Sound Recordings



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  • Any audio recording regardless of form.

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Sound Recordings

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Sound Recordings

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Sound Recordings

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Reel 24.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Dec. 11, 1962. Masters Night. Music - I walked in the garden. Amirah - Akashickness and prayer. Yus Assif.

Side 2. Dec. 20, 1962. Christmas meeting. Music - silent night. Amirah - opening remarks. Mr. Smith's father. Mrs. Smith (Nelda). Mr. Heap's father. Mrs. C. Massel. Mrs. Clemmer. Bertram and Anna. Happy Wolf. Running deer - plays with toy tambourine. Violet - with mascaline - brings candy from other room, from branch of tree. Mrs. Heap's grandfather. Dr. Hoffman. Dr. Hall. Yus Assif. Margurite. Golden star.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 24.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Aug. 22/61 Tuesday eve. The masters and the illustrious.

Side 2. Aug. 31/61 Thurs. Visiting night.

The recording on this audio reel was transferred to audio cassette before it was donated to Special Collections & Archives in 2015. The audio cassettes are included in this file.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 25.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Thurs. Dec. 6/62 resxue. Music - sun of my soul; Amirah - opens meeting; W.D. Lamb; Mrs. Schmeider; Capt. Jamison - 1796 "No I'm not a pirate"; Charles Jaimet - explains his accident father, James Jaimet spoke of help he got from Amirah long ago; Airplane disaster victim describes experience; Mrs. Pittello; Walter - closes continued on B side.

Side 2. Dec. 6/62 Some of Side A continued; hymn; excerpts from sittings showing progress made by several entities; C.S. Smith; Mrs. Smith (Nelda) wife of O.G. Smith.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 25.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Tues. Sep. 5/61 the masters.

Side 2. Thurs. Sept. 14/61 visiting night. Part of séance Sept/61 O.G. Smith & Mrs. Lacey, Amirah, Nelda, Jim J.

The recording on this audio reel was transferred to audio cassette before it was donated to Special Collections & Archives in 2015. The audio cassettes are included in this file.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 26.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Nov. 27/62 masters. Amirah - law of change. Martin Luther. Margurite. Walter - closes meeting.

Side 2. Dec. 27/62. Music - Ave Marie. Amirah - closing message of the year. Serapis. Josarius. Margurite. Golden star. Dr. Hall. Dr. Hoffman. Walter - closes.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 26.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Sep. 19/61 the masters.

Side 2. Sept. Thurs. 61 visiting night. Very interesting and edifying.

The recording on this audio reel was transferred to audio cassette before it was donated to Special Collections & Archives in 2015. The audio cassette is included in this file.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 27.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Tues. Dec 11/62. Masters night. Music - I walked in the garden. Amirah - speaks of prayer and Akashikness wonderful manifestation interesting discussion followed. Ben Jas Assif - pleased to be with us - immense power available. Dr. Still - formerly osteopath. Margurite - remarked on immense power. Dr. Hoffman - Encouraging message. Walter - appropriate closing.

Side 2. Thurs. Dec. 20/62 Christmas party. Music - silent night. Amirah - message - spirit of Christmas. Nelda Smith - greetings. Mr. Heap's father - pleasing manifestation. Mrs. Massel - greetings. Mamie Clemmer - greetings. Bertrand and Anna - greetings. Happy Wolf - brings joyful spirit. Running deed - shakes rattle. Violet - brings candy cane from main cellar with help from maskaline. Mrs Heap's grandmother and grandfather - greetings. Dr. Hoffman - experiences. Dr. Hall - greetings. Ben Jas Assif - Christmas greetings. Margurite - brings blessings. Golden star - greetings.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 27.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Tues. Oct. 3/61 the masters.

Side 2. Thurs. Oct. 26 visiting.

The recording on this audio reel was transferred to audio cassette before it was donated to Special Collections & Archives in 2015. The audio cassettes are included in this file.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 28.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Jan. 17/63 visiting night. Music - I'm a pilgrim; Amirah - opening remarks; Mrs. Smith (Nelda); Mrs. Schmieder; Garnet's mother; C.S. Smith; Mrs. C. Massel; Happy Wolf; Mr. Heap's father; Dr. Soo Ling; Margurite; Anna Goetz; Dr. Hoffman; Dr. Hall; Golden star; Walter - speaks and closes meeting.

Side 2. Jan. 22/63 masters night. Music- inspirational and abide with me; Amirah - opening remarks; John Wesley; Sir James Jeans; Dr. Hall; Dr. Hoffman; Katti Kaka (Happy Wolf); Rahma; Margurite; Golden star; Walter - closes.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 28.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Thurs. Oct. 12/61 visiting night. Excellent talks by Dr. Hoffman, H. Randall, Dr. Benjamin Eby, William Shelley, sister of wife of Alice Weber, H. Walter.

Side 2. Sun. Oct. 15/61 masters. Pluto, Yus Assif, Pythias, Nekos Amantea - pharaoh, father of Obii, Rama, Obituary of Dr. Eby.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 29.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Jan. 31/63 Thurs. rescue. Music - nearer my God to thee; Amirah - opens; Dr. Oscarman - Garnet's guide; Madame Curie - relates experience; Jack Robinson - technician accidentally becomes self executioner in Nevada USA amusing remarks when he meets grandpa; Mrs. Schmeider - returns to give thanks for help received; W. Kelly - of Kirkland returns enthusiasm; Walter - closes with appropriate remarks.

Side 2. Feb. 5/63 Tues. masters. Music - praise to the lord king of creation; Amirah - spoke of events of Easter - compares with Egyptian ceremonies (crucifixion); Morya - mentions his disciple (theosophy); Esuvius - comments on councils of Ancyra 314 AD; Einstein - has been elevated - discusses cause of imbalance; Dr. Hall - brings greetings; Dr. Hoffman - brings greetings; Walter - closes.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 29.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Sun. Oct. 29/61 the masters.

Side 2. Fri. Nov. 10/61 visiting, C.M. Smith, Einstein.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 3.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Thurs. June 7/62 visiting night. Miss Hollingsworth visitor. 1. Largo; 2. Opening remarks Amirah; 3. C.S. Smith (father of O.G.S.); 4. Mrs. Dudley; 5. Mrs C. Massel (refers to mayor); 6. Joe Meinzinger (former mayor); 7. Happy Wolf (helped Joe); 8. Dr. Hoffman; 9. White Eagle (to Miss Hollingswoth); 10. Mother of Miss Hollingsworth; 11. Grandfather of Mrs. Heap; 12. Father of Mr. A. Heap; 13. George Schmidt (bookbinder); 14. Anna (daughter of O.G.S.); 15. Nelda (Mrs. O.G.S.); 16. Mother of Garnet Schultz; 17. Walter (closing séance).

Side 2. June 7/62 afternoon. Private seance Miss Hollingsworth song - beautiful isle of somewhere.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 3.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Sep. 6, Sep. 20, Nov. 1 séance.

Side 2. Jan. 28/62 prayer rec Margaret.

The recording on this audio reel was transferred to audio cassette before it was donated to Special Collections & Archives in 2015. The audio cassettes are included in this file.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 3.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Sep. 26 scientists. Edison, Steinmetz, Burbank, Tesla - announcement of Einstein. Oct. 4 visiting night.

Side 2. Oct. 20 Rev. John Wesley after nurses toasting.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 30.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Sun. Nov. 12/61 private. Evangeline, Garnet and Matthew.

Side 2. Tues. Nov. 14/16 the masters.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 30.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following description:

"Reel from Chicago Sep. 1961" and "Reel no. 127 side #1 1st. Hesperler [Hespeler] meeting 4-11-62."

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 31.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Thurs. Feb. 14/63 visiting night. Music - Isle of somewhere; Amirah - explorations understanding is law; Mrs. Schmeider; Mrs. Smith (Nelda) pleased with the success of Mrs. S; Happy Wold - refers to their place; Garnet's mother; C.S. Smith - refers to no government; Mrs. Massell - refers to Gordon Steiss; Mr. Heap's father - refers to mural he has painted; Mr. Heap's uncle Bill; Golden Sat - to Matthew; Mrs. Heap's mother; Dr. Hamilton - speaks to some length; Dr. Hoffman; Dr. Hall; Walter - closes.

Side 2. Tues. Feb. 19/63 master's night. Music - come thou almighty king; Amirah - topic - God law understanding authority; Jeramaiah - says teacher speaks with wisdom; Albert Einstein - speaks of his many explorations condemns atomic tests as trespass; Madame Curie - spoke of startling accumulations of future objectives; Martin Luther - pleased with talk on authority; Dr. Hall; Rama - message to O.G.S.; Dr. Hoffman - to Garnet; Jus Assif - refers to ark of covenant; Margurite - leaves blessing; Golden Star; Walter - closes.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 31.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Nov. 23/61 Thurs. visiting.

