps right on wheeling" concerning the history of the steam engine installed in the Kaufman factory in 1907. Article includes a photo of William Kaufman next to the flywheel of the engine.

Kaufman Footwear

Steckle, Susannah Isabella Chase.

Head and shoulders studio portrait of Susannah Isabella Chase Steckle, a of The Telegram article "It's been home for 128 years: they want to stay down on the farm" and a brief typescript note about Chase and related records in the Lady Aberdeen Library.

Long, Elizabeth

Stewart, Elizabeth (Betty) née Clement 1916-1977 and Peter Stewart 1915-1980.

File consists of materials relating to the life and death of Elizabeth (Betty) Clement Stewart and husband Peter Stewart. Includes clippings on Betty's schooling, achievements, and death as well as obituaries for Peter and marriage announcements for the two. Also includes correspondence between Betty and William Pope Clement. As well, the file includes materials on Betty and Peter's daughter Janet including a programme from the 1978 Five Outstanding Young Londoners Awards Banquet at which she was honoured and correspondence between her and Beatrice Hagey.

Clement Bowlby Family

Stokes, Lady Alice.

Clipping of Globe and Mail article "Supermarkets Impress Titled Visitor From Britain" about Alice Lady Stokes, her life and career in India, and her first visit to Canada.

Long, Elizabeth

Stone, Lucy.

Clipping from an unknown publication of an article called "Protest" which consists of a copy of a printed leaflet created by Henry B. Blackwell and American suffragette Lucy Stone. Includes an editor's note about Stone's life and involvement in the suffragette movement.

Long, Elizabeth


Originals and photocopies of articles by Lydia Dotto published in different media in the year 1983. Media are Canadian Business, Doctor's Review, Quest, Canadian Geographic, en Route Magazine, Information Technology, City Woman, and Science Link.

Includes a program and printed speech delivered by Dotto at "A microcomputer conference for women" (Toronto, September 26 to 28, 1983) in which Lydia Dotto participated as a Luncheon Speaker. And program for "The age of microchips: the next five years" (Toronto, July 28 to August 1, 1983) where Dotto participated in the panel "Moral issues - who controls "progress"? Who pays the social cost?"

Dotto, Lydia

Stormthrower promotional materials.

Materials related to book Stormthrower. Includes information related to public readings, leaflet for “Art bar Poetry Series,” newsletter from Wolsak and Wynn (Fall 2002) with information about the book, itinerary for Julia McCarthy and Deirdre Dwyer and invitation to reception for an event from them, photocopy of Poet’s corner, and bus ticket.
Also contains print-out of poem “Twa corbies” written by Don Domanski.

McCarthy, Julia

Stowe, Emily.

Clipping from an unidentified newspaper of "The Doctor Ignored University Rules" by Jo Carson about Dr. Emily Stowe and a typescript reproduction of biographical information about Stowe and daughter Dr. Augusta Stowe Gullen from the Autumn 1963 newsletter of the Federation of Medical Women of Canada.

Long, Elizabeth

Stowe, Harriet Beecher.

Pages of from a two-part article from The New Yorker about the history of oranges by John McPhee that includes mention of American author and abolitionist Harriet Beecher Stowe.

Long, Elizabeth

Stowe-Gullen, Augusta.

Clipping of Globe and Mail article "Mark the Birthplace of Dr. Stowe-Gullen" about the unveiling of a plaque at Mount Pleasant in honour of Stowe-Gullen, who was Canada's first woman graduate in medicine.

Long, Elizabeth

Strange, Kathleen.

Clipping of The Leader-Post article "Well-known Free-lance Writer With Author Husband in Regina" about Canadian author Kathleen Strange.

Long, Elizabeth

Street, Jessie.

Clipping of Sunday Telegram (Sydney, Australia) article "Tale of controversy in Truth Or Repose" Australian diplomat, suffragette and campaigner for Australian Indigenous rights Jessie Street and her forthcoming autobiography Truth or Repose.

Long, Elizabeth

Strike, 1960 : University of Western Ontario case study.

Contains material relating to the 1960 strike as prepared for a University of Western Ontario business case study. Includes background on the Kaufman strike, copies of correspondence and memoranda relating to the strike, and photocopied newspaper clippings.

Kaufman Footwear

Strum, Gladys.

Clipping of The Leader-Post article "Mrs. Strum Now Has 11 Children" about Canadian politician Gladys Strum.

Long, Elizabeth

Students manuscript book.

