Claire Wallace fonds. Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
120 They tell me : CBC National : Wartime savings, December 1-29, 1944. File 1944
128 They tell me : CBC National : Wartime savings, October 1-31, 1945. File 1945
129 They tell me : CBC National : Wartime savings, November 2-30, 1945. File 1945
133 They tell me : CBC National : Wartime savings, March 1-29, 1946. File 1946
135 They tell me : CBC National : Wartime savings, May 1-31, 1946. File 1946
143 They tell me : CBC National : Wartime savings, March 3-31, 1947. File 1947
145 They tell me : CBC National : Wartime savings, May 2-16, 1947. File 1947
146 They tell me : CBC National : Wartime savings, August 18-29, 1947. File 1947
155 They tell me : CBC National : Wartime savings, May 3-14, 1948. File 1948
159 They tell me : CBC National : Wartime savings, November 1-28, 1948. File 1948
167 They tell me : CBC National : Wartime savings, July 1-30, 1949. File 1949
168 They tell me : CBC National : Wartime savings, August 1-31, 1949. File 1949
170 They tell me : CBC National : Wartime savings, October 3-29, 1949. File 1949
173 "Hide and Seek" : Old dutch cleaner, March-September 1955. File 1955
26 Over the teacups, no. 3, March 1, 1933-Nov. 13, 1933. File 1933
30 Teatime topics: CFRB, July 1-31, 1936. File 1936
174 Clair Wallace notebook, September 5, 1951. File 1951
178A Clair Wallace notebook, January 1-31, 1952. File 1952
187 Clair Wallace notebook, October 1-29, 1953. File 1953
189 Clair Wallace notebook, January, February and March, 1954. File 1954
5 Publicity Series 1936-1962
190 Teatime topics publicity book 1, October 1936- October 1937. File 1936-1937
193 Teatime topics publicity book 4, 1940-1941 October. File 1940-1941
195 Clair Wallace notebook : publicity, 1951. File 1951
206 Publicity, 1948. File 1948
211 Publicity CWTB, 1956, no. 2. File 1956
212 Publicity CWTB, 1957. File 1957
213 Publicity CWTB, 1958. File 1958
214 Publicity CWTB, 1959. File 1959
215 Publicity : Mind your manners, 1953 etc. File 1953
221 Etiquette : Claire Wallace, 1948-1949. File 1948-1949
1 Correspondence Series 1961-1962
4 Saddler, Guild of Metropolitan United Church, Toronto, Jan. 3, 1962. File 1962
2 Miscellaneous Series 1945-1962
8 Fore Sight, published by Small Arms Ltd., Jan. 29, 1943-July 19, 1945. File 1945
9 Gossip (Toronto): four issues, March 17-April 28, 1962. File 1962
37 Teatime topics: CFRB, February 1-28, 1937. File 1937
43 Teatime topics: CFRB, August 16-31, 1937. File 1937
49 Teatime topics: CFRB, February 1-28, 1938 File 1938
62 Teatime topics: CFRB, April 3-28, 1939. File 1939
63 Teatime topics: CFRB, May 1-31, 1939. File 1939
74 Teatime topics: CFRB, May 1-31, 1940. File 1940
75 Teatime topics: CFRB, June 3-28, 1940. File 1940
78 Teatime topics: CFRB, October 1-31, 1940. File 1940
79 Teatime topics: CFRB, November 1-29, 1940. File 1940
80 Teatime topics: CFRB, December 2-31, 1940. File 1940
83 Teatime topics: CFRB, March 3-31, 1941. File 1941
84 Teatime topics: CFRB, April 1-30, 1941. File 1941
86 Teatime topics: CFRB, June 2-27, 1941. File 1941
90 Teatime topics: CFRB, January 2-30, 1942. File 1942
92 Teatime topics: CFRB, March 2-31, 1942. File 1942
95 Teatime topics: CFRB, June 1-30, 1942. File 1942