Side 2. Nov. 27 Mon. the masters.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 32.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Thurs. Feb. 28/63 rescue night. Music - the garden of prayer; Amirah - opens with comforting remarks at passing of sister of O.G. Smith; John Reynolds - wants rescue from the Matta Grosso; Katy Bowman - manifests pleased to be with Nelda; Billy Snow- to Mrs. Lacey with Tom during war; Aerial photographer - soaky got pictures - to be show (Elks); Dr. Hoffman - explains work of rescuing those in disaster areas. Words of encouragement; Walter - closes with remarks a lot of work was done.

Side 2. Sat. March 9/63 visiting - present Schultz family. Music - celestial voices; Amirah - spoke briefly upon understanding discussed atheism; Beethoven - over shadows Virgil Fox - 8th symphony; Running Deer - to Matthew be a good boy - run home not away; Dr. Hoffman - things going very well - truth changes aspect of life; Margurite - please at improvement in music. Likes to come home; C.S. Smith - glad to see everything straightened out. Tape runs out - further manifestations: Nelda, Garnet's mother, Walter - closes.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 33.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Thurs. Dec. 21/61 Tues. Dec. 26/61.

Side 2. The masters and enlightened ones.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 33.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Tues. March 19/63 masters night. Music - Jesu joy of mans' desires; Amirah - notices stormy night - refers and explains how humans adapt to weather conditions - elaborates discussion - theology - non-conformative; Dr. Hoffman - spoke on matters of progression - pleased with teacher's talk; Col. Fowset - appears 2nd time gives evidence of Matta Grosso described piara fish; Margurite - pleased with progress; Golden Star -assures Evangeline of Matthew's progress; Rajah - mentions health; Mrs. Lacey's Chinese master - words of encouragement; Prince Titta Taco (Happy Wolf) - guarding black foot bay; Walter - closes.

Side 2. Fri. March 15/62 visitor - Carl M. Smith. Music - angel voices; Amirah - appropriate opening remarks; Sir James Jeans - contemporary of Albert Einstein; Dr. Albert Einstein - spoke masterful on infiniteness of the universe- answered numerous questions; Mr. Forrester - communicated through Geraldine Cummings; Mrs. Smith (Nelda) - greeted Carl and the family; Thomas Edison - pleased to come in for a few minutes; Walter - closes. Spoke to Mrs. Lacey regarding sudden passing of brother-in-law.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 34.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. March 31/63 Sunday 4p.m. rescue. Hymn - land beyond the river; Amirah - bread alone not sufficient; Dr. Cooke - the adventurer three entities - volcano; A nurse Janet; Dr. Tyndal; Dr. Harvey; Indian Tecumseh - related experience - guide to John Heap; Alice Foster - of St. Catherines; Dr. Still - still the doctor; Walter - explains how sitters can help. Closes meeting.

Side 2. April 2/63 masters. Hymn - now again thy name we praise; Amirah - spoke at length of change - law - God law brings the fuller life; Ben Jus Assif - spoke of good Friday - ritual of Egypt most glorious day turned to tragedy. Discussion followed; Dr. Hoffman - pleased to be present - wonderful experience proud to come with the masters.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 34.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Thurs. Jan 4/1962 visiting.

Side 2. Tues. Jan. 9 the masters & enlightened ones.

The recording on this audio reel was transferred to audio cassette before it was donated to Special Collections & Archives in 2015. The audio cassette is included in this file.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 35.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Thurs. April 11/63 visiting night. Music - largo; Amirah- discusses the resurrection; Mrs. Schmeider - Expressed appreciation of first Easter with us; Nelda Smith - Reminisced about Easter time; Dr. Hoffman - brings friends; Clarence Wettlaufer - relates some of his experience; Dr. McNally - first experience; Dr. H.P. Hamilton - local doctors banding together; Dr. Hilliard - spoke of old times; De. Hett - thanks C. Massel; Nellie Goddard - friend now to Dr. Hett; John Slater - famous medium; Mrs. Massel - Easter greetings; C.S. Smith - takes his place with us; Mr. Heap - spoke of murals; Willie - to Mrs. Lacey - has surprise; Mrs. Lacey's mother manifests after 20 years.

Side 2. Tues. April 16/63 masters. Music - now dear lord; Amirah - spoke on appearance and realities; Dr. Forester - experiences in Matta Grotto; Ben Jus Assif - Easter time greetings; Dr. Hoffman - few remarks; Prince Titica - Haha (Happy) Wolf; Dr. Hall - greetings to Charlie M. and others; Ramah; Walter - closes.
Continued from Side 1. Mrs. Heaps' grandmother - grand daddy to come at Easter; Walter - closing - very energetic evening wishes happy Easter.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 35.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Tues. Jan. 23/62 masters.

Side 2. Thurs. Jan. 18/62 visiting.

The recording on this audio reel was transferred to audio cassette before it was donated to Special Collections & Archives in 2015. The audio cassette is included in this file.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 36.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Thurs. Feb. 1/62 visiting. Sat. Oct. 20/62 visiting night.

Side 2. Tues. Feb. 6/62 masters and illustrious. Cannot be used.

The recording on this audio reel was transferred to audio cassette before it was donated to Special Collections & Archives in 2015. The audio cassettes are included in this file.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 36.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Wed. April 24/63 rescue night. Music - lead kindly light; Amirah - opening remarks word from sunken U boat thresher; Bill Willis of Niagara Falls relates experience; 2nd appearance of Lady from Peru - perished at Idelwild - brought John Moffat - pilot of plan on way to San Paulo; Golden Star - to Evangeline; Mrs. Brown - thanks for help; Walter - closes.

Side 2. Tues. April 30/63 masters night. Music - the rosary; Amirah - brought light re. symbolism of Pyramid Gisa danger of losing colossal information - monument Abbu Cymbel saved from being submerged; Ben Jus Assif - spoke at length on topic of story of his life; Dr. Hoffman - appreciated setting of scene at this temple; Dr. Hall - many people would liked to have heard this spoke enthusically [enthusiastically] upon results; Golden Star - to Mrs. Schultz referred to colors of music; Walter - closes.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 37.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Thurs. May 9/63 phenomena and visiting. Music - romance - Ziterbard; Amirah - will give good guidance - referred to accomplishments; Walter - usual door-keeper; Captain John Harvey - sub thresher thanks for help; Violet - says bird whistle upstairs - brought down by Maskeline - apport announced by Happy Wolf - trumpet, drums bells and other noises; Running Deer - big noises; Nelda Smith - remembers purchase of whistle. Mr. Heap's father - tells of murals; Mrs. Dudley - to George; Mr. Christian - manifests; Dr. Hoffman - to Garnet talks - University expansion; Walter - explains phenomena closes.

Side 2. Tues. May 14/63 master's night. Music - I'm longing for home; Amirah - good forces must eventually overcome forces of darkness - questions are asked and answered; Plato - speaks of truth, being revolutionary; Jseu - son of Sirak - refers to Appolonius; Titicatah - speaks of his many faces; Golden Star - refers to prince Titicatah as her brother; Rajah - speaks of Hermes; Ben Yus Assif - will come on separate night; Dr. Hoffman; Dr. Hall; Dr. Johnson; Walter - closes metting.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 37.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Thurs. Deb. 15/62 visiting night.

Side 2. Tues. Feb. 20/62 the masters.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 38.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Sun. Feb. 25/62 Fri. Mar. 2/62 visiting - C.M. Smith.

Side 2. Tues. Mar. 6/61 masters soul & spirit.

The recording on this audio reel was transferred to audio cassette before it was donated to Special Collections & Archives in 2015. The audio cassettes are included in this file.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 38.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Wed. may 22/62 rescue night. Music - largo, Handel; Amirah - opened by referring to space ventures - speed begins to conquer time. A member of Ernest Shakleton expedition - finding himself takes a lot of explaining; Mrs. Brown - brings a small child - she has joined the band of rescuers; Bill - a victim of the thresher explains how scared he was; Indian Boy - comes back to tell of his experiences - home had been in Brantford; Dr. Robertson - Englishman killed through power of witch doctor in Niobria; Walter - closes with appropriate remarks.

Side 2. Tues. May 28/63 Master's night. Music - showers of blessing; Amirah - spoke on simplicity of truth - gives numerous illustrations; Moria - refers to legions not at peace by service from this temple - brings blessings; John Wesley - refers to his elevation to higher living discussion - death only means change; Martin Luther - appreciates light given out by this temple. Had many discussion with Emmanuel Swedenborg; Titicaha (Happy Wolfe) - pleased with word of wisdom; Golden Star - watching over things; Dr. Hoffman - wonderful adventure tonight - liked Wesley; Dr. Hall - saluted each one as a roll call - refers to submarine spoke of Charlie Flowers; Walter - closes - remarks.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 39.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Thurs. Mar. 15/62 visiting night. Tues. Dec. 12/61 masters.

