


Scope note(s)

  • Transient everyday items, usually printed and on paper, that are manufactured for a specific limited use, then often discarded. Includes everyday items that are meant to be saved, at least for a while, such as keepsakes and stock certificates.

Source note(s)

  • Library of Congress Basic Genre Terms for Cultural Heritage Materials

Display note(s)

Hierarchical terms


Equivalent terms


  • UF Programmes, leaflets, receipts, menus, playbills, pamphlets, flyers, greeting cards, business cards, invitations, coupons, tickets

Associated terms


1948 Archival description results for Ephemera

1948 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

L. I. Fisk & Co. Soaps pamphlet

Pamphlet advertising L.I. Fisk & Co's Soaps. The cover shows three women washing and hanging out clothes with the caption "The suds is like velvet, I never used a soap like it. The water is settled and I find no grit in the tub. We never had such clothes they are whiter at every washing. L.I. Fisk & Co,'s Soaps for sale by all grocers who look to the interests of their customers by buying pure goods." The interior describes the qualities of the soap and gives examples of clothes washed in their soap and with others. The back cover shows a young woman and a caricature of a Japanese man holding a scroll which reads "All soaps bearing our name are warranted free from any of the many adulterations the best for economy, purity, cleanliness and washing quality of any in the world. L.I. Fisk and Co., Springfield, Mass." There are also testimonials on the back cover which read "It has cured my chapped hands. I'll use no other and keep them so. It is a delight to all in the bath. It is so soft and clean."

LaMarsh, Judy.

Clippings from various publications about Canadian politician and lawyer Judy LaMarsh. File also includes the Toronto Star article "We can start to change our old sexist attitudes," written by LaMarsh.

Long, Elizabeth

Land purchase.

Materials related to the land purchase of the lot for 178 Claremont Avenue. Includes related correspondence, deed, and invoices and cheques for land surveys, barrister services, and property taxes.
File arrived in archives with handwritten note by donor that read: “Related to home of Dr. W. G. Reive. 178 Claremont Ave. Kitchener. Lot purchased in 1950 w[ith] 2 parts. 1. W. Mitchell. 2. Snyder Estate (Waterloo Trust). 1953 side boundary alignment (Snyder, Reive, Gould).”

Reive Family

Landscape proposal, correspondence, invoices, and cheques.

Materials related to the landscaping of 178 Claremont Avenue. Includes correspondence received by Dr. W. G. Reive from R. H. Barnsley (landscape contractor) with proposal, pricing, and invoices for the work. Also includes reconciled cheques issued by Reive.
File arrived in archives with handwritten note by donor that read: “Landscape architect R. H. Barnsley: proposal, correspondence, invoices & cancelled cheques.”

Reive Family

Laurence, Margaret.

Clippings of articles and book reviews related to Canadian author Margaret Laurence.

Long, Elizabeth

Laws, Jay Margaret.

Page torn from an unknown publication featuring the article "Our Advertising Personality of the Month" about Jay Margaret Laws, director of Home Economics at Aluminum Goods Limited.

Long, Elizabeth

Lawson, Jessie I.

Clipping from unknown publication with biographical information about Canadian teacher and writer Jessie I. Lawson.

Long, Elizabeth

Laycock, Hazel B.

Clipping from unknown publication with biographical information about Hazel B. Laycock, including her involvement with the Business and Professional Women's Club of Winnipeg.

Long, Elizabeth

Le Roy car.

Clippings and ephemera related to LeRoy cars, including one purchased by Norman C. Schneider in 1956:

  • Original operating instruction manual [1899], missing first 4 pages. Very fragile.
  • Biographical newspaper story about Milton H. Good from the August 4, 1950 edition of _Wasaga Beach Weekly. Very Fragile
  • Clippings regarding Sandy Rider's discovery and restoration of the LeRoy car in Stratford, 1954.
  • Ephemera, correspondence, clippings and publicity about Norman C. Schneider's purchase of the LeRoy in 1956 and his subsequent donation to Doon Pioneer Village, 1956-1962
  • Norman C. Schneider's manuscript and typescript original operating instructions for the LeRoy car, ca. 1956.

