Level of description
Digital object |
91-3392 |
Thompson, Albert |
File |
February 28, 1991 |
91-3393 |
Thompson, Albert, Record staff : portrait |
File |
March 11, 1991 |
91-3396 |
Thompson, Joyce, with handicapped son, Jeffery |
File |
July 17, 1991 |
91-3401 |
Thorn, Lyn, truck driver, with Christmas wreath |
File |
December 8, 1991 |
91-3405 |
Thunder and rain storm, weather pictures, all for March 25th |
File |
March 25, 1991 |
91-3406 |
Tickner, John, WLU Brass Ensemble, rehearsals |
File |
March 15, 1991 |
91-3410 |
Tires, abandoned along Highway 7&8 |
File |
July 30, 1991 |
91-3421 |
Tourism group shot, for Lynn Smith: advertisement |
File |
May 9, 1991 |
91-3429 |
Toys, record studio |
File |
October 29, 1991 |
91-3433 |
Trebinskie, Elizabeth, baker, at K-W Hospital |
File |
December 3, 1991 |
91-3439 |
Troubridge, William, owner of Excalibur crossbow |
File |
January 21, 1991 |
91-3452 |
Turnbull, Linda, aerobics instructor |
File |
November 13, 1991 |
91-3464 |
Ueberschlag, Gerry, painting |
File |
May 30, 1991 |
91-3466 |
Unemployed, casual labour |
File |
March 14, 1991 |
91-3469 |
Uniroyal Goodrich Community Park |
File |
March 26, 1991 |
91-3472 |
Uniroyal Goodrich, Goodrich Drive, break |
File |
June 20, 1991 |
91-3474 |
Uniroyal Goodrich, closing |
File |
June 4, 1991 |
91-3483 |
United Way, 50th birthday |
File |
April 30, 1991 |
91-3484 |
United Way, Riverbend Place, cookout |
File |
September 25, 1991 |
91-3487 |
University of Guelph Arboretum, children's forest |
File |
September 15, 1991 |
91-3491 |
University of Guelph, College Royal event |
File |
March 17, 1991 |
91-3493 |
University of Guelph, maple syrup tapping |
File |
March 10, 1991 |
91-3497 |
University of Waterloo, Arts Computer Camp, "Making A Flag" |
File |
July 12, 1991 |
91-3499 |
University of Waterloo, Craft Sale, re: International Women's Week |
File |
March 4, 1991 |
91-3504 |
University of Waterloo, Homecoming, games |
File |
November 10, 1991 |
91-3505 |
University of Waterloo, maps of campus plans |
File |
February 21, 1991 |
91-2508 |
O'Dell, Leslie, WLU professor, story re: fairy tales |
File |
September 10, 1991 |
91-2517 |
Oktoberfest, balloon launch |
File |
October 13, 1991 |
91-2518 |
Oktoberfest, barrel race |
File |
October 12, 1991 |
91-2519 |
Oktoberfest breakfast, by Waterloo Merchants |
File |
October 12, 1991 |
91-2528 |
Oktoberfest sign, in Uptown Waterloo |
File |
October 8, 1991 |
91-2534 |
Olinski, Jerry, Waterloo Region Separate School Board, Kitchener, #50 |
File |
October 16, 1991 |
91-2536 |
O'Neil, David Kenneth, suspect in, Toronto cop killing |
File |
September 20, 1991 |
91-2540 |
Ontario Labour Board hearing, re: K-W and St. Mary's Hospital |
File |
January 7, 1991 |
91-2544 |
Opera, WLU |
File |
February 26, 1991 |
91-2548 |
Orefice, Victoria, at African Lion Safari |
File |
July 28, 1991 |
91-2550 |
O'Reilly, Sean, bone marrow transplant |
File |
August 8, 1991 |
91-2553 |
O'Rourke, Gerrard, home inspection |
File |
May 24, 1991 |
91-2557 |
Osler, John, Special Investigations Unit, Ministry of Solicitor General |
File |
August 13, 1991 |
91-2558 |
Ottawa Ballet, at University of Waterloo |
File |
February 9, 1991 |
91-2559 |
Ottman, George, Wellesley Township |
File |
October 23, 1991 |
91-2561 |
Our Lady of Fatima Elementary School, over crowding |
File |
February 26, 1991 |
91-2565 |
Outlook '92 |
File |
December 10, 1991 |
91-2566 |
Outlook '92, photos |
File |
December 2, 1991 |
91-2572 |
O.W. Sports, staff picture : advertisement |
File |
May 24, 1991 |
91-2574 |
Padfield, Judy, president of, Victoria Hills Neighbourhood Association |
File |
February 7, 1991 |
91-2576 |
Page, Pamela, teaching, at Margaret Avenue Public School |
File |
January 17, 1991 |
91-2589 |
Parent, Julien, on roller-blades |
File |
July 6, 1991 |
