Level of description
Digital object |
96-2125 |
Schmidt, Jan - Record Employee |
File |
November 5, 1996 |
96-2131 |
Schmitt, Robert - 9 1 & 1 Security Co. [Company] |
File |
October 11, 1996 |
96-2132 |
Schneider, Angie (With Neighbourhood Float) |
File |
September 18, 1996 |
96-2137 |
Schneider Plant-Aerial |
File |
October 29, 1996 |
96-2138 |
Schneider Plant Workers - H&S [head and shoulders] Pictures |
File |
September 5, 1996 |
96-2147 |
Scheitzer, Sara Jean - Wloo Reg. [Waterloo Regional] Police Constable |
File |
July 15, 1996 |
96-2148 |
Science Contest Winners - St Ambrose School, Cambridge |
File |
March 27, 1996 |
96-2154 |
Scott Jeff - Shoots for a Million |
File |
January 24, 1996 |
96-2160 |
Scully, Terence & Eleanor - Medieval. French Cookbook |
File |
August 27, 1996 |
96-2168 |
Self-Directed High School - Merley, Hardman, & Oestreich |
File |
May 7, 1996 |
96-2175 |
Serrano, Jorge - Toys to Guatemala |
File |
October 18, 1996 |
96-2186 |
Shaw, Ida - University Heights Sch. [University Heights School] |
File |
June 6, 1996 |
96-2188 |
Shea, Donna - Record Newsroom |
File |
March 7, 1996 |
96-2189 |
Shepherd and Green - Business at KPL [Kitchener Public Library] |
File |
September 19, 1996 |
96-2190 |
Sheppard Sch. [School] - Gr. [Grade] Ones do Traffic Survey |
File |
May 14, 1996 |
96-2191 |
Sheppard School - Doon Heritage Crossroads |
File |
September 25, 1996 |
96-2192 |
Sheppard Public School - Clown Day |
File |
April 3, 1996 |
96-2193 |
Sheltered Workshop City - Employees at Bus Stop |
File |
February 27, 1996 |
96-2204 |
Sill, Cam... Record Staff - 25th Anniversary |
File |
October 16, 1996 |
96-2206 |
Simpson, Susan - With Family for Column |
File |
December 18, 1996 |
96-2207 |
Singh, Dr. Jarnail - at Sikh Seminar |
File |
August 17, 1996 |
96-2211 |
Sitler-Bates, Ellen - Donations to Quebec Flood Victims |
File |
July 24, 1996 |
96-2219 |
Silcox/ Pankarian - Diabetic Teens |
File |
February 2, 1996 |
96-2220 |
Silver, Tim - Waterloo Golf Academy |
File |
April 18, 1996 |
96-2221 |
Simmons Brandon - Rollerblading with Mom |
File |
April 8, 1996 |
96-2224 |
Skate Canada - Ladies/Mens Free; Dance Orig. [Original] |
File |
November 9, 1996 |
96-2226 |
Skunk Release - Humane Society /Alexandra Leffler |
File |
August 7, 1996 |
96-2229 |
Slomke, Val - Hockey Mom |
File |
December 28, 1996 |
96-2230 |
Slover, David.. H&S [head and shoulders] - Physiotherapist off to Olympics |
File |
July 12, 1996 |
96-2232 |
Slushy Ramp - Courtland at X-Way |
File |
March 5, 1996 |
96-2233 |
Small Business/Brida Salon - Kwitco, Harry... Guelph |
File |
April 26, 1996 |
96-2234 |
Small Business ..Golf Club Dimensions - Joe Hudyn/ Bill & Jim Gatenby |
File |
April 26, 1996 |
96-2237 |
Smith Family. .Stuttering Story - Duncan Smith (Son) Speech Program |
File |
February 20, 1996 |
96-2243 |
Smoke Ad at Bus Shelter - William and King St. |
File |
March 8, 1996 |
96-2253 |
Snyder, Peter Etril - With Brother Doug |
File |
November 28, 1996 |
96-2255 |
Sounds of Summer |
File |
June 22, 1996 |
96-2261 |
Snowboarding... Chicopee |
File |
January 2, 1996 |
96-2270 |
Solorzano, Sergio - Artist from Guatemala |
File |
August 15, 1996 |
96-2278 |
Sowers, Al & Hazel - Renovated Macs Milk Store |
File |
February 8, 1996 |
96-2280 |
Spalding JR [Junior] Golf Tour at Doon Golf Club |
File |
August 12, 1996 |
96-2288 |
Sportsworld - Rock Climbing |
File |
June 5, 1996 |
96-2296 |
Stabbing of Man - Montgomery Park, Kitchener |
File |
June 4, 1996 |
96-2299 |
Stager and Mundt - Trucker and Kids |
File |
June 10, 1996 |
96-2301 |
Standup, Wloo [Waterloo] Park - Boy on Toy Train |
File |
August 13, 1996 |
96-2309 |
Stearns, Wynne |
File |
June 20, 1996 |
96-2318 |
Stock, Fred - Complaint to College of Physicians |
File |
August 9, 1996 |
96-2319 |
Stokoy, Cory - Retiring His Number |
File |
October 29, 1996 |
96-2322 |
Stone, Howard - 2nd [Second] Opinion |
File |
March 14, 1996 |
96-2328 |
Stoyakovic-Drnac, Jelena - Wheelchair and Broom |
File |
July 31, 1996 |
96-2334 |
Strathdee, Mike - Record Reporter |
File |
June 18, 1996 |
96-2335 |