Schneider, Norman Christoph

Leader's Institute : 1955.

File consists of material relating to the Leader's Institute held at the Macdonald Institute (Guelph) in 1955, and in particular to the course taught there by Gordon Couling. Includes a manual on informal education for adults, handwritten notes by Couling prepared for the course, a draft scheudule, list of participants, other information relating to the institute, and correspondence.

Couling, Gordon

Leader's Institute : 1956 (file 1 of 2).

File consists of material relating to the Leader's Institute held at the Macdonald Institute (Guelph) in 1956. Includes typed reports and feedback about the conference, handwritten notes, correspondence (including a draft), reports on discussion sessions, a list of participants, and statements of purpose for the Leader's Institute.

Couling, Gordon

Leader's Institute : 1956 (file 2 of 2).

File consists of material relating to the Leader's Institute held at the Macdonald Institute (Guelph) in 1956, and in particular the course taught by Gordon Couling (Art, first year). Includes correspondence and memoranda, lists of courses and participants, handwritten notes taken from or created in preparation for the course, a course outline, lists of resoures, and other information relating to the institute.

Couling, Gordon

Leader's Institute : 1957.

File consists of material relating to the Leader's Institute held at the Macdonald Institute (Guelph) in 1957, and in particular the course taught by Gordon Couling. Includes a conference outline and timetable, a survey, handwritten notes, typed instructions for class projects and assignments, a list of resources, etc.

Couling, Gordon

Leader's Institute : 1959.

File consists of material relating to the Leader's Institute held at the Macdonald Institute (Guelph) in 1959, and in particular to the course taught there by Gordon Couling. Includes handwritten notes, responses to a questionnaire, typed notes by Couling prepared for the course, a course outline, participant lists, incoming correspondence, and other information relating to the institute.

Couling, Gordon

Leader's Institute : 1960 : Art 3.

File consists of material relating to the Leader's Institute held at the Macdonald Institue (Guelph) in 1960, and in particular to the course taught there by Gordon Couling (Art 3). Includes handwritten and typed course outlines, handwritten and typed notes made by Couling in preparation for the course, lists of participants and recommended resources, correspondence, meeting agendas, other information related to the Leader's Institute, etc.

Couling, Gordon


Series documents anti-war and anti-fascist sentiments during the early 1930s. Includes various leaflets of poems and songs on peace by William E. Dyer, a Toronto-based poet. Other leaflets relate to the 1934 Ontario provincial election and promotion for the Socialist Party of Canada in the Waterloo North constituency There is also a membership advertisement for the “American League against War and Fascism”, based in New York, and a Pax International issue from 1934 about the persecution of pacifists and promotion of peace.

Leaflets issued by the National Liberal Federation of Canada.

Leaflets issued by the National Liberal Federation of Canada, probably created in 1935. Some of the leaflets include extracts of speeches and/or reports by Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King. Titles of the leaflets are:

  • “Unemployment : Liberalism offers the basic solution,” leaflet No. 3.
  • “The Liberal Party’s position on some immediate problems,” leaflet No. 3a.
  • “Liberalism and railways : the railway problem in its true light,” leaflet No. 5.
  • "The Central Bank : where Liberalism stands as against the other political parties,” leaflet No. 6.

King, William Lyon Mackenzie

Lear, Audrea.

Clipping of Globe and Mail article "Indulges Love of Travel, Managing Touring Service" about Audrea Lear, the manager of touring services for Shell Oil Company of Canada.

Long, Elizabeth

Lelli, Anna Lea.

Clipping of Christian Science Monitor article "League of Italian Women Undertakes a Program of Moral Rehabilitation" about Anna Lea Lelli, the founder of the National League of Italian Women. File also includes a typescript biography and a list of lectures given by Lelli, along with a promotional pamphlet for services Lelli offered as a travel consultant.