91-2592 |
Park Street and Victoria Street, flooding |
File |
April 8, 1991 |
91-2598 |
Paterson, Kathryne & Natalie, leaves |
File |
October 16, 1991 |
91-2607 |
Payne, Les, Canadian Tooling, Cambridge |
File |
March 4, 1991 |
91-2623 |
Pearson, Bob, Gus Maue : advertisement |
File |
January 24, 1991 |
91-2627 |
Peer, Danny, Kieswetter Motors |
File |
August 8, 1991 |
91-2629 |
Peixaria, holdup, (RAPOSO), News |
File |
March 25, 1991 |
91-2631 |
Penderecki String Quartet |
File |
October 2, 1991 |
91-2634 |
People getting on buses : Streeter [?] |
File |
May 31, 1991 |
91-2638 |
Perault, Walter, PSAC striker |
File |
September 12, 1991 |
91-2643 |
Petawawa, Canadian Field Hospital, in training |
File |
February 4, 1991 |
91-2646 |
Peters, Chef Gord |
File |
May 4, 1991 |
91-2654 |
Phillips, Jim, Waterloo, Ward 2, #54 |
File |
October 16, 1991 |
91-2660 |
Photo illustration, watercress |
File |
May 29, 1991 |
91-2666 |
Picket, day-care workers and sympathizers, at Angel Daycare |
File |
May 15, 1991 |
91-2669 |
Picket, by PSAC, at Overland Transport |
File |
September 11, 1991 |
91-2671 |
Pillai, Rebecca, winner of public speaking contest |
File |
June 4, 1991 |
91-2674 |
Pino Hair Saloon |
File |
October 1, 1991 |
91-2676 |
Pioneer Park Library, spring break, Medieval Fair |
File |
March 14, 1991 |
91-2684 |
Platz, Norman, Stephens Jewellers |
File |
July 3, 1991 |
91-2693 |
Police church parade, Sunday |
File |
September 22, 1991 |
91-2698 |
Police, preparing for funeral, at Kitchener Memorial Auditorium |
File |
July 30, 1991 |
91-2699 |
Pollington, Marg and Doug, crime victims |
File |
September 5, 1991 |
91-2700 |
Pollock-Ellwand, Nancy |
File |
May 21, 1991 |
91-2701 |
Pollock, Vallerie, 40 foot Christmas tree |
File |
December 18, 1991 |
91-2702 |
Polzin, Rita, passport |
File |
November, 1991 |
91-2707 |
Porter, Phillip, highest marks at University of Toronto |
File |
July 14, 1991 |
91-2708 |
Portnoy, Jerry, in concert, at Pop the Gator |
File |
December 13, 1991 |
91-2709 |
Postal strike |
File |
August 24, 1991 |
91-2711 |
Potter, Chuck & Pat, environmental boat cruise, Grand River |
File |
May 9, 1991 |
91-2713 |
Pourr, Wayne, Kieswetter Motors : advertisement |
File |
June 6, 1991 |
91-2716 |
Power, Dave, Toyota plant award |
File |
August 29, 1991 |
91-2717 |
Powers, John, butterflies |
File |
May 29, 1991 |
91-2718 |
Powers, Wayne : advertisement |
File |
May 2, 1991 |
91-2719 |
Prachun, Dr. Paul, looking for a job in U.S. |
File |
May 23, 1991 |
91-2720 |
Prasad, Vijay, sports award, #03 |
File |
October 16, 1991 |
91-2728 |
Preston Public School |
File |
May 28, 1991 |
91-2731 |
Price Club, charged, for Sunday shopping |
File |
September 15, 1991 |
91-2732 |
Pride, Charley |
File |
September 5, 1991 |
91-2745 |
Prudon, Tilly, animal rights activist |
File |
November 7, 1991 |
91-2746 |
PSAC strikers, at Trillium Post Office |
File |
October 1, 1991 |
91-2755 |
Qing Fu, Pan |
File |
July 22, 1991 |
91-2760 |
Quantrell, Jim, Cambridge archivist |
File |
March 8, 1991 |
91-2767 |
Quinte Crescent, kids playing road hockey |
File |
March 11, 1991 |
91-2778 |
Ramones, Bingeman Park |
File |
August 8, 1991 |
91-2781 |
Randal, Mike, car sign, Cambridge |
File |
November 11, 1991 |
91-2786 |
Rawlings, Gary, Eastwood Collegiate Institute, V.P. |
File |
September 5, 1991 |
91-2789 |
Raynard, Mike, University of Waterloo football |
File |
October 23, 1991 |
91-2791 |
Read, Anne |
File |
February 25, 1991 |
91-2804 |
Record student panel |
File |
October 1, 1991 |
91-2805 |
Record staff meeting, Knights of Columbus Hall |
File |
June 24, 1991 |
91-2808 |
Record promo, Rotarians from South Africa, tour the Record |
File |
October 24, 1991 |
91-2813 |
Recycling, Record promo advertisement, new picture with bottles and cans |
File |
April 19, 1991 |