Strauss, Joyce - Stars, Boxing Day |
File |
December 26, 1996 |
96-2337 |
Strickland & Donation - With Answering Machine & Fielding |
File |
November 8, 1996 |
96-2341 |
Strub, Sharon |
File |
July 25, 1996 |
96-2342 |
Struck, Joanna - W.C.I [Waterloo Collegiate Institute] - H&S [head and shoulders] |
File |
June 5, 1996 |
96-2343 |
Stuart Neill with Conductor Howard Dyck |
File |
October 25, 1996 |
96-2346 |
Students, Galt Colleg. [Collegiate] - How Reforms Affect Students |
File |
November 14, 1996 |
96-2348 |
Suckert, Justin - Lawn Mowing on Hill |
File |
June 13, 1996 |
96-2349 |
Suddaby School - Victorian Classroom |
File |
January 23, 1996 |
96-2350 |
Sugar & Spice on Ice '96 - at Preston Aud [Auditorium] |
File |
March 28, 1996 |
96-2353 |
Summer Playground - Olympics at GRCI [Grand River Collegiate Institute] |
File |
July 23, 1996 |
96-2356 |
Sunoco Gas Give-Away - Weber & King Station |
File |
February 16, 1996 |
96-2359 |
Sun Sun Restaurant - Guelph |
File |
November 18, 1996 |
96-2361 |
Sushycki, Barb - Katie Award Winner |
File |
November 28, 1996 |
96-2362 |
Sushycki Barb - Employee of the Month |
File |
March 15, 1996 |
96-2365 |
Suzuki Strings School - Louise Cumming |
File |
December 11, 1996 |
96-2374 |
Take Back the Night; March Lindhorst & Machado |
File |
September 26, 1996 |
96-2381 |
Taylor, Harvey - Record Staff |
File |
February 13, 1996 |
96-2383 |
Taylor, Joan - Freeport Letter Writer |
File |
August 7, 1996 |
96-2384 |
Taylor, Mel - Writing Book About First |
File |
November 5, 1996 |
96-2389 |
Tent City - Harrisville @ [at] Weber & Cameron |
File |
April 18, 1996 |
96-2391 |
Terry Fox Run - U of Waterloo [University of Waterloo] |
File |
September 22, 1996 |
96-2397 |
Thomas, David & Frances - With Another Christmas |
File |
December 26, 1996 |
96-2399 |
Thorman, Deborah - Power Lifter |
File |
June 19, 1996 |
96-2402 |
Three Minute Deli |
File |
December 19,1996 |
96-2404 |
Thurston, William - Murderer at Weber St. Court |
File |
January 15,1996 |
96-2413 |
Tom Mayvaian - & Crusade Sign at Gas Station |
File |
September 23,1996 |
96-2418 |
Tousek, Yvonne, Gymnast - Olympic Qualifier |
File |
June 12,1996 |
96-2421 |
Toyota Car |
File |
December 17,1996 |
96-2439 |
Tri-City Chimney Service |
File |
November 11,1996 |
96-2441 |
Trip, Julie - at Town Meeting |
File |
June 6,1996 |
96-2442 |
Trowbridge Joe - Casting Call |
File |
March 22,1996 |
96-2448 |
Truck Mechanic Seminar - McKinnon Transport - Guelph |
File |
March 19,1996 |
96-2449 |
Trupp, Jeff - Peanut Products Banned at School |
File |
September 25,1996 |
96-2456 |
Turnball, Mayor Brian - Leaving Courthouse |
File |
February 19,1996 |
96-2460 |
Twin City Harmonizers - Drayton Gala |
File |
April 23,1996 |
96-2461 |
Tye, Patrick - Umbrella and Bicycle |
File |
May 23,1996 |
96-2466 |
Underhill, Rob... Weedeater - Trimming Weeds.. Kit. [Kitchener] Parks & Rec [Recreation] |
File |
July 9,1996 |
96-2468 |
Underwood Sybil - K-W [Kitchener-Waterloo] Hospital Quilt |
File |
February 14,1996 |
96-2479 |
UW [University of Waterloo] Centre Library - Abrams & Fraser |
File |
December 2,1996 |
96-2485 |
UW [University of Waterloo] Disabled Students Looking for Home |
File |
March 15,1996 |
96-2488 |
Upfold, Darryl - Counsellor on Gambling Addiction |
File |
May 28,1996 |
96-2491 |
Urschel, Michael... Ordered to Clean Snow from Walk |
File |
February 23,1996 |
96-2494 |
Valentine Wedding - Cobbing and Amorim Wed Feb14 [February 14] |
File |
February 13,1996 |
96-2496 |
Van den Borre, Mary & Nicole - Fergus Scottish Festival |
File |
August 9,1996 |
96-2497 |
Vanderpool, Fitzroy - Boxer |
File |
April 22,1996 |
96-2504 |
Vekic, Gordana & Alex - From Bosnia |
File |
December 17, 1996 |
96-2513 |
Victoria Park - Flooding Lake (Kavelman & |
File |
January 30, 1996 |
96-2515 |
Victoria Park - Students Celebrate 100th Year |
File |
February 19, 1996 |
96-2516 |
Victoria Park 100th - Dress Rehearsal for Big Day |
File |
August 12, 1996 |
96-2519 |
Video, Music, Production - Mary EPP Video at Kit. [Kitchener] City Hall |
File |
September 22, 1996 |