File consists of one lined volume used as a scrapbook, notebook and diary by Luella Creighton while at Victoria College. Contains only a few written entries with much ephemeral material inserted, illustrative of university life of the time. Ephemera includes dance cards, programmes, menus, tickets, announcements, invitations, news clippings, etc. Of special note is the menu and programme for the Graduating Class Dinner, March 26, 1926, autographed by E.J. Pratt with "(good luck)" and at which Henri Lassere was the soloist.

Creighton, Luella Bruce

Studies on the Digestibility of Some Nut Oils.

United States Department of Agriculture Bulletin No. 630: Studies on the Digestibility of Some Nut Oils, printed in Washington D.C. April 16, 1918 as a contribution from the States Relations Service. The bulletin states that it is geared towards students and investigators of food problems and records the results of a study on the digestibility or almond, black-walnut, Brazil-nut, butternut, English-walnut, hickory-nut and pecan oils.

United States Department of Agriculture

Subject Files

Series consists of subject clipping files created and maintained by Long. The subjects are varied but in general relate to women's interests.

Long, Elizabeth

Suffrage campaigns.

File consists primarily of newspaper and other clippings and ephemera relating to the struggle for women's suffrage in the United States. Includes a typescript (1 leaf, carbon) about Alice Riggs Hunt and a hand-drawn map of part of West Virginia for the purposes of distribution of suffrage literature.

Hunt, Alice Riggs

Suffrage clippings.

File consists primarily of newspaper and other clippings and ephemera by and about Alice Riggs Hunt, concerning suffrage.

Hunt, Alice Riggs

Swain, Dorothy.

Clipping of The Leader-Post article "Over 2,000 Bush Workers Recruited by Regina Girl" by Helen Rogers about Dorothy Swain, the Saskatchewan hiring agent for Abitibi Power and Paper company.

Long, Elizabeth

Swanson, Gloria.

Clipping of Reader's Digest article "I Remember Gloria" by J.P. McEvoy condensed from the January 1951 edition of Motion Picture Magazine about American actress Gloria Swanson.

Long, Elizabeth

Sweeperette advertisement

Die cut card showing five women behind a fence with a caption reading "The look well on the fence! Much better on the other side. This road leads to success used by the million." The verso shows the backs of the women, each of whom are holding a Sweeperette sweeper. Verso reads "always in the push our Sweeperette. Sweeperette Company 76 5th Ave. New York Grand Rapids, Mich."

Sweet, Ruth.

Page torn from an unknown publication featuring the article "Personality Plus" about Ruth Sweet, production manager at Walsh Advertising Co. Ltd.

Long, Elizabeth

Talk to Nisei veterans.

Materials related to the 20th Annual General Meeting of the S-20 & Nisei veterans association where James Walker was a guest speaker. Includes program of the meeting, related correspondence, lyrics to the Canadian national anthem and the song “Hotaru Lang Syne,” and script of Walker’s speech.

Walker, James

Taxes paid in Saskatchewan and Alberta.

File of material relating to taxes paid by Peter Rieder in the Regional Municipality of Tullymet, Saskatchewan, and in the Grangedale School District and the Municipal District of Gilt Edge in Alberta. Includes correspondence, tax notices, tax receipts, etc.

Rieder and Anthes family

Temple Anshe Shalom.

Materials related to the event "Multiculturalism the Canadian dilemma (ethnic diversity, Racism and anti-Semitism in Canada)," in Hamilton, on November 24, 1996, where James Walker participated with a paper titled “Ethnic diversity, racial equality and group rights: the Canadian experience." Includes printout of the paper, a program of the event, pamphlets, and related correspondence.

Walker, James

Ten Days for World Development.

Materials related to the event “Ten Days for World Development” (a nationwide programme focusing on major global issues) during a campaign that focused on raising awareness of world hunger. Includes poster and information pamphlets.

Walker, James

Testimonial luncheon organized by Planned Parenthood Ontario.

Materials related to a testimonial luncheon for A. R. Kaufman organized by Planned Parenthood Ontario. Includes information and programme, related newspaper clippings, and a disassembled scrapbook related to the luncheon with ephemera, photographs, and correspondence received by Kaufman.

Kaufman, A. R. (Alvin Ratz)

Thank you card.

A thank you card from the Bechler family photo album. The card is addressed to Aunt Annie from Jeanette and Ray Cosier in thanks for a wedding gift. Aunt Annie may refer to Annie Bechler (Schmidt).

Bechler family

The Ahrens story

One binder of photocopies, including some original snapshots and clippings in adhesive pages, consisting of The Ahrens story / compiled by Mary C. Shantz. Includes information about relationships and friendships between the Ahrens and Schneider families. Includes 4 snapshots of and a obituary for Floss Ahrens. This binder was owned by Herbert J. Schneider.