Long, Elizabeth

Lenox Soap advertisement

Die cut Lenox Soap advertisement showing a woman standing next to a washing tub with a large pile of soap suds coming out of it. The advertisement reads "Lenox Soap. Lather from 1 oz in hard water. Lathers freely in hard water."

Lent, Geneva.

Clippings and book reviews from various publications about Canadian author and artist Dora Geneva Lent, and two promotional pamphlets about Lent's paintings, including watercolours of Haida totem poles.

Long, Elizabeth

Leonard, Rose.

Clipping of Winnipeg Free Press article "Flower's 'Courage' Inspires This Artist" about Canadian painter Rose Leonard.

Long, Elizabeth

Letter from Reverend Alfred H. Tyrer with birth control pamphlets.

  • SCA402-GA468
  • Collection
  • 1941

Materials related to Reverend Alfred Henry Tyrer’s books and publications on birth control, sex education, and marriage life.

Includes pamphlets and order forms for Tyrer’s books Where did we come from, mother dear? (Marriage Welfare Bureau, 1939) and Sex, marriage and birth control (Marriage Welfare Bureau, 1936), and ephemera related to the books and the Marriage Welfare Bureau.
Also contains booklet Marriage welfare : some facts about birth-control by Reverend Alfred Henry Tyrer which acted as promotional material for the book Sex, marriage and birth control. Booklet includes sections: Birth-control, the population problem, definition of birth-control, birth control and war, mothers who die in child-birth, infant mortality, birth control vs. infanticide, birth-control vs. abortions, birth-control vs. degeneracy and disease, birth-control vs. prostitution, economics and birth-control, divorce, religion and birth-control, the present status of birth-control, a prairie marriage.

Materials were enclosed in an envelope sent from Ontario on July 10, 1941, and with a letter addressed to Steve E. Chorney from Ranfurly (Alberta) acting as an introduction to the publications and explaining their importance.

Tyrer, Alfred Henry

Letter to London Free Press regarding Louis O. Breithaupt.

File consists of a clipping and one letter (typescript) dated March 17, 1952 to Fred Arnott of London Free Press. Arnott had written a commentary on a remark made that as a "German from Kitchener," Louis O. Breithaupt's appointment as Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario was a slight on the people of Ontario. The commentary pointed out the number of "Germans" from Kitchener and elsewhere who fought WWII. Includes one letter (typescript, carbon) and a clipping.

Breithaupt, Frederick Albert

Letters from Bill Ratcliffe's files.

Correspondence sent by Robert Shipley to Bill Ratcliffe between 1993 and 2002, and in 2008. Includes personal correspondence, invitations to events and ephemera, Shipley's resume, related newspaper clippings and photocopies of newspaper clippings, a printout of book proposal The late late loyalists. Canada in the eyes of American immigrants, and printouts of Shipley's writings "Going home" and "Ants."

Shipley, Robert

Letters to Betty and Bill.

Letters, cards, and postcards written to Betty Forbes and Bill Land from Millicent Lyall Forbes, Helene, Isabelle Alexandra Burt (Aunt Diddy), and Uncle Art. File also includes letters from Ray McMurphy to Betty Forbes, an account with Smuck's China and Gift Shop in Kitchener, and a wedding program for Thomas Land and Sylvia Wink.

Forbes, Betty

Letters, late 1960's and early 1970's.

File consists of 85 pieces of correspondence (handwritten and typed originals) to Stan Johannesen from academic colleagues, family, friends, and others, including seven letter copies from Stan in reply. Includes greeting cards, postcards, and other memoranda. File also includes poems (attributed to S.), poems by Meg Kamen, and other ephemera.

Johannesen, S.K.

Letters, late 1970's.

