


Scope note(s)

  • Transient everyday items, usually printed and on paper, that are manufactured for a specific limited use, then often discarded. Includes everyday items that are meant to be saved, at least for a while, such as keepsakes and stock certificates.

Source note(s)

  • Library of Congress Basic Genre Terms for Cultural Heritage Materials

Display note(s)

Hierarchical terms


Equivalent terms


  • UF Programmes, leaflets, receipts, menus, playbills, pamphlets, flyers, greeting cards, business cards, invitations, coupons, tickets

Associated terms


1948 Archival description results for Ephemera

1948 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

High technology industry.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament related to the development of the high technology industry and infrastructure in Kitchener and Waterloo, Ontario. Records include correspondence and notes as well as invitations, agendas, programs, and other textual material created during the planning of Peter Harder and Allan Rock's separate visits to Waterloo in 2002. At the time, Peter Harder was Deputy Minister of Industry Canada and Allan Rock was Minister of Industry. Andrew Telegdi hosted both visits.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Hesson, Hilda.

Clipping from unknown publication about Hilda Hesson, former Winnipeg city councilor.

Long, Elizabeth

Healey, Margaret.

Clipping of Globe and Mail article "Halifax Daily City Editor Far from Sob-Sister Type" about Canadian reporter and editor Margaret Healey.

Long, Elizabeth

Hazell, Brita.

Article clipping from the Friday, September 16, 1977 edition of Medford, Oregon's the Mail Tribune titled: "Carrying Capacity called 'oracle' for Oregon." Includes photo of Brita Hazell.

Schneider family


McCormack Eric. "Horror from Walpole to Shelley to Poe". Review of Haunted, by James Herbert. The Globe and Mail, Saturday, November 18 1989, sec. E, page 13.

McCormack, Eric P.

Haslett, Dame Caroline.

Clipping of Independent Woman article "A Saucy Girl" by Margaret Culkin Banning about Dame Caroline Haslett.

Long, Elizabeth

Harding, Mary.

Page torn from an unknown publication featuring the article "Personality Plus" about Mary Harding, traffic manager of Howarth and Smith Monotype Limited.

Long, Elizabeth

Handbill for The Public Life of Capt John Brown.

  • SCA357-GA409
  • Collection
  • 1860

One handbill advertising the publication of James Redpath's "The Public Life of Capt John Brown." Redpath and Brown were contemporaries and abolitionists and Redpath wrote this work the year after Brown's execution.

Thayer and Elridge

Hamilton, Anne.

Page torn from an unknown publication featuring the article "Our Personality of the Month" about Anne Hamilton, director of the Underwood Consulting Bureau.

Long, Elizabeth

Greeting cards.

File consists of commercial and hand made greeting cards received by the A.L. Breithaupt family between 1913 and 1928.

Breithaupt, Albert Liborius

Greeting card.

One Christmas greeting card from the Bechler family photo album. The card is addressed to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bechler from Mr. and Mrs. Hermann, Rieck and family.

Bechler family

Gray, Jessie.

Clipping of Winnipeg Tribune article "The first lady of Canadian surgery" by Maggie Grant about Dr. Jessie Gray.

Long, Elizabeth

Gray, Brida.

Clipping of Globe and Mail article "Woman Union President Also Has Family, Home Job" about Brida Gray, then president of Local 4010 Steel Workers' union.

Long, Elizabeth

Grant applications.

Materials related to a grant application to the "Aid to occasional Scholarly Conferences Program." Includes application instructions, form, proposal, and receipt of submission. Also contains a registration form for the resulting event “Canadian Foreign Policy : has Canada made a difference?” (December 10-11, 1991, Toronto).

English, John

Grannan, Mary.

Two clippings of articles about Canadian author and Canadian Broadcasting Corporation personality Mary Grannan.

Long, Elizabeth

Grand River Lodge.

By-laws of Grand River Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons No. 151 (1914) and a cheque for initiation written by Kaufman for $35.

Kaufman, A. R. (Alvin Ratz)

Gordimer, Nadine.

Clippings of articles about South-African writer Nadine Gordimer. Includes a clipping of a newspaper portrait of Gordimer enclosed in an envelope with source information addressed "to the Librarian".

Long, Elizabeth

Goodfellow, Olive.

Typescript biographical data about Olive Goodfellow (nee Wilkins) whose work included 22 years as director at the Goodfellow Printing Company.

Long, Elizabeth

Godfrey, Mary.

Clipping of The Globe and Mail column "A Gallery of Women" about Mary Godfrey (nee Ferguson) and her role as president of the Opera Festival Women's Committee.

Long, Elizabeth

Glucose for Household Use.

