1989 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
89-2406 McCallum, Dr. Roisin, acting medical officer File February 15, 1989
89-2409 McCarthy, Eugene, Operation Story Feature, on costs File October 21, 1989
89-2416 McCurdy, Don, staff File November 8, 1989
89-2418 McDiarmid, Bill, re Kitchener Nisson : portrait File September 25, 1989
89-2420 McDonald, Bruce, file director, at Forest Heights File October 11, 1989
89-2422 McDonald, Inspector Joe : portrait File March 29, 1989
89-2423 McDonald, Kathi, singer, at Hoodoo Lounge File April 20, 1989
89-2426 McDonough, Al File October 31, 1989
89-2428 McEllistrum, Wendy, re Women in Business : portrait File May 24, 1989
89-2436 McGowan, Ottelie, Durham File November 14, 1989
89-2439 McGregor, Elizabeth and Terry Amyotte, graduates of Self-Start Centre File June 22, 1989
89-2446 McLachlan, Sarah, in concert, at University of Waterloo File October 18, 1989
89-2454 McMaster, Marg, Scherer Chevrolet File May 3, 1989
89-2461 Mecca, Dan : portrait File December 27, 1989
89-2463 Meech Lake Conference, in Guelph File December 6, 1989
89-2465 Meichenbaum, Michelle, Starlight Theatre File August 20, 1989
89-2467 Mejia, Dina, re Salvadoran refugee File February 1, 1989
89-2468 Mellors, Allen, at University of Guelph File April 11, 1989
89-2480 Mennonites, tearing down house, King Street and Northfield Drive File December 5, 1989
89-2482 Merkley, Marie, Record Staff File February 1989
89-2483 Merriman, Jo Ann, re Lauer Realty : portrait File October 5, 1989
89-2484 Mesbur, Ruth, Toronto family lawyer File February 27, 1989
89-2486 Meslin, Eric, ethicist, at Toronto's Sunnybrook Hospital File March 22, 1989
89-2490 Meyer, Bernada, Corpus Christi processession File May 27, 1989
89-2494 Michaud, Herman, Stevens Mercury File June 14, 1989
89-2495 Middleton, Kim, swim challenge, at Vic Davis Pool File June 18, 1989
89-2503 Mill Race Park, a walking tour File May 14, 1989
89-2504 Millar, Claudette, former mayor, working on restoring a boat File February 16, 1989
89-2505 Millar, Claudette, receives the Jack Young Award File June 29, 1989
89-2510 Miller, Gord, Staff Inspector File April 19, 1989
89-2512 Miller, Ken, Waterloo Regional Police Superintendent, named deputy chief : portrait File February 9, 1989
89-2516 Miller, Mitch, at Centre in the Square File January 25, 1989
89-2518 Ministry of Natural Resources, releasing fish, Walleye in the river, near St. Jacobs File March 22, 1989
89-2519 Minke, Linda, Hiway Flowers : portrait File November 29, 1989
89-2521 The Miracle Worker, a play at Rockway Mennonite School File May 30, 1989
89-2526 Miss Oktoberfest, Jennifer Keddy 1988 and Debbie James 1989 File October 5, 1989
89-2528 Mitchell, Dave, Ontario Boxing Commissioner File November 8, 1989
89-2529 Mitchell, Jacqueline, Congress of Black Women File May 2, 1989
89-2534c Model home, 43 Monte Carlo, re Reidco Homes File July 13, 1989
89-2538 Moneysworth & Best Shoe Repair, owner in the shop File September 26, 1989
89-2556 Morningside Retirement Village File March 3, 1989
89-2557 Moroz, Joshua, Victoria Park File August 11, 1989
89-2573 Motorcycle instruction training File March 12, 1989
89-2575 Motz, Bill, passport photo File June 30, 1989
89-2582 MS garage sale File May 12, 1989
89-2585 Mueller, Dale, Total Office : portrait File February 21, 1989
89-2594 Mulrooney, Ed, at Sir Edgar Bauer Public School File November 19, 1989
89-2601 Munro, Stuart, Record staff : portrait File March 6, 1989