File consists of 118 pieces of correspondence (handwritten and typed originals) to Stan Johannesen from family, friends, academic colleagues and others, including 33 letter copies from Stan in reply. Includes greeting cards, postcards, and memoranda. Also in the folder are ephemera and unattributed original pencil sketches of furniture and landscapes.

Johannesen, S.K.

Levine, Mrs. Abe.

Clipping of the Globe and Mail column "A Gallery of Women" about Mrs. Abe Leavine, president of the Toronto section of the National Council of Jewish Women.

Long, Elizabeth

Liberal MP for Waterloo North.

Newspaper clippings, booklets and a Christmas card related to Schneider's time in office, some of which are duplicates of records found elsewhere in fonds. Includes a typescript letter titled "Will you help our committee" soliciting donations for John Diefenbaker; a booklet regarding the Supreme Court of Canada (1956); a handbook titled "Know your government" (1957) with Shneider's name written on front cover; a copy of a floor map for the 22nd Parliament, 3rd session (April 18, 1956); a booklet containing a June 15, 1964 address by Lester B. Pearson; information about the 24th Parliament (1958); and a Christmas card from Schneider featuring illustrations of the Parliament buildings in Ottawa and the pioneer settlers memorial tower in Waterloo County (1956).

Schneider, Norman Christoph

Liberal Party of Canada.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi as a member of the Liberal Party of Canada. Records include items related to the association's activities and events such as the 2003 Leadership and Biennial Convention held between November 12-15, 2003 in Toronto, Ontario and the 2009 Leadership and Biennial Convention held between April 30 to May 3, 2009 in Vancouver, British Columbia. In addition, the file contains items from the National Liberal Women's Caucus and Equal Voice, a multi-partisan organization dedicated to electing and supporting women at all levels of political office. Records include invitations, correspondence, certificates, agendas, forms, a 2015 election handout titled, Stand with Justin Trudeau for LGBTQ2 Rights, and other textual material.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Liberal Party of Canada (Ontario).

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi as a member of the Liberal Party of Canada (Ontario). The file contains items related to a number of the association's conventions including Focus on Canada Target 2000 held in 1982, the 1992 leadership convention, the 1998 biennial convention, and others. Records include reports, agendas, invitations, stickers, notices, and election material for Richard Thomas, Shelia Copps, John Sweeney, David Peterson, and James (Jim) R. Breithaupt. In addition, the file contains correspondence written to Telegdi including a signed letter from David Peterson, then Leader of the Opposition in the Ontario Legislature, a signed letter from Murray J. Elston, then interim leader of the Liberal Party in the Ontario Legislature, a signed letter from John Sweeney, then Member of Provincial Parliament, and a signed letter from Paul Martin, then Member of Parliament.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Lie, Bergliot.

Clipping of The Globe and Mail article "Claims Women Now Taking More Interest in Politics" about a talk given by Norwegian economist Bergliot Lie.

Long, Elizabeth

Little Women postcard.

  • SCA315-GA351
  • Collection
  • [19--]

One postcard showing a scene from the Boston Majestic Theatre production of Little Women.

Livesay, Dorothy.

Clipping of Toronto Daily Star article "Literary Fame Well Won Dorothy Livesay Honred" about the author being awarded the Lorne Pierce gold medal by the Royal Society of Canada in 1947.

Long, Elizabeth

Local history : clippings.

Clipping titled "Local historians paint scholarly picture of Kitchener including barbs, bouquets" from the December 10, 1983 edition of the Kitchener-Waterloo Record consisting of a review of Kitchener: an illustrated history by John English and Kenneth McLaughlin.

Schneider family

Local history : clippings.

Clipping "Remembering Kitchener's colourful past," illustrated with a photograph identified as the 118th Battalion at parade in Victoria Park, 1917.

Schneider family

Local history : clippings.

Photocopy of a clipping of "An indelible print on community life," [by] Susan Chilton, Record, February 26, 2000 about Charles Belair who photographed the 80th birthday of J.M. Schneider in 1940.

Schneider family

Local history : texual records.