Glucose for Household Use issued by the Canada Food Board, Ottawa, August, 1918. This pamphlet gives information on saving sugar and using glucose in its place, including notes on how to use glucose for canning and preserving, and recipes substituting glucose for sugar.

Canada Food Board

Gillmor, Frances.

Two clippings from an unknown publication of articles by Margaret E. Lawrence about Frances Gillmor and her writing. Includes typescript biography (1 p.) compiled by Jean Sweet with a handwritten summary of her sources on the verso.

Long, Elizabeth

Gilbreth, Lillian.

Clipping of Globe and Mail article "Coveted Award Received by Dr. Lillian Gilbreth" about her receiving the George Washington Award for "outstanding contribution to engineering and management, and for unselfish devotion to problems of the handicapped."

Long, Elizabeth

Gerry, E. Winnifred.

Clipping from unknown publications about Mrs. E. Winnifred Gerry of Winnipeg, Manitoba winning an award from the International Association of Public Employment Service.

Long, Elizabeth

Geneva Park : art shows & artists : 1989-1990s.

File consists of material relating to programs organized by the COAA, and mainly the annual workshops at Geneva Park (Longford Mills, Ontario) for 1994-1996 and the annual juried exhibition called Crossection for 1980-1982. Material relates to the organization and arrangement of the events. Includes incoming and outgoing correspondence, reports, flyers and invitations, brochures, programs, exhibition lists, minutes, budgets, draft workshop descriptions, etc.

Central Ontario Art Association

Garbo, Greta.

Clippings from the Winnipeg Free Press, the Observer Weekend Review and the New York Times Magazine about actress Greta Garbo.

Long, Elizabeth

Gallerie D'este.

File consists of materials relating to the exhibition and sale of Tony Urquhart's works at Gallerie D'este. Includes two items of correspondence between Tony and the gallery, a sample contract, handwritten notes by Urquhart, business cards, and promotional materials.

Urquhart, Tony

Furniture and woodworkers union materials.

  • SCA275-GA296
  • Collection
  • 1931-1935

Fonds consists of ephemera relating to the unionization of furniture makers and woodworkers in the Kitchener, Stratford, and Woodstock area. Includes a mock liberty bond for the defence of workers arrested protesting, a card promoting socialist industrial unionism, a handbill outlining union desires, a letter from Canada Furniture Manufacturers regarding an adjustment to pay rates, a handbill encouraging furniture workers to unionize, and a photocopy of a letter to Herman Kreuger.

Funeral program for Andrew Telegdi.

A program for Andrew Telegdi’s funeral service held on January 28, 2017 at Knox Waterloo Presbyterian Church in Waterloo, Ontario. The program includes a eulogy for Andrew Telegdi and outlines the order of the funeral service. The service included a traditional blessing prayer delivered by Oqwilowgwa Kim-Recalma-Clutesi, tributes offered by Bardish Chagger, Don Chapman, John and Jonathan English, scripture reading by Margie Telegdi-Smith, and family tributes by Paul Telegdi and Erin Telegdi.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Funeral of Mrs. John Vogt.

A press clipping detailing Mrs. John Vogt's [Leonore Laura Thusnelda Hagedorn] funeral from the Bechler family photo album. Article lists members in attendance and details of the funeral held at St. Matthews's Lutheran Church on May 11.

Bechler family

Funeral of Charles Rosekat.

A press clipping titled "Drowned Man Laid to Rest" regarding the funeral of Charles Rosekat's from the Bechler family photo album. Announcement notes Rosekat drowned August 4th at Grimsby Beach and was a Kaufman Rubber Co. employee.

Bechler family

Fuller, Margaret.

Photocopy of a talk about Margaret Fuller presented by Madeleine B. Stern on December 27, 1973 in Chicago reprinted in AB.

Long, Elizabeth

From the Rwandan Genocide to R2P.

Materials related to conference “From the Rwandan Genocide to R2P: A Journey of Lessons Learned.” Includes program and notes by John English. Also contains information about Scholars Network’s Senior Fellows.

English, John


File consists of materials accumulated by Kay Rex created by, and based on, her friends. Includes correspondence, photographs, clippings, ephemera, etc. Correspondents include:

  • Burcher, Dorothy
  • Helferty, Dorothy
  • Hodgson, Dorothy
  • Hollobon, Joan
  • Wright, C.F.
  • Wysong, Peggy
  • [?], Alixe
  • [?], May
  • [?], Joan and Suki.

Rex, Kay

Fresh Vegetables.

U.S. Department of Agriculture U.S. Food Administration United States Food Leaflet No.16: Fresh Vegetables. This leaflet gives information on types of fresh vegetables to buy or grow, tips on cooking, recipes, timing for cooking vegetables, and tips on urban foraging.