Side 2. Mon. Mar. 19.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 39.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Thurs. June 6/63 visiting night. Music - just a song at twilight; Amirah - appropriate introduction; C.S. Smith - mentions Otto's visit to funeral home; Oscar J. Smith - deceased brother manifests while lying at funeral home. Not interested in mortal body; Nelda Smith - refers to Oscar's manifestation - also to passing of Pope; Garnet's mother - likes to remember good things; Mr. Heap's father - referred to murals and also to natives to diamond mines; Jim Louth - uncle to George referred to brother Sam; Mrs. Dudley - rounding up many old timers; Mrs. Massel - to Charlie; Gordon Steiss - glad to break through - relates experiences; Walter - closes - big night.

Side 2. Tues. June 11/63 master's night. Music - pilgrims song of hope; Amirah - spoke of progress in its various phases of development power of thought; Elbert Hubbard - founder of Oneida community - pleased tonight can feel great and warm friendship; Rameses - glad to know that the collosal statue Abbu Simba will be preserved; Golden Star - glad to see Rameses was here; Titicahaha - also Happy Wolf refers to Amirah - most profound spoke of lost arts of melting rock to putty - drilling hole through a gate; Thomas Edison - leaves his inspiration to carry on good work; Rajah - following closely all progress made; Dr. Hoffman - life is a wonderful panarama of events; Dr. Hall - happy to be a part of the efforts we are making; Walter - closes with appropriate remarks.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 4.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Nov. 7. Reformed preachers Rev-vale Owen Walter, John Wesley - the master, Mary Baker Eddy, Swedenborg.

Side 2. Nov 15/60 highlights. Amarah, Graham Bell, Einstein.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 4.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. June 12/62 masters. 1. Music - doxology; 2. Amirah - converging of plants - pyramid of Gheza - builder - Sibenius - built - 82000 years ago; 3. Marguerite; 4. Golden star - shows light; 5. Walter - explains; 6. Dr. Hoffman; 7. Dr. Hall; 8. Street - wrote hidden path across threshold. Tom continues streets designs; 9. Happy Wolf - gives other name. 10. Prince Tia-Tiua - Inca; 11. Walter - closes.

Side 2. June 7/62. Visiting night. 1. Music - largo; 2. Amirah; 3. C.S. Smith - father O.G.S.; 4. Mrs. Dudley; 5. Mrs. Massel - mentions Joe; 6. Joe Meinzinger; 7. Happy Wolf - brought mayor; 8. Dr. Hoffman; 9. White Eagle - to Miss Hollingsworth; 10. Mother - Mrs. Heap; 11. Grandfather - Mrs. Heap; 12. Father - Mr. Heap; 13. George Schmidt; 14. Anna - daughter of O.G.S.; 15. Nelda - Mrs. O.G.S.; 16. Mother of G. Schultz; 17. Walter - closes. Also on reel 3 side 1.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 40.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Thurs. June 20/63 rescue night. Music - heimveh longing for home; Amirah - will give good understanding to this important service dwelt on manifestations of law of karmah; Jos Anna La Zeo - brought here from Equador [Ecuador] where his automobile was crushed by rocks of volcano shown pathway after long explanation; San Jos Elso - with him; Mr. (Lord) Darnley - killed by falling off his horse in 1645. Thought it was only a short time ago. Had difficulty in realizing what happened. Brought in curate of Rochester; Florence Nightingale - directed here by nurse Catherine. Spoke of the great work to be done; John Bell - nephew of Graham Alexander Bell, manifested clearly verified by Graham Bell; Walter - closes with some appropriate remarks.

Side 2. Tues. June 25/63 masters night. Music - praise God thou great Jehovah; Amirah - spoke of great mystery concerning numerous Gods of Greece; Jus Assif - assured of his coming at an opportune time to tell life story; Seneca - a Greek - brought Thaddeus believed Thaddeus had lived in flesh of Sid Wright; Thaddeus - have known you long my friends - shared wisdom with those who followed me; Prince Titicaha - Happy Wolf comes in different forms like Thaddeus. Could tell future as well as past; Ovid - was at beginning of 1st dynasty. Little left for its recovery; Saladin - a Persian master - one God, one truth, one way; Dr. Hall - explained the manner of these ancient coming; Walter - closes in unusal [usual] capable manner. Time 1 hour 35 mins.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 40.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Mar. 29/62 visiting. Apr. 3/62 masters. Sat. Apr. 9/62 O.G. Smith.

Side 2. Apr. 12/62 visiting Mr. & Mrs. Boyle.

The recording on this audio reel was transferred to audio cassette before it was donated to Special Collections & Archives in 2015. The audio cassettes are included in this file.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 41.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Apr. 15/62 O.G. Smith - private. Apr. 17/62 masters. Sound and the room note.

Side 2. Thurs. Apr. 19/62 O.G. Smith - private. Thurs. April 26/62 visiting night.

The recording on this audio reel was transferred to audio cassette before it was donated to Special Collections & Archives in 2015. The audio cassettes are included in this file.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 41.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Thurs. July 4/63 visiting night. Music - the garden of prayer; Amirah - pleased to welcome the visiting friends; C.S. Smith - Otto's father - greeted the members of the circle; Rev. Vicar Lorentz - to Mrs. Lacey his first manifestation after ten years; Gordon Steiss - used the trumped as he was first one to make one many years ago; Happy Wolf - powerful - said he moved the trumpet. Referred to bells for Matthew; Mrs. Dudley - glad to know that George could go north; Mr. Heap's father - referred to significance of the murals; Mrs. Massel - to Mrs. Steiss and C. Massel told of work all are doing; Mammy Clemmer - feel stronger tonight. Very happy mood; Garnet's mother - just returned from cottage. All is well. Running Deer now happy. Tape separated and splice following not revealed - Nelda Smith, Dr. Hall, Dr. Hoffman. Walter closing.

Side 2. Tues. July 9/63 masters - scientists. Hymn - praise God; Amirah - welcomed Carl - spoke of many truths - light and wisdom from this temple - discussed karma in action; Thomas Edison - referred to his over-shadowing Russell Boyle interested in Carl co-operates with Einstein - related to many of the achievements - hearing without mortal ears, seeing without use of eyes; Albert Einstein - greets Carl can speak better now - many friends about him - could come to conclusion without depending on equations - much interested in Carl; Rev. Road-House - wondered why he is here tonight - result of frankness and dedication door was opened; Dr. Jeans - here before - interested in astronomy - views conversed with Carl - change expanding universe; Walter - closes the door.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 42.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Wed. July 17/63 rescue and visiting. Music - neared my God to thee; Amirah - welcomed the visitors namely Agnes Schultz, Margurite Henzie, Minnah Schleuter, Jaboc Yaeko; Russell Boyle - our close friend from Chicago spoke clearly and beautifully of his experience in passing few days ago. Plans to continue work; Mr. Theil - also manifested; Florence Nightingale - greetings a blessed night to speak again we are carrying on behind the scenes; Arch Deacon Colley - noted that many years go he manifested here on a typewriter. Explains how it was done; C.S. Smith - told Agnes about her father John Schultz; Mrs. Heap's mother - brings greetings; Mrs. Schmeider - to Minnah; Ida Grube - rescued through Mrs. Schmeider; Frank - to Minnah; Alice - to Margurite Henzie; Jacob's teacher - to Jacob; Walter - closes.

Side 2. Tues. July 23/63 masters night. Music - largo; Amirah - spoke of acasheckness glories of Druids - ancient scenes in Egypt - discussion followed; Ben Jus Assif - compared temples with teachings of the oracles - messages received in our temple - spoke of origin of the Bible truths - will tell his life story. Expressed his joy in talking to us; Dr. Hoffman - Spoke words of encouragement to Evangeline - referred to the talk of the master and the teacher. Reel ran off; Walter - closes.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 42.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following description for the reel:

May 1/62 masters and illustrious. May 10/62 rescue night. Twelvetrees. May 15/62 masters. May 23/62 visiting.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 429 and 329.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Memorial to Tom.