89-2615 Muterer, Jim, Zorra Township councilor, language laws protest File January 9, 1989
89-2617 My One and Only, Centre in the Square File May 9, 1989
89-2624 Nahls, Russ, commutes to Toronto from Cambridge File January 23, 1989
89-2627 Narveson and Fialkowska, with Steinway File July 4, 1989
89-2632 Neal, Margaret, with horse File April 11, 1989
89-2644 New Hamburg, Oak Grove Cheese Factory File June 9, 1989
89-2647 Newman, Ernie, watering the skating rink, in Victoria Park File February 23, 1989
89-2653 Ng, Robert, University of Water Davis Centre File January 16, 1989
89-2654 Nguyen, Dinh, Vietnamese refugee camps File June 9, 1989
89-2655 Nicaraguan people, meeting Rodrrigo Pineda File January 14, 1989
89-2659 Nicholson, Susan, Fairway Press File June 13, 1989
89-2664 Nintendo, Fairway Road File August 28, 1989
89-2667 Norris, Joan, University of Guelph professor File February 21, 1989
89-2670 Northdale Public School, pioneer events File February 13, 1989
89-2671 Northfield Metal Products, strike File March 15, 1989
89-2672 Nufer, Ruby, Concordia Club, bar maid File October 11, 1989
89-2674 Nunn, Helen, Westmount Funeral Home File November 2, 1989
89-2676 Nutcracker Ballet, Centre in the Square File December 12, 1989
89-2677 Nuttall, Bev, Kitchener woman, just back from Beijing, after the massacres File June 11, 1989
89-2679 Nyp, Gary File May 18, 1989
89-2680 Nyp, Gary, Record staff File February 1989
89-2684 Occupational Health & Safety Centre, air testing devices File August 21, 1989
89-2689 OHL stress, Chris Li Puma and Kirk Tomlinson File March 26, 1989
89-2699 Oktoberfest Parade, Patzner and Malthaner File October 9, 1989
89-2700 Oktoberfest, President's Konzert, at Centre in the Square File October 8, 1989
89-2701 Oktoberfest, Trachtenfest, at Kitchener Memorial Auditorium File October 8, 1989
89-2702 Old hollow Willow tree, Victoria Park File September 3, 1989
89-2705 Oliver, Farquhar, funeral File January 24, 1989
89-2709 Omand, Mark, Record staff File March 7, 1989
89-2711 O'Neill, John, NC Pestill File June 7, 1989
89-2716 Ontario Vetenarian College File May 29, 1989
89-2717 Ontario Vetenarian College, dog dentistry File May 15, 1989
89-2720 Opera, La Traviata File February 16, 1989
89-2721 Ontario Provincial Police, new communication dispatch room, at Mount Forest File April 12, 1989
89-2723 Optometry clinic, for seniors, at University of Waterloo Optometry building, Andrew Rehage File November 1, 1989
89-2730 Ostland, Eric, CIBC File June 19, 1989
89-2731 Ostrander, Dorothy, president, Waterloo Tennis Club File October 12, 1989
89-2735 Our Lady of Grace Elementary School File February 20, 1989
89-2741 Owl Daycare, walkathon File October 12, 1989
89-2742 Padden, Sandy, Record staff File March 7, 1989
89-2744 Page, Brian File April 17, 1989
89-2757 Parkview Cemetary, Bob Hayes, manager File October 18, 1989
89-2762 Pattison, Brooke, Camp Ki Wa Y File July 14, 1989
89-2763 Pattison, Brooke, Judy Welch Agency File August 17, 1989
89-2764 Pattison, Brooke, model File June 26, 1989
89-2768 Pay Equity panel File October 25, 1989
89-2774 Peace Run File June 14, 1989
89-2776 Pearce, Frederick : portrait File October 25, 1989
89-2779 Pecak, Annette, longest limo File August 26, 1989
89-2780 Pede, Dr. Leile, rural doctor, with patients File July 14, 1989
89-2783 Penney, Craig, accident, Waterloo File March 16, 1989
89-2786 Pereira, Don, Waterloo Park File July 9, 1989
Results 2901 to 3000 of 4391