Series consists of material relating to the history of Kitchener, Ontario and the Region of Waterloo. Includes clippings, photographs, publications and special issues of newspapers. Some of these contain references to the Schneider family and company.

Schneider family

Loose papers


  • Galt YMCA Circus Program 1928
  • F.T. Maines: correspondence & ephemera regarding subscription to "light".
  • Minnie Maines: Kitchener-Waterloo Philharmonic Choir ephemera.
  • Minnie Maines: membership cards and receipts: K-W YMCA and YWCA.
    5: Minnie Maines: household receipts and ephemera.

Maines Pincock Family

Lorange, Diane.

Clipping of Telegram article "Girl Geologist With The "Roughnecks"" about Canadian petroleum geologist Diane Loranger.

Long, Elizabeth

Loring, Frances.

Clipping of Telegram of column "Duval on Art" proposing sculptor France Loring's "goalkeeper" as a fitting tribute to Donald Summerville.

Long, Elizabeth


File consists of two souvenir cards containing views of Lucerne.

Keffer, Ivan Wilbur

Luggage tag : Schantz tours.

A luggage tag from Schantz tours, owned by Orpheus Moyer Schantz. The address on the tag reads "Frank Schantz 43 Schneider Ave. Kitchener, Ontario, Canada."

Schantz Russell Family

Lyons, Alice.

Clipping from unknown publication about Alice Lyons of Regina, Saskatchewan.

Long, Elizabeth

Lyons, Dame Enid.

Clipping of Sun (Melbourne, Australia) article "Woman rules the House" about Australian politician Dame Enid Lyons.

Long, Elizabeth

Mabel Welma Fox scrapbook album.

  • SCA392-GA457
  • Collection
  • 1921-1923, 1925

Scrapbook album created by Mabel Welma Fox during her time at the University of Michigan (1921-1923).

Scrapbook is covered with correspondence, photographs, newspaper clippings, ephemera, physical objects, and annotations that guide the reader through Fox’s university life.
Photographs are of Fox’s house guests, parties, field trips, prom, graduation, and members of the Betsy Barbour women’s residence hall.
Newspaper clippings and full editions include Michigan Daily, College News, The Detroit News Mail edition, and Detroit Free Press, as well as others unidentified.
Ephemera includes posters, invitations, tickets, and programs for events; place, calling, membership, and business cards; envelopes with receipts (including for tuition, lodging and rent, transportation, raffle tickets, and memberships); report and grade cards; poetry clippings and pages stripped from books; notebooks with course notes; cards and napkins; materials related to 1923 Commencement; and booklets for the University of Michigan Women’s League.
Physical objects include decorations made with crepe paper for different events, a pencil tied to a notebook, and a mini frying pan from a dinner event, and rose leaves and petals.

Scrapbook is housed in a production scrapbook published by the College Memory Book Company from Chicago (Illinois, USA) with copyright from 1918, W.M.W. Clay, and with the title “National Memory and Fellowship Book.”
Fist 25 pages of scrapbook include pre-printed sections used by Fox and/or her colleagues. Preprinted sections include annotations, drawings, photographs and ephemera (by students from Michigan, the United States, Japan, and China).
Pre-printed sections are:

  • Register of friends,
  • Faculty and Campus,
  • Student Hall of Fame,
  • Comparative Athletic Record,
  • School and Social Functions,
  • My Favourites,
  • Entertainments, Lectures, Plays,
  • Memorable Trips,
  • Clubs and Societies,
  • Professors I Have Met,
  • Dates and Doings,
  • Things Worth-Wile Noting,
  • Lest you forget.

Rest of pages are part of the same production scrapbook but do not show section titles. Some pages are left unused. And some items look like they were clipped from another scrapbook (including several items that were inside an envelope pasted to backcover).