Side 2. Master's night in Kitchener. Rama Mandato (Tom) speaks.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 43.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Wed. July 31/63 rescue night. Music - lead kindly light; Amirah - in opening, teacher refers to the need of extending the atomic ban to underground; Red Hill - drowned at Niagara Falls - finds light after long time; Jenny de Mantinelo - perished in earthquake in Yugoslavia. Was spokeslady for many who perished mentioned rescuers, Nelda, Dr. Hall, De. Hoffman and many others; Henry Seagrave - perished while racing in speed boat. Met Tom Lacey at Daytona Beach; Walter - closes with appropriate remarks.

Side 2. Tues. Aug.6/63 masters night. Music - I'm a pilgrim; Amirah - pleased with current events. Underground tests will also have to be stopped; Mahatma Ghandi - religious concepts of untouchables in India; Rajah - spoke of conditions in distant future; Dr. Hoffman - reviewed talks of other masters; Dr. Hall - to Charlie - spoke of Rheesham theosophist; Margaruite - to O.G. Smith encourages music; Walter - closed after reviewing our efforts.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 43.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Mon. June 18/62 rescue night. Scotch lawyer. Tues. June 12/62 masters.

Side 2. July 8/62 sun. 54th wedding anniversary. Thurs. July 19/62 rescue night. Ed Seip, Pequegnat.

The recording on this audio reel was transferred to audio cassette before it was donated to Special Collections & Archives in 2015. The audio cassettes are included in this file.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 430.

One audio reel recording of séances. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following description for the reel:

Reel 430 7-10-66. At Smith's. Dedication of temple. Tom talks.

Also includes one business card from John R. Boyle.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 44.

One audio reel recording possibly of a séance and several lectures of various topics including proverbs, childhood and youth, and cosmic consciousness.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 44.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Sat. June 23/62 séance at Round Lake. Sun June 25/62 2nd séance at Round Lake.

Side 2. Tue. June 26/62 masters. Thurs July 5/62 rescue - x family.

The recording on this audio reel was transferred to audio cassette before it was donated to Special Collections & Archives in 2015. The audio cassettes are included in this file.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 45.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Aug. 1/62 rescue.

Side 2. Sun. July 22, 1962. O.G. Smith & Mrs. Lacey, guidance. Sep. 27/62 phenomena.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 45.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Wed. Sept. 11/63 rescue night. Music - let the lower lights be burning; Amirah - opening remarks; Icelander - brother Kamouk broke through ice; Ben Stafford - on trail to mining camp has been in same condition for 175 yrs - came from Yorktown. Finally found the change; Happy Wolfe - I come to help stranger he will be well looked after; John - of submarine thresher all of the boys now are accustomed to this life; Sam Long - servant of Ladich his master. He was a kind man. Described his master's home. A wonderful experience he had; Lord Twelvetrees - comes back again. Very pleased. Is helping in the works; Walter - closes with some appropriate remarks.

Side 2. Tues. Sept. 17/63 master's night. Music - deal lord, king lord; Amirah - a most enlightening address on the law of change. Spoke on change from mortal to the spiritual life. Followed by interesting discussion; Charles Steinmetz - greeted Mrs. Steiss and the sitters. Spoke of Gordon's progress and his own interest in our endeavours; Hermes - trismagistus (a later reincarnation of Amirah) explained how earth was first inhabited; John Wesley - was delighted with the talk and also the question period; Marguerite - guide of O.G.S. heard the singing and encouraged further efforts; Arch Deacon Colley - after absence of many years. Spoke on behalf of Drs. Hoffman and Hall; Walter - closes after Running Deer writes a few words on paper.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 46.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Thurs. Sept. 26/63 visiting - Indian friends. Music - Indian love call; Amirah - enjoys privilege to use word Indian Pow Wow. Referred to interest of university-college professors; Tom Longboat - spoke of progress in spirit world. Educated by white man; Happy Wolfe - usual happy mood. Little Beaver and Running Deer also here; Blue Snake - puts hand on Garnet's head - not materialized; Golden Star - came big and strong supported by her own people; Tecumseh - interested in your boy's welfare (Heap); Sitting Bull - speaks of tribes activities (Apache); White Feather - spoke of drawing picture; Chief Eagle White Feather - formerly Black Hawk, explains to O.G.S.; Chief Palehorse - manifests to C.M.; Chief White Cloud - honoured to come; Sunflower - guide to Mrs. Lacey; Garnet's mother, Mrs. C. Massel, Nelda - also manifest; Walter - closes.

Side 2. Tues. Oct. 1/63 master's night. Music- Largo -Handle; Amirah - spoke of the reality of the metaphysical world. Topic sleep - adventures into the metaphysical for purpose of rejuvenation of mind and body. Interesting discussion followed; Albert Einstein - discussed phases of relativity. Answered questions which had been asked by Carl. Interesting; Dr. Hoffman - came in usual cheerful manner; Dr. Hall - thanks Happy Wolfe to let him speak. He and Dr. Hoffman elevated to mastership; Happy Wolfe - As Titicaca comes as tape runs out; Others that manifested when tape ran out - Margurite, Golden Star, Walter - closes.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 47.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Wed. Oct. 9/63 rescue night. Music - moon love; Amirah - usual encouraging introduction; John Henry Morgan - the trials and dignities of one who broke his promise to Masonic order; Samuel Cuthbert - was on submarine during second world war. Wonders how he got here. Thankful for enlightenment; Edmund Pequegnat - comes to give witness to his new condition. And is all right. Wonderful to see how quickly you can realize what has happened. Is now glad to join our band of workers; Walter - closes.

Side 2. Tues. Oct. 16/63 master's night. Music - prayer is the key to heaven; Amirah - spoke on thanksgiving compared sowing and reaping of the seed to the potentiality of the human spirit. Discussion followed; Martin Luther - spoke appreciatively of the great teacher's talk; Nepha Tara - ancient princess of Egypt. All have made mistakes also left good behind. Guide to Margaret of Chicago; Menes - one of early Pharaoh's father of Nepha Tara mother of Moses; Dr. Hoffman - having wonderful time with so many distinguished personalities of ancient times; Dr. Hall - pleased with great sentiments expressed by the great teachers; Rameses - spoke of excavations to be made to save monuments of stone of Abu symbol; Prince Titicaca - good to come; Margurite - spoke briefly; Golden Star; Rama - when he uses name Mandato, he comes as ark druid; Walter - closes usual manner.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 48.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Thurs. Oct. 24/63 visiting night. Music - beautiful garden of prayer; Amirah - opens with a few pointed remarks; Nelda - spoke of preparations they had made; Albert Scheiflge - manifests day before burial of body gave his impressions; Mr. Hortop - a miller identifies himself to Charles Massel; Mrs. Massel - spoke of the family; C.S. Smith - refers to Garnet's cold having regular round-up; Mabel - unborn daughter of Mrs. Massel. Manifested to his surprise; Bertram and Anna - responsible for Mabel coming. Spoke of circle in Los Angeles; Rama - spoke feelingly and encouragingly; Golden Star - speaks highly of Walter as master of ceremony; Dr. Johnson - suggests honey for Garnet's cold; Dr. Hoffman - he and Dr. Hall at Albert's bedside; Dr. Hall - spoke in usual manner; Walter - closes-pleasant manner.

Side 2. Tues. Oct. 29/63 master's night. Music - teach me thy way; Amirah - speaks on the right conception of empherial light; Ben Jos Assif - speaks of his various experiences and the example he wishes to leave behind him; Mahatma Ghandi - if living on earth plane today would not change his ideas. Spoke excellently will bring further talks; Rama Mandato - referred to master Amirah's explanation of light. It was good; Dr. Hoffman - spoke of tremendous purpose of light; Golden Star - everything going nicely; Margurite - liked the music; Dr. Hall - to Charles Massel. Very informative night; Walter - closes with appropriate remarks.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 49.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Wed. Nov. 6/63 rescue night. Music - Jesus, ever near; Amirah - opens meeting; Jonathan Edwards - almost reaches top of mountain in Africa. Relates experience. By some miracle or fate, I am lifted up and much alive. This is revelation of truth; Jessie Parker - describes train crash. Did not realize accident happened 30 yrs ago, on top of mountain at Dundas. Beckons other survivors to come see people who were on the train; Mr. Christy - a member of the passengers; Dubby Hawkin - first mate of a four maters ship was wrecked by moonshiners. Taking a shower at the time. Was in this condition for 60 yrs.; Walter - closes with some very suitable remarks.

Side 2. Tues. Nov. 12/63 master's night. Music; Tune - Handel's largo; Amirah - spoke on relationship of individual spirit to God. To universal spirit interesting discussion followed; Dr. Green - passed into hight life on golf couse. Came to Mrs. Wright (Detroit) while we were sitting with her. We - medium, Mrs. Lacey, Nelda, O.G.S.; Mrs. Wright - manifested clearly and spoke of experiences with royalty; Dr. Still - founder of osteopathy came again; Dr. Hoffman and Dr. Hall - both briefly; Master Rama - please to have showed himself to O.G.S. at Chesterfield; Walter - closes.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 5.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Tues. Nov. 29. C.S. Smith, Rod, John Wesley, Dr. Hoffman, D.W. Houston also.

