1997 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
97-2763 Wetlands conservation - South Dumfries File August 11, 1997
97-2764 What's for Sale - 250 Keats Way, Waterloo File January 15, 1997
97-2769 What's for sale - 35 Irvin Street Kitchener File January 29, 1997
97-2770 What's for sale Kenora Dr. #84 File February 19, 1997
97-2772 What's for Sale - 239 Old Abbey Road Waterloo File March 12, 1997
97-2774 What's for Sale 104 Carwood Drive File March 24, 1997
97-2779 What's for Sale Warren Road #100 Kitchener File May 7, 1997
97-2780 What's for Sale Wellesley subdivision File June 1, 1997
97-2783 What's for Sale 47 Rolling Acres Drive Kitchener File July 3, 1997
97-2784 What's for Sale 339 Westheights Drive Kitchener File July 8, 1997
97-1780 Oktoberfest colour File 1997
97-1783 Oktoberfest closing File October 19, 1997
97-1784 Oktoberfest float prep File September 27, 1997
97-1786 Oktoberfest 97 - bands on parade File October 13, 1997
97-1794 181 Westchester drive - What They're Building File July 5, 1997
97-1797 Ontario Propane Association safety demonstration File April 10, 1997
97-1799 Ontario skills Ronda Ford or Steven File May 7, 1997
97-1803 Opera excerpts show WLU [Wilfrid Laurier University] opera students File November 17, 1997
97-1804 Opera La Boheme - Centre in the Square File February 13, 1997
97-1807 Optometry museum - various artifacts File June 11, 1997
97-1810 O'Reilly, Andy - firefighter with hose by Grand River File April 23, 1997
97-1815 O'Toole, Irene File June 12, 1997
97-1818 Oxford Collegiate - clinic - immunization - New Hamburg File December 29, 1997
97-1819 Paech, Gail - Toronto East General Hospital File August 8, 1997
97-1822 Paint spill Maple Grove - Cambridge File October 10, 1997
97-1824 St. Mary's Hospital - Palliative care unit File October 20, 1997
97-1826 Pandemonium blues band File April 19, 1997
97-1827 Parade - Oktoberfest parade File October 13, 1997
97-1830 Parizeau, Jacques - lecture at University of Guelph File September 25, 1997
97-1833 Parrot, Mandy - welfare mom with no hydro File September 2, 1997
97-1834 Parrott, Mark - lawyer for Ronald Carl Campbell File May 16, 1997
97-1838 Paul, Nancy - Angel Associates home care File May 20, 1997
97-1846 Peister, Ray - Westhill Meadows golf course File June 12, 1997
97-1847 Pemberton, Trisch - Ties by Trisch File October 31, 1997
97-1851 Pepi's Pizza - arson attempt - cop seeking evidence by broken window File December 11, 1997
97-1854 Performing arts - summer school / camp File July 3, 1997
97-1861 Petro, Tracey - 11 year follow up profile File July 8, 1997
97-1862 Pets blessed - St. Thomas Anglican, Cambridge File September 7, 1997
97-1867 Philharmonic - choir at CITS [Centre in the Square] Bach St. Matthew File March 28, 1997
97-1877 Physiological tests - mountain expedition being tested File June 20, 1997
97-1881 Pickett... Gerdau Courtice steel - Orion place Cambridge File June 12, 1997
97-1882 Pigtails, at Stemmel Meats File July 16, 1997
97-1889 Pink, Dave - Record Staff H&S [head and shoulders] File November 13, 1997
97-1897 Pit bull debate - Kitchener city hall File January 21, 1997
97-1904 Pocrnich, Cady and dog - pet inspired award winning science project File November 20, 1997
97-1906 Poire, Robert unemployed File October 7, 1997
97-1912 Pollock, John - chairman of Electrohome File September 10, 1997
97-1918 Port Elgin - on the beach File August 26, 1997
97-1924 Postal workers at Trillium Drive and Kitchener back File December 4, 1997
97-1927 Power line workers - wind damage File February 27, 1997