Fox, Mabel Welma


Materials related to the human rights workshop “Taking liberties: historicizing 20th Century human rights in the English speaking world” at McMaster University, where James Walker participated with an address titled “Decoding the ‘Rights Revolution:’ Lessons from the Canadian experience.” Includes a schedule of the event, related correspondence, an outline of the workshop, and notes for Walker’s presentation.

Walker, James

Macdonell, Helen.

Clipping of British Columbia Economic Times "Career Women" column featuring Helen Macdonell, a manager and saleswoman for Bedlington Co. Ltd.

Long, Elizabeth

MacGill, Elsie Gregory.

Clippings and biographical information about Canadian engineer Elizabeth Gregory MacGill. Includes a clipping of The American Soroptimist article "Soroptimist of the Month: High Flying Designer", a heavily underlined clipping from an unknown publication, and a typescript biography about MacGill's life. Included is a page torn from an unknown publication with an article by MacGill about her mother Helen Gregory MacGill.

Also in the file is an incomplete manuscript letter to Elizabeth Long on Valance Patriarche letterhead from Victoria [British Columbia]. The letter may have been written by Betty Patriarche and includes details about the relationships between Helen Gregory MacGill and various families, including the Patriarches and Miles O'Reilly Jarvis, some of whom are mentioned in a biography written about Helen by Elizabeth. A typescript note included in the file to the Librarian from Elizabeth Long indicates that material regarding MacGill's biography of her mother should be "handled with extreme discretion until about 1980", may be referring to the contents of the Patriache letter.

Long, Elizabeth

MacInnis, Grace.

File includes clippings of The Globe and Mail articles about Canadian politician Grace MacInnis, a photocopied typescript of biographical data about MacInnis, an October 1967 "Report from Ottawa" written by MacInnis in her capacity as Member of Parliament for Vancouver-Kingsway, and a head and shoulders portrait of MacInnis that was used in the report.

Long, Elizabeth

MacIver, Catherine.

Clipping of Leader Post article "CBC talks producer" about Canadian radio producer Catherine MacIver.

Long, Elizabeth

MacKay, Mrs. J. Keiller.

Clipping of The Globe and Mail column "A Gallery of Women" about Mrs. J. Keiller Mackay [Katherine "Kay" Jean MacLeod], wife of the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario.

Long, Elizabeth

MacKinnon, Lillian Vaux.

Clipping from unknown publication with two captioned photos of Lillian Vaux MacKinnon, as a Queen's student and later in life with her grandchildren, a manuscript note about MacKinnon and her relationship to Mrs. W.S. Sandford of Hamilton and member of the National Council of Women, and a head and shoulders portrait of MacKinnon with typescript information about the photo and Mackinnon. File also includes the envelopes materials were sent in.

Long, Elizabeth

MacLean, Mrs. Findlay.

Clipping from The Globe and Mail about the attendance of Mrs. Findlay Maclean at the 30th annual luncheon meeting of the Canadian Press as the first woman to be a member of the service.

Long, Elizabeth

MacMahon, Mary.

Clipping of The Globe and Mail article "300,000 Girls Got Jobs Through Mary MacMahon" about Canadian Mary MacMahon who started the first employment bureau in Canada.

Long, Elizabeth

MacMillan, Viola.

Clipping of Saturday Night profile "Having a Wonderful Time" by Mary Lowrey Ross about Canadian Viola MacMillan, president of ViolaMac Mines Ltd., the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada, MacMillan Securities, and Camarillo Oils Ltd.

Long, Elizabeth

MacMurchy, Helen.

Photocopy of Saskatoon Star-Phoenix article "Honor Leading Woman Doctors" about doctor Helen MacMurchy being the only Canadian among 12 woman doctors honored by Hobart and William Smith Colleges.

Long, Elizabeth

Macphail, Agnes.

File consists of clippings from various publications about Agnes Macphail's career and death, Maclean's Magazine article "Men Want to Hog Everything!" by Macphail, and an undated three-quarter length portrait of Macphail.

Long, Elizabeth

Maines, Frederick J.T. : reference and material for sermons.

