1995 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
95-1611 Kum, Sharon - St. David C.S.S. File May 30, 1995
95-1613 Kunt Electroplating - construction File March 20, 1995
95-1616 Kuntz Electroplating - xmas bonus feature File December 21, 1995
95-1618 Kurczak, Braden - lst. gymnastics junior men Prov. File April 28, 1995
95-1623 K-W flowers - mother's day File May 14, 1995
95-1637 Lacey Dwight - CEO of CIBC insurance arm File September 27, 1995
95-1639 Lachance, Phil - Metropolis File December 23, 1995
95-1641 Lackner, Lindsay - Windsurfer / Guelph Lake File July 22, 1995
95-1643 Ladders on house File August 10, 1995
95-1646 Lajoe, Maurice - Cambridge Garae pick-up File August 16, 1995
95-1647 Lajoie, Paul - Paul's Card and Hobby Shop File October 04, 1995
95-1650 Last day of school - Karges / Habib at country hills school File June 27, 1995
95-1652 Lamont, Larry - brick layer, camp ki-wa-y File March 01, 1995
95-1657 Land, Robert - boot and shoe maker File May 31, 1995
95-1658 Lander, David (Squiggy) - Touring Biltmore Hat Factory File August 17, 1995
95-1659 Landy, Patrick G.P. still takaing patients File May 19, 1995
95-1663 Lankin, Frances at comedy File April 06, 1995
95-1666 Larush, Rick - immigration officer File February 22, 1995
95-1667 Lashbrooks Ad - Three Shoes File August 03, 1995
95-1669 Latendresse, Lori - The Cheshire Hat shop File July 06, 1995
95-1675 Laura J. Zilney - Zonts club award winner File April 19, 1995
95-1676 Laurier Sax Quartet File March 22, 1995
95-1677 La Vogue Hair Saloon - George and Alice Hannoush File January 13, 1995
95-1678 Lavery, Greer and Janetta after Foucault sentencing File February 03, 1995
95-1680 Lavery, Janetta & Greer for Barrick Court Story File January 25, 1995
95-1684 Leadston, Gary - MPP Profile File July 24, 1995
95-1685 Leadston, Gary running in the Provincial election File April 10, 1995
95-1697 Leggat, Eion - golfer File March 21, 1995
95-1704 Lemp, Mary - country and western dancer File September 15, 1995
95-1705 Leo the bear retires - woodland park public school File February 03, 1995
95-1707 Leonard, Sandra - lawyer (with Doug Leigh) File February 16, 1995
95-1711 Lester, Kim - teen pregnancy File February 08, 1995
95-1715 Levesque, Laura - single parent / babysitters File September 14, 1995
95-1716 Levy, David - rabbi blowing horn File September 18, 1995
95-1718 Liang, Mary Margaret - Local rep Ontario Parents Council File February 10, 1995
95-1719 Lifestyles staff - maturity show promo File September 01, 1995
95-1722 Lincoln, Marilyn at condo for columns she wrote File July 13, 1995
95-1723 Lincoln Heights School - Jr. Achievement File May, 1995
95-1741 Logan, Stephan - Second opinion File September 02, 1995
95-1742 Logel, Anita & sign - re: husband's death File April 20, 1995
95-1743 Lombaert, Rosie - Belgian Nursery File September 12, 1995
95-1745 Lyle Friesen - bird watcher earth day File April 19, 1995
95-1746 Longpre, Shaylene - tongue and darts File May 26, 1995
95-1749 Lottario ticket line-up - Fairview Park Mall File January 25, 1995
95-1755 Lucinda Jones - printmaker File June 15, 1995
95-1758 Luelo, Anna & injured bird - Canada goose in pond File September 15, 1995
95-1768 MacEachern, Bruce for a travel feature File August 29, 1995
95-1769 MacEachern, Lisa - travel feature File September 13, 1995
95-1772 Machan, Claire and Glen - anti cable price incre. File January 04, 1995
