Materials related to the Canadian Historical Association (CHA) Annual Meeting in Victoria, B.C. Includes information about accommodation and travel for the conference, a copy of the conference proposal by John Leslie (Indian and Northern Affairs Canada) titled “Vision versus revision: Native peoples, government officials, and the Joint Senate/House of Commons Committees on Indian affairs, 1946-1949 and 1959-1961,” a newsletter for the CHA for Autumn 1989, correspondence related to the conference, extracts from “Learned societies conference, University of Victoria, May 20 to June 8,” business cards for different people, abstract of Walker’s talk titled “Public history and public policy in Canada: a case study of race relations since 1867,” guidelines for participants, program of the conference, and script for the talk.
Also contains a printout of the “List of delegates 5th annual public history conference, University of Waterloo, May 5-7, 1983.”