1995 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
95-159 Barlow, Andrew - The Framing Store File December 29, 1995
95-160 Barlow, Bill .. former MPP - scout equiptment store File July 28, 1995
95-176 Bayne, Damian - City Hall window washer File May 04, 1995
95-189 Beaver Lumber - contractor trade show and Bingeman File November 23, 1995
95-191 Becker, Jeff - Power Lifter File September 25, 1995
95-195 Bell Canada - operators working at water st ., kitchener File March 29, 1995
95-196 Bell-Chambers family - welfare cuts story File July 21, 1995
95-200 Belsky, George - Acona Cabinets File February 16, 1995
95-202 Belyea, Liz - small claims court clerk File March 23, 1995
95-206 Benton Street 43 - murder scene .. apartment File September 17, 1995
95-216 Best, Marion - United church moderator File May 10, 1995
95-218 Bester, Linda - artist File July 18, 1995
95-223 Bicycle Protest File July 08, 1995
95-225 Biggat, Joan - Voices Column / Old photos File February 27, 1995
95-230 Bike Race - Hespeler Cyclery Mountain Bike Race File July 02, 1995
95-232 Bike-to-work Week - Waterloo mayor & group on bikes File June 12, 1995
95-236 Bingo Draw - Record Promotion File April 24, 1995
95-241 Bird, Leanne - Canadian unity party File October 16, 1995
95-244 Birdhouses Project - University of Waterloo architects File October 01, 1995
95-250 Black History Month File February 25, 1995
95-254 Blackwood, Errol - musician File April 30, 1995
95-257 Bloomenfeld, Joseph, Lawyer - Mirz trial File March 29, 1995
95-259 Bloos, Barb - voices column File March 26, 1995
95-262 Bluevale C. I. - wiritng exams File January 25, 1995
95-264 Bluevale teacher & soup/loschnig promotes healthy food to students File November 21, 1995
95-269 Bogie, Dorothy - Conestoga College graduation File June 23, 1995
95-279 Borras, Charles - lawyer File March 30, 1995
95-283 Botter, Tammy - son Daniel bitten by dog File November 08, 1995
95-285 Boudreau, Sheila - tree planting co-ordinator File April 26, 1995
95-291 Boyer R. G. - deck furniture File May 23, 1995
95-294 Breithaupt, Kristyn - message in a bottle pen pal File February 27, 1995
95-299 Bradley, David Trucking Assoc. Pres. speaks File April 06, 1995
95-300 Brenner, Jamie & Rose - Roller blades and shorts File April 10, 1995
95-301 Breslau Homecoming parade photos File June 03, 1995
95-305 Brick, Supt. Henry - press conference File March 31, 1995
95-314 Brouwer, John .. 2nd opionion File October 10, 1995
95-315 Brown, David & McKinnon - publish new magazine File September 22, 1995
95-317 Brown, Ian - Wind Surfing Champion File September 26, 1995
95-321 Brown & Krull / CKWR radio File February 01, 1995
95-322 Brown, Paulette - drapery business File May 04, 1995
95-323 Brown, Syd - former pol. chief giving trophy File March 02, 1995
95-326 Brubacher, Bruce - Anti-tourist train, St. Jacobs File February 01, 1995
95-333 Buchan, Jane - anti-pesticide protester File May 26, 1995
95-334 Buchanan, Alan J. - retired engineer (2nd opinion) File October 25, 1995
95-335 Buckland, Bruce presenting award to Milo Jones File May 03, 1995
95-340 Bulloch, John - CFIB Luncheon Speaker File February 06, 1995
95-341 Bullock/Weiler/Bender - Health club fire File June 14, 1995
95-342 Burgess, Michael - Centre in the Square File September 21, 1995
95-345 Burns, Ryan - Alma Pumpkin Selling File October 30, 1995
95-347 Bus pull at Kitchener city hall File September 15, 1995
95-352 Bus pull - Univeristy of Waterloo engineers File March 18, 1995