Side 2. Thurs. Nov. 24/60 visiting.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 5.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. May 24/61. Visiting night. 1. Music - drink to me only with thine eyes; 2. Amirah - speaks of attempted space travel; 3. C.S. Smith - father of O.G.S.; 4. Dr. Hett - to Charlie; 5. Ed Huehn; 6. Jim Jaimet; 7. Sidney Wright; 8. Mother - G. Schultz; 9. Father - Mr. Heap; 10. Dr. Hoffman; 11. Happy Wolf; 12. Mrs. Massel; 13. Dr. Hall; 14. Grandfather - Mrs. Heap; 15. Walter - closes.

Side 2. May 29/61. Open night. 1. Music - world is waiting for the sunrise romance. The garden of prayer; 2. Dr. Hoffman; 3. Nelda - Mrs. O.G.S.; 4. Black Hawk; 5. Happy Wolf; 6. George Schmidt - book binder; 7. Golden star - Tuskorora; 8. Anna - daughter of O.G.S.; 9. Princess - White Lily guide - Anne Birmingham; 10. Walter - closes.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 50.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Tues. Nov. 26/62 master's night. Music - largo; Amirah - spoke on events of recent tragedy - J.F.K.; Rameses - spoke of events of early times of Pharrohs; Golden Star - refers to the previous lectures; Marguerite - spoke of effects of music during the sad eventful time; Dr. Hoffman - referred to funeral services; Dr. Hall - referred to lectures; Walter - closes.

Side 2. Mon. Dec. 23/63 Christmas party. Amirah - opened with few appropriate remarks welcoming little Matthew Schultz and John Head. Trumpet floating about room. Silver Hare - guide to John; Running Deer - carries trumpet; Happy Wolfe - many papoose with me tonight. Keeps them in order. Says Running Deer rings bell; Dr. Hoffman - referred to the good things at Christmas. Wished all Merry Christmas; Dr. Hall - Joins the Yuletide celebration; Running Deer - speaks - happy for all little boys; Grampa Smith - wished all a Merry Christmas; Mrs. Schultz - Garnet's mother. The following all came wishing everyone a Merry Christmas: Mr. Heap's father, Mr. Heap's Uncle Jack, Nelda Smith, C.S. Smith, Golden Star (guide to Evangeline), Margurite (guide to O.G. Smith), Uranius (one of wise men - came first time), Mrs. Massel (to Charlie), Mrs. Heap's grandmother and grandfather, Mrs. Lacey's sister and mother; Walter - closes.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 51.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Wed. Dec. 4/63 rescue night. Music - panus angelicus; Amirah - greets sitters amidst all the violence which the sitters will most likely be able to diminish. Welcomes the help; Captain of Regina or Ajax - ships sank during a storm in 1913. Captain is passing through last few minutes before ship sinks; Captain McCrae - manifests; Pilot Snider - of plane which crashed, taking 118 lives including entire crew. Snider evidently well educated spoke philosophically passengers and crew all with him in background. One local man - Murray Killion manifests by tearing up paper - insurance policy which had been sold to him; Walter - spoke showing entire satisfaction.

Side 2. Tues. Dec. 10/63 master's night. Music - dreams and several other selections; Amirah - referred to recent tragedy - death of President Kennedy - being a karma. The difference of the dark forces; Rameses - a Pharaoh who expressed his desire to justify the actions of his kind during the reign of the pharaohs. Referred to records to be found in Abbhu symbols; Ben Jus Assif - spoke of the friendliness and joy of the Christmas season; Margurite - delighted with the music we are now enjoying. Remembering wonderful relationship here with musicians; Dr. Hoffman - feels future will bring many reforms; Dr. Hall - wants to share Christmas spirit with all; Happy Wolfe - not as prince - values everything at Black Foot Bay; Golden Star - brings other squaws - looking forward to Christmas; Walter - closes with appropriate remarks.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 52.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Wed. Dec. 18/63 Christmas visiting. Christmas music; Amirah - opening remarks; Josarius & Seraphis - two of the wise men speak; Dr. Hoffman - refers to Christmas stories; Dr. Hall - heard music - brings many happy memories; Mrs. Heap's grandfather - happy in great work; Mrs. Schultz - Garnet's mother; Mrs. Smith (Nelda) - everything better; Nurse Falkenburg - spoke of her work and experience; Happy Wolfe - also have white spirit; Golden Star - her light shining on tree; Mrs. Massel - hello Charlie; Margurite - house filled with nice music; Mrs. Lacey's father - glad to be here; Kitty - to Mrs. Lacey; C.S. Smith - laughed at thought it was Walter. Listens to music ; Mrs. Heap's grandmother; Walter - glad to look forward to this Christmas.

Side 2. Tues. Jan. 7/64 master's night. Music - o those golden bells; Amirah - in response to introduction would bring some who could describe change and sublime life of spirit world; Elbert Hubbard - spoke of reading of biographies of famous men and wrote journeys in bookland; Master Titicaca - later Happy Wolfe medicine men explain later re-incarnation as Indian chief; Rama Mandato - remembers beginnings of wisdom on this continent; Golden Star - brings some of the power and majesty of spirit; Rameses - peace and tranquility will come; Dr. Hoffman - now enjoying higher life. Spoke on his experiences before and after spirit; Dr. Hall - relates many experience during his sojourn in India; Walter - notices tribute to Nehru. Closes with few appropriate remarks.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 53.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Wed. Jan. 15/64 rescue night. Music - beyond the sunset; Amirah - some words of encouragement. Three separate groups enjoyed our help of rescue; John Andrews - the experience of a searcher for gold in the gold rush to Alaska. Lost in snow drift in 1879; Mary Judd - waiting in railroad station in Amarillo, Texas for her sister and brother in 1958; Eloise Judd - speaks of herself and brother caught in tidal wave; Henry Judd - with sisters; Jim Robinson - mountain slide. Relates experience while trying to rescue a train of passengers buried in mountain slide. His helper Indian Cheyenne helped be his knowledge of spirit; Johnny Longbranch - speaks at length in appreciative terms; Walter - closes gratifying to know that work is not in vain.

Side 2. Tues. Jan. 22/64 master's night. Music - the lord's prayer sung by Nelson Eddy; Amirah - spoke at length on dream manifestations. Described interestingly what actual takes place. Questions and answers followed; Rama Mandato - talks of his relationship with distant past; Golden Star - dressed in her magnificent robes of golden stars brightened the floor. A lot of activity coming in the next few months; Happy Wolfe - came from tremendous gathering of the hosts to say a few works. Spoke of the activities of the masters; Dr. Hoffman - listened attentively to all that was said. Can bear all this out by experiences recorded; Dr. Hall - agrees heartily with all that has been said; Walter - closes with appropriate remarks.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 54.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Thurs. Jan. 30/64 visiting night. Music - meditation; Amirah - short suitable introduction; Ed Detweiler - recognized sitters; C.S. Smith - welcomed Mrs. Heap; Dr. H.P. Hamilton - spoke encouragingly; Nelda Smith - referred to the rescue work; Mrs. Massel - have early spring noticed Mennonites had been here; Happy Wolfe - me not big boss he meant professor; Mrs. Heap's grandfather - glad to come for short visit; Mrs. Heap's father - a lot trying to come in and saying a few words; Dr. Hoffman - big boss because of attention he gives to Matthew; Dr. Hall - spoke in humorous vein of pushing barrels. Better balance coming; Golden Star - complements to way Walter conducts the meeting; Joe Link - to Edith. Pleased to come; Lotus Leaf - happy to speak. Mother of Joe Link; Walter - closes with appropriate remarks.

Side 2. Tues. Feb. 4/64 master's night. Music - ave Maria; Amirah - discussed very illuminatingly the relations between mind and matter. Interesting discussion followed; Emmanuel Kant - great religious philosopher; William Penn - spoke of progress made in United States which contravenes with moral laws; Marie Curie - spoke of research she was in; Russel Boyle - greetings. not neglecting any opportunities to come and help; Dr. Hoffman - what a gathering been quite a treat tonight; Dr. Hall - am at the tail end just want to get in a few words; Walter - closes with a few appropriate remarks.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 55.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 55.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Thurs. Feb. 13/65 rescue night. Message from J.F.K. through world of spirit; Music - smiling through; Amirah - spoke of tremendous power and light; Irishman O'Connell - spoke of experience when shot during Fenian raid; Harvey Sims - lawyer - was attracted through conversation before meeting. Was followed by Judge Ward Bowlby - who spoke of experiences in this area. Spoke of many talks he has had with martial law; Walter - closes.