102 They tell me : CBC National : Wartime savings, February 1-26, 1943. File 1943
108 They tell me : CBC National : Wartime savings, September 1-29, 1943. File 1943
109 They tell me : CBC National : Wartime savings, October 1-29, 1943. File 1943
111 They tell me : CBC National : Wartime savings, December 1-31, 1943. File 1943
117 They tell me : CBC National : Wartime savings, June 1-23, 1944. File 1944
122 They tell me : CBC National : Wartime savings, February 2-28, 1945. File 1945
126 They tell me : CBC National : Wartime savings, June 1- July 4, 1945. File 1945
130 They tell me : CBC National : Wartime savings, December 3-31, 1945. File 1945
131 They tell me : CBC National : Wartime savings, January 2-30, 1946. File 1946
132 They tell me : CBC National : Wartime savings, February 2-27, 1946. File 1946
136 They tell me : CBC National : Wartime savings, August 19-30, 1946. File 1946
137 They tell me : CBC National : Wartime savings, September 2-27, 1946. File 1946
139 They tell me : CBC National : Wartime savings, November 1-29, 1946. File 1946
141 They tell me : CBC National : Wartime savings, January 1-31, 1947. File 1947
142 They tell me : CBC National : Wartime savings, February 3-28, 1947. File 1947
151 They tell me : CBC National : Wartime savings, January 2-31, 1948. File 1948
156 They tell me : CBC National : Wartime savings, August 16-30, 1948. File 1948
163 They tell me : CBC National : Wartime savings, March 2-30, 1949 File 1949
172_OVR The "Affair Financial" : National war finance broadcasting. File 1944
17 "They tell me" report to the National Radio Radio Commission. File 1943
23 Star reporter, 1934. File 1934
24 Over the teacups, no. 1, Jan. 14-Aug. 2, 1932. File 1932
25 Over the teacups, no. 2, Aug. 3, 1932-Feb. 29, 1933. File 1932-1933
175 Clair Wallace notebook, October 1951. File 1951
178 Clair Wallace notebook, 1952-1953. File 1952-1953
1 Harnett, John J., Windsor Arms Hotel, Oct. 11, 1961. File 1961
2 Metcalfe, Rose, Business and Professional Women's Club, Feb. 18 and Dec. 20, 1961. File 1961
3 Public Relations Service Limited, Toronto, June 1, 1962. File 1962
6 Canadian Broadcaster pages, March 17, 1960. File 1960
7 Esquire, the Magazine for Men, Feb. 1962. File 1962
10 Kiwanis Club of West Toronto: programme: 25 years of service through Casa Loma, May 31, 1962. File 1962
15 Shakespeare seminars: discussion groups schedule. File 1961
33 Teatime topics: CFRB, October 1-31, 1936. File 1936
35 Teatime topics: CFRB, December 1-31, 1936. File 1936
40 Teatime topics: CFRB, May 1-31, 1937. File 1937
42 Teatime topics: CFRB, July 1-16,1937. File 1937
44 Teatime topics: CFRB, September 1-30, 1937. File 1937
50 Teatime topics: CFRB, March 1-31, 1938. File 1938
51 Teatime topics: CFRB, April 1-30, 1938. File 1938
52 Teatime topics: CFRB, May 2-31, 1938. File 1938
55 Teatime topics: CFRB, September 1-30, 1938. File 1938
56 Teatime topics: CFRB, October 3-31, 1938. File 1938
58 Teatime topics: CFRB, December 2-30, 1938. File 1938
69 Teatime topics: CFRB, December 1-29, 1939. File 1939
70 Teatime topics: CFRB, January 2-31, 1940. File 1940
73 Teatime topics: CFRB, April 1-30, 1940. File 1940
85 Teatime topics: CFRB, May 1-27, 1941. File 1941
97 They tell me : CBC National : Wartime savings, September 1-30, 1942. File 1942
Results 101 to 200 of 230