File consists of one notebook kept by Frederick J.T. Maines with reference materials on a variety of topics for sermons. The subjects are indexed at the beginning of the notebook and include topics such as demonic possession, Buddha, ectoplasm, necromancy, superstition and more. Also included are clippings and notes that were inset into various pages.

Maines, Frederick J.T.

Make a Little Meat go a Long Way.

U.S. Department of Agriculture U.S. Food Administration United States Food Leaflet No. 5: Make a Little Meat go a Long Way. The leaflet gives information on how to make stews and meat pies to make a little meat go a long way.

United States Department of Agriculture

Management changes, Jan. 1, 1991.

One news clipping concerning changes in executive positions. File also includes a manuscript letter from Irving E. Weber to William Kaufman regarding Weber's retirement.

Kaufman Footwear

Manny, Louisa.

Clippings from the Evening Times-Globe and an unknown publication about Canadian folklorist Louisa Manny. File includes a brief typescript note about Manny's notoriety in the Atlantic provinces and her donation of records to Smith College.

Long, Elizabeth

Marriage to Mary Staebler

Photocopy of newspaper account of the wedding Mary Staebler and Louis Henry Wagner on May 20, 1884. Also included is a wedding invitation.

Wagner Hailer family

Marshall, Dorothy.

Page torn from an unknown publication featuring the article "Our Advertising Personality of the Month" about Dorothy Marshall, the media director at The James Fisher Company.

Long, Elizabeth

Marston, Katherine.

Clipping of Saturday Night article "She Runs a Country Weekly that wins Prizes" by John A. Carroll about Canadian Katherine Marston, owner and editor of the Elora Express.

Long, Elizabeth

Martin, Claire.

Clipping of Winnipeg Free Press article "French-Canadian Novelist Relishes Her Way Of Life" by Linda Crawford about author Claire Martin.

Long, Elizabeth

Martin, John Alexander : in memoriam.

Material relating to the funeral of John Alexander Martin, who died on June 7, 1959. Includes a memorial guest book containing details about the funeral service and a register of visitors, flowers, and gifts of remembrance. Includes a poem, the message given at the funeral by Rev. F.G. Stewart, lists of donations, and a clipping of the obituary (several copies).

Martin, John Gartshore

Marty, Aletta E.

Typescript about Dr. Aletta E. Marty M.A. L.L.D. and a reproduction of a painted portrait of Marty by Kenneth Forbes (with enclosure) presented to Queen's University during convocation on October 15, 1949.

Long, Elizabeth

Mary Quayle Innis : biographical.

File consists of biographical information on the life of Mary Quayle Innis. Includes correspondence to researchers from both Anne Innis Dagg and Mary Cates as well as a draft article by David Burns.

Innis family

Mayor of Kitchener, 1950-1951, 1957-1958.

Clippings regarding Leavine’s activities as Mayor of Kitchener from 1950-1951. They cover Mayor Leavine and Mayor Bauman of Waterloo attending the official opening of the K-W Family Service Bureau in November 1950, of which both because the first members; Leavine's stance on the issue of civil defence; Leavine's involvement in the plans to build the Kitchener Memorial Arena in 1950; and Leavine’s daily morning walk to work as Mayor in the early 1950s. Another clipping from the Kitchener-Waterloo Record, dated June 17, 1958, during Leavine’s second term as Mayor, reports on Leavine's attendance at the official sod turning ceremony for the Kitchener police building.

Leavine, Stanley Francis

McClelland & Stewart.

File consists of correspondence, correspondence copies to and from Luella Creighton, contract, news clippings, royalty statements. Includes newspaper reviews of The Hitching Post, correspondence with Pamela Fry, S. J. Totten, G.T. Feilding[sic], Jack McClelland and others at McClelland and Stewart Ltd. regarding Miss Multipenny and Miss Crumb, The Elegant Canadians, and The hitching post, as well as with Herbert van Thal at London Authors. Also includes Canadian Library Bestseller Contract draft for Turn East, Turn West, dated February 22, 1968.