Side 2. Tues. Feb. 18/64 master's night. Music - in the garden; Amirah - asked for consideration as masters asked him to take the full time if necessary. Spoke on the divine paradox. Made many comparisons. This is a talk worth repetition. Spoke at great length; Ben Jus Assif - congratulated our class on their marvelous talks given to us by Amirah. We were pleased at his coming on the concentrated thoughts of two sitters. He gives healing power to many at one and the same time; Walter - closes with appropriate remarks.
Note: has been transferred to cassette.

The recording on this audio reel was transferred to audio cassette before it was donated to Special Collections & Archives in 2015. The audio cassettes are included in this file.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 56.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. April 2/64 Thurs. visiting night. Music - whispering hope; Amirah - great pleasure for him to cross threshold after a great crisis which has a purpose; Dr. Hoffman & Dr. Hall - both amazed and pleased at the good recovery; Nelda Smith - reviewed preparatory work for rescue night. Referred to Anna Olson; Dt. Still - apologized for interruptions. Marvelled at skill of the surgeons; Mrs. Schultz - hello Garnet, pleased with way everything is going; Happy Wolfe - referred to activity at cottage; Mrs. Massel - spoke of spring and flowers; C. S. Smith - have had exciting few weeks keeping power alive; Billy Snow - to Mrs. Lacey. Glad to see Tom again; Golden Star - many lessons were learned; Margurite - expressed full appreciation of efforts to keep channel open.

Side 2. Wed. April 8/64 rescue night. Music - it is no secret; Amirah - aware of efforts to help those in darkness and sufferers; Miko Potluk - Eskimo - spoke in English. Referred to earthquake and destruction by tidal wave at Anchorage; Captain Chisholm - spoke at length. Outlining the condition of what he believed to be survivors; Nelda Smith - wasn't that something explained how they operate in the rescue work; Jennie Fotheringham - explained how plane hit mountain. Came from Suffolk, England; General Douglas McArthur - deplores all the ceremony and pomp. Does not wish to be hurried wants peace and quietness. you indeed are the real generals to command; Walter - closes with appropriate remarks; Closing paragraph - M. Ghandi by Sheen.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 58.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Wed. May 6/64 visiting night. Music - now the day is over; Amirah - opening remarks wishes success; Anna; Bertram - nice to come; Mrs. Jardine's son - brought in by Frank and David Bremner; C.S. Smith - pleased to speak; Nelda Smith - made good progress with rescue in last sitting; Happy Wolfe - reported on rendezvous; Garnet's mother - referred to tree; Mr. Heaps' father - explains his recent paintings; John Gordon - remember how I was convinced; Homer Watson - used spirit horn; Mrs. Heap's grandfather - watching events; Mrs. Massel - gives advice to Charlie; Mrs. Dudley - to George - don't worry; Walter - closes meeting with a few remarks.

Side 2. Thurs. May 14/64 master's night. Music - it is no secret; Amirah - former moments of time and philosophies were not recorded in the same manner as today when voices can be heard through modern recording methods. Elaborated on the importance of pineal gland and its deterioration but has auxiliary power. Interesting discussion followed; Ben Jus Assif - sometimes perplexed as the philosophy propounded, but is pleased at the results you are getting. You're having a wonderful evening; Walter - closes with few fitting remarks. Referred to his picture in room.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 6.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Dec. 5/60 Rama, Margaret.

Side 2. Dec. 13/60 visiting.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 6.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. July 5/62 Thurs. Rescue night. 1. General Booth - introduction; 2. John Kelly; 3. Brown family; 4. A flyer's predicament.

Side 2. July 10/62. Masters night. 1. Amirah - speaks on science of surgery - health herbs; 2. Rajah; 3. Oti - speaks of buried cities and cities beneath ocean; 4. Ling Chow - speaks of Gobi Desert goes back 22 thousand years; 5. Walter - speaks of Ling Chow.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 60.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Wed. June 3/64 visiting night. Music - salvation army band; Amirah - opened with few appropriate remarks; Mahatma Ghandi - wished to correct wrong impression; Nelda - busy in rescue work; Mrs. Schmeider - enjoying concepts of a new life; Oscar Smith - brother of O.G.S. glad to be with old folks. Progressing; C.S. Smith - greatest desire fulfilled in bringing Oscar here; Mrs. Massel - to Charlie. Everything in good shape. Will be nice summer; Mr. Heap - to art, continued interest in painting; Garnet's mother - concept different now; Mrs. Heap's mother - glad to come; Mrs. Dudley - to George, described vividly manifestation; Happy Wolfe - many people here all have good time; Dr. Hoffman; Dr. Hall - brought greetings; Walter - closes.

Side 2. Mon. Tues. 8/64 master's night. Music - Beethoven andante; Amirah - spoke of the nature immortal aspects of us. Elaborated on the mystical and ethereal aspects of dreams. Interesting discussion followed; Great Bear - guide to the late Gordon Steiss. Manifested. Describing his experiences; Swedenborg - in introducing Robert Ingersoll, said that Ingersoll had created a vacuum and forgot in his enthusiasm to substitute the true experience; Robert Ingersoll - explains his position. Was not the rebel people thought. Spoke very brilliantly. Promised to come back again; Walter - closes, wishing Mr. Smith a pleasant and safe journey to the states.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 61.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Wed. June 17/64 rescue night. Music - when they ring those golden bells; Amirah - an appropriate introductory. Congratulated sitters for efforts in this service; Captain Sangroft - difficulty in convincing the captain that the ship went down. All were drowned. Finally realized what had happened; Irishman - was injured and passed on while gathering peat; Donald Flaherty - legs fractured since 1960, after falling over cliff; Martha Hollinger - feels so light as if slightest breeze would blow her away. Had been travelling form England to Spain. Mentioned names of some of those who had shown her the light and helped her and friends; Walter - closes appropriate remarks.

Side 2. Music by Korah Pandit at the pipe organ: ode to a desert love, the swan, liebestraum, rest for the weary, magnetic theme, ode to a lotus blossom, ebbtide, Schubert's serenade, beautiful dreamer, Handel's largo.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 65.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Sat. Aug. 15/64 sitting at round lake. Amirah - opening remarks; Happy Wolfe - gave a long talk on life of Indians in the old days; Running Deer - spoke of experience with Matthew; C.S. Smith - mentioned various modes of travel; Nelda Smith - greeted all thanks for help given on rescue night; Garnet's mother - confirmed his question as to her helping Nelda in the rescue work; Dr. Hoffman - had been looking forward to coming here; Professor Hall - came even though Charlie is not here. Tell Charlie not to eat sour apples; Walter - closes with few remarks.

Side 2. Tues. Aug. 18/64 master's night opening part was accidentally not recorded. Music - greensleeves; Amirah - spoke at length on the physical manifestation of mind- namely the aura; Thomas Edison - friends and co-workers gathered to listen to the great teacher. Wishes to express his feelings toward electronics. Spoke of development of electric light; Thomas Beckett - came many years ago. Left a message. Was Archbishop killed in cathedral several hundred years ago. Met many masters; Walter - a lot of power expended must close door.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 66.

One audio reel recording primarily of music. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Thurs. July 30/64 visiting night. Music - dreams; Amirah - few words of encouragement; Nelda Smith - came first. Congratulated all for the great day at the opening of the new office; Nurse Falkenburg - glad Karl could come. Has been busy in the East; Carl Zinkann - thanks Charlie Massel for his good thoughts; Dr. Hoffman - spoke of tremendous plans at the college; Dr. Hall - greeted all friends; Mrs. Massel - to Charlie; Gordon Steiss - told of some of his experiences; C.S. Smith - was proud of O.G. Smith at opening of office. Referred to the big clock; Happy Wolfe - referred to fish; White Eagle - tells George he follows him on trail; Mrs. Dudley - hello George many friends here tonight; Walter - closes meeting with a few remarks.