97-1929 Prashad, Desmond - accused in Pizza Pzza robbery File September 2, 1997
97-1935 Presbyterian youth council - organizers of youth event at Waterloo File July 3, 1997
97-1942 Princess Cinema - Tutt family business File February 21, 1997
97-1943 Princess Diana memorial - in Victoria park File September 2, 1997
97-1944 Princess Diana tribute - Kitchener City Hall File September 5, 1997
97-1946 Promise keepers - Waterloo Pentecostal Assembly File January 11, 1997
97-1949 Protest - at Gerry Martinuk's office File October 24, 1997
97-1970 Quebec exchange students File July 24, 1997
97-1974 Quilt display at Kitchener City Hall three women File May 5, 1997
97-1981 Rahn, Martin - MCC volunteer canning File April 29, 1997
97-1982 Railway tracks Ahrens street File February 5, 1997
97-1987 Rakanoniv Ili - 2nd opinion File February 27, 1997
97-1989 Ramsoomair Franklin - WLYU professor - outstanding teacher File February 17, 1997
97-1990 Randall, Donna h&s [head and shoulders]- Planned Parenthood executive director File January 16, 1997
97-1994 Rangers vs Owen Sound File December 19, 1997
97-1996 Raphael, Deborah - owner of jewelry store File December 23, 1997
97-1997 Rath, Nancy - tenant angry at landlord File March 2, 1997
97-1999 Rawlings, Gary - KCI [Kitchener Collegiate Institute] Principal File September 15, 1997
97-2009 Recchia, Joe - auction File August 18, 1997
97-2015 Recycling centre - Waterloo Regional transfer File April 9, 1997
97-2019 Redman, Karen - Liberal MP File July 3, 1997
97-2021 Reenstra-Bryant, Robin - profile of professor File January 23, 1997
97-2023 Rees, Nicholas - industrial artifacts artist File June 9, 1997
97-2025 Regatta at City Hall - little boats in fountain File June 11, 1997
97-2030 Reidel, Georgia - Molly Maid File March 21, 1997
97-2034 Reitzenstein Reinhard - artist File July 14, 1997
97-2041 Renwick, John - samaritan picks up papers / Westmount Road File June 5, 1997
97-2051 RIDE program - Ottawa street File October 15, 1997
97-2054 Riedel, Sharyn - Dancewear store owner File March 13, 1997
97-2057 Ride for heart - Manulife massaging cyclists File June 1, 1997
97-2061 Ringrose, Peter - Childrens Aid Society File April 10, 1997
97-2064 River inner tube riding in Elora Conservation area File June 27, 1997
97-2065 River rendezvous 97 - Jon Planck File June 22, 1997
97-2068 Riverside Park - children in pool File June 10, 1997
97-2072 Robb, John - Crown Attorney File April 22, 1997
97-2076 Robertson, Brown - nurses setting up own business File June 2, 1997
97-2078 Robertson, Susan - chronic care File February 25, 1997
97-2088 Rockley, Kristy - Rower File August 21, 1997
97-2090 Rocket shooting - Wilson Park / east / sachan File March 19, 1997
97-2094 Rodrigues, Lupe - St. John's Kilmarnock school File February 13, 1997
97-2096 Rogers cable show - McLean and Currie File June 3, 1997
97-2102 Romain, Joseph - Toronto author File May 22, 1997
97-2109 Rosales, Paloma - artist with work at arts centre File April 14, 1997
97-2110 Rosehart, Bob - WLU [Wilfrid Laurier University] president File September 23, 1997
97-2112 Ross, Glad - beanie babies File April 25, 1997
97-2113 Ross, Jane gets hug - Northdale PS [Public School] last day / Marshall File June 24, 1997
97-2116 Ross, Veronica - KPL [Kitchener Public Library] writer in residence File April 10, 1997
97-2118 Rotary Ten - young upcoming band File June 28, 1997
97-2119 Roth garden - Fredrick Banting, Waterloo File June 12, 1997
97-2124 Rotweiler puppies - 15 born to dog on Stirling Street File September 21, 1997
Results 3101 to 3200 of 3239