95-353 Business heritage - Greb at City Hall rotunda File November 22, 1995
95-359 Cable, Tobin - Resurrection C.S.S. File May 30, 1995
95-360 Caldwell, Brian - Record Columnist File October 13, 1995
95-362 Caldwell, Brian - column advertisement File October 12, 1995
95-370 Cambridge Library - Mary Catharine Newcomb exhibit File October 31, 1995
95-380 Cambridge Skating - 64th annual at Galt Arena File February 24, 1995
95-389 Camilleri, Lance - fire clean-up File July 03, 1995
95-396 Canamera games - saying goodbyes File August 13, 1995
95-401 Candian Martyrs School - Winter Carnival File February 13, 1995
95-409 Canhoto Funeral File January 20, 1995
95-411 Canhoto Trial - shots of the accused File June 21, 1995
95-414 Caputa, Antoni - concentration camp survivor File May 03, 1995
95-418 Carbone, Frank - Waterloo Park water cannon File July 12, 1995
95-422 Carmichael, Gary - skiing in city File January 06, 1995
95-424 Chamberlain, Brenda - constituency office sit-in File January 31, 1995
95-427 Carli, Enzo math teacher - Forest Heights File February 23, 1995
95-2436 Russworn, Lance .. aritst painting mural in Baen File October 12, 1995
95-2437 Rutherford, Wendy - chronic faigue syndrome File April 17, 1995
95-2438 Rybensky, Marcel - go the record File June 20, 1995
95-2439 Saddeler, Christine - co-ordinator of crime prevention program File December 15, 1995
95-2448 St. Benedict School, Cambridge - line -dancing File May 24, 1995
95-2449 St. Benedict students involved in making movie File February 13, 1995
95-2451 St. Boniface Drive, NR12 - what's for sale File June 06, 1995
95-2459 St. John Ambulance folks with display & stretcher File April 21, 1995
95-2465 St. Mary's High School Play - The Bath File February 22, 1995
95-2466 St. Mary's Hospital - new physiotherapy pool File February 07, 1995
95-2467 St. Mary's HS - fun wrestling match File May 05, 1995
95-2469 St. Mary's Hospital - Mammogram Centre File October 12, 1995
95-2470 St. Vincent de Paul P.S. - run around school / cross Canada File July 16, 1995
95-2472 Salzman, Joe - double auto File April 17, 1995
95-2477 Sarsipious the flea - band File February 08, 1995
95-2483 Sauve, Cliff & model home - Jacob Hespeler S.S. File May 30, 1995
95-2484 Savage, Dr. john - Mennonite conflict seminar File June 23, 1995
95-2487 Schill, Ed & Meinzinger, inside Burger King sign File May 10, 1995
95-2494 Schmidt, H. Carol - second opinion File September 01, 1995
95-2503 Schnarr, Wendy - Focus computers, New Hamburg File December 15, 1995
95-2504 Schnarring, Bradley digging in garden with mum File October 23, 1995
95-2505 Schneider, Kurt - Greyhound Adoption File December 23, 1995
95-2508 Schneider Haus - woodcarver Peter Findlay File February 08, 1995
95-2509 Schneider, Ken - WW2 Ambulance Driver File August 22, 1995
95-2512 Schneider Male Chorus - Cavalry United Church, Kitchener File September 06, 1995
95-2521 Schultz, Judi - Voices column on adoption File June 03, 1995
95-2530 Snowmen, Kitchener - Last of the snow? File April 06, 1995
95-2532 Scott, Brian - New Ranger File January 26, 1995
95-2533 Scott, Jeff - Basketball Contest - City File December 29, 1995
95-2534 Scouts going to Holland Jamboree - City File July 27, 1995
95-2540 Schuller, John .. wheels '34 Ford coupe File June 22, 1995
95-2544 Search for drowned person in Victoria Park File September 05, 1995
95-2549 Seiling, Ken - regional chairman .. H&S (new) File February 09, 1995
Results 2701 to 2800 of 3560