- Caulonia
- Cedar Falls
- Chalk River
- Chandigarh
- Charlottetown
- Chatham
- Chicago
- Chicopee Ski Club
- China
- Cicero
- Claremont
- Clermont-Ferrand
- Clyde
- Cobden
- Cobourg
- Coldwater
- Collingwood
- Colorado
- Colorado Springs
- Commanda Lake
- Conestogo
- Connecticut
- Contrexéville
- Cooperstown
- Copeau
- Copenhagen
- Corcyra
- Corinth
- Cornwall
- Corsica
- Croatia
- Crosshill
- Cyprus
- Dalhousie Mills
- Dartmouth
- Dawson City
- Deerfield
- Denmark
- Denver
- Des Moines
- Detroit
- Didsbury
- Dijon
- Ditchling Common
- Dole
- Doon Heritage Crossroads
- Dordogne
- Dublin
- Duclos Point
- Dumfries Township
- Dundas
- Dunnville
- Durham
- Eastbourne
- Edgeley
- Edmonton
- Egypt
- El Alamein
- Elmira
- Elmvale
- Eloise
- Elora
- Elora Gorge
- Ely
- Enez
- England
- Ephesus
- Erie
- Erin
- Euboea
- Europe
- Evanston
- Faisalabad
- Farnham
- Fenelon Falls
- Fergus
- Finland
- Fishkill
- Fleetwood
- Florence
- Florida
- Forges-les-Eaux
- Fort Albany
- Fort Garry
- Fort Good Hope
- Fort Island[s]
- Fort Langley
- Fort McLeod
- Fort Nascopie
- Fort Pelly
- Fort Providence
- Fort Rupert
- Fort Saskatchewan
- Fort Simpson
- Fort St. James
- Fort York
- France
- Frangy
- Franktown
- Fredericton
Results 101 to 200 of 673
Cape Town
- Africa
- South Africa
- Cape Town
Scope note(s)
Source note(s)
Display note(s)
Hierarchical terms
Cape Town
BT South Africa
Cape Town
Equivalent terms
Cape Town
Associated terms
Cape Town
1 Archival description results for Cape Town
1 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
- 1
Broader term
- South Africa
No. narrower terms
- 0