Side 2. Tues. Sep. 1/64 master's night. Music - how great thou art; Amirah - conversion of Moses. Tribulations can bring peace; Goethe - first attempt to come here had many visions. Had not before seen such a light as you present here; Emmanuel Swedenborg - he could have said the eternal light. Excuses Goethe's first and short visit; Titicaca - pleased to come on heels of one who uses nice words; Golden Star - Evangeline not here tonight. All is well with her and Matthew. Running Deer looking after boy; Dr. Hoffman - Reviewed the message of the great teacher; Professor Hall - will bring you interpretations; Rajah - my light comes clear to you. My blessings; Margurite - says hello. Shall always come here; Walter - closes with appropriate remarks; message from Chesterfield.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 67.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Tues. Sept. 15/64 master's night. Music - green sleeves; Amirah - spoke on precepts and concepts of the Christian religion; Mahatma Gandhi - spoke of his continued interest in the spiritual progress of the Hindu people. Referred to responsibility of Shastri; Nehru - spoke of difficulty in manifesting; Margurite - inspires O.G. Smith's playing. Is with him; Morning Star - to Evangeline. Is helping a teacher in Chicago; Rama - came as Abdul Bai Hai have been with you long, giving influence; White Eagle - to George - follows him; Swedenborg - his principles not followed as intended; Rameses - spoke of empire; Happy Wolfe - also Prince Titicaca. To Garnet. Spoke of costume; Walter - closes meeting.

Side 2. Wed. Sept. 23/64 visiting night. Music - in the garden; Amirah - a few well chosen opening remarks; Morning Star - to Evangeline; Nelda Smith - spoke of her being chief of rescue; Mrs. Schmeider - pleased with work she now does; George Stowe - gave words of encouragement to O.G. Smith; Grey Eagle - to O.G.S.; Happy Wolfe - jolly as usual. Spoke at length; Father of George Louth - tried to come for long time. Has been with Mrs. Dudley a lot. Garnet's mother - to Garnet; Mr. Heap's father - is painting many murals; Edward Dawson - to Edith. Told how he loved music; Dr. Hoffman - spoke encouragingly to Garnet; Dr. Hall - glad to come even though Charlie Massel not here; Walter - closes with usual fitting remarks.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 68.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Tues. Sept. 29/64 master's night. Music - star of hope; Amirah - spoke of the foundation of all religion; Nostradamus - spoke very convincingly of his ability to forecast coming events; Ben Jus Assif - agreed that light should be shed on the imitation of the cross. All is symbolic; Morning Star - am taking care of everything away from here; Rameses - you were speaking about that, which I have often; Serapis - an ancient Greek master. Aristotle, Plato have been his students. Build your temple but make sure you go in to pray; Walter - closes meeting in usual excellent manner.

Side 2. Wed. Oct. 7/64 rescue night. Music - nearer my God to thee; Amirah - I shall step aside and take my place in this important task of service; Carl Hackley - a celebrated American sculptor, asphyxiated in the Belgium Congo. Very thankful after finding himself; Richard the Lion Heart - was in confusion for over 800 years. Was Richard of France, thought fighting still going on; Irishman Flanigan - fell off Empire State Building at about 15th floor. Very interesting; Walter - closes meeting.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 69.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Tues. Oct. 13/64 master's night. Music - door of my heart; Amirah - spoke of necessity of keeping our balance during these days of contentions and confusion. Wonderful forces are coming. Introduces origin of Alexandria; Origin - a teacher, spoke of teachings of early Christianity, also spoke of the mysteries of Greek mythology. Discussion followed; John Wesley - says, take was wonderful. Did not think we could reach so far into the past. We are all linked together into bringing this enlightenment to all mankind. Referred to William Stead, who got his start in this wonderful work. Discussion of auras and communication followed; Walter - closes with few remarks. Was pleased the origin came. This is a great step of advancement. Is a great teacher, has many schools.

Side 2. Thurs. Oct. 22/64 visiting night. Music - when they ring those golden bells; Amirah - spoke encouragingly of events in China; George Stowe - helping to straighten out difficulties; Garnet's mother - everything fine; Mr. Heap's father - am steadily going on. Nelda now chief rescue director; Happy Wolfe - big things happen boy had a lot of fun; Nelda - congratulated for appointment. Congratulated O.G. Smith on 80th birthday. Love to you all; Dr. Still - developed school of osteopathy; Grey Feather - wished peace of plenty to all; Isaac Newton - law of gravity; Dr. Hoffman - this is more than temple; Professor Hall - have enjoyed everything; Mrs. Massel - to Charlie; Golden Star - will be on Christmas tree again; Mrs. Heap's grandfather & Mrs. Dudley - both give messages; Walter - closes.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 7.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. The unidentified wise man. Music. Introductions - T. Lacey. Jan 19/61 - Amirah - speaks of coming events. Feb 21/61 - Amirah - speaks of new era - introduces scientists. Jan. 10/61 - Amirah - introduces noted preachers. Jan. 23/62 - Amirah - speaks of coming converging of planets. Feb. 2/62 - Amirah - again refers to converging of planets. Feb. 4/62 - Amirah - again planets. Opening of sitting - Feb. 6/62. Music - sun of my soul. Invocation - T. Lacey. Amirah - interpretation past, present and coming events. Music - beautiful saviour. June 8/62 - Amirah - appropriate. Opening remarks for visiting night.. Blessed be the tie that binds.

Side 2: Music - lead kindly light. 1. Amirah; 2. Yus Assif - the master a worthwhile discourse; 3. Oti - master to Mrs. Heap; 4. Ramesis; 5. Margurite; 6. Music; 7. Thos. Edison; 8. Disraelei [Disraeli]; 9. MacKenzie King; 10. Mrs. Cadwallader; 11. Rama Pasha; 12. Happy Wold - Inca prince; 13. Bertram and Anna; 14. Walter - closes.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 7.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Dec. 22 Christmas séance.

Side 2. Dec. 27 final séance for 1960.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 70.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Tues. Oct. 27/64 master's night. Music - a mighty fortress; Amirah - spoke of ancient temples; Isaac Newton - comes again, Voltaire gave me the thought of law of gravity, not the falling apple. Travelled to other planets; Emanuel Swendeborg - pleased with our gathering. Predicted his passing. Meets his friend John Wesley; Margurite - music attracted me; Golden Star - will be with you at Christmas; Rameses - saw seeds planted, are now maturing; Dr. Hoffman - referred to changes at old alma matter to Garnet; Professor Hall - has good thoughts; Prince Titicaca - brings greetings; Walter - referred to by Dr. Hall as the gracious gentle man. Glad to be here. Walter closes in capable manner.

Side 2. Wed. Nov. 4/64 rescue night. Music - salvation army band; Amirah - wished us a successful night. Spoke a short time on presidential election; Captain Littlechild - speaks for another soldier in black hole of Calcutta, welcomed by his brother, Robert; Sailor from ship Marie Celeste 1812; Jzenka Venezaloski - investigating our light, tells of space tragedy in rocket; Walter - talks about Russia and China and closes meeting.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 71.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Tues. Nov. 10, 1964 masters. Music; Amira - speaks of absence of master of ceremonies, Mr. Smith was in hospital at this time. Speaks of the sun god Osiris and the indifference of the Arabs to all the culture of the pharaohs; Dr. Johnson - speaks of taking care of Mr. Smith in a moment of silence; Albert Einstein - speaks on electronics to Carl; Margurite - speaks of being with Mrs. Smith. Nelda also speaks; Dr. Hoffman - short add to Garnet; Dr. Hall - speaks to Charlie; Ben Yus Assif - speaks; Walter - concludes.

Side 2. Wed. Nov. 18 1964 visiting. Music; Amira - opens meeting with a few remarks; Charles Dickens - reviews some of his experiences, speaks to some length; White Eagle - to George; Happy Wolf - to Garnet; Golden Star - to Evangeline; Rama - speaks; Nelda - speaks to Evangeline; Mr. Heap - on art, to A. Heap; Mrs. Heap - mother and grandpa; Mrs. Schultz - to Garnet; Mrs. Massel - to Charlie; Walter - closes the meeting.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 72.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Dec. 2 1964 rescue night. Music - lead us gently on father; Amira - opens meeting, leaves his blessings for success; Walter Harvey - trapped and killed in the congo. Asks for help and explains conditions there. Spoke of Africa for some length of time; Mrs. Carrington - left by plane from London to New York, realizes something interrupted flight from New York; John Wainright - lost at sea near Panama Canal 1961; Lord Twelvetress - came back to thank us for what we did for him; Walter - closes meeting.

Side 2. Dec. 8 1964 masters night. Music; Amira - speaks to some length about the origin of Christmas. Symbolism of events concerning this time of Appolonius and Ben Yus Assif as being appropriate examples of the true Christian life. Speaks of Moses, Amyses, shepherd kings and the Hykos; Origen - has noted that much which he was prevented from contributing to the early Christian life is now common practice in its rituals; Serapis - speaks; Josarius - speaks; Ben Yus Assif - concludes.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 73.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 74.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 75.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Dec. 22 1964 masters. Music - our father which art in heaver Ernie Ford; Amira - speaks on the spirit of Christmas and the druid during the Roman conquest; Swedenbourg - gives a very enlightening talk; Origen - adds to the comments of our teacher; Ben Yus Assif - a very good talk about Christmas; Walter - concludes.

