Augustine, Ham, Kaufman family fonds. Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
102 Kaufman, Mary and her three sisters, quilting outside at 22 Margaret Ave., Kitchener, Ontario. File [193-]
109 Ratz family reunion 1914 : souvenir. File 1914
111 Unidentified baby portrait. File [18--]
5 Kaufman, Emma : 1938. File 1938
8 Kaufman, Emma : 1941. File 1941
12 Kaufman, Emma : 1966 : 85th birthday. File 1966
19 Kaufman, Emma : postcards : Tokyo Y.W.C.A. and recreation house. File [192-]
20 Kaufman, Emma : postcards : Japan and Switzerland. File [192-]
23 MacDonald, Caroline and Hirooka Asako. File 1912
24 Costume party : minuet. File February 19, 1921
26 Tokyo Y.W.C.A. : 25th Anniversary. File February 11, 1931
27 Tokyo Y.W.C.A. : group portrait of staff and Tokyo Board. File January 14, 1930
31 Kaufman, Emma : dining room in Sadowara-cho, Emma Kaufman's home. File [192-]
2 Kaufman, Emma in Japan. Item ca. 1940s
4 Kaufman, Emma and Tsune Shirai. Item December 1949
2 Kaufman, Emma. Item June 23, 1959
6 Kaufman, Emma with unidentified group. Item [196-?]
GA138:2005accrual Augustine, Ham, Kaufman family fonds : 2005 accrual. Accession [1925?] -1949
1 Ham, Mary Caroline : diary for the summer of 1949. File July 9, 1949-August 11, 1949
3 Georgian Bay : Augustine family group posed on dock of J.C. Breithaupt cottage. File [1937?]
4 Mary Kaufman and daughters and Louise Breithaupt : Middle East tour. File [1925?]
13 Augustine home at 22 Margaret Avenue. Item [ca. 1947]
3 Augustine, Ham, Kaufman, and Breithaupt families at Moon River cottage, Georgian Bay, Ontario. File 2018
2 Augustine, Ham, Kaufman, and Breithaupt families. Item 1937
8 Correspondence. File June 12, 1950-September 12, 1950
9 Correspondence. File June 18, 1950-September 8, 1950
11 Augustine family history. File 1976-2005
16 Breithaupt family history and genealogy. File 1950-2018
3 Kaufman, Emma and Mary Ham. File 1931
5 Ham, Mary, Caroline Margaret Barbara Augustine, and John Ross Augustine. File 1934
8 Augustine, Edna Louise and Mary Ham. File 1944
GA138 Augustine, Ham, Kaufman family fonds. Accession [18--]-[199-]
1 Augustine, Albert William : ephemera. File 1910
11 Ham, Mary Caroline : wedding scrapbook. File 1955
12 Kaufman, Alvin Ratz : biographical. File [19--]
19 Kaufman, Emma : biographical. File 1963
20 Kaufman, Emma : biographical : 85th birthday party clipping. File [1967]
21 Kaufman, Emma : biographical. File 1979
24 Kaufman, Emma : correspondence. File 1945-1969
29 Kaufman, Emma : guest book for the 50th and 60th anniversaries of the Y.W.C.A. in Japan. File 1955, 1965
36 Kaufman, Mary : biographical. File [199-]
38 Kaufman, Mary : ephemera, artifact. File 1874-[192-]
41 Ratz family : biographical. File [199-]
43 Augustine, Albert Jacob. File [1933?]
44 Augustine, Albert William. File [ca. 1930]
47 Augustine and Kaufman families. File December 25, 1941
48 Augustine, Caroline Margaret Barbara and Mary Caroline Augustine. File [ca. 1936]
50 Augustine, Edna Louise. File [ca. 1935]
51 Augustine, Edna Louise. File [1953]
52 Augustine, Edna Louise. File July 1974
64 Augustine, John Ross and family. File 1963
66 Augustine, Mary Caroline with Margaret Copland. File [ca. 1938]
68 Augustine, Mary Caroline. File [1947?]
71 Breithaupt family gathering. File [1946?]
73 Ham, James Milton. File [19--]
74 Ham, James Milton. File 1964
76 Ham, Peter Stace. File [1958?]
83 Augustine, Edna Louise : trip to England. File 1961
85 Kaufman, Emma and Margaret Heilig, Executive Director, Hamilton YWCA. : presentation of fusuma to the Hamilton Y.W.C.A. File May 1969
86 Kaufman, Emma : party in her honour in Japan. File 1963
87 Kaufman, Emma : photograph album from Matsunoya cottage on Drag Lake, Haliburton, Ontario. File 1942-1968
90 Kaufman, Emma Ratz. File [195-]
95 Emma Kaufmam : friends, associates and events. File 1947, 1962-1965
98 Kaufman, Jacob and Mary Kaufman. File [1877?]
103 Kaufman, Mary : 75th birthday party. File 1931
107 Ratz family portrait. File [19--]
108 Ratz family portrait : possibly first reunion 1909. File [19--]
1 Kaufman, Emma : biographical. File 1957-1982
9 Kaufman, Emma : 1950's. File [195-]
11 Kaufman, Emma : 1966. File 1966
18 Kaufman, Emma : 1968. File November 23, 1968
28 Tokyo Y.W.C.A. : Nojiri Camp. File 1932
3 Kaufman, Emma and Julia Matouskova. Item June 1946
1 Kaufman, Emma. Item December 29, 1957
37 Kaufman, Emma : snapshots, 1960's. File [196-]
1 Kaufman, Emma. Item September 1964
38 Kaufman, Emma : snapshots. File [19--]
42 Kaufman, Emma receiving an International Co-operation Year medal from His Eminence, Cardinal Leger, University of Montreal. File March 7, 1965
2 Class photograph : grades 7 and 8c, Suddaby School, Kitchener, Ontario. File 1942
1 Postcard. File 1930
2 Augustine family. File 1934-1947
1 Augustine, Albert William and Edna Louise. Item [194-?]
5 Augustine children. Item [1934]
8 Augustine family. Item [ca. 1931]
9 Augustine family. Item [ca. 1939-1940]
14 Augustine, Mary Caroline with Mary Eleanor and Carl Kaufman. Item December 25, 1941
5 Correspondence. File July 5, 1950-September 2, 1950
10 Ham, James Milton: biographical. File 1962-1997
12 Augustine family history and genealogy. File 2007-2014
14 The Ratz and Kaufman families in Canada. File 2002
4 Augustine, John Ross and Mary Ham. File 1934
10 Ham, Mary. File 1953
11 Kaufman, Emma. File [196-?]
2 Augustine, Edna Louise : diary, 1945-1949. File 1945-1949
3 Augustine, Edna Louise : diary, 1950-1954. File 1950-1954
15 Kaufman, Emma : biographical. File [19--]
17 Kaufman, Emma : biographical. File 1954-1960
25 Kaufman, Emma : correspondence with Gertrude Kuecklich. File 1971-1972
28 Kaufman, Emma : guest book, 84 Rosehill Ave., Toronto, May 29, 1962-Dec. 13, 1970. File 1962-1970
33 Kaufman, Mary : biographical. File 1941
Results 1 to 100 of 222