United States Department of Agriculture

French Laundry and Soapine advertisement

French Laundry and Soapine advertisement trade card illustrated by Charlotte Perkins Gilman showing a young woman standing in a frame holding a washing board and a box of soap. The frame is held up on either side by two young men standing on upside down washing buckets that read Soapine. "Verso reads ""French Laundry is the best soap ever made for all purposes. It is the oldest popular soap, having outlived all its rivals. It has won its way into public favor solely on its merits, and thousands of families who are now using it would not be without it. One trial with convince you. Soapine is the best article known for the laundry and general household use. Use no soap, sal soda, borax, washing crystals or other preparations with it. For washing dishes, glassware, silverware, milk cans, dairy utensils, windows, marble, paint or oil cloth, and house cleaning, use Soapine. Kendall Mfg. Co. Established 1827 Providence, R.I."""

French Canadians.

5 pieces of correspondence and newspaper clippings relating to French Canadians including a November 19, 1936 Totonto Star article by Claude Dubuc, "The Grievances of Quebec : a memorandum from the Economic Chambers of of Quebec to the Ontario Boards of Trade." Also in the file is correspondence with Claude Dubuc.

Wegenast, Franklin Wellington


File consists of materials relating to Kay Rex's freelance journalism and fiction work. Includes clippings, correspondence, photographs, and research for articles. Also includes the Spring 1961 edition of Echoes the magazine of the Imperial Order of the Daughters of the Empire which features the short story Cinderella.

Rex, Kay

Frankel, Egmont Mrs.

Clipping of The Globe and Mail column "A Gallery of Women" about Ruth Frankel and her charitable work including the Canadian Cancer Society.

Long, Elizabeth

Francis, Suzanne Morrow.

Clipping of Winnipeg Free Press article "Former Skating Champion Returns to First Love" about Canadian Suzanne Morrow Francis about her love of dogs and career as a veterinarian.

Long, Elizabeth

Fox, Beryl.

Clippings about Canadian film director Beryl Fox. Includes MacLean's article "One Woman's War" written by Fox about the Vietnam War.

Long, Elizabeth

Forty-sixth anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Cyprus.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament related to celebrations commemorating forty-six years of independence for the Republic of Cyprus. Records include a formal congratulatory statement to the members of the Canadian Justice for Cyprus from Telegdi and an invitation to Telegdi from the Canadian Justice for Cyprus Committee (PSEKA Canada) for a dinner celebrating the anniversary in Scarborough, Ontario.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Forbes, Margaret (Peggy) Chellew née Adams Clement 1921-2010 and Donald Rossell Forbes 1920-2005.

File consists of materials relating to Margaret (Peggy) Chellew Adams Clement Forbes and husband Donald Rossell Forbes. Includes a clipping, an invitation to Peggy and Donald's wedding as well as to the wedding of their son Jock to Rosemarie Ann Wilson, a poem written for Florence Grace Clement on her 90th birthday, family agendas and a series of correspondence.

Correspondents include:

  • Florence Grace Clement,
  • Carlton and Mary Clement,
  • Edward Meijer (Valhalla Inn),
  • Janet Stewart,
  • Walper Hotel,
  • John [?].

Clement Bowlby Family

Forbes family letters.

Letters exchanged between George Alexander Forbes, Millicent Lyall Forbes, Betty Land, Peg Wilson, Ross Wilson, Pamela Wilson, Janet Land, Jennifer Land, and Thomas Land. Correspondence also contains press clippings, drawings, and greeting cards.

Forbes, Betty


File consists of material relating to content of The Footprint. Includes correspondence, memoranda, clippings, ephemera and snapshots.

Kaufman Footwear

Footprint file.

File consists of matrial relating to content of The Footprint, including unsolicited testimonial letters. Includes correspondence, ephemera, clippings and snapshots.

Kaufman Footwear

Food For Your Children.

U.S. Department of Agriculture U.S. Food Administration United States Food Leaflet No. 7: Food For Your Children. This leaflet gives information on the kinds of foods that are important for children to or not to have, as well as a meal plan an recipes.

United States Department of Agriculture

Food for Young Children.

United States Department of Agriculture Farmers' Bulletin 717 Food for Young Children. The guide provides information on what nutrients children should be getting in their diets, the food groups they should eat (milk and dishes made chiefly of milk; breads and other cereal foods; butter and other wholesome fats; vegetables and fruits; simple sweets), ways in which to prepare foods, and recipes and meal plans.

United States Department of Agriculture

Fond greetings.

Blank card with scalloped edging featuring rose, forsythia, a white dove and a hand holding a card that reads: "With fond greetings!"