Creighton, Luella Bruce

McClung, Nellie.

Clippings from various publications, ephemera, and typescript notes about Nellie McClung's life and career. File also includes a copy photograph of a press photo of McClung taken when she was appointed as the first woman on the first Board of Governors of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in 1936, and a copy of Souvenir Photo Summary of the Coloured Dramatique Presentation "Recalled To Life" (1965) about McClung and correspondence about its donation to the National Council of Women Lady Aberdeen library.

Long, Elizabeth

McCracken, Betty.

Page torn from an unknown publication featuring the article "Betty McCracken Alias M.A. McLean & Co." about Betty McCracken who operated the advertising service M.A. McLean & Co.

Long, Elizabeth

McCullum, Muriel.

Page torn from an unknown publication featuring the article "Personality" about Muriel McCullum, advertising manager of the Bulova Watch Co. Ltd.

Long, Elizabeth

McFarland, Kaye.

Clippings from various publications about the election of Kaye McFarland to the Napanee Town Council.

Long, Elizabeth

McGibbon, Pauline.

Clippings and ephemera about Pauline McGibbon, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario of Ontario.

Long, Elizabeth

McGill, Ruth S.

Two clippings about Ruth S. McGill written during her 1948-1950 term as president of the Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs.

Long, Elizabeth

McKinney, Louise C.

Photocopied ephemera and clipping of Brockville Recording and Times article "Villagers Start Museum, Honor Pioneer Woman" about Louise Crummy McKinney, former Alberta MPP and first woman to sit in a legislature in the British Empire.

Long, Elizabeth

McMichael Gallery file (file 1 of 2).

File consists of material relating to the McMichael Gallery in Kleinburg, Ontario, and mainly to legislation changes in the early 1980s affecting the McMichael Canadian Collection and the response of interested parties (including COAA members) regarding the changes. Includes incoming and outgoing correspondence, newspaper clippings, politicians' statements given at the Legislative Assebmly of Ontario, transcripts of parliamentary committee meetings (Standing Committee on Social Development), newsletters, fliers, etc. File also contains copies of the Act to Establish the McMichael Canadian Collection (1972) and the Act to amend the McMichael Canadian Collection Act (1981). File probably belonged to Oreen Campbell and most correspondence belongs to Campbell, but some correspondence is also addressed to Doris Law. Includes a letter from Premier William G. Davis.

Central Ontario Art Association

McMichael Gallery file (file 2 of 2).

File consists of material relating to the McMichael Gallery in Kleinburg, Ontario, and mainly to legislation changes in the early 1980s affecting the McMichael Canadian Collection and the response of interested parties (including COAA members) regarding the changes. Includes incoming and outgoing correspondence, newspaper clippings, politicians' statements given at the Legislative Assebmly of Ontario, transcripts of parliamentary committee meetings (Standing Committee on Social Development), newsletters, fliers, etc. File also contains copies of the Act to Establish the McMichael Canadian Collection (1972) and the Act to amend the McMichael Canadian Collection Act (1981). File probably belonged to Oreen Campbell and most correspondence belongs to Campbell, but some correspondence is also addressed to Doris Law. Includes a letter from Premier William G. Davis.

Central Ontario Art Association

Mead, Margaret.

Clippings of articles from various publications regarding American anthropologist Margaret Mead.

Long, Elizabeth

Meir, Golda.

Clippings of articles from the Winnipeg Free Press and the Montreal Gazette regarding Israeli politician Golda Meir.

Long, Elizabeth

Members' show.

File consists of material relating to the COAA members' shows for 1992 amd 1994-1995. Include draft and final entry forms, exhibitors' lists, maps, a press release, a newspaper clipping, and a brochure for Crossection '95 (annual juried member's show).

Central Ontario Art Association

Results 1001 to 1100 of 1948