Schneider family

The Alexandria Quartet.

Eric McCormack. "Spiritual Sunbathing in the Heat of Durrell's Alexandria". Review of The Alexandria Quartet, by Lawrence Durrell. The Globe and Mail, Saturday, 15 June 1991, sec. C, page 18. In addition to the review of this novel which appeared in The Globe and Mail, this file also contains a 4 page typescript (computer output) of this review written by Eric McCormack which appears to have been forwarded to Katherine for her consideration.

McCormack, Eric P.

The Boston Rivals concert handbill.

  • SCA310-GA346
  • Collection
  • 1891

One handbill advertising a concert of the Boston Rivals. The Boston Rivals were made up of Miss Hamlin, Mrs. Southwick, Mr. Winternitz, and Mr. Conant.

The cunning man.

McCormack Eric, review of The Cunning Man, by Robertson Davies, Books in Canada 23, no. 7 (October 1994): 41-42.

McCormack, Eric P.

The Globe and Mail.

File consists of one section of the Globe and Mail from February 7, 1972 which discusses Kitchener City Hall.

Hobson Family

The Hellmouths of Bewdley.

McCormack Eric. "Deranged Hellmouth Sucks You In". Review of The Hellmouths of Bewdley, by Tony Burgess. The Globe and Mail, Saturday, 31 May 1997, sec. D, page 13.

McCormack, Eric P.

The journals of James Boswell.

McCormack Eric. "More than a Mere Shadow of Johnson". Review of The Journals of James Boswell, selected and introduced by John Wain. The Globe and Mail, Saturday, 7 March 1992, sec. C, page 20.

McCormack, Eric P.

The making of the modern world.

Materials related to the event “1914-1918: the making of the Modern World” (2014). Includes preliminary anticipated costs (July 31, 2014), meeting minutes (October 29, 2013), draft of program, business cards for John English from the Bill Graham Centre of Contemporary International History and for Janice Gross Stein from the Munk School of Global Affairs' and poster and information about the event.

English, John

The man in the closet.

McCormack Eric. "On the Trail of the Grown-up Bogeyman". Review of The Man in the Closet, by Roch Carrier, translated by Sheila Fischman. (clipping : source unspecified)

McCormack, Eric P.

The mountain dog.

File consists of one typescript, one manuscript and one clipping of the poem which was published in a newspaper.

Mackay, Isabel Ecclestone

The Northern Institute: conferences focused on Canada’s North.

Materials related to the "Conferences focused on Canada’s North" organized by the Northern Institute. Includes a “Special Tribute to Terry Fence (1950-2015),” program, list of participants, and slides for John English's presentation. Organized by the Northern Institute.

English, John

The Peasants' Revolt.

A theatre playbill for The Peasants' Revolt presented by the F.A.S.S. Theatre Company in the Theatre of the Arts at the University of Waterloo between February 5-8, 1975. The play was directed by Peter Golem.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

The spirit cabinet.

McCormack Eric. "Abracadabra in Las Vegas". Review of The Spirit Cabinet, by Paul Quarrington. The Globe and Mail (www.GlobeAndMail.CA), 10 April 1999.

McCormack, Eric P.

The Suffragettes and their unruly methods.

Leaflet distributed by the National Women's Social & Political Union of a satirical letter about the methods of the suffragettes versus the methods of men who wanted enfranchisement.

Hancock, Irene

The White Ribbon Hymnal.

One small hymnal of hymns sung by the National British Women's Temperance Association. The hymnal was compiled by Anna Gordon, Assistant Secretary World's Woman's Christian Temperance Union. The hymnal bears a pencil ownership mark of E.P. Nichols, American Delegate.

National British Women's Temperance Association

Theatre record and scrapbook.

  • SCA426-GA496
  • Accession
  • 1904-1905

One scrapbook kept by an unknown theatre goer. The book is specially made for theatre performances and features in index of the plays, and a two page spread devoted to each play. The left hand side of the page allows for written comments on the title, date and location of the play as well as impressions, and criticisms of the actors and performance. The right hand side of the page is intended to be used to paste in the playbill. In many entries newspaper clippings about the performance are also present. All of the productions were held at the Castle Square Theatre in Boston by the Boston Stage Society in 1904 and 1905. There are records for 80 plays. Some of the playbills also include advertisements.

Third World lecture notes.

