1997 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
97-1399 Kuehl family - budget File February 18, 1997
97-1402 Kuepfer, Mary - Amish woman hit by beer bottle File July 21, 1997
97-1403 Kuerti, Anton - & symphony orchestra File July 27, 1997
97-1404 Kumagai, Josh - shaved head in Elora File March 3, 1997
97-1407 Kuntz, Bob and Paul File December 15, 1997
97-1408 Kuntz Bill - Cameron Heights Collegiate File March 29, 1997
97-1411 KWS satellite pay per view File April 3, 1997
97-1412 Labbe, Suzanne - charged with murder File July 3, 1997
97-1418 Laflamme, Lisa - action news anchor says goodbye File July 16, 1997
97-1424 Landscape Ontario - trade show File March 18, 1997
97-1434 Laurel Church Centre File January 5, 1997
97-1440 Lawler, Roger - new R.C. [Roman Catholic] School Board Chair File July 2, 1997
97-1441 Law, Mike #16 - GCI [Guelph Collegiate Institute] top student File 1997
97-1442 Lawler, Roger - incoming RC [Roman Catholic] school director File September 18, 1997
97-1447 Learner, Sally - University of Waterloo professor File October 10, 1997
97-1454 Lehmann, Phil #1 - St. David [Secondary School] top student File 1997
97-1458 Leis, Eldon - artist with paintings File December 8, 1997
97-1464 Levine, Stacey - worker in King St. Uptown File August 6, 1997
97-1467 Lewis, Parker - cleaning ride / kinsmen carnival File May 21, 1997
97-1469 Linda George & Inese Grinfelds - literacy council / sell buttons File October 8, 1997
97-1471 Lions Lagoon - Rushmere & son / Haley Thorne File June 11, 1997
97-1472 Lipcare illustration File December 3, 1997
97-1474 Lisinski, Pastor Peter - Fergus - 2nd opinion File November 13, 1997
97-1475 Little Bighorn Saloon - Wilson & Weadick File April 1, 1997
97-1476 Little's Corners P.S. [public school] - Cambridge File April 17, 1997
97-1486 Logel auto parts - fire scene day after File February 26, 1997
97-1489 Long, John - Cambridge Independent candidate File May 1, 1997
97-1493 Lowe, Denise - nut allergies info seminars File August 5, 1997
97-1496 Luther Village - construction File March 20, 1997
97-1507 Mackenzie, Anne - had a heart attack File February 18, 1997
97-1511 Macleod, Christine and Pastor Peter Goodrich File October 31, 1997
97-1514 Magda, Don - investigator with Fire Marshall File May 20, 1997
97-1517 Maharaj, Melissa - died from meningitis File December 31, 1997
97-1523 Mall shoppers - at Conestoga Mall File December 15, 1997
97-1524 Maltby, Kirk - Detroit Red Wings fans File June 8, 1997
97-1531 Mank, Robert - second opinion File January 23, 1997
97-1537 Mans, David - at court File March 18, 1997
97-1542 Maple syrup festival - in Elmira File April 5, 1997
97-1543 Maranatha church - Reverend Joseph Drepaul File March 27, 1997
97-1548 Marentette, Jim - defence lawyer File April 22, 1997
97-1553 Marsden, Lorna - outgoing UWL [Wilfrid Laurier University] President File March 11, 1997
97-1555 Marshall, Amanda - performing at Centre in the Square File September 15, 1997
97-1558 Martin, Clayton - competition target shooter File September 18, 1997
97-1559 Martin, David - with kitchen cabinets File March 7, 1997
97-1565 Martin, Ted - NDP candidate for Kitchener Waterloo File March 5, 1997
97-1567 Massacre vigil - at Kitchener city hall File December 6, 1997
97-1574 Maxi & Company construction - supermarket Older Lexington Waterloo File November 24, 1997
97-1575 Maxted, John Dr. - hospital board File August 12, 1997
97-1576 Maxted, John Dr. acting CEO Kitchener Waterloo health centre File July 25, 1997