95-1776 MacColl, Bruce - trumpet player - free concert File August 04, 1995
95-1791 Mahdy Wadie - artist, painter and sculpture File January 10, 1995
95-1798 Mallette, Francois - French Canadian File September 19, 1995
95-1800 Malott, Brian - 2nd opinion File October 27, 1995
95-1801 Malott kids - Street hockey storey File October 27, 1995
95-1803 Maltais, Peter - Continental work week File April 06, 1995
95-1804 Man hit by cat - Fairway and King, Kitchener File December 22, 1995
95-1813 Manulife building File September 07, 1995
95-1818 Marijuana Burn - OPP Burn Drugs - Gary Barkman OPP File September 13, 1995
95-1824 Marsden, Lorna - WLU File April 24, 1995
95-1825 Marshall, Al. - West Montrose environmentalist File July 28, 1995
95-1827 Marshall, Tracy with devil sticks File March 16, 1995
95-1828 Martens, Joe - mayor with dumped tires File August 21, 1995
95-1838 Mass Band & Choir - Centre in Square File April 05, 1995
95-1851 May, Beth - Murals on Plaster File October 30 ,1995
95-1854 McConnell, Sharon - second opinion, helmets File August 25, 1995
95-1857 McCormick, Scott & Brad Ross in wheelchairs at WLU File October 02, 1995
95-1865 McKinnon, Joan - Councillor signs table File June 19, 1995
95-1871 MacNeil , Dave - Wildhawk Basketball Prez File January 16, 1995
95-1876 McDonald, Karen - music award File May 31, 1995
95-1880 McGuigan, Bill - Ranger tough player File March 14, 1995
95-1886 McFarlane, Deborah - daughter finds metal in banana File October 19, 1995
95-1888 McLean, Dr. William - Laser treatment for snoring File January 19, 1995
95-1892 McKinley Boat Craft - Ian McKinley Rose, owner File April 26, 1995
95-1893 McLeod, Lyn - C of C lunch at Transylvania Club File May 19, 1995
95-1894 MacLeod, Jenn feeding Kyle File January 16, 1995
95-1898 McLeod, Lyn - Zepf Technologies File May 08, 1995
95-1903 McGregor School - Artfest 95 File April 04, 1995
95-1904 McLaughlin, Brenda - Food security week File March 28, 1995
95-1905 McMahon, Mark - Kitchener ranger File November 28, 1995
95-1914 McQuabbie, Lena - Miss K-W File June 12, 1995
95-1915 McRae, rod - Toronto food policy council File March 16, 1995
95-1919 Mediacom Billboard File October 05, 1995
95-1926 Melville and West - Bosnian Art File September 06, 1995
95-2933 Veterans - Black Forest Inn File May 05, 1995
95-2938 Victoria Hills community centre national night File August 01, 1995
95-2939 Victoria Park clock tower & new city hall File May 23, 1995
95-2940 Victoria Park new playground File November 17, 1995
95-2952 Vigil of mourning - city hall tory cuts File September 29, 1995
95-2954 Vincentini, Chris homeschools her two kids File July 19, 1995
95-2972 Walsh, Catherine - skip rope for heart File February 16, 1995
95-2976 Waldorf, Erika - German singer File March 19, 1995
95-2981 Wan, Clement speaking re: strings program File March 21, 1995
95-2982 Wang, David - Religion / Christian Music Promoter File June 14, 1995
95-2985 Warkentin, Jesse & Alanah on skateboard File May 01, 1995
95-2986 Warmuth, Adam - WLU Football player / Rivet story File August 28, 1995
95-2991 Wasylycia, Harry - 107 veterans contingent V-E File April 18, 1995
95-2992 Watercolour class - Rockway Sr. Centre File May 24, 1995
95-2993 Watering Elephants - Conestoga Mall File June 12, 1995
95-2995 Walters, Aubrey - Record employee File December 07, 1995
95-2999 Waterloo city open house - kids on equipment File June 03, 1995
Results 3201 to 3300 of 3560