Materials related to the course History 103/104 “The emergence of the Third World” taught by James Walker at the University of Waterloo. Includes table of contents with themes of lectures, tests and exams, course outlines, course summaries, and handwritten and typed notes for lectures:

  • 0. Introduction (with map).
  • 1. What is the Third World?
  • 3. The Indian heritage / inc. Meditation (with map).
  • 4. India – Muslim period.
  • 5. India – British raj.
  • 6. Modern India (20th Century, inc. since Independence).
  • 7. The African heritage (with map).
  • 10. Middle East crisis (with map).
  • 11. Third World contributions to World civilization (with map).
  • 13. Imperialism (with map).
  • 15. The colonial experience (with map).
  • 18. Colonialism in practice (with map).
  • 19. Colonialism and Racism (with map).
  • 24. Decolonization (with map).
  • 25. Gandhi (with map).
  • 32. Issues since independence (with map).
  • 33.\ Internal experiments since independence (with map).
  • 34. International experiments since independence (with map).

Also contains ephemera from the “Global Community Centre,” and “Inventory of ‘Third World’ courses at the University of Waterloo,” notes about the OPEC, and notes for the course History 374 for a lecture given by James Walker on March 31, 1999, titled “Race and Resistance in Nova Scotia, 1945-1970.”

Walker, James

Thompson, Margot.

Typescript resume of Margot Thompson's birth, education, employment and interests. Thompson began working as the editor of the Canadian edition of Steel Labor in 1947.

Long, Elizabeth

Thomson, Lillian.

Clipping of Globe and Mail article "Appointed Secretary of NWA" about the appointment of Lillian Thomson, former executive director of the National Council of the YWCA, as general secretary of the Neighborhood Workers Association

Long, Elizabeth

Thornton, Mildred Valley.

Clipping of Leader Post of article "Authority on Indian lore to address Canadian club" about an address to be given by Canadian painter Mildred Valley Thornton to the Women's Canadian club in Regina.

Long, Elizabeth

Tierney, Helen M.

Clipping of Globe and Mail article "Women Serve Women They Respect: Woman" about Helen M. Tierney following her appointment as administrator of female personnel for the Insurance Company of North America Companies.

Long, Elizabeth

Time Magazine page.

File consists of a page taken from the September 29, 1958 issue of Time Magazine with an article titled Where will our heroes come from by Rabbi Abraham L. Feinberg featuring a photograph of Dana Porter.

Porter, Dana Harris

Tomlinson, Ruth.

Clipping of article "Ruth Tomlinson, Alert Briton, Studies UN On Unique International BPW Fellowship" by Katharine Lyford writing for the Christian Science Monitor about Ruth Tomlinson, the first woman to receive and international fellowship to study at the United Nations.

Long, Elizabeth

Toronto Women's Press Club.

Scrapbook of news clippings, ephemera and photographs collected by the Toronto branch of the Media Club of Canada regarding their activities and members from 1975-1979. Included are news clippings regarding the Club's name change and affiliation with the Press Club, a cancelled debate between Eleanor Pelrine and Marshall McLuhan about abortion, the donation of the Club's archives to the Public Archives of Canada (now Library and Archives Canada), and the state of the Parti Quebecois. Also included is biographical information regarding Jean Hibbert, Lotta Dempsey, Helen Hogg, Beth Nealson, Estelle Craig, Helen Wood, Amalia Lindal, Susan Sommers, Edna Jacques, Mona Clarke and Jo Carson. Photos consist of headshot portraits of Helen Wood and Amalia Lindal, and photographs taken at an dinner part in honour of the publication of Edna Jacques' Up Hill All the Way.

Women's Press Club of Toronto

Tory, Jean Arnold.

Clipping of The Globe and Mail column "A Gallery of Women" about Jean Arnold Tory, chairman of the UNICEF committee and the Canadian committee of the International Conference of Social Workers.

Long, Elizabeth

Trace panel.

Materials related to a panel at the University of Waterloo, in 1991, that was part of the event “Fall Teaching Days” where James Walker participated in a panel titled “Is gender equity a problem on campus?” Includes drafts of paper by James Walker, instructions for the panel discussion, a program of the event, and handwritten notes.

Walker, James

Trans-Canada Air Lines passenger's coupon.

A passenger's coupon issued by Trans-Canada Air Lines for air passage between Stevenson Airport (now the James Armstrong Richardson International Airport) in Winnipeg, Manitoba and Malton Airport (now the Toronto Pearson International Airport) near Toronto, Ontario. The coupon was likely used by Cameron Hill to travel between airbases when he was enrolled in the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan (BCATP).

Hill, Cameron Clare

Results 1701 to 1800 of 1948