Side 2. Dec. 30 1964 rescue. Music - Christmas chimes; Amira - speaks about the rescue work; Al Farrel - pilot of plane that crashed near Detroit Dec. 29th brought other pilots and passengers through. Mentions Frank and David Bremner who give help; Mr. Michell - store keeper recently passed over, remembered something Mr. Smith has told him about survival; Former Mayor Minezinger - comes to thank us for talking to Michell; Capt. Alverida - who went down with ship in the seventeen hundreds, knew Capt. Kidd; Walter - thanks us and closes meeting.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 77.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following description for the reel:

Thursday March 26, 1965 rescue. Amirah - opens meeting speaks of computer; Air pilot - from Peterborough; Jack Stewart - who's home was at Nova Scotia; Jim Anderson - copilot, also lost; Jack Richardson - another pilot lost, did quite some talking; Frank Bremner - gives good report of his father prospector - trapped in old mind 1879 Yukon; Mr Mackentire - Mr. Smith; Walter - closes meeting.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 78.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Masters night Tuesday April 13, 1965. Amira - speaks on the law of correspondence and discusses many other things; Golden Star - gives quite a long message to Evangeline; Bertram - tells of his promotion and talks about time; Blue Snake - speaks of coming of white man; Professor Hall - talks about the people of India and other countries; Dr. Hoffman - a few remarks about Waterloo University.

Side 2. Visiting Friday December 18, 1964. Amira - opens meeting speaks about the original Christmas; Mr. Smith's father joins in Xmas thoughts; Happy Wolf; Running Deer - speaks of Matthew; Mrs. Steiss - was mentioned; Mrs. Nelda Smith - spoke of Christmas; Mrs. Heap's mother; Garnet's mother - to Garnet; Mrs. Massel; Mr. Heap's uncle - has very much to say about Africa; Mr. Heap's father - talks of his painting; Walter - closes meeting.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 79.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 8.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1: July 24, 1962 Masters night. Music - faith of our masters; 1. Amirah - the mysterious things of life; 2. Yus Assif - the master; 3. Walter - closes.

Side 2: August 15, 1962. Rescue. Hymn - God understands 1. Amirah - opening remarks; 2. White Russian - caught revolution in 1918 drowned at sea reunited with her family; 3. Walter - makes remarks; 4. Oliver Cromwell - very indignant that we invade his privacy; 5. William Pitt - shows him the light; 6. Walter; 7. Walter Brown - speaks of his sickness and financial difficulties; 8. John Dorshman - was killed in a factory in Waterloo; 9. Edward Dawson - killed in Mesopatania [Mesopotamia]; 10. Dr. Hoffman - few good remarks; 11. Walter - closes.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 8.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Jan 2/61 O.G. Smith private. Describing prophecies for 1961.

Side 2. Dreams etc.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 80.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Rescue Wed. June 30, 1965. Music; Amira - opens meeting; Jus Ross Regas - lost on place to Lisbon, was wealthy rancher, wanted to pay us for help; John Clarke - pilot of plane that crashed; David Stevenson - killed by polar bear while north with Esquimose [Eskimo]; Bertram - closes meeting.

Side 2. Visiting June 17, 1965. Music; Amira - opens meeting; Mr. Smith - with usual greetings to O.G. Smith; Happy Wolf - to Garnet; Mrs. Schultz - to Garnet and all; Mrs. Massel - speaks to Charlie; Mrs. Heap's grandpa - to Mrs. Heap; Mr. Heap's father - to Mr. Heap; Nelda - speaks to some length about rescue activities; Ma Clemmer - to Mr. O.G. Smith; Dr. Hoffman - to Garnet; Dr. Hall - speaks to Charlie; Bertram - closes meeting.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 81.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Masters Tuesday June 22, 1965. Music; Amira - speaks to some length on matters of civilizations and akashirness; Martin Luther - speaks about Dead Sea scrolls.

Side 2. Visiting June 17, 1965. Music; Amira - opens meeting; Mr. Smith - with the usual talk greetings to O.G. Smith; Happy Wolf - to Garnet; Mrs. Schults - to Garnet and all; Mrs. Massel - speaks to Charlie; Mrs. Heap's grandpa - speaks to Mrs. Heap; Mr. Heap's father - to Mr. Heap; Nelda - speaks to some length about rescue activities; Ma Clemmer - to Mr. Smith; Dr. Hoffman - to Garnet; Dr. Hall - speaks to Charlie; Bertram - closes the meeting.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 82.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Masters night Nov. 23, 1965. Rescue Nov. 17, 1965. Music; Amirah - opens meeting; Hitei Song- speaks for his friends; Mr. H. Krug - recently passed over; Lady from Mt. Hope - lost on burning ship out from Bermuda; Railway engineer - lost one hundred years ago in snow slide; Bertram - closes meeting. Music; Amirah - meditation from Mr. Heap now in hospital then gives long address; Ben Yus Assif - spoke on matters of great importance; Mr. Heap's father - discusses progress of Arthur now in hospital; Dr. Hoffman - speaks in terms of new concepts on religion; Professor Hall - makes himself known with few words; Bertram - draws the curtain.

Side 2. Masters Oct. 26, 1965 Rescue Nov.3, 1963. Music; Amirah - analysing self; Dr. Hoffman - speaks to some length; Professor Hall - takes up the theme; Martin Luther - gives long talk and mentions dead sea scrolls; Rama Mandato - talks on Stonehenge; Bertram - closes meeting. Music; Amriah - opens rescue service. Professor of Toronto College 1 of 4 lost on underwater exploration seeks help and tells of their misadventure; Charles Jaimet - speaks to some length, as he knew the professor; Ralph Christianson - comes also; Bertram - closes the meeting.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 83.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Rescue Dec. 30 1965. Music; Amirah - opens meeting and speaks to some length with greetings to all; Bertram - has a few words to say and opens door; John Reinbaum - tells of trying to end his life by drowning but to no avail. Pain all gone and asks for help; John Shepard - driller on oil rig in Northsea, brings American for rescue; Mohamed - comes for help and tells of many lost in Arabia; Yus Ben Assif - brings his blessings to all; Walter and Bertram - closes meeting.

Side 2. masters Jan 4, 1966. Music; Amirah - speaks of coming events in this new year; Ben Yus Assif; promises good guidance this new year; Rama Mandato - speaks of festivities before Christian times; Dr. Hoffman - brings greetings to Garnet and all; Prof Hall - spoke of conditions in India; Bertram - closes meeting.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 84.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following description for the reel:

Side 2. Visiting night Dec. 2, 1965. Music; Amira - opens meeting with few remarks; M. Smith's father - comments on preparations for xmas; Mama Clements - visits a while; Happy Wolf - has long conversation with Garnet; Running Deer - comments about Matthew; Grey Wolf - to M. Smith; Golden Star - with message to Evangeline; M. Bremmer - talks of his passing over to spirit; Chief Mountain Goat - introduces himself to Mrs. Smith; Nelda - speaks of her work in rescue; Mrs. Schultz - greetings to Garnet; Mrs. Massell - with encouraging message to Charlie; Mr. Heap - with good message to Arthur; Bertram - closes meeting.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 85.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

June 17, 1965 Thurs - master's night. June 30, 1965 - rescue.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 86.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following description for the reel: "Tues. April 14, 1964."

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 86.

One audio reel recording of séances. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following description for the reel: "Chicago." Also includes one item of correspondence from Marjorie to Mrs. John R. (Mable) Boyle.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 87.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following description for the reel: "Tues. May 10/66."

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 9.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1: August 8, 1962 Tues. masters. 1. beautiful saviour; 2. supplication - T. Lacey; Amirah; 4. Pythagoaris - science of numbers; 5. Dr. Hoffman; 6. Walter; 7. White hawk - formerly black; 8. Happy Wolf as emperor; 9. Otai - Mrs. Heap's master; 10. Dr. Hall - to Mr. Massel; 11. Walter - closing.

Side 2: August 30, 1962 Thurs. Visiting night. 1. The shepherd boy; 2. Amirah; 3. C.S. Smith - father of O.G.S.; 4. Nelda - Mrs. O.G.S. explains helping Mrs. Frey; 5. Mother - G. Schultz; 6. Dr. Hoffman; 7. Father of T. Lacey to E. Lacey; 8. Walter; 9. George Stowe; 10. Happy Wold; 11. Ling (dynasty) spoke of bird - ibis on turtle; 12. Golden star; 13. Walter - closing.

Lacey, Thomas

Reel 9.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side 1. Jan. 5/61 extra. Heap's father, John Wesley, Marghruite.

Side 2. Jan. 10/61 Regular séance, bible interpretations.

Lacey, Thomas

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