1995 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
95-1978 Model Boat Regatta - Kitchener City Hall File July 09, 1995
95-1981 Moffat, Wayne selling Chirstmas trees for the Y File December 19, 1995
95-1998 Morley, Chris - Grand River C.I. File May 30, 1995
95-2009 Munce, Solomon found mail in snowbank File December 14, 1995
95-2019 Moore Siblings accountants File February 02, 1995
95-2027 Muise, Ernest & artowrk - new ary gallery File July 27, 1995
95-2030 Mullins, Chris riding through water in ditch File May 31, 1995
95-2036 Mural, Downtown Kitchener - unveiling ceremony File November 14, 1995
95-2041 Murphy, Patrick - Victoria Park Skating File December 25, 1995
95-2051 Neighbourhood Festival - Central Fredrick Neighbour Association File August 20, 1995
95-2054 Nelson, Al - Mmmarvellous Muffins File October 25, 1995
95-2059 Neville, Matt started skateboard petition File May 04, 1995
95-2063 Newman, Peter C. speaking at WLU File November 29, 1995
95-2064 New Years Levee at Mutual Group auditorium File January 01, 1995
95-2065 Newtex Cleaners - Makcrow & Clayton with coats File November 02, 1995
95-2071 Nicholson, Bruce - Smary Choices Conference File May 01, 1995
95-2072 Nicholson, Paul - Record Staff File March 02, 1995
95-2074 Nieman, Ginger - juvenile arthritis File September 07, 1995
95-2080 Noll, Oscar - jeweller in Palmerston File January 26, 1995
95-2082 Nothdrauft, Raymon - Ottawa landfill site File March 15, 1995
95-2083 Notre Dame School - food drive File December 08, 1995
95-2084 Novak/Boergers - Trudesign ceramics / small biz File August 14, 1995
95-2085 Nowack, Brett - skating rink flooded at home File January 12, 1995
95-2086 Nowak, John - horses down leaves File November 06, 1995
95-2088 Nunsense II at Centre in the Square File September 26, 1995
95-2098 O'Donovan, Val File April 06, 1995
95-2100 Ogden, Frank File May 17, 1995
95-2101 O'Hagan and crew - Victoria Park Workers File January 19, 1995
95-2110 Oktoberfest clean-up at Concordia Club File October 15, 1995
95-2111 Oldridge, Mrs. Chris - teacher at IPM with gr. 2 kids File September 20, 1995
95-2113 Oliver Musical: Kids - tutoring for school on road File January 04, 1995
95-2118 Onkel, Hans Kidnapping - student employment centre stunt File June 29, 1995
95-2119 Ontario Duct Cleaning - Mark Giguere File September 21, 1995
95-2122 Ontario Trucking Associaton - careers in trucking, St. joseph School File March 29, 1995
95-2140 Page, Josiah - waterslide File July 27, 1995
95-2146 Paleshi Motors - father & son in business File June 07, 1995
95-2150 Panopoulos, George - cutting tree File October 03, 1995
95-2159 Parton, Cindy - Home health care depot File June 02, 1995
95-2161 Patel - Hindu Festival of Lights - dancers File October 20, 1995
95-2166 PCB Dispute, Breslau - Grand River Bioregion Activists File June 05, 1995
95-2178 Perak, Mark - Jacobs Room Band File May 03, 1995
95-2179 Perchaluk, Deborah - Record coffee shop File November 20, 1995
95-2186 Pham, Quoc - Ontario Pistol Championship File July 03, 1995
95-2195 Pietsch, Florence - Christian artist File July 10, 1995
95-2200 Piotto, Tony - frisbee with dog File May 15, 1995
95-2207 Pizzio and Berrini - Sassolino Christmas Decorations File November 03, 1995
95-2209 Play .. Wild Guys - University of Waterloo File May 04, 1995
95-2217 PLuto day care centre - owners outside of facility File November 10, 1995
95-2222 Police Awards File May 16, 1995