Schantz Russell Family


Three flyers created by Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament likely distributed to constituents through targeted mailing lists. Each flyer provides constituents with information about a unique topic or political issue and sometimes Telegdi’s political involvement in the matter. These three flyers provide information about funding for post-secondary education, the Canada Pension Plan (CPP), and a benefit fund for the spouses and children of police officers and firefighters.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Florida conf[erence and] Northwestern Summer inst[itute].

Materials related to the envent “Lessons & Legacies of the Holocaust” at Florida Atlantic University, November 7-9, 1998, where James Walker facilitated a workshop titled "Teaching the Holocaust at a Church related college." Includes program, schedule, TRACE Instructional Development Grant Report, receipts and financial statements, and related correspondence.

Walker, James

Florida '92 sweatshirt.

Contains one white sweatshirt. The sweatshirt has the Dare Foods Limited centennial logo embroidered on the left breast of the sweatshirt. Beneath the logo "Florida '92" is also embroidered.

Dare Foods Limited

Fleming, Aida.

Ephemera related to The Kindness Club which was started by Aida Flemming for children under eighteen who pledge to protect animals from suffering. Includes a handwritten note addressed "To the Librarian" with biographical information about Flemming.

Long, Elizabeth

Fitz-Gibbon, Bernice.

Clipping of article from The Saturday Evening Post (1946) about American advertising executive Bernice Fitz-Gibbon and clipping of The Reader's Digest (1951) article "Wanted: More Bounce to the Ounce" written by Fitz-Gibbon.

Long, Elizabeth


File consists of material relating to content of The Footprint. Includes memoranda, clippings and ephemera.

Kaufman Footwear

Files from members, 5.

File consists of miscellaneous material probably accumulated by association member Ruth Camplin (also President, 1969). Includes exhibitors lists for various exhibitions (most but not all by the association), association news bulletins (incomplete, without cover pages and some loose pages), correspondence, flyers, and other material.

Central Ontario Art Association

Files from members, 4.

File consists of miscellaneous material accumulated by association members. Includes correspondence, advertisements, page proofs for a bulletin, COAA letterhead, a completed questionnaire, a newspaper clipping (relating to a sculpture at Wilfrid Laurier University), etc.

Central Ontario Art Association

Field, Myrtle.

Clipping of The Standard article "Woman Registrar" by Mary Scott about Myrtle Field who, at the time, was the only woman registrar in Ontario.

Long, Elizabeth

Field, Mary.

United Kingdom Information Service biographical note no. 7 about Mary Field, O.B.E.

Long, Elizabeth

Fewster, W. Jean.

Page torn from an unknown publication featuring the article "Our Personality of the Month" about W. Jean Fewster the food editor at the Dairy Foods Service Bureau.

Long, Elizabeth

Fawcett, Millicent.

Typescript of brief biographical info about Millicent Fawcett and a clipping of painted portrait of Fawcett from an unknown publication.

Long, Elizabeth

Family : Rieder, Edward.

File consists of material mostly accumulated by Martha Rieder relating to her son Edward Rieder. Includes birthday cards, a school report card and middle school examination results, his high school diploma, a baptism certificate, the commencement program for his graduation from the University of Toronto, letters from his parents and a friend, his obituary, and other material.

Rieder and Anthes family


File consists of materials accumulated by Kay Rex on the genealogy of her family. Includes photocopies, clippings, correspondence, biographies and photographs.

Rex, Kay

Familienbriefe: 1969-1971.

Correspondence between various members of the Sommer family including letters that describe Cornelius Sommer’s European vacation and Angelika Sommer’s political involvement in Germany, her Marxist beliefs and her plans to pursue post-secondary education in Germany. Some letters also indicate that Angelika Sommer met and was dating Uwe Schriever, who later becomes her husband. Also includes greeting cards, postcards, a pamphlet, and photographs of Uwe Schriever, and the wedding of Friedemann and Petra (surnames unknown) in March 1970.

Familienbriefe: 1967-1969.

  • SCA344-GA393-9
  • File
  • February 6, 1966-[January 8, 1970?], predominant 1967-1969
  • Part of Sommer family fonds.

Correspondence primarily between members of the Sommer family. Includes letters interspersed with details about family life such as Ulrich Sommer and Cornelius Sommer’s studies in university, Angelika Sommer’s pending visit with her grandparents, and Lina Neumeyer Raatz’s declining health. Lina Neumeyer Raatz was Ulrich Sommer’s aunt and she lived in Germany. Also contains correspondence between the Sommer family and the Altenmueller family from Cooksville, Ontario. Records include letters, postcards, and pamphlets.

Results 1101 to 1200 of 1948