97-1586 Mazda MX6 LS car File June 9, 1997
97-1589 McCurdy Don - record managing editor File April 10, 1997
97-1591 McBride, Rachel - University of Guelph sit in File March 13, 1997
97-1593 Debbra McClintock - summer job with city File June 25, 1997
97-1597 McRae house - kid trying on old soldier suit File November 5, 1997
97-1600 McDonalds protest File October 16, 1997
97-1609 McIntosh, Charles - Listowel hospital with ALS File October 21, 1997
97-1610 McIntyre, Chris - consultant File May 22, 1997
97-1611 McKay, Stan - moderator United Church of File October 17, 1997
97-1623 McLorn, Phil - Ayr artist File November 4, 1997
97-1633 Meiler Michael - 2nd degree murder trial File March 11, 1997
97-1635 Meinzinger, Ross - refund cheque from government File June 18, 1997
97-1644 Metcalfe Bob, falconer - Elmira fights starling problem File August 27, 1997
97-1648 Middlemass, Jack File March 20, 1997
97-1655 Millar, Louise - Heart and Stroke Foundation File January 22, 1997
97-1661 Milverton rodeo - 7th annual File June 21, 1997
97-1662 Mimosa restaurant review - Cambridge File December 9, 1997
97-1678 Moores with bird feeders File June 19, 1997
97-1682 Morgan Rick - 2nd opinion File September 25, 1997
97-1690 Moss, Susan 2nd Opinion File February 20, 1997
97-1692 Mouskouri, Nana at Walper [Hotel] raising money for Unicef File September 24, 1997
97-1697 Much Ado About Nothing - Uof W [University of Waterloo] Shakespeare in the park File June 19, 1997
97-1701 Mullens, Anne - author with book: Timely Death File October 30, 1997
97-1708 Mural being painted - Albert McCormick Community Centre File August 28, 1997
97-1710 Murphy, Elizabeth - Waterloo artist File March 5, 1997
97-1715 Musical - Guys & Dolls, Centre in the Square File November 20, 1997
97-1716 Music Alive - the gospel truth File May 6, 1997
97-1717 Music event - festival of ten school bands File May 28, 1997
97-1718 Musicians Viva Voce - at Wilfrid Laurier advance for concert File September 23, 1997
97-1722 Myles, Stefan - H&S for 2nd op File June 17, 1997
97-1730 Navmann, Frank - yippee winner File June 18, 1997
97-1732 Narozniak, Lidia - only female Crown Attorney File June 4, 1997
97-1734 National Ballet audition at University of Waterloo File February 19, 1997
97-1737 NCR image processor File August 14, 1997
97-1745 New canadian artists - at Waterloo Community Arts Centre File March 25, 1997
97-1748 New Dundee Creamery - closing File May 8, 1997
97-1751 New report cards - information meeting File November 27, 1997
97-1757 Nicholls, Jennie #14 - Preston top student File 1997
97-1762 1/2 Buick Regal File June 24, 1997
97-1765 Noesgaard, Charlotte - RN [registered nurse] Ontario Nurses Association File May 23, 1997
97-1769 Nu care - home care started out of home, 1997 File 1997
97-1772 Nutcracker File November 29, 1997
97-1777 O'Dea Frank - founder of Second Cup coffee shops File October 22, 1997
97-1779 Oktoberfest Media - Onkel Hans & Jaycie Preskitt File October 7, 1997
97-281 Buskers - Fringe Festival Competition File August 21, 1997
97-288 Buyers, Jane - Sculpture Agriculture in Guelph File September 26, 1997
97-289 Byrne, Andrew - Rugby Practice File March 19, 1997
97-292 Camara, Delicio #15 - St. Benedict Top Student File 1997
97-293 Camb. [Cambridge] Art Gallery - "Offering".. By Lynn Campbell File April 29, 1997
97-295 Cambridge Community - Seeking Doctors at Job Fair File October 2, 1997
97-298 Cambridge Home Show - Window & Ferguson/Fan & McLeod File April 4, 1997
Results 2501 to 2600 of 3239