95-2226 Police Trail Bike Riders File June 15, 1995
95-2230 Pond, Donald - Pastor with saxaphone at St. Peter's File October 31, 1995
95-2239 Potje, Lee & grand-daughter Shelby in Victoria File September 26, 1995
95-2242 Pontiac '57 convertible File January 28, 1995
95-2244 Powell, Doug - Spec / jogging with kids File June 13, 1995
95-2245 Powell, Wendy - 2nd opinion File August 21, 1995
95-2251 Preston Springs building - exterior shot File January 18, 1995
95-2252 Preston S.S. jazz choir, Cambridge File December 15, 1995
95-2253 Preston S.S. Moga Madness Volleyball File May 25, 1995
95-2254 Preston High School - Cross-Curricular Learning File March 09, 1995
95-2259 Priesnitz, Wendy with her book on home businesses File March 16, 1995
95-2263 Protest - MPP Martiniuk's office File November 03, 1995
95-2264 Provincial Election - Group discussion on TV debate File May 18, 1995
95-2269 Pumpkin display - Heidelburg - Wigboldus, Whitney & Cole File October 30, 1995
95-2273 Quak, Lothat - Furnace File August 22, 1995
95-2275 Queen E. Public School - Puppet show class File June 20, 1995
95-2284 Rae, Bob File May 05, 1995
95-2292 Randall, Donna - planned parenthood, education File February 06, 1995
95-2293 Rami Salami - Busker File August 24, 1995
95-2299 Reabie, Gary drilling rig File March 02, 1995
95-2302 Read-in Week - PC Carol McKay at John Darling School File January 18, 1995
95-2305 Record Bingo Winners Week #1 File February 28, 1995
95-2308 Record Bingo winner week #4 File March 20, 1995
95-2312 Record Family Christmas party, St. Jacobs File December 03, 1995
95-2313 Record Reader Advisory Council File May 23, 1995
95-2316 Record united way BBQ at night File July 26, 1995
95-2323 Reed, Matt - UW volleyball File December 20, 1995
95-2326 Referendum rally - Kitchener City Hall File October 27, 1995
95-2327 Referendum 95 - voting day - Reaction in K-W File October 30, 1995
95-2328 Reform Party - billboard re: Liberal pensions File August 23, 1995
95-2332 Reilly, Cheryl - registry building curling mus. File November 07, 1995
95-2337 Reinhart, Kevin - National Team Skeet Shooter File March 31, 1995
95-2344 Renchko, Bev re: murdered sister File October 24, 1995
95-2349 Restaurant Mug Shots - Guelph Civic Square File August 04, 1995
95-2350 Reyes, Kerry - Found Brother File May 23, 1995
95-2359 Ride for Cancer & Gunter Ganz File April 30, 1995
95-2364 Ringwald, Ed - slide guitar player File February 06, 1995
95-2367 Rimmer, Al - 2nd opinion File October 16, 1995
95-2370 Riverfest File June 10, 1995
95-2384 Robinson and Wagner Riordan, boxing day sales File December 27, 1995
95-2385 Robb, Steve re: hockey strike File January 11, 1995
95-2388 Rock, Ernie with dog Angel, on x-c skiiz in File December 26, 1995
95-2399 Rodeo - Cambridge Fall Fair Bull Riding File September 10, 1995
95-2401 Roe, John on Rogers cable election night File June 08, 1995
95-2402 Roga, Amber & dog "wheels" File May 31, 1995
95-2404 Roller Blading - Weather pic File March 12, 1995
95-2412 Rossdeutscher, Ralph - natura beds File April 21, 1995
95-2416 Roth, Marion at pet cemetary - Humane Society File July 21, 1995
95-2420 Rowlandson, Ben - KCI Student File November 16, 1995
95-2421 Roy, Annette - datebook story St. Benedict's Catholic (daytimer) File September 12, 1995
95-1431 Island pride restaurant - exterior shot for review File October 29, 1995
Results 2101 to 2200 of 3560